How To Use Hypothesise In A Sentence

  • To explain this, they hypothesise that galaxies must contain a great deal of missing matter which cannot be detected.
  • A generation later, Empedocles and Anaxagoras hypothesized the cause of solar eclipses, namely the cloaking of the Sun in the shadow of the Moon. Daniel Bruno Sanz: Bad Moon, Burnt Qurans, Birthers and Flat Earthers
  • Humans are also preoccupied by fantasy & fiction of all types, even especially? knowing that it is *fiction*, we do not have to hypothesize a platonic realm to explain that... Free Will and Behavioral Genetics, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Morgan hypothesizes that the mound shape was first outlined by a line of posts set in a wall trench, which served as a retaining wall for the fill.
  • In the dictyopterans species, however, intermediate features of granulocytes and spherulocytes led them to hypothesize a developmental relationship between both, as postulated by Gupta.
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  • This trophic reorganization is hypothesized to be an important contributor to declines in populations of seabirds and marine mammals, because lipidpoor gadids and flatfishes generally replaced lipid-rich fish species in the Gulf of Alaska food web.
  • However, we hypothesised that release of BP7033Br ALK with free phosphonic group could be more important in in vivo system because of the presence of phosphodiesterases in serum. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Even so, Mammalodon was a fairly specialized mysticete that lived about ten million years after the hypothesized time of origin for its group. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • This paper introduces a new cognitive theory-Dual Coding Theory, which hypothesizes the use of two representational systems-one verbal, the other non-verbal, in the process of reading.
  • He hypothesized that basal primates were visually directed predators of fauna on slender branches, a milieu that favored a wide field of stereopsis and clawless, prehensile hands for visually tracking and grasping prey.
  • The lemniscal pathway is hypothesized to be responsible for tonotopic processing of auditory information, whereas the nonlemniscal pathway is responsible for other aspects of auditory processing, including the activating effects of audition. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • One manifestation of this was the hypothesized existence of orgone which, as Wiki says, entailed: ... an extrapolation of the Freudian concept of libido as a physical, bioenergetic force, developed by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the late 1930s, who generalized and abstracted it far beyond Freud's semi-metaphoric use. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Because no positive relationship has been shown to exist between estrogen levels and sexual activity, coitus is not hypothesized to restore or maintain estrogen in postmenopausal women.
  • This series of steps is hypothesized to produce the regular, long-distance migratory patterns observed in many species around the world.
  • I would hypothesize that the leftward movement of America in recent years is a direct result of the multibillion-dollar edifice of wingnut disinformation that inundates us today. Think Progress » Limbaugh compares Pelosi to a terrorist for saying passing health care is more important than re-election.
  • A generation later, Empedocles and Anaxagoras hypothesized the cause of solar eclipses, namely the cloaking of the Sun in the shadow of the Moon. Daniel Bruno Sanz: Bad Moon, Burnt Qurans, Birthers and Flat Earthers
  • For example, it may be hypothesized that recurrence of eclampsia in pregnant women is more common in those that have family history of hypertension.
  • Based on the discussion above, we can hypothesize a link between a type of counterfactual thinking and learning.
  • Similar to its congeners, this sexually dimorphic species is hypothesized to be resource-defense polygynous.
  • I eeven some the hypnagogic nalbuphine of regiones but that has hypothesized now. Wii-volution
  • Debate is not about a bunch of catty, uninformative, "Fox-News"-like blabber about occasional spelling mistakes, errors in academic trivia and how their knowledge in NewSpeak do's-and-don'ts (e.g. don't use "hypothesize" for anyone other than the originator of an idea no matter how far buried in the recesses of time, apparently) empowers them with a metaphysical prescience to evaluate in some small way who is 'serious' in an academic field in absence of mindful studiousness and profound contemplation of the (un)read material. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Leo found that when detectives actually attempted to gain incriminating information, their techniques yielded a partial admission or full confession more than three-fourths of the time. 83 He hypothesized that this level of success would be similar in departments where similar tech-niques are in use. 84 While their precise effectiveness in the terrorism context has not been evaluated systematically, the methods used in American police departments are very similar to those experienced with interrogationboth in the U.S. and abroad assert to bet he most effective. Scalia Openly Condones Torture : Law is Cool
  • Based on our previous work, we hypothesised that areas which are pleasant with lots of greenery and few incivilities might encourage people to take exercise and thereby influence levels of obesity.
