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How To Use Hypothetical In A Sentence

  • It is the final guard against nationalistic states that sought the betterment of their people first and foremost and not that of some hypothetical global village or for the internationalistic elite. Pravda blames trotskyites for u.s. empire
  • Ask some hypothetical questions, shy of detail. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike Church, Turing developed his disproof of Hilbert's conjecture around the conception of a hypothetical machine which would decide the truth of statements by a set of well-defined sequential operations.
  • These situations are not hypothetical; they are based on real stories from faculty members across the country.
  • The hypothetical role of tissue hypoxia also needs to be explored.
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  • Just kidding about that being hypothetical: That describes CBS 'snakebitten 1998 Games. NBC's Olympic ratings not necessarily golden
  • It's one of those historical hypothetical questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as Neanderthal as a whole went extinct anyhow, these hypothetically admixed individuals left surely no heirs either. Quantifying Neanderthal introgression by serial coalescent simulations
  • Of course, my hypothetical is theoretical, as I am not talking about a real thing that has attributes A, B, and C. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:
  • And it is to the world that is there that the scientist must go to confirm or disconfirm the hypothetical objects of scientific theory.
  • In physics, the "graviton" is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity in the framework of quantum field theory. American Chronicle
  • The key to the Feynman Drive is a submicroscopic sample of the hypothetical element Feynmanium, named after my real-life mentor and co-author from my Caltech days. MIND MELD: The Best Spaceships in Written Science Fiction
  • This provides some interesting hypotheticals.
  • But you knew the tree was chopped down anyway and in attributing it to the chimp you have learned about chimpanzee capabilities (hypothetically, of course). Bunny and a Book
  • I tend to ask open-ended questions, and I also put candidates into hypothetical situations.
  • This fossil has been reconstructed with a hypothetical stalk anchored in the substrate, as if supporting a frondose body in a reclined position.
  • Summary: Paul Hellyer examines hypothetical relationships between governments and exterrestrial intelligence, which might result in the best benefits for humanity. - Articles related to Van Gogh painting stolen from Cairo museum 'still missing'
  • In those days, his stilted style, forced delivery, and wonky timing were virtues, reinforcing our sense of his hypothetically heartwarming kidness.
  • `proto' is a combining form in a word like `protolanguage' that refers to the hypothetical ancestor of another language or group of languages
  • And combustion, as they understood it, happened when phlogiston, a hypothetical earthlike substance characterized mainly by its combustibility, was removed from an object.
  • I don't think I can deal in hypotheticals at this stage.
  • Participants were presented with four hypothetical scenarios in which a peer caused them harm, such as damage to their property.
  • The analysis was based on a hypothetical cohort of 60-year-old medical patients being treated for acute respiratory failure.
  • Otherwise, the compliance with many different sets of regs. is entirely hypothetical. The Volokh Conspiracy » New Health Care Law Regulates Restaurant Menus, Drive-Through Signs of Restaurant Chains
  • Our hypothetical Ann could eat her packet of peanuts, for example, if she added three half-hour swims to her weekly routine.
  • That was an ineluctable fact with which, on the day, the reasonable hypothetical purchaser was faced.
  • There is no light coming from the casements in the lower part of this hypothetical window - supposing the design to be similar to the other windows.
  • Table 4-I is a hypothetical demand schedule for a single consumer who is purchasing bushels of corn.
  • A hypothetical supercontinent that included all the landmasses of the earth before the Triassic Period. When continental drift began, Pangaea broke up into Laurasia and Gondwanaland.
  • In cladistics, the clade is a hypothetical construct based on experimental data. About 'What Darwin Got Wrong'
  • Or consider the following hypothetical situation. The Making of Neoclassical Economics
  • By retrodiction of the effect we seek to trace back the hypothetical cause.
  • He was invariably willing to discuss the possibilities hypothetically.
  • Your hypothetical is completely irrelevant to the issue we are discussing. Matthew Yglesias » Ride the Train
  • On this I will defend the use of hypothetical philosophical thought experiments.
