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How To Use Ib. In A Sentence

  • But that makes me sound a bit glib. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the ceremonial opening, a hymn should be read from the Guru Granth Sahib.
  • So again if you're unfamiliar with this yarn and needle arrangement, start by knitting stripes in full needle rib.
  • Charged they were that they worshipped an ass's head; which impious folly -- first fastened on the Jews by Tacitus, Hist., lib.v. cap. 1, in these words, "Effigiem animalis, quo monstrante errorem sitimque depulerant, penetrali sacravere" (having before set out a feigned direction received by a company of asses), which he had borrowed from Apion, a railing Egyptian of Alexandria [224] -- was so ingrafted in their minds that no defensative could be allowed. The Sermons of John Owen
  • He was also aware of a throbbing under his right rib.
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  • In drawing the image, GDI was using the device context's colors regardless of whether the bitmap was a DDB or a DIB. ReactOS News Feed (Atom 1.0)
  • No one but Mark heard it, but Mark was pretty sure he had just received a slightly cracked rib.
  • The Ferrari measured just under 16,000 ib.ft. per degree of torsion.
  • Featherstitch or feather stitch and Cretan stitch or faggoting stitch are embroidery techniques made of open, looped stitches worked alternately to the right and left of a central rib.
  • When I saw one of these cages it reminded me of a large steel crib.
  • If one goes by the findings of behavioural studies, one would think twice before assigning baby-sitting functions for the telly or hold back from going ga ga over the toddler who lisps ad-lib.
  • The fi nal galenic formulation and dosage Each change in the study course should be noti fi ed forms of the study drug is required for the conduct to the authorities by fi lling speci fi c administration of phase IIb. forms (protocol modi fi cation, study suspension, Phase III should con fi rm the ef fi cacy and safety study completion). of the optimal dose and dose regimen in a large Noti fi cation 698 of May 1980 does not provide group of patients under the usual therapeutic con - much more information regarding clinical trials, ditions. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • I once caught a 12 ib. and 32 inch walleye up in canada, but your walleye is a monster! Twin Falls Angler Catches Idaho State Record Walleye in Oakley Reservoir
  • Instead of the Quick-E-Mart, head over to your man's crib.
  • Pupils have brought some traditional festive cheer to a small rural village, by repairing nativity figures and a crib.
  • Sat 05/08/10 4: 09 PM that sucks. it would have been awesome if he came back and had a seen with hurley and mib. Today's Latest Headlines
  • [389] Recopilación de leyes, lib. iv, tit. x, ley vii, has the following law, dated Madrid, March 17, 1608: "The governor and captain-general of Filipinas shall for the present appoint the magistracy [regimiento] of the city of Manila, choosing persons who shall prove to be suitable for the office and zealous for the service of God our Lord, and for ours; and he shall not remove them without our special order. History of the Philippine Islands
  • A breeze blows in from the distant sea and flutters both the terrace curtains and the gauzier material around the crib. Ilium
  • Galen takes exception at mutton, but without question he means that rammy mutton, which is in Turkey and Asia Minor, which have those great fleshy tails, of forty-eight pounds weight, as Vertomannus witnesseth, navig. lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • They were long open boats with a large spritsail and jib.
  • Push up needles for full needle rib.
  • You can modify the cib.xml by using the GUI tool (/usr/bin/hb_gui), which is recommended, or manually.
  • 'Tis proper to man alone, uni superbia, avaritia, superstitio, saith Plin. lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • But by Day Four, I'd forgotten whatever happiness I once knew, and even the blandest, healthiest cut of skinless, organic chicken seemed like prime rib. Paul Jury: 6 Things I Learned on the Fast Track Detox Diet
  • Pada bulan Oktober yang lalu, Abdullah mengumumkan bahawa beliau akan mengundur diri pada bulan Mac 2009 dan akan menyerahkan kepimpinan negara kepada Najib. News
  • For RedHat/SuSE/UL, edit /etc/ and add $PEGASUS_HOME/lib.