  • Wolf hypothesizes a cause-and-effect relationship between women's liberation and society's ideal of beauty.
  • [62-64] A particularly impressive evidence of the capacity of NGF to modulate phenotypic expression is the case of SIF cells which have been hypothesized as immediate precursors of both sympathetic and chromaffin cells. Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • To provide a nomenclatural context for the discussion that follows, the phylogenetic definition, hypothesized ancestry, and implied content of Sauropoda are briefly discussed below.
  • If one event is observed or hypothesised, one can only seek its cause in terms of another observed or hypothesised event.
  • We hypothesized that patients would recover more quickly from surgery if postoperative pain was decreased or eliminated.
  • Since postaxial polydactyly is an autosomal dominant trait, we may hypothesize that the two people who had served as models for Raphael were relatives, probably father and son.
  • And second, two experiments were conducted in an attempt to reproduce empirically the confederating function of humor hypothesised in groups facing such situations.
  • Althought it is a very cold body, scientists hypothesize that watery volcanos could erupt onto the surface, and could even remain liquid for long enough to convert the organic into amino acids.
  • Based on rat studies, they hypothesize that "dendrite arborization" -- an increased branching growth of nerve cells -- caused by chronic antidepressant exposure, may be the cause. Dr. Peter Breggin: New Research: Antidepressants Can Cause Long-Term Depression
  • Each activity was hypothesized to motivate students to increase their ethical standards.
  • We hypothesized that the abundance of adult trees would be lower in the grass-dominated swales.
  • Finally, suppose that we hypothesize that there are races, and that the correct racial classification has a certain form.
  • That is, it is plausible to hypothesize that observations of altered plasma steroids in contaminant-exposed juvenile and adult alligators are, in part, a response to nitrogenous pollutants.
  • As the authors write, "we hypothesized that human spatial reasoning could improve both the sampling of conformational space and the determination of when to pursue suboptimal conformations if the [random elements of current algorithms] were replaced with human decision making while retaining the deterministic Rosetta algorithms as [tools for players]. Why Crowdsourcing Works
  • Since the infections were in their throats and staph colonizes the nose, the men hypothesized that there had been some synergy. SUPERBUG
  • And with new evidence supporting that these dinosaurs were more "rotund" than previously hypothesized, the image sticks in my mind of this little pig-bodied, parrot-beaked reptile, studiously pawing the Early Cretaceous subtropical regions that are now Western Siberia, in search of roots, tubers, or a place in the mud to cool off. Life's Time Capsule: The Ceratopsians Gallery
  • Darwin hypothesized that there must be a moth out there with a 12″ tongue that had evolved alongside this flower. Butt out « BuzzMachine
  • We hypothesize that an important reason for male and female tropical bats to form long term aggregations is to profit from more efficient foraging via information transfer, postulated previously as a reason for sociality in males of narrow-winged temperate-zone species PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A once-popular hypothesized evolutionary mechanism was orthogenesis, in which change in organisms was due not to natural selection, but to internal directional trends within a lineage.
  • We hypothesized that the diaphragms of such patients might generate greater levels of oxidants than those neutralized by antioxidants.
  • But the theorists do not specify precisely how important Fordism was, nor how its hypothesized dominance was established.
  • In particular, the isolation of separate bullfrog and dogfish shark gastrin- and CCKlike peptides suggests that gastrin evolved much earlier than originally hypothesized.
  • Scientists in this study "hypothesized that sugary soda consumption was associated with albuminuria, a sensitive marker for kidney disease. How drinking too much sugary soda pop raises risk of kidney disease in women
  • It must be noted that the reasoning just quoted hypothesizes an unmonopolized supply of consumer and capital goods.
  • We hypothesized that in these patients theophylline, a drug that stabilizes breathing, may affect short-term potentiation.
  • We hypothesized that there might be great variation with respect to podophyllotoxin content within American mayapple across the eastern United States. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Given their effects on soybean plants, it is hypothesized that the PGPR strains exert their influence via the production of specific compounds after they have been inoculated into plant rhizospheres.
  • We hypothesize that the Drosophila Adh gene may not be orthologous with the other known Adh genes of higher diptera.
  • From previous anatomical data, we hypothesize that the level of such actions is suprametameric, with strong implication of the diencephalon and cerebral cortex.
