How To Use Ibert In A Sentence
Absolute property right can only guarantee liberty in form.
We may still be able to save Las Vegas, as it is encysted by libertarian Nevada... but San Francisco, I fear, is already seething with the RED VIRUS, which has spread to it's outer "Bay Area" provinces, such as Mountain View and other Silicon Valley cities.
Obama's Commie Mama
The value of individual liberty is not absolute, but is subject to the authority of established government.
Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth. George Washington
The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of government power.
Indeed, some civil libertarians have already argued that this is the appropriate line.
The Truth is, I had heard so ill a Character of the Town Amours, as being all Libertinism, and more especially the Inns of Court, that I dreaded to launch on so dangerous a Sea; thinking each
The Amours of Bosvil and Galesia
Informants give you information in the public interest and say that their career, liberty or life depend on keeping their name confidential.
Public interest should trump self-interest | Nick Cohen
While I am sharply critical of American unilateralism and realpolitik masquerading as the defence of liberty, at times I find our own moralizing irritating.
Willoughby in outwearying: she asked herself how much she had gained by struggling: -- every effort seemed to expend her spirit's force, and rendered her less able to get the clear vision of her prospects, as though it had sunk her deeper: the contrary of her intention to make each further step confirm her liberty.
Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
What are we going to do to defend ourselves from illegal civil liberties depredations?
The only factor preventing major incursions into treasured civil liberties is the resistance of the population at large - and, for the moment at least, the public appear to be acquiescing in the government's plans.
In whatever way you choose to commemorate the horrendous acts of early September four years ago, let us once again renew our gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy and reaffirm our commitment to tolerance, peace and liberty throughout the world.
Well, I'm domd – axin yore pardin fur takkin th 'liberty; it's a habit: I've gotten – but I be an' no mistake.
That Lass o' Lowrie's: A Lancashire Story
It is a strange desire to seek power and to lose liberty, or to seek power over others and to lose power over a man's self.
I am afraid we are not at liberty to disclose that information.
A reputation for tolerance and civil liberties had been replaced by violence and repression.
Liberal proponents of American Values praise the freedom that opens the floodgates to gay marriage and pornography; conservatives, the liberty unleashing that locust plague called unrestrained capitalism; neo-conservatives the license for lying, murderous Machtpolitik.
Founding Fathers vs. Church Fathers
Machiavel, qui aimait la liberté d'une manière éclairée, savait que les hommes, qui se sont réunis en société, se sont associés éminemment pour être heureux, et non uniquement pour être libres ....
Neither in World War II nor in the Cold War did US administrations go so far in restricting civil liberties or arrogating unlimited power to the executive branch.
I'm interested in expanding the frontiers of real-world liberty, not spinning Utopias.
Of so-called "eco-terrorism" in his case, a term believed coined by Ron Arnold, executive director of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (CDFE), a radical right wing group established on July 4, 1976 "to continue (the) Revolution of liberty, free enterprise and individual initiative .... without hindrance by government.
Daniel McGowan - Another "War on Terrorism" Victim
In contrast to liberty, equality is an almost intangible romantic dream, to be realized sometime in the future.
This was sufficient to prove that he was a non-praedial, and of course entitled to liberty two years sooner than he would have been as a praedial.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Let's go ahead and coronate Palin the presidential nominee now and throw the constitutionist Republican vote away to the Libertarian Party right now to avoid the rush later on?
First on the Ticker: Palin will not run for re-election
The main media outlets have imposed their own, more far-reaching blackout on the case, despite its implications for civil liberties and free speech.
What is so alarming about the commissioner's report is the revelation that so many relatively minor inroads on civil liberties have gone unremarked and unnoticed.
For being summoned to come and receiue his consecration at Canturburie (as alreadie yee haue heard) through counsell of the canons Yorke he refused so to doo: bicause they informed him that if he so did, it should be greatlie preiudiciall to the liberties of that sée, whose archbishop was of like authoritie in all things vnto the archbishop of Canturburie, so that he was bound onelie to fetch his consecration and benediction at
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
That made him careless about liberty and willing to use the authority of the state to create the sort of society he wanted to see.