  • [125] In Verrem, Actio Secunda, lib. iii., ix.: “is erit Apronius ille; qui, ut ipse non solum vita, sed etiam corpore atque ore significat, immensa aliqua vorago est ac gurges vitiorum turpitudinumque omnium. The Life of Cicero
  • The demands that are listed by Al Jazeera are freeing all prisoners from Iraqi government controlled jails and freeing prisoners from what the group called occupier jails, namely Boka (ph) and Abu Ghraib. CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2005
  • Finally, set both carriages to knit and using tension 2, knit the rib.
  • All rhinolophoids have an ossified first costal cartilage fused to the manubrium and first rib.
  • She shooed away a hen that had wandered too close to the crib.
  • Huic seculo parum aptus es, aut potius omnium nostrorum conditionem ignoras, quibus reciproco quodam nexu, &c. Lorchanus Gollobelgicus, lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • As a Novice licence holder, you must race wearing an orange bib.
  • And at the same time ended a career that fizzled out like a damp squib. The Sun
  • The latter three species are referred to collectively as siblings, abbreviated as sib.
  • O that thy Soul, without thoughtful advertency, even of it self, might give it self in Prey to that holy and spiritual Tranquility, and say with St. Austin (In his Confess. lib. The spiritual guide which disentangles the soul / by Michael de Molinos ; edited with an introduction by Kathleen Lyttelton and a note by H. Scott Holland.
  • Now it is the order that the Havildar of the Thana should send a straight report of all dacoities to the Dipty Sahib. Soldiers Three
  • Acidi ructus, cruditates, aestus in praecordiis, flatus, interdum ventriculi dolores vehementes, sumptoque cibo concoctu difficili, sputum humidum idque multum sequetur, &c.Hip. lib. de mel. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • [314] 16, naturam in se universae carnis adsumpsit, ib. liv. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • 155 Or, “a kiss which is to passion as dry combustious matter is to fire,” Shakesp. ib. Symposium
  • Tanini ib. — ImferB 'tor galeacus, paludatus ct ocrea* tU6 ft.d. clipco, f. baftae - Innixus. Lexicon vniversae rei nvmariae vetervm et praecipve Graecorvm ac Romanorvm: cvm observationibvs ...
  • What I'm ultimately interested in is what this filmmaker has to say; I really couldn't care less about what he can do with a dolly and jib.
  • One leaf disc with known area was detached from each leaf, avoiding major veins and the midrib.
  • I remember having my ear glued to it as my brothers and sisters played cards - most often euchre and crib.
  • He commented: 'It looks like something of a damp squib. The Sun
  • Our word "kith," in the proverb "kith and kin," means persons of our acquaintance.] [Footnote 355: Bib. Henry of Monmouth, Volume 1 Memoirs of Henry the Fifth
  • Its military has shamed America with the torture in Abu Ghraib.
  • All the consumers could do was complain and crib.
  • Faint lateral veins spread from a somewhat prominent midrib.
  • In a second incident, a hardware failure caused the drop-side rail to detach from the crib. Recall: Alexander Designs cribs from J.C. Penney
  • She was completely out of the covers and stuck between the sides of the crib.
  • But that makes me sound a bit glib. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rich's fragmentary locutions, which have often permitted her to express complex thoughts in rewardingly complex ways, can now feel glib. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Don't tuck it into your belt or use it a bib.
  • DUBLIN (Reuters) - Nationalized Anglo Irish Bank ANGIB. UL will be "decommissioned," with a decision on its fate expected within a few weeks, a junior government minister was quoted on Reuters: Top News
  • He hung it, by its chain, from the knob at the end of the crib.
  • The 90s were years away, and nobody was wearing any "wicking" fabric, and in fact, I was wearing a ski bib. Lwb
  • If you do decide to travel to Châteauneuf to take in the warm sun and charming wines, don't expect a guided tour of the pope's old crib.
  • She drops an f-bomb at co-star Ralph, angry at his ad-lib.
  • Tu vero licet Orpheus sis, saxa sono testudinis emolliens, nisi plumbea eorum corda, auri vel argenti malleo emollias, &c. Salisburiensis Policrat. lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • My face was scratched by the starch on her apron bib.
