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ice crystal

  1. small crystals of ice

How To Use ice crystal In A Sentence

  • The addition of snow and ice in the accumulation zone and its loss in the ablation zone cause the glacier's downslope or long profile to steepen, increasing the stress on the ice crystals within it (Fig.
  • H.R.Madhusudan, Science Educator at the Planetarium, said ice crystals in the earth's atmosphere caused the solar halo.
  • Snowflakes comprise the familiar loose aggregates of ice crystals which often adopt a hexagonal and branched form; there are also snow and ice pellets, snow grains, granular snow, and ice prisms.
  • Harmonics float like ice crystals. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hornfels can be very friable, as are the sakura ishi, which makes it easy to find nice crystal sections but difficult to collect matrix specimens.
  • Aeroplanes fly into the ‘right’ clouds and seed them to induce the supercooled water droplets to freeze and become tiny ice crystals which then fall as rain.
  • The flakes seem to fuse together and produce ice crystals.
  • Speedy freezing will reduce the chance of large ice crystals forming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fat droplets, air bubbles and ice crystals are all dispersed in a thick sugar solution to form the semi-solid, frozen and aerated matrix that we know so well.
  • High ice crystals prink its blue like a snowfield. A Year on the Wing
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