The hours of liberty are long, full of wonder and narrow escapes, precautions, hidden devices and daring.
And the world will say: now she is at liberty to pursue her inclination, the parson is the man.
Suffice to say that BECAUSE we can sue employers for injuries and harassment at work, they're not in a position to take wanton liberties with the employees who generate their profits.
Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you give it to others.
The liberty of the citizen, and false imprisonment were discanted on in a loud and moving manner.
A Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, 2nd ed. Late A Surgeon On Board An American Privateer, Who Was Captured At Sea By The British, In May, Eighteen Hundred And Thirteen, And Was Confined First, At Melville Island, Halifax, Then At Chatham, In Engla
To me- this kind of guiltless assertion of one’s own soul, this demand to control one’s own life- that’s the heart of it, that’s what turns my head to know that someone really means ‘liberty’.
Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #40
All persons so committed may be detained n. 'jt'feci'maTbe in said hospital two years; but when it shall appear to the detained two trustees that any person held in said hospital will not continue to be subject to dipsomania or inebriety, or will be sufficiently provided for by themselves or their guar - dians, relatives or friends, they may issue to them a permit to be at liberty, upon such conditions as they deem Permit to be at
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
How could a court ever adjudicate between a legislature's claim that a particular exercise of liberty is ‘immoral’ and a defendant's contrary claim that it is not?
Med den nye linie bliver det projekt, Fibertex Malaysia har været siden 2003, en investering til en samlet værdi af 750 millioner kroner.
Scand News for S.E.A - Scandinavian News Portal for Southeast Asia
But it is these days difficult to avoid the tangled mess of geopolitical analysis, so please excuse my taking liberties this week.
It is accordingly not a right to exercise liberties (such as free speech or association) within a prison's walls.
The ideals of liberty and equality were no longer the exclusive preserve of democracy.
Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
These values include individualism, liberty, democracy and the rule of law.
Second, when their workload permits, Sailors get special liberty the day before their final exams to study, similar to what many commands do for advancement exams.
Yet to that hideous place not fo confined By rigor unconniving, but that oft Leaving my dolorous prifon I enjoy Ltrge liberty to round this globe of earth, 365
The Works of the English Poets.: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical
Republic One and Indivisible. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death!
Sadly this will set a very destructive precedent, which could place the future of our liberty in grave jeopardy.
Like Misael in La Libertad, Vargas is a nonactor whose character carries his real-life name, but whose being is subsumed more intensely and intensively into Alonso's fiction.
September 11 th has brought mostly unpleasant changes, including curtailment of civil liberties and threatened perpetual war.
The organisation Liberty has expressed concern that such widespread surveillance could infringe personal liberties.
America is a great country - from the master of slavery to a champion of civil rights and a defender of liberty and freedom, America is a symbol of great human spirit and justice. Dr T.P.Chia
The story that I want to tell is the story of liberty, equality and fraternity, which seemed to me to be the governing virtues of the order today.
The bloodhounds, known as the seducer, the libertine, the procurer, are upon her track; she is trembling on the frightful brink of the abyss.
Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
Giving him his liberty would not cancel his debt however.
Author of "Allah, Liberty & Love" Irshad Manji confronts the meanings and uses of the term "respect" and the key to love.
Islam Needs Reformists, Not 'Moderates'
If technology laws infringe liberties but do not stop crime then they will not command public respect.
Back then, as now in his new Concord Music Group release "New Time, New 'Tet" (Amazon), I was drawn -- in his tenor saxophone improvisations and compositions -- to their flowing sense of ordered liberty, with the inner warmth of an adventurous romanticist.
Benny Golson's Adventure
The applicants have claimed that their removal and detention constituted wrongful imprisonment and deprivation of liberty.
Is liberty a price worth paying, for a security that will only fuel our feelings of insecurity?
Not only did he win decisively, he also had the Independent party, the Green party, the Libertarian party and other parties to compete with.
Matthew Yglesias » The Gingrich Doctrine and the 21st Century
At our outspan at noon yesterday he came to me and offered me my liberty if I would help him.
