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How To Use Hypocrisy In A Sentence

  • He could spot hypocrisy, pomposity, smugness, snobbery, tomfoolery and turpitude from miles away.
  • Stanhope sees his openness as a counter to society's hypocrisy about such subjects.
  • CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - McCain accuses Obama of hypocrisy on gas tax stand « - Blogs from CNN. com McCain accuses Obama of hypocrisy on gas tax stand
  • Let's take their breathtaking hypocrisy. The Sun
  • Opening at the turn of the last century, it shows a society riven by hypocrisy and deceit. Times, Sunday Times
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  • It shines a light on the regime's brutality and exposes its hypocrisy to its own people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hypocrisy, though not evident regarding Bennett, is far superior to its replacement in the modern era, relativistic amoralism, as pure behavior seems lacking amongst our fellow humans. "For Republicans, there's only one candidate of hope: Hillary Rodham Clinton."
  • No longer the torch-bearer of iconoclasm, the scourge of intellectual hypocrisy, I had become instead mere target practice for Banner Wavers Anonymous.
  • It would be the sheerest hypocrisy for these same Democrats to give President Obama a pass on such criticism, merely on the grounds that he is of their party. Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points -- Zombie Attack!
  • His condemnation of violence and wealth, of government repression and church hypocrisy, brought him administrative pinpricks and excommunication.
  • (A striking example of this hypocrisy was the solicitude displayed by the Russian landowners last year, their efforts to combat the famine which they had caused, and by which they profited, selling not only bread at the highest price, but even potato haulm at five rubles the dessiatine (about 2 and four - fifths acres) for fuel to the freezing peasants.) The Kingdom of God Is Within You
  • Another showed the contemptible hypocrisy of the man, whose lustful glances at other women, as he walks with his wife, changes to anger as another man targets his wife.
  • That terrible festering secret of yours that burdens you, the hypocrisy of your life. The Sun
  • Her main strength is her hypocrisy, which she uses to bully the other teams into giving up luxuries that she herself uses daily.
  • In happier, prelapsarian times he would have inveighed against their hypocrisy. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Anyone who has any acquaintance with the Bible will know that prophets regularly used strong language when confronted with hypocrisy or decadence.
  • No matter how tightly you wrap yourself in the flag the stench of untramelled cant and hypocrisy always emerges.
  • A friend of his, who had held it, had enlarged upon the delightful hypocrisy of the sleepy little capital, where everything was engineered and "wangled" for the comfort of the A Mummer's Tale
  • Unfortunately, the conservative argument against gay marriage often reeks of hypocrisy.
  • It's not like we've a shortage of venality, corruption and lust (not to mention hypocrisy) in this country.
  • Others thought the IOC president was ending an era of massive hypocrisy, known as "shamateurism," in which state-sponsored professional athletes from Eastern bloc countries had passed as amateurs for decades. Olympics leader Juan Antonio Samaranch dies at 89
  • I'm a Christian but I'm not big on religion but I do produce a television program right now called "The Way of the Master" and that basically is -- it's a Christian reality program where we kind of unmask the -- the hypocrisy of a lot of modern religion that you see today. CNN Transcript Feb 12, 2006
  • Your hypocrisy insults my intelligence. Toba Beta 
  • Imagine the hypocrisy of John McCain complaining about revealing TORTURE against someone suspected of war crimes. McCain blasts decision on terror suspects
  • Maybe, in a truly punky and wanton act of hypocrisy, she might even return to the company.
  • Maybe every right-wing homophobe is merely doing it to “evoke outrage” and “point out hypocrisy”? Matthew Yglesias » Stay Classy, Conservative Blogosphere
  • A strong sense of right and wrong inspired paintings satirizing puritan hypocrisy and the destruction of wildlife.
  • Israel's hypocrisy and lies are sickening and revulsive by Elizabeth Molchany on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 6: 58: 06 PM World Hypocrisy
  • #28 – The “righteous right” will never wake up because it would mean that they’d see their own level of hypocrisy in it all…..just like Dubya….it’s a form of madness….in this case, religious zealotism or fanaticism. Think Progress » Gay marriage ban dropped.