  • consider the following, just as a hypothetical
  • No one can venture more than a hypothetical guess about the effects of living in unshielded space for so long.
  • Concrete operational children, lacking fully developed deductive reasoning about hypothetical situations, can not solve problems in this form.
  • Although given as a hypothetical situation, if such an incident were to happen, not to search the individual would be a neglect of duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have looked, and so far I have heard plenty of hypotheticals, but no actual cases.
  • What makes communalism explosive is the psychology of mass-desperation that creates the ideal climate for inventing scapegoats and hypothetical enemies.
  • Being of an inventive turn of mind, Dr. Abrams set upon the task of developing an apparatus that would sort out these hypothetical vibratory rates and record them separately…
  • So quite honestly, it's a hard question for me to answer because it is extremely hypothetical.
  • “canonize” (or even to “sectionize”) what he had already hypothetically hinted might as well be left out altogether? The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark
  • In the circumstances, I am unwilling to express a conclusion based on a hypothetical view of the evidence in respect of an issue now academic.
  • All the quirks of strange fiction, to put it in a pertinent perspective, all the counterfactual errata, the hypothetical novae, the metaphysical chimerae — Nazi presidents and robot stormtroopers and butterfly-winged faeries — these are not pure invention. Creative Control - Part 4
  • The universal Turing machine is a hypothetical device that scans a digital tape and, in principle, can solve any computable problem.
  • What makes this hypothetical unusual and unrealistic is the unambiguously objective manifestation of intent in the advertisement.
  • When, just before dawn, Sikes arrives to drop off some swag, Fagin plies him with a series of hypothetical questions about what he would do to someone who ‘peached’ on him.
  • But the carriers have adopted the phrase "spectrum crunch," designed to make vivid the pain of a hypothetical moment when there are more data than the available spectrum can handle. -- Top News
  • They added that they couldn't intervene in response to "speculations as to hypothetical negative effects" of corruption, and that an administrative inquiry "would be superfluous" as the U.N. and Cambodian government were "seised of the situation. In the Cambodian Judges' Court
  • And that's assuming some hypothetical ideal of day care.
  • But any thoughts of expanding the program are ‘based on hypothetical funding,’ Cecire said.
  • Quality of life in this world should not have to be sacrificed for the sake of some hypothetical compensation in the world to come.
  • Let's suppose, hypothetically, that spam is accepted, so everybody can do it.
  • Next the hypothetical will be to assume that the only thing keeping us from total disaster is to allow Cheney to ascend to the presidency, with Jack Bauer as VP. kth Says: Matthew Yglesias » Crawford Setting a Trap
  • In advance of combat, polls filled with hypothetical questions have limited predictive ability.
  • There's no mention of important ethical notions such as the distinction between hypothetical and categorical imperatives (crucial to much of what goes on in the book), or the criterion of universalisability.
  • But we could not prove independently that there are practical propositions which command categorically, nor can it be proved in this section; one thing, however, could be done, namely, to indicate in the imperative itself, by some determinate expression, that in the case of volition from duty all interest is renounced, which is the specific criterion of categorical as distinguished from hypothetical imperatives. SECOND SECTION
  • In A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf posits that a hypothetical, gifted sister of Shakespeare, wishing to write but prevented from a broad education by limited reading and restricted interaction in the world of ideas, would have been laughed at and ultimately would have been driven to despair. Interview with Susan Vreeland
  • Although given as a hypothetical situation, if such an incident were to happen, not to search the individual would be a neglect of duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • The preceding description of a hypothetical study is based on the use of traditional endoscopie methods.
  • Consider these hypothetical examples based on cases I have seen during my work in social services.
  • February 12th, 2009 at 2: 06 pm cube, if any pondering is going on on your first question, that hypothetical economist is incompetent because ANY government spending is a stimulus. Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Economics
  • He talked about the various unresolved problems of the Standard Model, and the hypothetical theory called supersymmetry, which connects particles of matter, called fermions, with particles that carry forces, called bosons. NYT > Home Page
  • One can therefore take that into account in the hypothetical letting.