Prester John
Chris, these people have such short memories that I think it only extends partially into the Bush era, which is rosily remembered as a utopia of liberty even though illegal wiretapping and members of the cabinet cashing in on the war on terror were a hallmark of the Bush years.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
In the long term, one of the greatest threats to human liberty is internationalism.
'Debita carminibus libertas ista; sed omnis in vero mihi cura: canam quo fervida motu aestuet Aetna novosque rapax sibi congerat ignes.'
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
We need to prove to the moderates, independents and western libertarians that we are tough enough.
Here we find a development of that vision of what Figgis along with others called the 'community of communities' as the basic Christian political model: the community of communities, the network of networks, standing with, alongside, the state, not 'franchised' by the state or controlled by the state, but representing that – as Figgis would have seen it – inalienable liberty of the agent, the citizen, to work cooperatively and live and understand cooperatively.
Archbishop's lecture celebrating 60th Anniversary of the William Temple Foundation
The new legislation threatens individual liberty.
The USS Liberty was built as a freighter by the Federal Ship Building Company of Kearny, New Jersey in 1918.
Philibert,” said the knight, executing a demivolt, in order to hide his emotion.
Novels by Eminent Hands
Attention will then turn to the application of the general rights of liberty and security of person.
There are plenty of practical ideas, all curtailments of our liberty, which might indeed now need to be introduced - such as greater powers for the police to arrest suspects for questioning, deportations and possibly internment.
Liberty knelt down in the mud, not caring if her jeans got all muddy.
Australian libertarianism (not just libertinism) found its feet during those many long hours of arguing whether the tote should be privatized.
In France, the Elysee Palace is still reeling after a "bossnapping" - manufacturer 3M improved the severance packages for more than 110 workers in exchange for the liberty of manager, Luc Rousselet, who spent more than 24 hours as prisoner of his own furious employees.
Sustained by the truth received from her divine Founder, the Church has ever sought to fulfill holily the mission entrusted to her by God; unconquered by the difficulties on all sides surrounding her, she has never ceased to assert her liberty of teaching, and in this way the wretched superstition of paganism being dispelled, the wide world was renewed unto Christian wisdom.
Libertas Praestantissimum
All men -- man and woman -- are created equal, -- equal in _attributes of body and mind_; (for _that_ is the only sense in which they could be _created_ equal;) _therefore_ they are endowed with right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, unalienable, except in their consent; _consequently_ such consent is essential to all rightful government; and, _finally_ and _irresistibly_, the people have supreme right to alter or abolish it, &c.
Slavery Ordained of God
I'm taking a bit of a liberty here by omitting alcohols, ethers, and other oxygenated compounds, partly because, ethanol and MTBE notwithstanding, they still don't amount to a large fraction of the mix, and partly because their photochemistry is pretty close to that of paraffins, or ketones that don't photolyze, i.e. break up by the direct action of sunlight.
Hot Buttered
Individual liberty and free enterprise are feminism's best friends.
Last, in 1896 in Plessy v. Ferguson, another profoundly antilibertarian decision, the Supreme Court held over the lonely dissent of John Marshall Harlan, that the broad police power of southern states could allow them to force segregation in public transportation and public schools, and impose antimiscegenation laws.
Rand Paul's Wrong Answer
Seeing then to the offensiveness of man's nature one to another, there is added a right of every man to every thing, whereby one man invadeth with right, and another with right resisteth; and men live thereby in perpetual diffidence, and study how to preoccupate each other; the estate of men in this natural liberty is the estate of war.
The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
How much easier it must be in moral matters to be a libertarian Conservative.
Times, Sunday Times
The Statue of Liberty towers above the harbour of New York.
A neighboring church has also apparently collapsed, and repairable damage to surrounding buildings is extensive, including damage to One Liberty Plaza across Church Street to the east.
Standing outside a health care town hall Tuesday in Springfield, VA, demonstrators seemed to subscribe to the belief that the tree of liberty must be refreshed not with the blood of patriots and tyran ...
Joseph Freeman: With Talk of Hitler and Socialism Seniors in Virginia Air Grievances on Health Care
So far, this is a case where I hope gay-rights activists and true liberals -- those who believe in liberty -- will take a deep breath before joyfully exploiting the bathroom balagan as an additional reason to oppose the Senator.