  • Her basketball spirit had diminished unlike that flame the other day, and I believe I may hypothesize the reason.
  • The authors hypothesized their common origin from an Atlantic refugium after the last glaciation.
  • Before you answer, try some retrodiction: if a mouse gene is expressed throughout the embryo at 7.5 dpc (2 weeks before birth), you can hypothesize that those transcripts are functional. A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
  • If Obama wanted to hypothesize to make a point, why not make up an organization name as well instead of naming an actual and opposing political group and "hypothesize" about those danged furriners controlling their message? Jihad Monitor
  • Wedding hypothesized that sunlight caused a chemical reaction with the buckwheat as it traversed the cutaneous blood vessels in nonpigmented areas.
  • At the same time, lagoonal evaporites were deposited in the middle of the Western Carpathians; therefore an island surrounded by lagoons is hypothesized there.
  • Accordingly, the hypothesized deterrence of ethanol to frugivorous vertebrates, or specifically primates, is unsubstantiated.
  • Please – I claim we can't test for purpose and intent because there are no tests for purpose and intent that can be applied to arbitrary entities (such as hypothesized in the context of ID). Bunny and a Book
  • We hypothesized that congruency will affect stimulus evaluation and compatibility affect response selection.
  • I'd guess there was some major reasoning between the 3rd paragraph and the conclusion, but as it stands, it doesn't make a lot of sense unless you hypothesise about linking statements.
  • They hypothesize that resistance is rational, motivated by organizational threats to workers' identity.
  • Punctuated equilibrium is commonly contrasted against the theory of phyletic gradualism, which hypothesizes that most evolution occurs uniformly and by the steady and gradual transformation of whole lineages anagenesis. Secondary Addiction: Ann Coulter on Evolution - The Panda's Thumb
  • The core dynamic in each of these cases was hypothesized to be rebelliousness and a protest against overbearing parents.
  • The dicyemid mesozoans, once hypothesized to be non-bilaterian metazoans, have since been shown to possess central class Hox genes indicating that these enigmatic parasites are secondarily simplified bilaterians.
  • However, there is also evidence that learning plays a role in shaping phonological knowledge ” and not just by ˜pruning away™ unwanted ˜phonological representations,™ as Eimas (1975) hypothesized, but also by shaping the precise boundaries of adult phonemic categories. Innateness and Language
  • The origin of the layers is hypothesized to be due to either growth-related oscillatory zoning or exsolution after growth.
  • To explain this, they hypothesise that galaxies must contain a great deal of missing matter which cannot be detected.
  • It was hypothesized that the pain picture would improve as the existential challenges resolved.
  • Lieder originally called the bringer of doom "Planet X," and later connected it to a planet that was hypothesized to exist by a writer named Zecharia Sitchin in his book "The 12th Planet" Harper 1976.
  • He's A) misunderstood what "hypothesize" means, B) took my usage of "blasphemous" out of context and C) misread "Massimo Pallottino hypothesized in 1979 that Tarχies refers to Tages ..." to mean that I somehow credit Pallottino "for the origins of the legend of Tages". How debate is done in the hive
  • David Bohm, and Jean-Pierre Vigier to hypothesise the existence of an unobserved deterministic substructure underpinning the apparently indeterministic cavortings of objects on the quantum-mechanical level. Paul Feyerabend
  • On the basis of the fact that, unlike (9), (10) can serve to express two distinct counterfactual beliefs, Kripke (1972) hypothesizes that a proper name is what he calls a rigid designator. Intentionality
  • Correlation does not give you the directionality of causation, so a few types of answers have been proposed — one is "junk" (large cells better tolerate the selective cost of useless DNA), one is "skeletal" (read Cavalier-Smith, it's complicated and involves a hypothesized allometric relationship), etc. Intrinsic Control and Junk DNA
  • The way systems are identified and evaluated is their analogy to known or hypothesized systems. A Genomic Balancing Act
  • ¬ † I sincerely doubt that a little cabal of NASA HQ folks had this all planned - just as you hypothesize - such that they could deliberately "flout" Congress - and do so when Congress was home for the holidays - oh yes, with no one noticing. Conspiracy Mongering From The Planetary Society's Leader - NASA Watch
  • We hypothesized that stenting would be more effective than medical therapy and found exactly the opposite," said lead researcher Dr. Marc I. Study: 'Brain stents' for stroke patients do more harm than good
  • Franz tried a similar line of research for a year and finally hypothesized — falsely, as it turned out — that the weakly effective compounds were metabolized in the plant into herbicidal agents. Franz, John E.