  • Nothing in the First Amendment requires that a jury must consider hypothetical and unascertainable “national standards” when attempting to determine whether certain materials are obscene as a matter of fact. . . The Volokh Conspiracy » Ninth Circuit Adopts National Standard for Internet Obscenity
  • For instance, suppose - as a hypothetical - that a woman says she was not hired for a particular job due to sex discrimination.
  • Table 4-I is a hypothetical demand schedule for a single consumer who is purchasing bushels of corn.
  • The president keeps wanting to debate fiction or hypotheticals rather than debate the reality of what's on the ground.
  • Let us imagine a hypothetical case where we disagree.
  • Carefully qualify your answers to "hypothetical' questions. How to Face Interviews
  • Or to put it more bluntly, some hypotheticals obscure more than they reveal.
  • The Dodd-Frank law is so vaguely written that, as former top Fed lawyer Michael Bleier points out, 'the overall economic and financial circumstances in which a hypothetical failure will occur are not determinable, even where many aspects of a firm's structure and operations are': Without knowing what caused the distress leading to the 'failure', it will be difficult for a firm to establish that its resolution plan will actually prevent further distress. Are 'Systemically Important' Institutions Too Big To Fail?
  • According to Kant, only autonomous legislation can yield a categorical imperative; whereas heteronomous legislation can yield only hypothetical imperatives. Kant and Hume on Morality
  • In speaking of a social contract, therefore, we are referring not to an actual agreement between empirical selves, but to a hypothetical agreement between purely noumenal beings.
  • Is the Walker article really about hypothetical regulations that Obama hasn't "forsworn"? Libertarian Blog Place
  • Mudcat and his supporters here have postulated that if mudcat can bring X number of non democratic leaning voters to the polls in some hypothetical rural southern state that that would more than make up for pissing off an identical number of rich, intellectual, opera loving, ingternet using, reliably democratic voting urban elites. Matthew Yglesias » Mudcat
  • He begins by acknowledging his own lustfulness, but then describes a hypothetical man who "leaves his wife and shacks up with somebody out of wedlock" and one who "screws a whole bunch of women. Jimmy Carter's Lust and North Korea's Nukes
  • A hypothetical case explores the legal issues involved.
  • The early metazoans, the hypothetical Urmetazoa, lived in an aquatic environment and consequently were exposed to a massive load of both pro- and eukaryotic organisms trying to invade and destruct them.
  • The researchers constructed hypothetical conversations that differed in terms of their interlocutors, place, and topic.
  • hypothetical situation
  • He showed that the physics inside a hypothetical universe with five dimensions and shaped like a Pringle is the same as the physics taking place on the four-dimensional boundary Matthew Yglesias » Is The Universe a Hologram? Should We Care?
  • Although given as a hypothetical situation, if such an incident were to happen, not to search the individual would be a neglect of duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • That a statement in the form of a Hypothetical Proposition may really be an Enthymeme (as observed in chap.v. § 4) can easily be shown by recasting one of the above Enthymemes thus: _If all free nations are enterprising, the Dutch are enterprising_. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • I do not think that this should include hypothetical discussions about a management that most would agree to be inhumane.
  • Let's look at a hypothetical situation in which Carol, a recovering cocaine addict, gets invited to a party.
  • Now, motion in a body is known to be capable of being imparted to another body contiguous to it; and the intervention of a hypothetical elastic fluid occupying the space between the sun and the earth, supplies the contiguity which is the only condition wanting, and which can be supplied by no supposition but that of an intervening medium. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • Typically such sentences are conditional sentences such as ˜if P then Q™, though Boethius also treats ˜P or Q™ as hypothetical, apparently because he thinks that disjunction can be translated in terms of a conditional sentence. The Statue of a Writer
  • Since it was the Stoics who, in antiquity, developed a sentence logic, by contrast with Aristotle's term logic, it would appear that Boethius's treatise on hypothetical syllogisms is the tributary of Stoic logic.
  • Then the hypothetical "Inmates can strike at prison wall" would be accurate and thoroughly nonhysterical [sic] -- just as the headlines were about the oil facility strike. Savage but untrue
  • Courts are not supposed to decide questions which are merely moot, theoretical, abstract or hypothetical.