  • Sir T. Browne treats of chiromancy, or the art of telling fortunes by means of lines in the hands, in his “Vulgar Errors,” lib.v. cap. Religio Medici
  • It may well prove a damp squib. Times, Sunday Times
  • The transverse process of the seventh vertebra may be bifid, and occasionally the costal process is replaced by a cervical rib.
  • Items on show include: Tables, mirrors and a nativity crib.
  • Hee bee bornd in NH, bowt a hower frum ware ai lib. Tonite on - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The mature leaves are a glossy shade of mid-green and display a burnished bronze central midrib. Times, Sunday Times
  • A shiver sped up my spine as we pulled up to Greg's crib.
  • An authority on Indian Classical music, Surinder Singh "Singh Bandhu" said that parhtaal gayaki was the most arduous and subtle form of singing even as it was the singular constituent of Guru Granth sahib. PunjabNewsline News
  • Every time I fluffed a line Lenny got me out of trouble with a brilliant ad-lib.
  • Segni, lib.i. p. 15, speaks clearly on the point, and says that the friar for this service to the city 'debbe esser messo tra buoni datori di leggi, e debbe essere amato e onorato da' Fiorentini non altrimenti che Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) The Age of the Despots
  • By the time they get their man, it's a bit of a damp squib. Times, Sunday Times
  • In both 30 mm and 300 mm long leaves, cell lines close to the midrib were nearly parallel to it, while cell lines closest to the leaf edge had an angle up to 60° with the midrib.
  • His attention left the sleeping women and went to the hand carved, silk draped and beribboned crib.
  • [Footnote 1: [Greek: Podas ge mên chêlas ê pterygia.] -- Lib.xvi. c. Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • Mary lives wiv him in a council crib.
  • When they show their fair hand, fine foot and leg withal, magnum sui desiderium nobis relinquunt, saith [4987] Balthazar Castilio, lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • This shows a longitudinal section of shoot apex and an orthostichy of leaf primordia that are forming a rib.
  • Meet any software professional from even the most reputed firms and all they do is crib.
  • There stood two boys, one in red and one in blue, on either side leaning over a crib.
  • PMS program needs to include studies intended to 4: practolol, fenclofenac, feprazone, valdecoxib. 5: indoprofen, Osmosin. resolve any queries or questions that have been 6: nomifensine, remoxipride. noted in the animal safety evaluation studies or 7: zomepirac, Althesin. the earlier studies in man. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The result shows that the arch axis formulated by the model can approximate the appropriate one well and improve stress of the arch rib.
  • The draft amendments have been put on Registrar of Newspapers for India's (RNI) website, www., and also on the website of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, www.
  • Additional stores were loaded onto the katiba `s donkeys and mules, while the section commanders received their final briefing from Habib. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • Don't tuck it into your belt or use it as bib.
  • I'd forgotten the notes for my speech so I had to do it ad lib.
  • If one goes by the findings of behavioural studies, one would think twice before assigning baby-sitting functions for the telly or hold back from going ga ga over the toddler who lisps ad-lib.
  • Fronds pale green, one to six feet high; sterile part bipinnate, each pinna having numerous pairs of lance-oblong, serrulate pinnules alternate along the midrib. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • He thought of his grandmother behind the bars of her giant crib.
  • Tu vero licet Orpheus sis, saxa sono testudinis emolliens, nisi plumbea eorum corda, auri vel argenti malleo emollias, &c. Salisburiensis Policrat. lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • One reader in her mid-30s was remortgaging her property last year with AIB.
  • "You get on with it, Charley," said she, giving him the can and fishing a spoon from the interior of her apron bib.
  • My garden is a real damp squib. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, and I think someone who can produce the glorious phrase ‘gorgeously-bedizened gasbag’ is not someone who missed out on a visit by the fairy godmother of lyricism in their crib. And Again, Love « Tales from the Reading Room
  • This season team's backless stool depth will still be a soft rib.
