How To Use Hypocrite In A Sentence
He speaks terror, in Sennacherib's invasion, to the hypocrites, who were the people of God's wrath, v. 6.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
Those who claim to be peace protesters but remain supporters of the Labour party are hypocrites.
To me he is false, a bluffer, a hypocrite, a sectarian, a coward and an opportunist.
June 22nd, 2009 3: 51 pm ET this gut is a liberal clown and acted like a republican and cheated on his wife but he is not responsible because he is a hypocrite democrat.
Villaraigosa to make announcement on Situation Room
Religion cannot protect itself from religious hypocrites, including priests who sexually abuse teenagers and altar boys. Dr T.P.Chia

The hypocrite is a good example for other people, a model of probity and decorum, at least until the truth comes out.
The temptation to ask for a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, Large Fries and a Diet Coke (hypocrite… moi?) was indeed very great.
One'friend' of the magazine called the unions hypocrites for failing to deliver on a salary rise.
Times, Sunday Times
The teachers were viewed as informers, or at best cowards and hypocrites.
I knew it was a woman from the bungling, unmanlike way that pistol was laid in the dead hand; the only question I had to answer was _which_ woman -- Fifi, Lady Stavornell, or this wretched little hypocrite.
Cleek, the Master Detective
He is the biggest hypocrite and loser around.
The Sun
The alternative is to make intellectual life increasingly irrelevant to human affairs, to turn intellectuals into hypocrites, and to turn everyone else into anti-intellectuals.
Even more infuriating are the self-righteous hypocrites who claim to speak for a superior moral majority.
It is very apparent that you and your magazine are hypocrites and do not support untrampled backcountry where you don't hear or smell vehicles.
ATVs in Wilderness
One fine morning as he waddled down the chapel steps, his recalcitrant congregation took matters into their own hands, "debagging" the holy hypocrite and attempting "to deprive him of his manhood.
Deborah Swiss: The First Female Flash Mob
She ripped off the mask of the hypocrite mercilessly.
For his sins he is now regarded as a hypocrite, nay, a traitor.
Even for a congenital hypocrite, he hit a high watermark this week.
Stop complaining about free speech and don't be a hypocrite, there's a love.
A man who moralize is usually a hypocrite, and a women who moralize is invariably plain.
A preposterous seventeenth century opportunist, a loose cannon, an incorrigible hypocrite.
Hypocrisy, from the Ancient Greek word hypocrites - actor - is the condition of somebody who is untrue to their stated ideals.
Hypocrites, cranks and scoundrels have always been with us, on both sides of the aisle.
Known hypocrites and liars may, of course, tell the truth about a particular incident.
The misuse of the term hypocrite is just a pet peeve of mine.
If you are truly opposed to abortion, why would you have amniocentesis -- as Sarah Palin did -- knowing that it might kill the unborn child?
An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour...
The Volokh Conspiracy » Sotomayor May be Wrong About Race, but She is No Racist:
Either Runcible knew of their efforts and quietly endorsed them—in which case he was a screeching hypocrite—or else they acted without his knowledge, in which case his craftiness was a sham and he lived in quiet ignorance.
Sir Apropos of Nothing
Constantinople had given him a taste for Anacreontic singing, and female society of the questionable kind, a love of strong waters, — the hypocrite looked positively scandalised when I first suggested the subject, — and an off-hand latitudinarian mode of dealing with serious subjects in general.
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
So, Kristol is a hypocrite, as well as a dyslexic labeller.
Think Progress » Kristol: “One or More Indictments in the Next Three Weeksâ€
This scumbag is a hypocrite who gunned for Clinton's blood during the latter's impeachment trial.
Chair of S.C. Dems responds to Sanford's Op-ed
We might hate queue jumpers, but we also detest hypocrites and bludgers.
God's omniscience is as much the joy of the upright as it is the terror of hypocrites, and is particularly comfortable to those who are falsely accused and in any wise have wrong done them.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites.
Deceivers, in the eighth circle of hell, are put into ten subdivisions, including seducers, flatterers, hypocrites, and false counsellors.
Don't give advice to fools. Don't argue with ignorant people. Don't associate with hypocrites. Dr T.P.Chia
I'm a big fat hypocrite.
Times, Sunday Times
He is the biggest hypocrite and loser around.
The Sun
How would it make him a hypocrite if he were a monoglot?
The man is a total hypocrite.
The Sun
WHEN did we have to stop calling people hypocrites?