  • The " logic " of this interpretation of the hypothetical experiment rests on a fundamental assumption.
  • The problem I have with your hypothetical is that libertarian paternalism, like cost-benefit analysis, is designed to be governing philosophy for a broad range of policy decisions (even if it has not yet been widely adopted). The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Behavioral Economics and Regulatory Policy:
  • Let's look at a hypothetical situation in which Carol, a recovering cocaine addict, gets invited to a party.
  • The story raises a knotty, if hypothetical, issue: Is it possible that well-intentioned efforts like the Jordan Valley project might ultimately be self-defeating?
  • With the next student, Bobby started play-acting devil's advocate, firing questions and posing hypothetical situations to him.
  • Then the hypothetical "Inmates can strike at prison wall" would be accurate and thoroughly nonhysterical -- just as the headlines were about the oil facility strike. Savage but untrue
  • A hypothetical example should suffice in illustrating how worrying a precedent this case may have set.
  • These waves are literally gravitons - the hypothetical particles that carry the gravitational force - that have been stretched to macroscopic lengths by the cosmic expansion.
  • Until the public domain issue is officially settled, though, it's unlikely that any big budget approach gets past the "purely hypothetical" stage. The LNN interviews Paul Blake from ToyVault : The Lovecraft News Network
  • Hypothetically speaking, even if there is a zero per cent chance of something going wrong on this first pilot run, what about all the other students who do not have the luxury of a forgiving schedule?
  • But we could not prove independently that there are practical propositions which command categorically, nor can it be proved in this section; one thing however could be done, namely, to indicate in the imperative itself by some determinate expression, that in the case of volition from duty all interest is renounced, which is the specific criterion of categorical as distinguished from hypothetical imperatives. Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals. Second Section: Transition from Popular Moral Philosophy to the Metaphysic of Morals.
  • The identification of risk starts with considering hypothetical scenarios based on past experience, i.e., the ‘what if’ approach.
  • He suggested that biological forms mirror patterns in the concentrations of hypothetical chemicals called morphogens.
  • Scales said he was speaking to Sterner in hypothetical terms. JAMES SCALES
  • Meaning, I guess, we're supposed to concede the point that keeping armed forces in Iraq is better than some imagined, hypothetical scenario where all hell breaks loose the second our forces leave, the country dissolves into sectarian warfare (worse that the civil strife that has already occurred,) and some kind of apocalyptical genocide breaks out (the kind of genocide we care about, not the Darfur or Congo kind.) Allison Kilkenny: Iraq and Afghanistan: Consider the Alternative
  • For some time, legal scholars invoked the dilemma of the ‘equal opportunity harasser’ as a hypothetical paradox.
  • Until we know what those facts are, there’s no point in multiplying hypotheticals. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Behavioral Economics and Regulatory Policy:
  • I'm just pointing out to you a hypothetical experiment.
  • I would never send my hypothetical daughter to a co-ed primary school, boys that age are bilious green minions of evil.
  • Well, at present we won't speculate on hypotheticals.
  • ‘That is a hypothetical situation and we just hope the weather fines up before we even have to think about anything like that,’ he added.
  • A hypothetical massless, neutral elementary particle believed to mediate the strong interaction that binds quarks together.
  • Lilly, it says, through its primary care sales force, presented the physicians with hypothetical patient profiles, which included "patients complaining of symptoms such as anxiousness, irritability, mood swings and disturbed sleep, and submitting to physicians that such hypothetical patients would be medically indicated for treatment with Zyprexa. Zyprexa Lawsuits - Eli Lilly May Lose Insurance Coverage
  • If the question became real rather than hypothetical, that might change. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is of further interest to note that, had a hypothetical homothere population become isolated in interglacial Britain, it may only have lasted for about 1000 years before become extinct due to inbreeding. Archive 2006-03-01
  • Hypothetical Wren jfleck at inkstain mjh's Blog m-pyre Standardized Testing: Briefly Revisited
  • The classic case is that of the hypothetical planets.
