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Iberian Peninsula

  1. a peninsula in southwestern Europe

How To Use Iberian Peninsula In A Sentence

  • Whereas in Western Europe, under the growing influence of humanism, the scholastic tradition of terminist logic came to an end in the third decade of the 16th century, it had a vigorous, though not unaltered, continuation on the Iberian Peninsula until the Medieval Semiotics
  • On July 10, the muezzin called for the Muslim prayers from the minarets of Grenada's grand mosque once again after nearly 500 years of Muslim rule on the Iberian Peninsula.
  • The new species has been located inside six average-sized underground caves, generally in the deepest areas, and may be one of the major hypogean predators in the Iberian Peninsula, with a diet that ranges from Acari to Anillini carabids. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Because they are similar in build and performance, and because they share the same part of the world -- the Iberian Peninsula -- as well as a common gene pool, they are both often referred to as Iberian horses. Shelbyville Times-Gazette Headlines
  • Barja, an Autonomous University of Madrid zoologist, inspected wolf scat in a mountainous region of Spain's northwest Iberian Peninsula.
  • Spain occupies about 85 percent of the Iberian peninsula, with Portugal on its western border.
  • In the early eighth century, a Muslim army of Arabs and North African Berbers conquered much of the Iberian Peninsula.
  • This mountain chain that so neatly divides the Iberian peninsula from the rest of Europe also seems to have cut it off for so long from the European cultural, political and economical mainstream.
  • It is common in the understory of open mixed woodlands at middle elevations in the eastern and southeastern Iberian Peninsula.
  • Migrating from northern Europe to the Iberian Peninsula's cork forests are blackcaps, finches, robins, and song thrushes.
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