The Sun
And the leaders of all these religions are corrupt and power-hungry, no matter how much peace and brotherly love they preach, they are cut-throat hypocrites.
I'm always a bit amused when people say the church is full of hypocrites.
We might hate queue jumpers, but we also detest hypocrites and bludgers.
The culture of kiss-and-tell journalism, encouraged by all manner of intrusion, and thin uses of the public interest defence he's a hypocrite because he's a journalist, causes constant battles between tabloids and celebrities.
It should be curtains for celebrities with a bedroom secret
He is equally brutal to both sides, in particular by portraying the two opposing maternal figures as hypocrites.
Daily usage of linux, raw style pseudologue brat, hypocrite, photographer. Top Blogs
So not only a liar but a hypocrite as well.
The Sun
A preposterous seventeenth century opportunist, a loose cannon, an incorrigible hypocrite.
But Zeno would be easy to read were he merely reliably unreliable: he would be a hypocrite and a fool.
Like the sadistic Victorian flogger telling his victim that ‘this hurts me more than it hurts you’, Moll is - if we follow this line of explanation - a double-dyed hypocrite.
I'm not a complete hypocrite, I've made many changes to my life over the past ten years or so to get closer to my aspirational notions of where I'd be in my mid-30s.
Scratch and "altruist," and watch a "hypocrite" bleed (Michael Ghiselin, The Economy of Nature and the Evolution of Sex, 1974 p274).
David Sloan Wilson: Truth and Reconciliation for Group Selection V: The Patriotic History of Individual Selection Theory
If this doesn't disgust the so-called Christian Right, they are inculpable of empathy and are hypocrites in their opposition to abortion, a practice I find just as disgusting, as abortion itself.
OpEdNews - Diary: Remember Tom DeLaye and Jack Abramoff? I'll Bet Mr. Schaffer, Hopes Not
Those who equate them are treacherous without art and hypocrites without deceiving.
Religion cannot protect itself from religious hypocrites, including priests who sexually abuse teenagers and altar boys. Dr T.P.Chia
Even his intimate friends in the literary circuit dread the occasional outbursts which reflect his cynical humour and contempt for hypocrites.
The moral hypocrite, by contrast, has convinced himself that he is acting virtuously even when he does something he would condemn in others.
In some ways I am probably a total hypocrite.
The Sun
In 1586 the advocate Le Breton, in a pamphlet for which he was hanged, called Henry III "one of the greatest hypocrites who ever lived", demanded an assembly of the States General from which the royal officers should be excluded, and proposed to restore all their franchises to the cities.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
He laughed with everybody who would exchange a laugh with him, shook hands right and left, with what may be certainly called a dexterous cordiality; made his appearance at the market-day and the farmers 'ordinary; and, in fine, acted like a consummate hypocrite, and as gentlemen of the highest birth and most spotless integrity act when they wish to make themselves agreeable to their constituents, and have some end to gain of the country-folks.
The History of Pendennis
Abraham Lincoln was called a poltroon, a hypocrite, because he was deliberate, painstaking and cautious about issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.
Life of Charles T. Walker, D.D., ("The Black Spurgeon.") Pastor Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, New York City
But outraged fans spotted it and branded him a hypocrite.
The Sun
He is a good-mannered hypocrite whose tedious righteousness has driven his beloved wife away.
Religion cannot protect itself from religious hypocrites, including priests who sexually abuse teenagers and altar boys. Dr T.P.Chia
Hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine eye, and then thou shalt see clear to cast out the mote which is in the eye of thy brother.
The Holy Bible: Darby Translation
That would do a whole lot more for civilised and democratic behaviour than abject capitulation to these self-evident hypocrites.
Fars News Agency, the semiofficial Iranian news agency announced yesterday that "the elements of unlawful assembly hypocrites, monarchists, thugs and intrigue in some streets of Tehran with a pretext to support the people of Egypt and Tunisia, held slogans in support of the people of Egypt and Tunisia.
Haggai Carmon: The Domino Effect: Is Iran Next?
The lattermost is the most likely reason for what happened about four hours later. patrickmadrid No, 'Catholic Lisa' is not a hypocrite.
NeOnbubble: Bubbly. And Neonny.
I am more suspicious of them than I am of the presence of losers, sinners, factory rejects, hypocrites and slimeballs in the Catholic communion.
Such exhortations are the railings of hypocrites who selfishly skewer non-believers with the power they all-the-time possess.