  • A hypothetical outer-sphere electron transfer should occur by concerted dissociative electron transfer.
  • Now gravity is in string/M-theory in the mix, and the compactified dimensions for these theories can hypothetically have larger scales at certain energies. Large Hadron Collider Could Re-Start This Weekend | Universe Today
  • Empirical studies were dealing with an actual tax, while modelling studies predicted outcomes based on a hypothetical tax or subsidy.
  • Although given as a hypothetical situation, if such an incident were to happen, not to search the individual would be a neglect of duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well clearly, it would either be ended or renegotiated, I mean there's a lot of hypotheticals there.
  • Forget about the hypothetical risks of a human bird flu epidemic or terror attacks on cinemas. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is known as reductionism: the ironclad belief that describing events in biological terms comprises a scientific advancement no matter how hypothetical the explanation is and how little it improves our understanding of -- or ability to influence -- outcomes. Stanton Peele: So You Think That Sibling Study in Science Proves Something About Addiction?
  • They are hypothetical human beings modified for life in a hostile or alien environment by the substitution of artificial organs.
  • He showed that the physics inside a hypothetical universe with five dimensions and shaped like a Pringle is the same as the physics taking place on the four-dimensional boundary. Shadows on Plato's Cave: Giant Hologram Version
  • This may turn into a hypothetical ‘poetics’ of the religious visual image but at least it would be rooted in reality rather than in a realm of abstraction.
  • It is preoccupied with hypothetical origins and conjectural future ends.
  • It takes years to learn to think hypothetically and abstractly.
  • I pointed out that your hypothetical is a complete distortion of how we actually use bridges and fund that usage, and has nothing to do with HSR. Matthew Yglesias » Ride the Train
  • Consider a hypothetical fund that invests only in 10-year T-notes.
  • These discoveries throw important new light on Cobbold's music for voices and viols, and enable an attempt at restoring the hypothetical lost consort anthem to be made.
  • For illustrative purposes, various hypothetical cases of age-related cognitive decline will be described and discussed.
  • The sailing rig is hypothetical and based on Roman practice.
  • Oh, and there being a widespread proliferation of interesting ARM-based designs, many available to buy on a per unit basis for reasonable sums of money, and yet RISC OS is the "devil on skis" choice, hypothetically available for such devices if people weren't too busy squabbling and playing gatekeeper with their continually depreciating "intellectual property". bluenose: "Still we can dream of another white knight riding in to produce ARM hardware Drobe Launchpad News
  • Let's look at a hypothetical situation in which Carol, a recovering cocaine addict, gets invited to a party.
  • Hypothetically you could thaw a packet of frozen spinach, aliquot it out to single use bags, and keep one thawed at a time. Nutrition Facts
  • There is no direct evidence, and what follows is too contingent on a series of hypothetical suppositions to be convincing.
  • Hypothetically speaking, what does it mean if your poop is multicolored, slightly glowing, and squirming? jeligula Science Question from a Toddler: Why is poop brown? Boing Boing
  • This is a purely hypothetical situation.
  • Consider the hypothetical random disturbances shown in Fig. 11 which give rise to fairly realistic variations in real output.
  • According to the survey, Dodd is losing or tied with all of his potential Republican challengers in hypothetical 2010 general election matchups. Vice President Joe Biden the (Democratic) Party Guy
  • The hypothetical boiled frog is a useful metaphor for a very real problem: the difficulty of responding to disasters that creep up on you a bit at a time.
  • A postliterate society is a hypothetical society wherein multimedia technology has advanced to the point where literacy, the ability to read written words, is no longer necessary. MachineMachine (formerly 'The Huge Entity')
  • However, I also thought that at times he wandered off into a mist of hypothetical, unreal situations.
  • What of hypothetical propositions like if it is raining now, then either it is raining or it is snowing?