  • It has been hypothesized that the products of two different sex alleles may form an active heterodimer that serves as an unambiguous signal for sex determination.
  • Althought it is a very cold body, scientists hypothesize that watery volcanos could erupt onto the surface, and could even remain liquid for long enough to convert the organic into amino acids.
  • One of the earliest hypothesized and widely known cases of a coadapted gene complex in plants is that of heterostyly.
  • What is so harmful about this mixture of real-life street-tragedy and low-rent entertainment is that "COPS" and its brethren reduce our resistance to the kind of dehumanized "ultra-violence" Anthony Burgess hypothesized in his then-seemingly satiric 1962 novel "A Clockwork Orange. Dying and Living in COPS America
  • The Parental Care Model hypothesizes that endothermy is arisen as a consequence of selection for parental care because endothermy enables a parent to control incubation temperature.
  • Thus, the hypothesized paleoclimate of the two fossil localities fits well within the range in which both insect and mite wood borers are found today.
  • In the 1980s, the oceanographer John Martin hypothesized that large amounts of oceanic iron may have produced giant plankton blooms in the past, and therefore chilled the atmosphere by removing carbon dioxide. Re-Engineering the Earth
  • Low hypothesized tiny cleaning robots that emerged from concealment only when necessary, while Brink opted for some kind of inbuilt electrostatic repulsion system. The Dig
  • It was hypothesized that this unaccounted mass was embedded in the hydrophobic interior of the lipid membrane, inaccessible to the negative stain.
  • Experts hypothesize that the decreasing frequency of parasitism has left the immune system susceptible to producing allergic responses.
  • They hypothesize that four hydrogen atoms fuse with each other in a series of reactions to form a single helium atom.
  • On the other side of the coin, if we hypothesize that complex structures arise by gradual accretion and natural selection, then we would expect those structures to bear evidence of history.
  • One reason for this phenomenon, the authors hypothesize, is that indulgence guilt is a “hot” emotion, leading to intense but momentary pangs of conscience. Primary Sources
  • Kagan and his colleagues have hypothesized that inhibited children have a lower threshold for sympathetic activation.
  • Nothing in the zombie theory explains why they act the way they do, unless we hypothesize the existence of unseen causes, demonic puppet masters, or the like.
  • The coloration of transparent species, the lack of countershading, and the opacity of guts in deep-sea species are all hypothesized to be defenses against detection by bioluminescence.
  • It has been hypothesized that asymmetric growth of the vertebral neurocentral synchondrosis could lead to the development of spinal deformity.
  • This NASA story, about how the Moon bears witness to the early history of the solar system, and could tell us whether "extinction events" caused by heavy bombardments from outer space really recur every 26 million years on Earth as some have hypothesized, is headlined "The Moon is a harsh witness. Robert A. Heinlein's legacy lives on:
  • The student hypothesized that, because males tend to externalize problems and females tend to internalize problems, they might change differently in the course of functional family therapy.
  • We hypothesized that the highly efficient plasmid-based piggyBac transposon system would enable long-term inducible gene expression in mice in vivo. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Plato hypothesized that dependency on writing as an external memory store would be detrimental to memory.
  • Q: Why is the hypothesized object dubbed "Tyche," and why choose a Greek name when the names of other planets derive from Roman mythology?
  • Researchers hypothesized that epidermal outgrowths on the upper maxilla of these male fish aka fish-staches may be a sexually selected characteristic. Carin Bondar: Excuse Me... I Think You've Got Something Stuck on Your Upper Lip
  • In all cases the expected strength and hypothesized direction of associations were confirmed.
  • We hypothesize that seed production and viability alone are not important factors in limiting long's bittercress population size and population growth.
  • The authors hypothesize that an individual's genetic background determines the initial susceptibility to aortic dissection.
  • It is dangerous to approach the thing too closely, but Ishmael hypothesizes that the spout is nothing but mist, the effect of a whale thinking about Eternity.
  • We hypothesized that congruency will affect stimulus evaluation and compatibility affect response selection.