This John, that I took to be the honestest of men; that you took for the same; that was always praising you to me, and me to you, and for nothing so much as for our honest hearts; this very fellow was all the while a vile hypocrite, and a perfidious wretch, and helping to carry on my ruin.
Critics said he was a hypocrite for condemning tax dodgers while trying to reduce his inheritance tax bill.
The Sun
The water coughed in the pipes, then seemed to whisper the word hypocrite in his ear.
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He laughed with every body who would exchange a laugh with him, shook hands right and left, with what may be certainly called a dexterous cordiality; made his appearance at the market-day and the farmers 'ordinary; and, in fine, acted like a consummate hypocrite, and as gentlemen of the highest birth and most spotless integrity act when they wish to make themselves agreeable to their constituents, and have some end to gain of the country folks.
The History of Pendennis, Volume 2 His Fortunes and Misfortunes, His Friends and His Greatest Enemy
Not only is every episode gone through in surprising detail but we soon learn why each colleague who disapproved of his op-ed was a hypocrite for doing so.
A judge at the trial branded him a hypocrite and liar.
The Sun
So, if he have commerce with her, haply she will conceive by him and her son be a hypocrite, a man of wrath and a shedder of blood.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Then go and give your money to charity, or stop being the biggest hypocrite on the planet.
The Sun
It\'s high time someone told you outright that you must be suffering from holy water on the brain, if you think we can\'t see you for what you are: a klavern of counterfeit prophets waxing psychotic for other cretinous hypocrites.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Listen Up, You Christo-Fascist Bullies -- You Apostles Of Perpetual Psychosis -- It's High Time Somebody Called You Out
a smooth-tongued hypocrite
Being labeled hypocrites is a price worth paying if it yields tangible results in the real world.
He's no hero to me - he's a two-faced hypocrite ’, she said.
Note, A practical disbelief of God's omniscience is at the bottom both of the carnal worships and of the carnal confidences of hypocrites; Ps. xciv.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
They view the minority who are still church members as hypocrites or antiquarian oddities; or misguided worshippers of an illusion.
April 28th, 2008 6: 36 pm ET gov how cann you endorse a liar and hypocrite unless that's what you are also??
Sources: North Carolina governor to back Clinton
I called her a damned hypocrite and that made her sit up.
Call me what you will, but you can't call me a hypocrite.
Times, Sunday Times
And you can't beat that crusty old hypocrite, Joseph, for comic relief.
Practitioners of their religion were either sunk in superstition or hypocrites and impostors.
After all, one thing an Englishman particularly dislikes is a good old-fashioned gold-plated hypocrite like Mr. Byrne.
Another Guilty Leftie Hyprocrite
The man is a total hypocrite.
The Sun
But they branded her a hypocrite - saying she bullied them.
The Sun
But I put her fan base in the same category as the people who donate to the 700 Club, Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggart, or any of the long list of high profile conservative hypocrites whose racket is transparent to thinking people.
Think Progress » Did Palin write the answers to Tea Party Convention questions on her hand?
That's why I called her a hypocrite.
The Sun
Religion cannot protect itself from religious hypocrites, including priests who sexually abuse teenagers and altar boys. Dr T.P.Chia
The biggest hypocrites in the country are the phony religious who extoll their virtues which they do not adhere to. gary davis Harbor Oregon
SC Lt. Gov. to ask for Sanford's resignation
WHEN did we have to stop calling people hypocrites?
The Sun
He's a hypocrite - he's always lecturing other people on the environment but he drives around in a huge great car.
Limbaugh is a blubbery, drug-addicted hypocrite — the perfect face of the Republican Party. zooman Says:
Matthew Yglesias » John McCain, Dittohead
Mon 11/09/09 10: 08 PM well, well, Majal1 the cyber bully, go away you big hypocrite, you put down all Adam fans and Adam then chatise others if they say bad things about Kris, YOU are the biggest cyberbully going hon.
Kris Allen song snippets: Let's rank 'em from best to not-so-best! |
They are the most glaringly opportunist bunch of hypocrites in politics.
One might mischievously suggest that it's terribly unfair for one girl to get free tutoring from a supersmart economist who used to be president of an elite university and assert that Larry Summers is a hypocrite unless he takes steps toward the socialization of his own brain.
The Obamaklatura
Sometimes even the language barrier cannot keep hypocrites apart.
That's why I called her a hypocrite.