  • The plausibility of the novum is crucial in this type of SF because the argument being made in these narratives is that the ruling paradigm, the accepted nomology in which the events of the narrative "could not have happened", is false, and that the hypothetical nomology, the alternative paradigm in which the events "could have happened", is in a very real sense, a truth of temporal possibilities. Narrative Grammars
  • The reliability coefficient may be interpreted as a correlation coefficient between this measurement and a hypothetical remeasurement taken under similar conditions.
  • Neither of these people, in either of the hypothetical situations, would be so placid and unaroused that his body would exhibit the peaceful physiology of sleep or daydreaming. Stress and the Manager
  • However, the onlap interpretation is based on hypothetical time lines in unstudied locations.
  • These catechistic exchanges very often teach standard or dogmatic answers to hypothetical questions. Contextualizing Amanda Marcotte
  • At the company's office, I was shown a spreadsheet for a hypothetical client who had been advanced $8,500 in cash over six months.
  • A women's group was unamused by a joke Jay Leno made last week that seemed to make light of a hypothetical sexual encounter between Delaware ... Jay Leno Cracks Oral Sex Joke About Christine O'Donnell; Women's Group Outraged (VIDEO)
  • At present it's a hypothetical question. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he reran the numbers on a hypothetical retiree scenario that he first calculated eight months ago, he found the monthly annuity payout is now about 5% lower. An Annuity Can Still Make Sense
  • Carefully qualify your answers to "hypothetical' questions. How to Face Interviews
  • I realize this is all very legalful and constitutionally and all, with its irrebuttable “presumptions” and hypothetical “rational bases” and myriad whatnot. The Volokh Conspiracy » Really? Really??
  • I think you could blend the ideas of the predictions registry and hypotheticals registry by creating a futures market in pundit predictions. A Palin Thought Experiment
  • (supposing it to be a fact,) is but the correlative of the old one; and since it was Eusebius who was the voucher for that, what additional probability do we establish that the inspired autograph of S. Mark ended abruptly at ver. 8, by discovering that Eusebius is consistent with himself, and omits to "canonize" (or even to "sectionize") what he had already hypothetically hinted might as well be left out altogether? The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • At the end of the year, the second hypothetical investor must liquidate 40 % of his capital gains.
  • It's becoming less and less a hypothetical question. Times, Sunday Times
  • (supposing it to be a fact,) is but the correlative of the old one; and since it was Eusebius who was the voucher for that, what additional probability do we establish that the inspired autograph of S. Mark ended abruptly at ver. 8, by discovering that Eusebius is consistent with himself, and omits to "canonize" (or even to "sectionize") what he had already hypothetically hinted might as well be left out altogether? The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • This is the only point in the Socratic Dialogue where hypothetical situations are allowed.
  • His ultimate mixable particles can be compared only with the Daltonian atom, not with the molecule of the modern physicist, and his ` ` infinite, self-powerful, and unmixable '' particles are not comparable with anything but the ether of the modern physicist, with which hypothetical substance they have many points of resemblance. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume I: The Beginnings of Science
  • Though this was only a preliminary, hypothetical run-through, she felt as nervous as a bride at a wedding rehearsal.
  • Where temporal and nomological impossibility is artificed into narrative in the form of hypothetical/counterfactual and metaphysical quirks, logical impossibility is artificed into narrative in the form of pataphysical quirks. Notes on Strange Fiction: The Pataphysical Quirk
  • Steve: Setting aside the debatable question of whether the Black Law Students Association is really the same thing as the hypothetical White Law Students Association, one way in which the parade of horribles becomes more exorable is that typically, organizations like the BLSA are nominally open to everyone, if for some reason a non-black student wishes to join. The Volokh Conspiracy » Enough with the Ridiculous Hyperbole!
  • Fearful of being accused of complacency, they fail to allay public fears and often play up hypothetical risks.
  • The hypothetical prophetic comment from Prof. Adler regarding the enrolled bill rule, makes clear that someone has to be able to adjudge rank abuse of the Constitution by the “political department” with standing limited to a state, and original jurisdiction in SCOTUS (who will pass it off to a master or the DCCCOA). The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Slaughter Solution constitutional?