  • The term bold faced hypocrisy seems more suitable.
  • It is the habit of men of all nations to want to have things both ways; the Englishman is unfortunately so unable to express himself, _even to himself_, that he has never realized this truth, much less confessed it -- hence his appearance of hypocrisy. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 3, June, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • Not only would they save Scotland's capital city from irreversible destruction, but they might also spare Edinburgh the embarrassment of being exposed before Unesco as an example of sheer hypocrisy and unworthiness.
  • What she had said about hoping that he would not come was all hypocrisy. Vanity Fair
  • I thought I got voted down on #3 because I thought curling is boring, even more than calling out Republican hypocrisy. Think Progress » Like His Friends In Congress, GOP House Candidate In Tennessee Also Guilty Of Stimulus Hypocrisy
  • Simply put, he thinks the NCAA's "immoral and criminal" bureaucratic handling of its finances and its "blatant hypocrisy, shamateurism and systematic ripoff" of youngsters must end. The Hoops Are Made Of Gold
  • In classical literature and ethics hypocrisy is condemned as undermining the essential distinction between good and evil.
  • At times I could hardly understand their porridge-thick accents, but I recognized a familiar sense of humor: a sidewise glance that spots hypocrisy head-on.
  • So I'll let you decide whether this smells of hypocrisy and double standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hypocrisy and a spirit of error will so besmut God's ordinances, that he shall take no pleasure in them: but sincerity, and honesty in duties, will make even those circumstances that in themselves are indifferent, at least comely in the sight of men. Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • He was known for his kindness, his candor, and his dislike of hypocrisy.
  • Yeah you probably right, but the hypocrisy and deceit of the Republicans which Americans loathe is simply unmatched! CNN Poll: Americans think Sanford should resign
  • And so he returns to the paparazzi and the predictable billets-doux slipped under the door by self-justifying journalists who have hypocrisy tattooed on their foreheads.
  • Perhaps the bouquets' sweet scent hides the whiff of hypocrisy. The Sun
  • Technically sweet and politically acceptable, it avoids accusation of moral hypocrisy by using economic arguments to appeal to self interest.
  • It shines a light on the regime 's brutality and exposes its hypocrisy to its own people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Educating people that this is not the case is hardly hypocrisy, except perhaps to those who hold the intenable position that the two are inherently incompatible. Science versus science or religion versus religion - The Panda's Thumb
  • There's one rule for her and another rule for everyone else and it's sheer hypocrisy.
  • Please spare us any more of your bad manners, chutzpah, irony and hypocrisy!
  • The novel tells the story of a teenager driven to despair by the hypocrisy of the adult world.
  • The words we hear from our leaders are a daily diet of lies, spin and hypocrisy.
  • Of one particular example of the manager's addiction to psychological warfare, he remarks that "it exposed for the umpteenth time the element of hypocrisy involved in railing against supposed trouble-making in the media while remaining such an arch-exponent of the black art himself". Football – Bloody Hell! The Biography of Alex Ferguson by Patrick Barclay – review
  • The other tabloids will gleefully join in, in a frenzy of self-righteous hypocrisy.
  • Hypocrisy, from the Ancient Greek word hypocrites - actor - is the condition of somebody who is untrue to their stated ideals.
  • It would be sheer hypocrisy to pray for success, since I've never believed in God.
  • The lower, yet still an estimable class, take up with worn-out Symbols of the Godlike; keep trimming and trucking between these and Hypocrisy, purblindly enough, miserably enough. Paras. 40-58
  • They will be exposed for things called hypocrisy and cant, and they will not get away with it.
  • Israel's hypocrisy and lies are sickening and revulsive by Elizabeth Molchany on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 8: 50: 05 PM World Hypocrisy
  • He is a brilliant, carrying noise on behalf of freedom of thought; and his special equipment for his peculiar revivalist mission comes of his gift for revealing to the common mind not merely the untruth of hypocrisy, but the laughableness of hypocrisy, first of all. Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
  • If hypocrisy was a ballroom dance, she'd be top of the leaderboard. The Sun
  • Maybe it is time to reject cant and hypocrisy, shed this sham of political correctness.