What's the Connection?: Hypocrisy Redux
The libertarian view A third view of the revolution has been developed by writers on the far Left of the political spectrum.
Many true libertarians (most of whom have nothing to do with politics) still believe in bourgeois values as a guidline for thier lives.
Libertarians and the Old Right « Blog
The United States was founded on the pro-liberty ideals of the eighteenth century; the nineteenth century might not have provided such propitious foundations.
These too were affected by the democratic rhetoric of liberty and equality.
Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
The offenders' liberty, in the absence of sentence remission, would actually be restricted for a longer period than if incarcerated.
The crimes that the men committed are contemptible and grave, and the men deserve to lose their liberty for them.
They would pamper me with tea or coffee (my preference), their favorite "gateaux" and stories of the brave American, Canadian, and British soldier boys who infected their young hearts with a thirst for life and liberty.
Petite amie - French Word-A-Day
The remaining 5 percent aligned themselves with fringe groups such as the Natural Law, Green and Libertarian parties.
I have the copy of a letter, said I, from this Brand, in which he has taken great liberties with my character, and with that of the most unblamable lady in the world, which he grounds upon information that you, Madam, have given him.
Clarissa Harlowe
Thus, in "I may write if I choose," "may write" is by some classified as in the potential mood, but in reality the phrase _I may write_ is an indicative one while the second clause, _if I choose_, is the expression of a condition upon which, not my liberty to write, depends, but my actual writing.
How to Speak and Write Correctly
At one stage Liberty's also had its own workshops and employed its own craftsmen.
In mixed companies with your equals (for in mixed companies all people are to a certain degree equal), greater ease and liberty are allowed; but they too have their bounds within bienseance.
Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
The judiciary is the safeguard of our liberty and of our property under the constitution.
Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to it’s liberty and interests by the most lasting bands. Thomas Jefferson
“I take the liberty to enclose a copy of the amendments recommended by this Convention,” he wrote Washington from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on June 22, 1788; “they were drawn up more with a view of softening & conciliating the adoption to some who were moderate in their opposition than from an expectation that they would ever be engrafted in the Constitution.”
Every public opinion survey always shows a large majority of the population adhere to supposedly "leftish" or commonsensical views: investments far preferred to tax cuts, public services (eg. health care), multilateralism, an end to foreign military adventures, civil liberties protected but balanced with collective identity & self-protection (anti-hatemongering laws, Canadian nationhood). latest blog entries
I am ready to die for my Lord, that in my blood the Church may obtain liberty and peace. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury.
So the claim that there are conservatives who believe in some sort of absolute liberty is a total straw man.
Bartholdi traveled to the United States to look for a location for the monument and decided on a small island in New York Harbor called Bedloe’s Island (renamed Liberty Island in 1956).
And since the apostle speaks of the several members as having distinct offices, which implies the mind, it cannot be thought an allowable liberty, instead of the _body_ and _its members_, to substitute the _whole nature_ of _man_, and _all the variety of internal principles which belong to it_.
Human Nature and Other Sermons
Catharina having thus prevailed with her Mother, her bed made in the Garden Gallerie, and secret intelligence given to Ricciardo, for preparing his meanes of accesse to her window; old provident Lizio lockes the doore to bed-ward, and gives her liberty to come forth in the morning, for his owne lodging was neere to the same Gallery.
The Decameron
America will never run... And we will always be grateful that liberty has found such brave defenders. George W. Bush
Even the old parliamentarians hailed the return of Charles, notwithstanding it was admitted that the protectorate was a vigorous administration; that law and order were enforced; that religious liberty was proclaimed; that the rights of conscience were respected; that literature and science were encouraged; that the morals of the people were purified; that the ordinances of religion were observed; that vice and folly were discouraged; that justice was ably administered; that peace and plenty were enjoyed; that prosperity attended the English arms abroad; and that the nation was as much respected abroad as it was prosperous at home.
A Modern History, From the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon For the Use of Schools and Colleges
Only if public order appeared to be on the verge of breaking down would the government contemplate restricting political liberty.
I'm not at liberty to reveal any names.
