- a United Nations agency created to assist developing nations by loans guaranteed by member governments
How To Use IBRD In A Sentence
- Ocu - los cffgoprimum corom ibrdfdaomaia&hamilia fpe&aatium capiam: & doccbo nos non auri aut ai • genti cupidos, ied oibemteiraram (tiba&arosve« niile. Conciones et orationes ex historicis Latinis excerptae : argumenta singulis praefixa sunt, quae causam cujusque & summam ex rei gestae occasione explicant : opus recognitum recensitumque in usum scholarum Hollandiae & Westfrisiae.
- A new Country Partnership Strategy Progress report currently under preparation will outline the IBRD's agreement with the Mauritian government on the program going forward.
- IBRD support for Uruguay's water and sanitation sector is continuing under the OSE Modernization and Systems Rehabilitation project, APL-2, approved in 2007.
- IBRD reported a fall in net allocable income to $1.252 billion in fiscal 2005 from $1.675 billion the year before.
- Render privateering profita - ble by your statutes; let Government encourage them by suitable bounties — I do not mean such as you give to your soldiers on land, who get paid whether they fight or not, whether success - ful in battle or unsuccessful*«-but when seamen arc thus employed, let them have what they do conquer, who, irom the nature of their engage - ments, get no reward other than that which ehance may afibrd them an opportunity to ac - quire by their valor and intrepidity, which is aearly swallowed by your statutes. The debates and proceedings in the Congress of the United States : with an appendix containing important state papers and public documents, and all the laws of a public nature; with a copious index; compiled from authentic materials