The Sun
Protestant writers who have used such terms as 'a scandalous hypocrite, ''a cursed war-song of hell,' 'hangmen's slaves,'
The Superstitions of Witchcraft
Extramarital affairs hurt the people most closely involved and its a personal matter even if the perp is a hypocrite.
Sanford to reimburse state for trip, denies wrongdoing
And if you actually have a friend who has pitched a film or even an after-school special to the decision-making suits, you will be pre-acquainted with what it takes to satisfy a high tribunal of lamebrains, hypocrites, and thieves.
And the leaders of all these religions are corrupt and power-hungry, no matter how much peace and brotherly love they preach, they are cut-throat hypocrites.
What I'm basically saying here is that he is a no-good hypocrite.
A judge at the trial branded him a hypocrite and liar.
The Sun
And like a community organizer to save Help, serve, educated, reteaching them the laws and Commandments of God to lift them from the bondage that had power and control over them forcing them THE ROMAN GOVERNMENT -- WHO told them lies and detorted the word of God! Jesus called the Roman Empire Government HYPOCRITES HYPOCRITES -- knew they were LIARs -- deceivers -- they lust for power control greed etc.
Religion cannot protect itself from religious hypocrites, including priests who sexually abuse teenagers and altar boys. Dr T.P.Chia
Butter was used as an analogy for smooth-talking hypocrites who talk peace while making war.
Sarah Palin is a hypocrite, a liar, a dissembler, an opportunist.
Think Progress » MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Mocks Sarah Palin By Writing ‘Cheat Sheet’ On Her Hand
It just so happens that being a hypocrite is a requirement to being elected as a Republican.
Think Progress » Let The Cameras Roll
But outraged fans spotted it and branded him a hypocrite.
The Sun
They may make men self-justiciaries or hypocrites, not Christians.
Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers
All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites.
I bet conservatives are constantly dizzy from talking themselves in circles ... hypocrites! dee
Obama takes heat from Democrats over jobs
She wouldn't want to be called a hypocrite, would she?
The Sun
That would do a whole lot more for civilised and democratic behaviour than abject capitulation to these self-evident hypocrites.
The reality is that far from undermining Bertie they undermine themselves and show themselves to be nothing but posers and hypocrites with few of the principles they demand of Bertie and no scruples.
If he didn't, then the label hypocrite would be deserved but now, we'll never know.
Obama On Edwards' Dropout: His Cause "Endures For All Of Us"
I'm a big fat hypocrite.
Times, Sunday Times
There is another important similarity between these two epic hypocrites.
Times, Sunday Times
YOU rarely have to look beyond the loudest voices to find the biggest hypocrites.
The Sun
While you are at it, you should consider doing a post that underscores the fact that the hypocrites who hate socialist programs are also the same persons who advocate sending U.S. manufacturing to Communist China and have assisted in ripping the belly out of the U.S. economy.
U.S. Socialist Programs That Must Be Stopped At All Costs | myFiveBest
Because they are vicious, willfully stupid (not ignorant, mind you) lying hypocrites as devoid of integrity as they are vapidly lacking in anything like intelligence.
Think Progress » Man ‘disenchanted with the federal government’ indicted for planting pipe bombs in mailboxes.
Expressions: un faux jeton = a hypocrite toucher ses jetons = to draw one's fees avoir les jetons = to have the jitters
Un jeton - French Word-A-Day
Just look at virulently anti-gay 'hypocrites like the Reverend Ted Haggard and former Republican U.S.
Gary Cohan: The Bullying Years: A Survival Guide for Gay Kids
While tracking Tony's daughter down, Angela finds herself in fisticuffs with a saucy waitress, and is revealed as a monstrous hypocrite.
There is another important similarity between these two epic hypocrites.
Times, Sunday Times
Time and increasing exposure has shown him to be a loudmouth crybaby, gutless hypocrite, economic buffoon, geopolitical imbecile, and possessed of the emotional fortitude of a ten-year-old.
The politically correct exotica that crept out of the darkness to yip included hypocrites like “Fairdealphil” who shows his progressive underwear from the all white fastness of Lincolnshire where he innocently dodders.
Black Issues or White Guilt
When you enunciate your principles, you are condemned as a hypocrite because your people have failed to live by them.
They are being led by hypocrites at best, charlatans and con men at worse.
Then go and give your money to charity, or stop being the biggest hypocrite on the planet.
The Sun
She likes straight talk and hates hypocrites.
And to this purpose, the Hebrews have two words for hypocrites; panim, which signifies faces; and chanepim, which signifies counterfeits; from chanaph, to dissemble: so that he is a hypocrite that dissembles religion, and weareth the face of holiness, and yet is without the grace of holiness.