  • Eleven of them are situated between the ribs, and are therefore termed intercostal; the twelfth lies below the last rib. IX. Neurology. 6c. The Thoracic Nerves
  • [218] _Recopilación de leyes_, lib. iv, tit. x, ley vii, has the following law, dated Madrid, March 17, 1608: "The governor and captain-general of Filipinas shall for the present appoint the magistracy [_regimiento_] of the city of Manila, choosing persons who shall prove to be suitable for the office and zealous for the service of God our Lord, and for ours; and he shall not remove them without our special order. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 16 of 55 1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the
  • By noon the sea was white all across, and we took in sail, running under double-reefed main and storm jib. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • It is possible to search and browse catalogued sub-collections, and to browse handlists of manuscripts and map holdings at
  • We were told to help ourselves to the food ad lib.
  • That said, this jagged, unpolished barrage of drums, Melvin Van Peebles samples and dime-bag craziness wouldn't be complete without the voices of reason: Quas and Madlib.
  • Well, that would be a bit glib. Times, Sunday Times
  • Uno, et eodem die sexties vel septies ambulant per eandem plateam ut vel unico amicae suae fruantur aspectu, lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The alphaT2ib open reading frame was integrated into an adenoviral cosmid vector for production of recombinant adenovirus (AdV) - alphaT2ib. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Finally, set both carriages to knit and using tension 2, knit the rib.
  • And at the same time ended a career that fizzled out like a damp squib. The Sun
  • Walter: re the big Darne: it does indeed have rifle sights in what they call a "duckbill" or half rib. French Design: Shotguns
  • Each enumerator will carry an ID card and wear a yellow Census bib.
  • In the year 560, a great body of Hunna attempted to fettle in Gaul, but were defeated by Sigebert, king of the Fraoka, ib. la the time of Chtfiemagne the Hunna were mailers of Dacia, Mcefia, and both Panoo* nias, but were entirely reduced by him, f66» An universal history, from the earliest accounts to the present time
  • If Harold never quite fitted his job, my grandmother for her part was not a natural memsahib. A DEATH IN THE FAMILY
  • Prior art headstays carried a single luff bread or a luff rope in the forward edge of the jib.
  • You can end up with a wide nib (probably what was used for that, similar to a modern caligraphy pen), or a very narrow, sharp nib. The Volokh Conspiracy » Create a Constitutional Theory Out of This
  • Today, the bang from that easy buck also appears to have shrunk to a small squib.
  • In brief, approximately midway along the length of the leaf an incision was made into the midrib.
  • A much more successful translation onto porcelain of the composition on the screens is found on the circular food box decorated in famille verte enamels shown in Plates Villa and VIIIb.
  • Queen Rose squeaked with excitement as she saw the small baby asleep in his crib.
  • To prepare it, wash the leaves, then fold in half and cut out the tough center rib.
  • With the exception of sociopaths, who are expert liars, most people sound tense, their voices highly pitched, when they fib.
  • Caep. de mania lib. de morbis cerebri; Daemones, quum sint tenues et incomprehensibiles spiritus, se insinuare corporibus humanis possunt, et occulte in viscerribus operti, valetudinem vitiare, somniis animas terrere et mentes furoribus quatere. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • But there is a lovely pasta primavera if you don't prefer the prime rib.
  • The transverse process of the seventh vertebra may be bifid, and occasionally the costal process is replaced by a cervical rib.
  • She delivered her lines ad lib.
  • And so far only a few low ranking soldiers including Private England are up on charges for Iraqi abuse at Abu Ghraib.
  • Elizabeth sighed wearily as she was woken from her sleep by Joshua crying in his crib.
  • The government finally announced details of the levy and it could tighten dollar liquidity in the market, " said Frances Cheung, a senior strategist at Credit Agricole CIB.
  • The initial fireworks turn into a damp squib. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a caress far more gentle than any silk, he touched her tiny lips with his fingers after he lay her back down in the crib.
  • Quae caeca vi ac specifica qualitate morbos futuros arcent. lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • At Gib. we had been told that a rumour had reached England, and appeared in the "Daily Mail," that the "Aquitania" had been torpedoed. The Incomparable 29th and the "River Clyde"
  • The foresail was a large one, and it almost becalmed the jib. All Adrift or The Goldwing Club
  • Their specialty is prime rib.