Aussitót il envoya un députe à Dâher pour l'inviter à faire mettre ces femmes en liberté.
Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
A new liberty will arise, so the monitory promise goes, not in any freedom from constraints too subtle for the hungry to perceive, but in class consciousness.
And here a certain sort of libertarianism comes full circle to join hands with a certain sort of leftism.
Conservative believers in individual liberty and personal autonomy should allow citizens to freely choose a life partner whether gay or straight.
What he needs more than his rivals is a compelling issue (maybe a critique of the administration's civil-liberties record) to give his candidacy heft.
In its extreme form, the domain of appropriate state action is reduced to almost nothing, a perspective usually termed libertarianism.
The Statue of Liberty towers above the harbour of New York.
This is the lesson of the 1930s, which Republican/libertarian/right-wing propaganda has striven mightily, and successfully, to erase from the American memory, allowing it to happen all over again. xearther
Bush Team Seeks Dictatorial Financial Powers « Blog
Where such traditions are absent or weak, popular sovereignty easily turns into populist dictatorship, liberal democracy to libertinism and demagoguery.
Rome was still the lawful mistress of the world: the pope and the emperor, the bishop and general, had abdicated their station by an inglorious retreat to the Rhone and the Danube; but if she could resume her virtue, the republic might again vindicate her liberty and dominion.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The idea that because liberals are in favor of sexual liberty they must therefore believe that anyone even ought to be promiscuous is ridiculous.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Do ‘Family Values’ Weaken Families?”
We already know that Libertarian theory doesn’t have a serious problem with the sale of humans, and whether the bill of lading is signed at birth or adulthood is an artificial distinction.
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
I feel lucky to live in an era where my relationship can be considered legally legitimate and I commend the UK Government for embracing this very basic Civil Liberty.
The sum of behaviour is to retain a man's own dignity, without intruding upon the liberty of others.
There was a soldier placed at the door with a drawn spado in his hand, to prevent our stirring out, which was quite unnecessary, as we knew not where to go if we had been at liberty.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
A better policy is to promote liberty in the religious sphere as well as in the economic and political arenas.
Later Protestantism favoured liberty of conscience.
This obviously touches on several representaion complexes, possible family inconscious impositions, but it mainly, or at least initially, encourages this feelings on most cases due to the sheer feeling of liberty and status one would get from working in Google.
Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #155 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
At the core of our convictions is belief in individual liberty.
Wealth may be an exscellent thing, for it means power. leisure, and liberty.
She had a smile that could light up a street full of people and was extremely lively, had a particular type of voluptuousness - a Rodin sculpture come to life. She reminded me of a libertine heroine. She was just my type.
America is a great country - from the master of slavery to a champion of civil rights and a defender of liberty and freedom, America is a symbol of great human spirit and justice. Dr T.P.Chia
You have sympathy for libertarian views.
Christianity Today
Most dates have a number of very interesting varieties, the sets are completable by collectors on a relatively limited budget, the designs are great and the number of pieces that make up a set are not overwhelming (as with Liberty Head issues).
Classic Head Gold: An Update : Coin Collecting News
Wealth may be an exscellent thing, for it means power. leisure, and liberty.
He couldn't hear or see anyone, so he took the liberty of crossing a name off the paper.
The left facing, wings outstretched in-flight eagle on the obverse is from Christian Gobrecht’s 1836 Liberty Seated obverse.
One Cent Flying Eagle, 1856-1858 : Coin Guide
It is the profound, incurable, and inextirpable bigotry of the English people, to which they will not hesitate to sacrifice the national honour, the public happiness, their own liberties, and their own consciences ... ....
Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
But whether you're a Hobbesian centralist or a Burkean constitutionalist, as long as you are a conservative you part from libertarians.
Figures 13.11 and 13.12 display the trends in support for the civil liberties of antireligious and pro-gay advocates between 1972 and 2008 by religious and secular Americans.
American Grace
Several jefes at the packing plants had mentioned a place called La Libertad, in the extreme southern tip of Chiapas, a banana plantation area we'd not known of, so on our final day we headed down that way.