The Almost Christian Discovered; or, the False Professor Tried and Cast.
The excessive focus on this hypocrite is a total waste of my hard drive space, just to display the headline and short summary. jim in Ohio
Sanford, 'humbled and broken,' makes vow to state
He is a Pharisee exposed, the hypocrite who tells his patients how virtuous it is to be stoical.
You are nothing more than a publicity-seeking hypocrite.
The Sun
This agglomeration of old pseudoaristocracies (corporatist heirs to the colonial overlords and Confederate planterocracy), Nietzschean masters and slaves under a facade of Christianity, and miserable hypocrite Ubermenschen termed the GOP simply can not go quietly.
Matthew Yglesias » The New Filibuster
I am not mocking Bush well not always I am condeming as a hypocrite and an admitted liar, an admitted fellon.
Think Progress » Fox News internal memo from Nov. 9:
In some ways I am probably a total hypocrite.
The Sun
Call the Wahh-mbulance -- Jack Kelly of The Blade proves once again that he's both a craven hypocrite and a thin-skinned whiner.
Short Takes
But I should think that CNN, MSNBC and ... well, just CNN and MSNBC, really ... would actually like to have the comfort of knowing that their on-air spouters and sermonizers weren't total hypocrites, and would defenestrate hosts who violate basic standards.
Lou Dobbs, evil idiot
She's a quitter and a hypocrite, she is making money off of the backs of hardworking people, and she truly is a two-sided coin and shows both what is right (look what you can do if you try!) and what is wrong (see all arguments above and from 70% of the country) with America.
Second Palin book due in November
Critics said he was a hypocrite for condemning tax dodgers while trying to reduce his inheritance tax bill.
The Sun
YOU rarely have to look beyond the loudest voices to find the biggest hypocrites.
The Sun
Religion cannot protect itself from religious hypocrites, including priests who sexually abuse teenagers and altar boys. Dr T.P.Chia
In short, they very unceremoniously treat the Parisians who believe in Gargantua as ignorant simpletons and superstitious idiots, with whom are intermixed a few hypocrites, who pretend to believe in Gargantua, in order to obtain some convenient priorship in the abbey of Thélême.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Even his intimate friends in the literary circuit dread the occasional outbursts which reflect his cynical humour and contempt for hypocrites.
The left looked like weak-willed hypocrites; the right like bullies who couldn't take care of their own mess.
He's a hypocrite - he's always lecturing other people on the environment but he drives around in a huge great car.
She wouldn't want to be called a hypocrite, would she?
The Sun
When I asked Paul what was wrong, all he said was that he disliked having hypocrites for parents.
Only a hypocrite would ban foxhunting but allow the more proletarian pleasures of fishing, which is quite clearly a form of drawn-out torture.
Every sermon he would rail against backbiters, slanderers, hypocrites, perverts, etc.
We must not be hypocrites but show our real problems impartially.
I would be kind of a hypocrite if I took April to task for being one-note without acknowledging that Mondo loves houndstooth so much that he should probably marry it.
Una LaMarche: Project Runway Episode 12 Recap: Empire State of Meh
Who are you calling a hypocrite?
Times, Sunday Times
By openly admitting to being philanderers, draft dodgers, liars, weasels and cowards, liberals avoid ever being hypocrites.
He's a pious hypocrite and a greedy, petty, stupid, mean-minded crook.
When you stop sucking from the gov't teet by denouncing the military, then you might not be a hypocrite.
Landrieu to support health care reform bill
Poor kkkhunt the hypocrite is against Corporations right to “free speech” in how they spend their dollars!
Think Progress » Beck loses 103 sponsors as his UK television broadcast runs for five days straight without any ads.
For any man to profess to be governed by the fixed principles of justice, of honor, of truth, or of generosity, is sufficient to stamp him a hypocrite and a designing knave, that is lying in wait under these characters for the happiness of others.
History of the University of North Carolina. Volume I: From its Beginning to the Death of President Swain, 1789-1868
One'friend' of the magazine called the unions hypocrites for failing to deliver on a salary rise.
Times, Sunday Times
Did her very presence here make her the hypocrite he had so unforgivably called her?
The beating happened in the summer of 1933, a year after Fisher, as Dahl records in his own letters home, had left Repton to become Bishop of Chester.96 More than fifty years later, however, Dahl blamed the “shoddy bandy-legged” Fisher for the caning, and painted him as a sanctimonious hypocrite.