  • That woman's hypocrisy really gravels me for some reason.
  • Worship in truth is the antidote to idolatry, while worship in spirit is the antidote to hypocrisy.
  • But Shakespeare makes him live with himself and the consequences of his human weakness (not hypocrisy -- the Duke is hypocritical when he plays bawd to Mariana, but Angelo knows exactly what he's doing). Measure For Measure
  • She relies on us to see through folly and hypocrisy as keenly as she does herself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Technically sweet and politically acceptable, it avoids accusation of moral hypocrisy by using economic arguments to appeal to self interest.
  • Her strongest criticism was reserved for the prime minister whom she accused of 'nauseating hypocrisy'.
  • There is an important point to be made about so-called sexual hypocrisy in government.
  • An unerring faculty for detecting hypocrisy is one of her most useful attributes.
  • The declaration exposed him to accusations of hypocrisy after each revelation of arms sales to dubious regimes.
  • In the moralistic accents of today's leaders we hear echoes of a previous generation's hypocrisy.
  • They also include the public figures who would prefer their hypocrisy to remain unexposed. Times, Sunday Times
  • They had tried to take official hypocrisy about democracy at face value. Times, Sunday Times
  • Note, the sincere and serious beggars at Christ's door commonly meet with the worst rebukes from those that follow him but in pretence and hypocrisy. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Anyway, if I haven't already conveyed this notion, the band is pretty much built around the idea of subversiveness, of magnifying all sorts of cultural hypocrisy and absurdity in the name of reason, humor, enlightenment, etc. Hank Shteamer: Double Negative: Negativland At The Highline Ballroom
  • He even had the hypocrisy, at times, to felicitate himself upon his escape, and to draw bleak fireside pictures of the dismal future which would have been had he and Frona incompatibly mated. CHAPTER 15
  • The Boston Globe's Jeff Jacoby has also commented on the rank hypocrisy that is being demonstrated here.
  • When there are so many brand names and logos, you startcynically pondering the hypocrisy of the filmmakers, who are both slamming but also likely profiting from this blatant placement.
  • Opening at the turn of the last century, it shows a society riven by hypocrisy and deceit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amazing how some one so intelligent can be stupid enough to think such hypocrisy would pass unnoticed.
  • There's a lot of hypocrisy from the government about crime and what is happening in the inner cities.
  • That's why I say to you, be careful what you wish for, about me calling hellfire and brimstone down on a church for what you claim is its hypocrisy, since in my theology, you would fall first there. Abortion News and Information
  • He was capable of great dissimulation and hypocrisy.
  • As British ministers deliberate how they will vote in the Security Council, they are confronted with the choice between what is morally right – supporting a Palestinian state – and hypocrisy justified in the name of pragmatism. A Palestinian state is a moral right | Observer editorial
  • She produced a tape which she says lays bare the hypocrisy of a famous self-righteous director whom she depicts as a libidinous villain.
  • This chance to hit unattentive Americans with the hypocrisy of every proposal was missed! Think Progress » Webb: If Bush Doesn’t Take The ‘Right Kind Of Action…We Will Be Showing Him The Way’
  • There is enormous hypocrisy surrounding the pious veneration of the Constitution and ‘the rule of law.’
  • The Tea Party candidate represents the worst species of brazenness, brainlessness, knavery, and hypocrisy since the Know-Nothings of the 1840s and 1850s, a party driven by popular fears that the country would be taken over by German and Irish Catholic immigrants, hostile to Anglo-Saxon values. Robert Brustein: Reviling Obama
  • Nebraska safe haven law reveals societal hypocrisy yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Nebraska safe haven law reveals societal hypocrisy'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Officials want to revise the law to limit \'safe haven\' to abandoned newborns one and younger, in line with other states. Nebraska safe haven law reveals societal hypocrisy
  • His recent comments savour of hypocrisy.
  • Despite its cutesy air of chocolate-box Paris, The Elegance of the Hedgehog is, by the end, quite radical in its stand against French classism and hypocrisy. The Elegance of the Hedgehog: Summary and book reviews of The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery.