But the clashes between mutants of varying capabilities make for excellent fight scenes, the climactic one occurring, both photogenically and symbolically, atop the Statue of Liberty.
These believers express a desire for political authority, but only of the type supportive of pro-family social nucleus and traditionally-bound, regulated liberties.
Their highly individual woven fabrics, made from wool and organza, are also sold through outlets such as Liberty and Co.
The trinity of "liberté, egalité, fraternité" outlived those who had butchered in its name, and was deposed from the French currency only during the time of Vichy (which replaced it with the less sonorous "travail, famille, patrie").
Reactionary Prophet
The story of Jaddus would be entitled to our respect — it would be beyond the reach of animadversion — were even any shadow of it to be found in the sacred writings; but as they do not make the slightest mention of it, we are quite at liberty to see that it is ridiculous.
A Philosophical Dictionary
I am ready to die for my Lord, that in my blood the Church may obtain liberty and peace. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury.
They rigged up a rope ladder and hung it from the fantail and the liberty boat ran in under it.
When we say we're afraid to exercise those liberties, we dishonor their sacrifice and we disgrace ourselves.
The Duke of York --- like Logue, we'll take the liberty of calling him "Bertie" --- became a patient in 1926, not in the mid-'30s, when he was about to be king.
Jesse Kornbluth: A Book About 'The King's Speech' Is An Eloquent Addition To The Film
Elsewhere anyone was at liberty to hang up a shingle and go into practice as a physician.
With his place on the social scale preassigned by birth, Valentin is not so fortunate: “What I envy you is your liberty,” he observes, “your wide range, your freedom to come and go, your not having a lot of people, who take themselves awfully seriously, expecting something of you.”
Archive 2009-11-01
And by these means the opposition to enemy ideologies can in one sense be overcome with a commitment to the notion that inclusion increases safety: "the more political liberty [the people] have, the safer is their civil liberty," Priestley writes.
Romantic Fear
Liberty does not exist in the absence of morality. Edmund Burke
Liberty, equality, fraternity, or death; -- the last, much the easiest to bestow, O Guillotine!
He read long and attentively, various tedious and embarrassed letters, in which the writers, placing before him the glory of God, and the freedom and liberties of England, as their supreme ends, could not, by all the ambagitory expressions they made use of, prevent the shrewd eye of Markham
Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist. Edmund Burke
America is a great country - from the master of slavery to a champion of civil rights and a defender of liberty and freedom, America is a symbol of great human spirit and justice. Dr T.P.Chia
Finally, there is no compensation for the five men who lost 20 months of liberty as punishment for a crime they did not commit.
Parole in Libertà Futuriste Olfattive Tattili Termiche Words in Futurist, Olfactory, Tactile, Thermal Freedom is made from tin and consists of 27 lithographed pages filled with words, poetic phrases and brightly coloured graphic images.
February 2009
Since men from feudalistic societies tended to be unaccustomed to using their own initiative and there were political objections to giving them too much liberty, the success of these experiments varied considerably.
And I hope Respect helps refound a left wing tradition that stands for redistribution, equality, and civil liberties - and for socialism.
From him young voters at least hope for an economic upswing and the retention of their modest liberties.
David Ramsay, watchmaker and horologer to James I., was a real person, though the author has taken the liberty of pressing him into the service of fiction.
The Fortunes of Nigel
Democracy implies a respect for individual liberties.
The Chaplain is plainly uncertain, as he wrestles with the clerical guillotine of washable xylonite, and stammers something about unwarrantable liberty and a lady's reputation!
The Dop Doctor
John T. Kennedy seems to misapprehend "consequentialist libertarian" -- at least as I use it and see it used.
Of Markets and Ideas, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
It is now on display in the sacrarium of the Catholic parish church of Neu-St Heribert.
Shakespeare thus places himself between utopian totalitarians and libertarian fundamentalists.
One of the Libertys signalmen grabbed a holiday ensignthe ships largestand hoisted the seven-by-thirteen-foot flag up the mast at 2:26 P.M.
The Attack on the Liberty
The empty dress, a peeling poster of Mae West and in the far distance the Statue of Liberty.