  • RTW is an indirect measure of unionization as well as the ease with which plants can be organized; it is hypothesized that employers will prefer right-to-work states.
  • Further it is hypothesized that there are different formulators for each language, while there is one lexicon where lexical elements from different languages are stored together.
  • The scientists working on the project hypothesized as to why: bipedalism would have freed the upper limbs for other functions, potentially as a means of gathering more food for a central family unit. Harlan Ellison on God
  • It allows you to hypothesise a supernatural entity to explain phenomena, but doesn't allow you to investigate said entity.
  • We hypothesized that congruency will affect stimulus evaluation and compatibility affect response selection.
  • Dr. Lamb hypothesized that the Cahita (Mayo and Yaqui) ancestral language diverged from the Aztec ancestral language 27 minimum centuries ago (circa 700 B.C.). Are you related to the Aztecs?
  • Because many persons have these genotypes and only a few develop gluten-sensitive enteropathy, investigators have hypothesized that other genes or cofactors may be involved.
  • Maternal rank is hypothesized to play an important role in cub survivorship for two main reasons.
  • We hypothesize that an "epidemic" of HP infection in the oropharynx, due to changed sexual habits, may contribute to the significant increase in incidence of tonsillar cancer, " they write.
  • Some observers hypothesize that she had been indoctrinated to believe the malicious stereotype of the Ursidae as awkward, clumsy, ill-mannered brutes.
  • Q: Why is the hypothesized object dubbed "Tyche," and why choose a Greek name when the names of other planets derive from Roman mythology?
  • Because research shows that divorced parents often interact in unsupportive ways, we also hypothesize that the moderating influence of these indicators of commitment to an identity would be stronger for divorced fathers.
  • Chodorow hypothesizes that male involvement in childcare would change these patterns.
  • I couldn't hypothesize a music -- not even a bar or a note -- that could be produced by the seven together. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle hypothesised that space was filled with invisible ether.
  • We hypothesized that variations in the distribution of emphysema would be associated with functional differences and therefore account for discordant physiology.
  • To explain this,(Sentencedict) they hypothesise that galaxies must contain a great deal of missing matter which cannot be detected.
  • When the Senator is trapped in the coils of his own creation – did he hypothesize or hypothecate? Stromata Blog:
  • Penrose hypothesizes that the extremal is a graviton. Causal Consciousness – Science of Mind
  • We hypothesized that the source and term of external debt affects farm production decisions and, consequently, efficiency.
  • One could certainly hypothesize that plurilateral agreements might well be the wave of the future in contrast to bilateral agreements or multilateral agreements that take a decade or more to negotiate, he said. Former US Trade Reps See Opportunities, Difficulties in Chinese Economic Growth
  • This could be through the metabolism of the nonconservative gases CH4, CO, and H2, and a link between chemotrophy and phototrophy through these gases is hypothesized. Hansen and Schmidt: Predicting the Past? « Climate Audit
  • In addition, we hypothesized that gender differences would be consistent with gender stereotyping.
  • The killer is hypothesized to be a mutant and should be considered armed and highly dangerous.
  • In RBCs, we hypothesized, different amounts of intracellular metHb would result in different degrees of cell paramagnetism, relative to that of water, and would affect the observed MM.
  • For example, both Scalia and Rehnquist misused the word “hypothecate,” apparently confusing it with the near homonym “hypothesize,” which, admittedly, a dictionary or two will give as a secondary definition (in my view, this merely a reification of the sound-alike confusion and reflects the descriptive (as opposed to prescriptive) philosophy of the editor). Business, Law, Economics & Society
  • Stanley Kubrick did not "hypothesize" a doomsday device, they actually existed. Strangelove
  • Hence, they proposed a two-photon process theory that hypothesizes the necessity of the O-intermediate irradiation.
  • This includes mesons like pions, gauge particles like photons and gluons, the hypothesized Higgs scalar, etc.
  • We hypothesize that our patient's severe acid reflux led to acute and chronic bronchial and bronchiolar inflammation, which caused the progressive decline in his pulmonary function.
  • Goldberg hypothesized that men are status-seeking more than women, and used Bell Curve-style arguments to show that even small differences between the male and femal populations would lead to large differences at the extremes. Ada Lovelace Day - The Panda's Thumb
  • She said she would not "hypothesize" whether she would support Lyons heading Rio Nuevo. Undefined
  • It is tempting to hypothesize that because the limb girdles display positive allometry, the protractor and retractor muscles attached to them did as well.