  • We are individuals as well as social beings, and open to accusations of selfishness and hypocrisy.
  • Denial of that fact by hiding behind the false concept of bisexuality is just more of the phony hypocrisy. Apparently I am a phony sex concept. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • From coloured to negro to coloured again: Norris – American theatre's foremost dissector of liberal middle-class hypocrisy – points to the human tendency to burrow into language, to obscure unpleasant truths with names and labels. Clybourne Park – review
  • Their hypocrisy, their cant and their lies are nailed to the wall and flayed with such devastating honesty and accuracy that one wonders how anyone could ever dare to be associated with their names again.
  • The problem lies in ethical anomie, philosophical befuddlement and the hypocrisy that today permeates every aspect of our so-called civilized world.
  • For humbug and hypocrisy have been high on the menu. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can't wait to enter the fray again, to challenge ignorance, to mock hypocrisy, to defeat a lie.
  • There is nothing wrong with courtesy but if it is made into an industry or profession it carries the danger of hypocrisy or self-delusion.
  • Perhaps the bouquets' sweet scent hides the whiff of hypocrisy. The Sun
  • Advertisers also point out the hypocrisy of barring sponsored programmes when sports coverage is awash with branding.
  • Hypocrisy is at its worst; for we not only persecute bigotedly but sincerely in the name of the cure-mongering witchcraft we do believe in, but callously and hypocritically in the name of the Evangelical creed that our rulers privately smile at as the Italian patricians of the fifth century smiled at Jupiter and Venus. The Revolutionist’s Handbook
  • The common factor among the marchers was a rejection of cant, lies and hypocrisy.
  • This is indeed a piece of deceit and hypocrisy. Christianity Today
  • This unfortunately exasperates too much hypocrisy in the GOP and Sen. Ensign pushing their so-called "family/traditional values" onto to others for political purposes, while having their own indiscretions. Sen. John Ensign resigns GOP leadership post
  • But the chorus of whines about interference in the internal affairs of the country is 90 per cent arrant hypocrisy.
  • The novel tells the story of a teenager driven to despair by the hypocrisy of the adult world.
  • It's hypocrisy that is imposed on them by a ridiculous and unjust system. Times, Sunday Times
  • The entire spectacle is a politically salutary lesson in the hypocrisy and brutality of imperialism, and the role of the United Nations as the cat's paw of great power politics.
  • He could spot hypocrisy, pomposity, smugness, snobbery, tomfoolery and turpitude from miles away.
  • Politicians and papers responded to the documentary with nauseating hypocrisy.
  • Rather we read Mark because he is an expert at exposing sham, pretension, and hypocrisy, and because he was the greatest American humorist of the 19th century.
  • This refusal to take any refreshment seemed to him the most odious hypocrisy; all priests tippled on the sly, and were trying to bring back the days of the tithe. Madame Bovary
  • The double standards and hypocrisy surrounding this particular issue are incredible.
  • I presume it was for humbug and hypocrisy. The Sun
  • And yet, though the necessary hypocrisy of a man of the world may have gangrened a poet, he ends by carrying the faculties of his talent into the expression of any required sentiment, just as a great man doomed to solitude ends by infusing his heart into his mind. Modeste Mignon
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Iran cites Israeli nuclear activity as example of world\'s hypocrisy'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Tehran says stringent IAEA inspections are unfair as Israel not partner to non-proliferation treaty, and claims western countries practice \'nuclear apartheid\'. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Iran cites Israeli nuclear activity as example of world's hypocrisy
  • Hypocrisy brucie hypocrisy, now be a good boy and go back and read your little post and then tell me if you can find your hypocrisy. hint - calling somebody a wanker (on my feelings, sniff being called a labeler, gasp! Think Progress » Coulter on 9/11 Widows: ‘I Have Never Seen People Enjoying their Husbands’ Death So Much’
  • He left the Kimberley Process in protest last year, because of what he called ineptitude and hypocrisy among some member states, and he named South Africa, Russia, China and India as countries which undermined the certification process. The Bearded Man
  • In fact the word sincere literally means “without hypocrisy.” Living on the Edge
  • The whole episode simply reeks of hypocrisy. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the rest of his life, pomposity, hypocrisy and false culture were his enemies. Times, Sunday Times
  • He called it "rank hypocrisy" that the government was now promoting equal rights.