And given the staggeringly large numbers of people who devote their existence to suppressing every last shred of their intelligence by sitting around in slack-jawed, gaping stupifaction, swallowing wholesale whatever infantile lie is shovelled down their gullets by the paid professional liars and hypocrites at places like Faux Noise and Whirled Nuts Dully — and swallowing such drivel without even a first, much less a second thought — then exactly what REAL chance is there of a Constitutional Amendment (no matter how rational or necessary) ever even coming up for discussion?
Think Progress » After Whining About Being ‘Suppressed,’ Chamber Discloses It Spent $123 Million In Lobbying
Easternshoreman wrote: Andy Harris is a hypocrite and dece ... - News Maryland
To the hypocrite Christopher Dodd sitting there saying we are going to get tuff is hilarious.
Senate negotiators say deal close, but more talks needed
It doesn't surprise me when the most forcefully pious turn out to be raging hypocrites with identity issues.
Members of our government were downright corrupt, crooked and utter hypocrites.
It's high time someone told you outright that you must be suffering from holy water on the brain, if you think we can't see you for what you are: a klavern of counterfeit prophets waxing psychotic for other cretinous hypocrites.
Listen Up, You Christo-Fascist Bullies -- You Apostles Of Perpetual Psychosis -- It's High Time Somebody Called You Out
I think it is probably polite just to ignore Mr Jowett's rather ungallant assertion that I am naïve and his suggestion that I am a hypocrite.
Such kind of hypocrites are called distained, or coloured.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
They're hypocrites who want to force their views upon the world and then abrogate responsibility for the consequences.
Who are you calling a hypocrite?
Times, Sunday Times
The Cathars considered themselves true Christians and dismissed the Catholic Church as a pack of hypocrites and crooks.
No, I meant that MattY has to pretend Jeb is a conservative figure of consequence to call a hypocrite.
Matthew Yglesias » Jeb Bush Lauds Stimulus
She likes straight talk and hates hypocrites.
That's the only way to treat blackmailing hybrids and hypocrites.
And what an extraordinarily convenient bonus it is for these hypocrites that they get to keep all their salary, unburdened by having to pay school fees.
But then the church is just like the political system - full of single issue hypocrites, who cannot act in an adult fashion.
But to McGowan the oilcloth was a major setback, and he felt like a hypocrite for running around with his little notebook jotting down what materials the village chief used while an American officer flouted the rules.
The Village
Disillusioned, we go off on our own and cultivate a pure spirituality uncontaminated by religious hucksters and hypocrites.
Known hypocrites and liars may, of course, tell the truth about a particular incident.
But outraged fans spotted it and branded him a hypocrite.
The Sun
Critics said he was a hypocrite for condemning tax dodgers while trying to reduce his inheritance tax bill.
The Sun
This same weekend, at an Iowa "Thanksgiving Family Forum," Newt Gingrich sprayed bile at Occupy Wall Street protesters, denouncing them as lazy thieving self-righteous hypocrites, and instructing them to "go get a job right after you take a bath.
Marty Kaplan: Students: Cockroaches or Dirty Hippies?
And to this day we are still seen and treated with contempt as a lesser people by these hypocrites who so boldly talk of democracy.
No, the hypocrite's hope and joy is quite of another make and mould. he finds no taste or relish in celestial joys, abstracted from the plenties and jollities of the world.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
Of the world's ample types of miscreant — the hypocrite, the lecher, the glutton, the miser, the charlatan and many others — my preference is overwhelmingly for the charlatan.
Portrait of a Silver-Tongued Deceiver
True judgement would teach us to conclude, that the best druggs have their adulterates; the most current coins their slipps; and that vertue which so many hypocrites put on, to grace themselves withall; is surely some rare and excellent jewell.
A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale In a Sermon Preached at a Generall Visitation at Ipswich
Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Alas and alack for us, lawyers and pharisees, hypocrites that we are ...
Alas and alack for us, lawyers and pharisees, hypocrites that we are...
But they branded her a hypocrite - saying she bullied them.
The Sun
Not, however, in all kinds of joy, for the _joy of the hypocrite_ is _but for a moment_, [1] that is to say, lasts but for a moment.
The Spirit of St. Francis de Sales
In fact, if one day you're on a land mine crusade, appealing for the world's poorest, and the next you're on a luxury yacht in designer clothes, you run the risk of looking like a great big hypocrite.