  • We hypothesise that occult cardiovascular, microvascular, or haemostatic dysfunction result in pregnancy complications during reproductive years and in overt cardiovascular disease in later life.
  • He hypothesized that lightning behaved that way because it was just a bunch of electricity.
  • The study authors hypothesize an explanation: the reduced availability of krill during the summer feeding season is causing pregnant mothers to abort and calves to die.
  • I couldn't hypothesize a music -- not even a bar or a note -- that could be produced by the seven together. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Well, Sci hypothesizes that the changes these scientists saw with the didgeridoo were the result of the training the patients received in learning and practicing circular breathing. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The structural relations between the constructs under investigation and the items are hypothesized a priori by the researcher and then statistically tested.
  • Based on rat studies, they hypothesize that "dendrite arborization" -- an increased branching growth of nerve cells -- caused by chronic antidepressant exposure, may be the cause. Dr. Peter Breggin: New Research: Antidepressants Can Cause Long-Term Depression
  • JAM: Before you answer, try some retrodiction: if a mouse gene is expressed throughout the embryo at 7.5 dpc (2 weeks before birth), you can hypothesize that those transcripts are functional. A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
  • It was hypothesized that the water used to resuspend the nucleic acid was not at the proper pH.
  • Similarly, the blue structural colors of avian skin were long hypothesized to be produced by incoherent Rayleigh or Tyndall scattering.
  • Let us hypothesize, therefore, that Barthes set out to write critical texts as if they were the theses he never wrote.
  • Nevertheless, we hypothesize that that these mice do not physiologically acclimate to chronic heat exposure and instead, respond to heat stress behaviorally or by selecting favorable microclimates.
  • This includes mesons like pions, gauge particles like photons and gluons, the hypothesized Higgs scalar, etc.
  • What her true intention was with this design, playgoers hypothesize to no avail.
  • Furthermore, it has been hypothesized that if the prebiotic genetic material was RNA, reverse transcription might have been required to formulate DNA-based genetic information.
  • We hypothesise that hazardous exposures during these wars may have been leukaemogenic, Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • One can hypothesize that Clethraceae, Cyrillaceae, and Sarraceniaceae have had an unbroken history of occupancy of mesic or bog habitats that are relatively constant in water availability throughout the year.
  • What evidence led Morgan to hypothesize that the gene for eye color in Drosophilia is carried on the "X" chromosome?
  • All of your reasons are on the base of support that you hypothesized first.
  • In conclusion, the hypothesized use of substances of abuse for self-medication of schizophrenic symptoms and medication side effects is not supported by our data.
  • The hypothesized community in network, like the life community and rooming house of the undergraduate students, etc, has become a very important form of the new type undergraduate organization.
  • For example, it is hypothesized that birds must have evolved flight from trees, so their ancestors must have been arboreal.
  • Carmichael et al. hypothesized that oxytocin is involved in orgasmic muscle contractions, because of its classical function in smooth muscle contractions during parturition and for milk ejection.
  • Thus, it was hypothesized that systemically administered morphine depresses genioglossus muscle activity PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • We hypothesise that alcohol, particularly when drunk in binges, acts as a catalyst on acute ischaemic heart diseases, possibly by being synergetic to other triggering factors.
  • The researchers hypothesize that genetic factors affect certain aspects of central nervous system development that result in problems such as hyperactivity or impulsiveness.
  • As we all know, the Pakistanis originally "hypothesized" that their terrorists were Mossad agents. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • Recently this pattern of dental development has been hypothesized to be a synapomorphy of metatherians, and has been used to diagnose taxa in the fossil record.
  • Oxytocin is a neurohypophyseal hormone hypothesized to coordinate both the causes and effects of positive social interactions, and may be involved in positive physiological adaptations such as buffering the deleterious effects of stress and promoting resilience. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • This reasoning is used here to hypothesize about the body plans of the oldest animals, which were not represented in the Ediacaran biota or among the earliest Cambrian ‘small shelly fossils.’
  • Its existence was hypothesized because the geographers of the day felt that something was needed to counterbalance the weight of the continents of the high northern latitudes around Greenland and the Arctic.
  • They hypothesized that the vasoactive properties of these medications had a role in the pathogenesis of abdominal wall defects.