  • It may well prove a damp squib. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the time they get their man, it's a bit of a damp squib. Times, Sunday Times
  • Virgines enim tempestive locandae, as [5873] Lemnius admonisheth, lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Another tradition he encouraged was the crib.
  • We were told to help ourselves to the food ad lib.
  • Sikhs in the Indian state of Punjab celebrate the tricentenary of the Sikh holy book the Guru Granth Sahib.
  • If one goes by the findings of behavioural studies, one would think twice before assigning baby-sitting functions for the telly or hold back from going ga ga over the toddler who lisps ad-lib.
  • The male is unmistakable; scaly, sooty-black plumage offset by a white crescentic bib.
  • Besides, to the arch rib of large span arch bridge, appropriate adjustment of arch axis can improve stress of arch rib.
  • The right postzygapophysis of the more posterior vertebra can be identified; a small nubbin of bone anterolateral to this might represent part of a cervical rib.
  • Monica closed it gently down, and fastened the snib. Beyond the City
  • The orthotropic steel plate deck bridge with a double rib system, is a structural steel member with a steel plate deck welded to a closed steel rib.
  • But also consider your partner's personality and, if you are the fibber, why you fib.
  • Bradshaw is sort of totally English and very fun to write as is his wife, the memsahib. Jasper Fforde discusses Shades of Grey, the first in a trilogy set in a future world recognizable as our own - but only just
  • The National Review has done an excellent report which lays bare the kind of evidential standards which would land you in Gitmo, Baghram, or Abu Grahib. Senator Leahy? The "Truth" is Jack Bauer Tortured the Wrong Guys
  • Featherstitch or feather stitch and Cretan stitch or faggoting stitch are embroidery techniques made of open, looped stitches worked alternately to the right and left of a central rib.
  • And because, as we observed before, the word pneuma is variously used, Didymus, de Spiritu Sancto, lib. iii., supposeth that the prefixing of the article to doth distinguish the signification, and confine it to the Holy Ghost in the New Testament. Pneumatologia
  • It is rare to see a work so dramatically inept, intellectually vacuous and morally glib. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just console yourself with the thought that one day this woman will either be forced to convert to Islam, submit to a clitorectomy and wear a burqa, or she will be slowly strangled by being hanged from a crane jib. Another Girl, Another Planet « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • About leaf sampling, the portion of representing specialty on nutritional status may be obtained near the midrib of the blade and it was shown that K content significantly increased along the midrib.
  • To get extra weight without altering the appearance of the face, extra warp yarns, termed wadding ends, are inserted between the face weave and the filling, floating at the back of the rib. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • Paul was whimpering, his hands clenching the sides of his wooden crib.
  • We had hauled the trysails and other fore and aft canvas, which was comparatively useless to a steamer when running before the wind at the time we had altered course towards the south, in quest of the ship in distress, the _Star of the North_ speeding along with only her fore - topsail and fore-topgallantsail set in addition to her fore-topmast staysail and mizzen staysail and jib. The Ghost Ship A Mystery of the Sea
  • The X-ray showed a crack in one rib.
  • Parts are also included in the set for E flat alto clarinet, B flat contrabass clarinet, and two flugelhorns, all of which are ad lib.
  • DA: At the moment Ninja is staying at his chommie Dragon's crib. Pitchfork: Latest News
  • In practice, the biographer has to choose not between lively and dull, but more subtly and perplexingly, between candid and glib.
  • You can modify the cib.xml by using the GUI tool (/usr/bin/hb_gui), which is recommended, or manually.
  • I am surrounded by scarved ladies, old and young, who are crossing themselves frantically ad lib.
  • Other examples of the bands within which zero premium collars are available are shown in the table, provided by AIB.
  • My garden is a real damp squib. Times, Sunday Times
  • OSLO - (Business Wire) PCI Biotech AS (PCIB. OL) (OSE: PCIB. reported today that it has completed the successful treatment of the second dose group in the phase I/II study of its proprietary photosensitiser Amphinex® used in combination with the cytotoxic agent bleomycin in cancer patients. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • As we grew older we played cards - five hundred, patience and crib.