  • It was much as if our hypothetical supramundane observer looked upon the clothes of his newly discovered human being as forming the essential part of his nature. The Story of the Living Machine A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living Activity
  • not that the site is actually like that, and not that you *actually* believe that climate science is valid, and the only reason you oppose political action is because of minor, inconsequential, hypothetical, unproven problems that you admit are probably meaningless. Steve Had a Little List
  • If it's all strange fiction, if a conceit is a conceit (and can be explained, excused or exploited) regardless of whether it's counterfactual, hypothetical or metaphysical, we have problems, I think, in sticking to Suvin's term "novum". Strange Fiction 9
  • And I'm not here to deal with hypotheticals on what might happen in the eventuality of that highly desirable outcome not coming about.
  • The hypothetical question based on the operative report of Dr. Carroll was put to Dr. Winton in these terms by defence counsel.
  • Taleb uses this hypothetical experiment, and its results, to illustrate a number of errors in thinking.
  • This is another one of these stupid columns that has to conjure up hypotheticals in order to criticize.
  • Merton's arguments are often hypothetical, but the logic is always watertight on closer scrutiny.
  • He was invariably willing to discuss the possibilities hypothetically.
  • A 1996 study by Linda Ginnarelli and Eugene Steuerle at the Urban Institute examined the changes in what we are calling spendable income for different hypothetical families currently on welfare if they were to become employed in a minimum-wage job.3 The tax implications include actual taxes paid, lost welfare benefits, and any expenditure necessary for the job such as commuting expenditures for both part-time and full-time employment. RETURN TO PROSPERITY
  • That hypothetical intra-mercurial planet was labeled Vulcan, even though it had yet to be found.
  • I had heard his name abundantly discussed in academical and social circles and was thoroughly familiar with the hypothetical part of his history before chance led me to make his personal acquaintance. Ilka on the Hill-Top and Other Stories
  • Depending who is in the relivant office at the time, either a pro-choicer could gloss over dangers or a pro-lifer could exagerate even very unlikely or purely hypothetical dangers in the hope of scareing women away from abortion. ProWomanProLife » Where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plains
  • This paper discusses the existence of the magnetic monopole, the conclusion of which is that the magnetic monopole does not exist in the material world but exists in the hypothetical vacuum world.
  • The ideal figure of the vertebrate as given in Figures 1.98 to 1.102 is a hypothetical scheme or diagram, that has been chiefly constructed on the lines of the amphioxus, but with a certain attention to the comparative anatomy and ontogeny of the ascidia and appendicularia on the one hand, and of the cyclostoma and selachii on the other. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Briefly, the process involved the creation of 37 vignettes describing hypothetical ethical dilemmas.
  • The results of these studies have led to what is called the factorial hypothesis of heredity, [45] according to which all the visible characters of the adult are produced by (purely hypothetical) factors in the germ-plasm; it is the factors that are inherited, and they, under proper conditions for development, produce the characters. Applied Eugenics
  • It's becoming less and less a hypothetical question. Times, Sunday Times
  • life-stuff," and other hylotheistic and purely hypothetical formulæ, with which the average mind has been well-nigh crazed for the last fifteen or twenty years. Life: Its True Genesis
  • Everything else - that is, the actual character of the external world and of our relationship to it - must remain conjectural or hypothetical, though some hypotheses are better than others.
  • But he didn't know that Xerox created what it called a "phantom account" for his 1985 payout, credited it with hypothetical interest pegged to stock-market returns—often in the double digits—and subtracted the total from his pension. When Benefits Bite Back
  • LOL — this word “hypothetical”, pseud: it does not mean what you think it means. Matthew Yglesias » Veronique de Rugy is So Anti-American That She’s Not Even an American!
  • Or consider the following hypothetical situation. The Making of Neoclassical Economics
  • A hypothetical occurrence of this kind the theologians call a conditional future occurrence (actus liber conditionate futurus seu futuribilis). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The question is hypothetical but necessary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Estimating requires speculation because it is hypothetical.
  • If the question became real rather than hypothetical, that might change. Times, Sunday Times
  • They compared the difficulties of concrete versus abstract and factual versus hypothetical contexts for word problems.

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