  • For those participants in a committed relationship, we hypothesized that the SFQ Relationship subscale would be higher in respondents who reported higher levels of overall relationship quality on the DAS.
  • We also hypothesized that women who were prostituting would be more likely to report using drugs to cope with various interpersonal and intrapersonal experiences commonly associated with prostitution.
  • If the common ancestor of spiders had spinnerets in its feet, as many scientists hypothesize, then the feature apparently carried over only in the tarantulas.
  • Suppose for instance we hypothesise that cooperative conversationalists would ask others for their opinion very frequently and regularly express agreement.
  • Scientists hypothesize that the dinosaurs were killed by a giant meteor.
  • Aberystwyth researchers hypothesize that evolution has selected for low-histidine and trypotophan content in phycocyanins to reduce electron-transport interference.
  • To explain the nonrandom nature of the co-occurrences, one must hypothesize the existence of some sort of invisible influences or energies, or thread. The Sacred Promise
  • Considering Rousseau, with whom he quarrelled, as utopian, he hypothesized an art which was morally neutral and elitist.
  • It is tempting to hypothesize that because the limb girdles display positive allometry, the protractor and retractor muscles attached to them did as well.
  • The researchers hypothesize that the underexpression of these genes in uterine fibroids might explain why fibroid tissue does not contract, but instead, grows abnormally.
  • ¬â€I sincerely doubt that a little cabal of NASA HQ folks had this all planned - just as you hypothesize - such that they could deliberately "flout" Congress - and do so when Congress was home for the holidays - oh yes, with no one noticing. NASA Watch: December 2007 Archives
  • The researchers hypothesize that the pronounced loss of these neurons could be caused either by a neurodegenerative process or an autoimmune response.
  • We hypothesize that an "epidemic" of HP infection in the oropharynx, due to changed sexual habits, may contribute to the significant increase in incidence of tonsillar cancer, " they write.
  • We have previously reported the existence of loci that assort together and hypothesized that these loci reside on the same macronuclear piece.
  • One factor long hypothesized to influence the skew in male mating success in a population is the temporal distribution of fertilizable females.
  • Age was hypothesized in this study to be directly related to higher ethical standards.
  • I have long hypothesized a connection between these factors.
  • Plato hypothesized that dependency on writing as an external memory store would be detrimental to memory.
  • In contrast, Robinson observed that plesiosaur flippers were shaped like hydrofoils and hypothesized that they produced thrust through lift rather than drag.
  • We hypothesize that, like tropical tree assemblages, these among-lake differences in relative abundances are the result of largely random processes operating among ecologically similar species.
  • We shall "hypothesize" that all the immigrants would be peaceful; if they weren't then crime and/or security measures would destroy the rich country. How Markets Value the Welfare of the Poor: Follow-up to A Non-Socratic Dialogue, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • With the exception of some copies pilfered from warehouses, the entire 400,000 print run of If I Did It — in which Simpson "hypothesized" how he would have killed his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman — was slated to be destroyed. He's Ba-a-a-a-a-a-ck
  • The hypothesized transition from "Early" to "Late Iron Age" circa A.D. 1000 is also said to have included a general movement of settlements from river valleys to hilltops and possibly to have coincided with the origins of the shift from matrilineal to patrilineal kinship, agnatic inheritance, and virilocal marriage among Shona, Sotho, and Nguni peoples south of the Zambezi. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Viney hypothesizes that as the raw liquid silk squeezes through the duct, water is wrung out of the protein and calcium is added.
  • The population of viable halophiles is hypothesized to decrease as resources are depleted over time.
  • Dr.I. Arthur Mirsky had hypothesized that maturity-onset diabetes might not be due to a deficiency of insulin secretion but rather to abnormally rapid degradation of insulin by hepatic insulinase (1). Nobel Lecture Radioimmunoassay: A Probe For Fine Structure Of Biologic Systems
  • Based on the results, it was hypothesized that the phagosome environment and vacuole membrane of the wild-type bacterium might differ from the mutant. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The researchers hypothesize that the risk of dementia or cognitive impairment is higher when the surgery takes place at a younger age — removal of both ovaries before age 46 or one ovary before age 38 — due to insufficient estrogen. Ovary Removal Surgery Elevates Risk of Dimentia | Impact Lab

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