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ice chest

  1. a refrigerator for cooling liquids

How To Use ice chest In A Sentence

  • Zuger was floating on an ice chest when one of the Erik's smaller fishing boats known as a panga appeared, listing badly and partially submerged. Fishermen recount surviving Sea of Cortez sinking
  • With inimitable style, Lovelace describes a stomach as “flopping like a halibut in an ice chest,” and rain falling on a roof “like a giant herd of tiny, tiny horses running circles of free-living gallop.” The OLM Blog
  • To keep food cool in summer we had an ice chest for which blocks of ice were transported from town.
  • You can buy cigarettes, potato chips, Ravens pennants, Styrofoam ice chests and snow shovels.
  • A couple of times a year we’d pack up the old bubble-top Lincoln with sleeping bags, an ice chest, and a metal grill, and head out to some remote spot in the desert or the local mountains. Full Frontal Nudity
  • Breakfast over, I grabbed my kit while Joel grabbed the ice chest; it was just a short walk to the skiff with its fifty horse power motor.
  • He'll filet a blackfin tuna, throw the chunks of meat in the bag with lime juice and throw it into the ice chest. The Best Camp Dinner Ever
  • When preparing citrated blood agar (page 171) it is always advisable to pour several blood agar tubes into plates, which can be stored in the ice chest ready for use at any moment for surface plate cultures. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
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