  • Harding missed seven weeks of baseball practice after cracking a rib.
  • About leaf sampling, the portion of representing specialty on nutritional status may be obtained near the midrib of the blade and it was shown that K content significantly increased along the midrib.
  • And wee the Said John Johnson and Eliza - beth his wife, doe Covenant & promisse To warrantize and defend the Sale of the Said dwelling house, Orchard and Suffolk Deeds, Lib. Suffolk deeds
  • Sunday, 20 May 2007 I worked in the cargohold tidying up, shifting cargo, and pulling out the old staysail to use as a jib.
  • A fully developed leaf, 16 cm in length, was divided into two equal halves by cutting away the central rib.
  • There are moments, too, when either the dialogue or its delivery seems glib. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some unedited works are mentioned in Fabricius, "Bib. latina mediae et infimae aetatis" with additions by Mansi, II (Florence, 1858), 558. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • They enjoyed spending time going on their car rides to their favorite pie and coffee place, and would return home for a game of crib.
  • At this, Ian pressed his pen so hard into the surface of the paper that he broke his nib.
  • You might get a bass riff or something, as a hook for the song, but the solos were strictly adlib.
  • You can end up with a wide nib probably what was used for that, similar to a modern caligraphy pen, or a very narrow, sharp nib. The Volokh Conspiracy » Create a Constitutional Theory Out of This
  • It is such a common fib because it is such a comforting fib.
  • Using at least two full sizes tighter than main tension, knit the number of rows given in pattern for rib.
  • I can either be profound and intellectual or silly and glib.
  • Also, boats with furling systems or grooved headstays must have an alternate means of attaching the heavy weather jib.
  • I won't take 'naw' fer a answer; an 'dis here's de way fer to jump yer wealthy crib. A Night Out
  • Senes plerunque delirasse in senecta, that old men familiarly dote, ob atram bilem, for black choler, which is then superabundant in them: and Rhasis, that Arabian physician, in his Cont. lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • There's also evidence of trauma around the costal cartilage, which is here in the rib. KISSCUT
  • Either company could have contractually required Iran to stop its jamming, which is politically motivated censorship, or refused to carry IRIB. Broadcasting Tehran's Repression
  • As we grew older we played cards - five hundred, patience and crib.
  • About leaf sampling, the portion of representing specialty on nutritional status may be obtained near the midrib of the blade and it was shown that K content significantly increased along the midrib.
  • (ﺷﻘﻬﺐ), whose source, Ain Shak-heb, with a village called Shak-heb, lies to the N.W. of Ghebaib. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land
  • We were told to help ourselves to the food ad lib.
  • I'm not sure that I want to do this (1x1 rib is tortuous) so I'll most likely do the standard 1x1 rib and cast off in 1x1 rib.
  • He sustained a broken rib.
  • At present Vietnam shoe kind the order of 30 % already jib.
  • You might get a bass riff or something, as a hook for the song, but the solos were strictly adlib.
  • Margarite’s heart was beating like a drum under her apron bib.
  • The opening in 1959 was a damp squib. Times, Sunday Times
  • By noon the sea was white all across, and we took in sail, running under double-reefed main and storm jib. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • In 1952 Egypt's King Farouk was dethroned and replaced by the pro-Sudanese General Neguib.
  • [125] In Verrem, Actio Secunda, lib. iii., ix.: "is erit Apronius ille; qui, ut ipse non solum vita, sed etiam corpore atque ore significat, immensa aliqua vorago est ac gurges vitiorum turpitudinumque omnium. Life of Cicero Volume One
  • In the first quarter of the century chinoiserie was a popular style, exemplified by the pearl and diamond pagoda-shaped earrings of the 1820s shown in Plates IIIa and IIIb.
  • Crato (consil. 21. lib. 2) speaks against all herbs and worts, except bugloss, fennel, parsley, dill, bawm, succory.
  • His head had dropped forward and over his chest a great mat of blood had spread like a bib.
  • One of the chosen was ex-farmboy R. V. Burgin, who compared the assignment to “sending a bunch of hogs to watch over a well-loaded corncrib.Brotherhood of Heroes

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