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How To Use Ibid. In A Sentence

  • (Ibid., p. 27, et passim); (5) the reversion to animal state is seen in his abandonment, one by one, of the accoutrements of civilization: the rifle, pack, gold. Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race: Literary Naturalism in Jack London's White Fang
  • I have suggested (Pilgrimage iii. 159) that the famous Black Stone of Meccah, which appears to me a large aerolite, is a remnant of this worship and that the tomb of Eve near Jeddah was the old “Sakhrah tawílah” or Long Stone (ibid. iii. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • This is the another figure - appearing, like in Revelation, with the duplication and further differentiation of the mythologem - but here the pair is completely separated (ibid., p. 336): Expecting Rain
  • Lieberson's strictures, that is to say, like those of most other critics of falsificationism, miss their mark; in no way do they respond to my challenge "to say which of its [falsificationism's] recommendations or injunctions, its methodological rules, are unsuited to the business of sorting out what is true about the world from what is false" (Ibid.). The Karl Popper Problem
  • Mahir, Saribah, Jamídah and other lacteal preparations, see ibid. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
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  • -- The peripatetic Alexander of Aphrodisias who fought fatalism in his [Greek: Peri heimarmenês], at the beginning of the third century, and who violently attacked the charlatanism and cupidity of the astrologers in another book (_De anima mantissa_, p. 180, 14, Bruns), formulated the contradiction in the popular beliefs of his time (_ibid. _, p. 182, 18): The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
  • See also Hamilton to Madison, May 19, 1788, ibid., 1102–03, in which Hamilton says he learned that Clinton “has in several conversations declared his opinion of the inutility of the UNION” from “the most direct intelligence,” although he could not make it public. Ratification
  • Absorbing and assimilating the foreign cultures between nations will enrich and promote the development of aesthetic conceptions. (ibid.
  • Note 78: Ibid., 170; interview with Ben-Ami, par [64]; Murcott, "Mutants Commune," 9. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • - tuo, rellqui tyranni abdicant tyraimidem.ibid. cf. II. Historiarum quidquid superest;
  • The few surviving capitula from Cluny thus show the Christological symbols of the individual modes cf. ibid. p. The singing of Psalms and the Divine Office
  • For good readers, word identification is fast, fluent, and automatic – it must be so that their attention can be fully focused on using semantics and syntax to comprehend the text (ibid.). Barriers to Reading Comprehension « Literacy Articles « Articles « Literacy News
  • An abstract discussion of free speech, in which, to quote Webster again, no distinction is made 'between the freedom to impart information and the freedom to insult' (ibid.), is in effect a strategy which isolates the would-be 'blasphemer' from the actual historical and interpersonal constraints which secure a reasonable level of civility in human society (after all, we do restrain freedom of speech by laws about libel and slander). Archbishop's lecture - Religious Hatred and Religious Offence
  • Champlain appears to be carrying a light arquebus that Paulin-Desormeaux calls a fusil de chasse, a hunting weapon; ibid., 1:184-93; for a more extended discussion, see below, chapter 12, and Appendix L. Champlain's Dream
  • If the tenant bad paid the rent on the day, the payment had been good, though the lessor had died before sun - set; but the executors to account for this to the jointress. ibid. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some special cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench [1695-1735]
  • Aenesidemus 'eight books of Pyrrhonian Arguments propounded the view that “the Pyrrhonist determines nothing, not even this, that he determines nothing” (ibid.). Ancient Skepticism
  • (For Maritain, essences do not preexist existence; essences might be better seen as "capacities to exist" [ibid., p. 34].) Jacques Maritain
  • When the humors of the body could not be concocted, or when they contracted “a morbific blemish from this or that at - mospheric constitution” (ibid.), or when they turned poisonous because of a contagion, then they were HEALTH AND DISEASE
  • They also note that “when these verbs are used with would or should only the infinitive is used, not the - ing form.” (ibid.) G is for Gerund « An A-Z of ELT
  • The term dyslexic eventually became a catch – all term used to account for people who failed to learn to read despite apparent intellectual capacity and environmental support (ibid.). Barriers to Reading Comprehension « Literacy Articles « Articles « Literacy News
  • On the same day the NKVD also reported mobilizing 11,000 Crimean Tatar men for forced labor, bringing the total number of Crimean Tatars removed from Crimea to 191,014 (Ibid.). Global Voices in English » Ukraine: 65th Anniversary of the Crimean Tatar Deportations
  • ` Chaco 'pottery or thought of as closely related to Chaco pottery "and, again, as though clarifying Morris," The so-called non-Chaco pottery of the Chaco period on the La Plata is clearly Mancos Black-on-white decorated with solid elements, lines and dots, and parallel stripes; the so-called Chaco-like is hachure-style Mancos "(ibid., p. 97). The Architecture of Pueblo Bonito :
  • Frege's main point in all this is that whereas all prescriptive laws can be categorized as ˜laws of thought™ on the basis that they tell what we ought to think, only one kind of descriptive laws deserves to be come under the same heading: the set of psychological descriptive laws (ibid.). Psychologism
  • Ibid., 1336: The motion was “negatived without a return of the house.” Ratification
  • And he said this of himself before also, that he did not live after the outward appearance, nor preach "handling the word deceitfully (ibid.) and corrupting it. NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • He further asked: “‘Clear me of unperceived guilt’ [ibid.; i.e., of the sins I committed secretly, unperceived by others].” Bathsheba: Midrash and Aggadah.

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