French rhymester in his alley, and Silas in the valley of the shadow of death; perfect liberty, and a peremptory order to return in a week; — all illustrating one another.
Uncle Silas
Liberal organizations committed to civil liberty will assist Washington in demonizing its next target for military attack while turning a blind eye to the war crimes of President Obama.
Therein lies the real problem, the limitation on our liberties is the culprit, not the use of those same liberties.
Matthew Yglesias » Free Speech
Why am I the only libertarian blogger linking this?
Libertarians argue that there are limits to reason — your empiricism is welcome here!
The Volokh Conspiracy » Telos Returns to ‘New Class’ Analysis and the Critique of the ‘Wholly-Administered Society”
Free speech advocates from Diogenes the Cynic to Frank Zappa have urged libertarian openness, arguing that unfettered expression is both the right and the duty of free people.
Liberty often degenerates into lawlessness.
Tertiam denique mediam scientiam, qua ex altissima et inscrutabili comprehensione cujusque liberi arbitrii in sua essentia intuitus est, quid pro sua innata libertate, si in hoc, vel illo, vel etiam infinitis rerum ordinibus collocaretur, acturum esset, cum tamen posset, si vellet, facere re reipsa oppositum....
Rough Notes on Scientia Media
The liberties I allowed myself only inflamed me more.
We had a large consignment of Liberty Engines from the U.S.A. (like the one at right - Ed) that had never been uncrated.
The First World War Memoirs of Sampson J. Goodfellow, Part 36: Officer in Charge
We must not restrain children of their liberty.
I took the liberty of going into Assunta's wardrobe, as it was open; I was looking for a towel.
This was the more proper because, in a few years after the beginning of the community, European revolutionists were to be scourged with the Syllabus, whose every word agonized the souls of unworthy advocates of liberty.
Life of Father Hecker
Is liberty a price worth paying, for a security that will only fuel our feelings of insecurity?
Although considered in need of assessment or treatment, these women did not require compulsory admission, with the attendant limits on civil liberties.
But the Sacred Order of Libertines doesn't really have an official position on such matters; that would be quite at odds with our libertinism.
Outer Alliance Pride Day
JEANNE MESERVE, CNN HOMELAND SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Well, Kiran, the American Civil Liberties Union is suing the secretary of Homeland Security over what it calls unlawful searches and detentions at airports.
CNN Transcript Jun 22, 2009
No sooner has a cease-fire been signed than it is broken, and Big Brother in either case exhorts the citizens, known as proles, to make ever greater sacrifices, especially their liberty.
At the core of the constitution of liberty, then, lies the concept of the rule of law.
Baez complemented Morricone's main theme in such a way that it has transcended the borders of film music and has become an immortal ballad for freedom and liberty for all.
I hope we remain a nation that believes that all people are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
It is a strange desire to seek power and to lose liberty, or to seek power over others and to lose power over a man's self.
As it has done on four prior occasions, the Senate should shelve this most dangerous and idolatrous assault on our civil and religious liberties.
At the tobacco company he was outspoken in saying that the Government should not restrict people's liberty to smoke.
Times, Sunday Times
As a libertarian, I tend to sympathize with this logic without digging too deeply into the facts.
They make their student-years but a pretext for a life of rough debauchery, from which they issue with a bought diploma; and, in many cases, satiated and disgusted with their own lives, they dwindle down into the timeserving reactionaries, the worst enemies of free development, because they themselves have abused in youth the little liberty they enjoyed.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 41, March, 1861
To him, a schoolmistress was a crusty Old Maid in a liberty bodice and lisle stockings.
Unfortunately we, the English, will never be the people to teach her; because she is a chartered libertine allowed to say and do anything she likes, from demanding the head of the empress in an editorial waste-basket, to chevying Canadian schooners up and down the Alaska Seas.
American Notes
Christianity in the social relations of master and slave is plain from the exceedingly small number of inscriptions containing the words servus (slave), or libertus (freedman), words which are constantly seen on pagan gravestones; the often recurring expression alumnus (foster-child) characterizes the new relation between the owner and the owned.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
Post-moral tradition-hating libertines might do well to pause in the midst of their celebrations to consider this.