  • The hypocrisy, double-speak and pretentiousness among the so-called illuminati is astounding. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • For humbug and hypocrisy have been high on the menu. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the whiff of hypocrisy is inescapable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only embarrassment is the GOP's continued hypocrisy and their obstructionist tactics. MN GOP calls Franken-Lieberman incident an 'embarrassment'
  • Open yer airms and minds tae folk in need, hain frae fylin and skaith the land and sea, tak tent o justice and the commonweal, ding doon hypocrisy, wanthrift and greed, heeze up the banner o humanity, seek oot the truth and tae the truth be leal.
  • I have never stopped being angry at hypocrisy and hate and stupidity and cupidity, either.
  • It stinks of humbug, hypocrisy and double standards. The Sun
  • He has really started something with his swingeing attack on the hypocrisy of the media.
  • The problem, of course, is with hypocrisy - realpolitik and dressing it up in moral language.
  • Opening at the turn of the last century, it shows a society riven by hypocrisy and deceit. Times, Sunday Times
  • He essentially created that culture, riddled as it was with hypocrisy.
  • This would have a cathartic effect; it would release us from the torments of hypocrisy, from the discomforts of a lie.
  • The film succeeds a little, if without imagination, in assailing the assumptions and hypocrisy of privileged white folks, but the film indulges its own presuppositions.
  • I don't like hypocrisy or pomposity. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some circles that type of duplicity is called, hypocrisy!!! McCain directs '100 year' fire at Obama
  • This is a stirring, withering polemic about breathtaking hypocrisy. Times, Sunday Times
  • And therefore the first answer to their enquiry is a very sharp reproof of their hypocrisy, directed, not only to the people of the land, but to the priests, who had set up these fasts, and perhaps some of them were for keeping them up, to serve some purpose of their own. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • For the Arab countries the United Nations, with its charter and its conventions, is an arena for manipulation and hypocrisy.
  • Here, I. Christ warns his disciples to take heed of hypocrisy, and of cowardice in professing Christianity and preaching the gospel, ver. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • I observed, with dissatisfaction, the growing intercourse between you, reflecting on the equivocalness of his character, and the attempt he would probably make to render you the dupe of his hypocrisy. Caleb Williams Or Things as They Are
  • They have offered NO alternatives, have lied through their teeth at every opportunity, and their hypocrisy shows in startling contrast to the Democrats doing their best to turn around our disaster of a Health Care System. Geithner defends AIG bailout
  • That women can freely cross-dress but men cannot is breathtaking hypocrisy.
  • They do not look for, do not see, and do not achieve insight into their fatal flaws - arrogance, overweening pride, hypocrisy, ineptitude, and, increasingly, irrelevance.
  • If it were necessary for me to experience sliminess, I would become slime. I would set limed snares in the thickets ( God forbid! ), playing songs of hypocrisy on my pipes.
  • There is a huge discrepancy here, there is hypocrisy. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be sure, the Times appears at least to recognize the potential for hypocrisy or self-contradiction in its statements.
  • No, the ‘pot, meet kettle’ comment is intended to point up your blatant hypocrisy … not surprising that you fail to understand it, although whether your obtuseness is a result of malice of just plain stupidity is a subject for further debate. Think Progress » Putin Jabs Bush: ‘We Certainly Would Not Want…The Same Kind of Democracy As They Have in Iraq’
  • He was known for his kindness, his candor, and his dislike of hypocrisy.
  • Politeness, The most acceptable hypocrisy. Ambrose Bierce 
  • The debate in the mainstream press has been a classic example of British hypocrisy.
  • I don't think that all clergy-people are like this - I don't even think that most are - but those few who are like this are triply, quintuply creepy and disturbing, and all too often their own hypocrisy sails right over their pious heads. Blog
  • The novel tells the story of a teenager driven to despair by the hypocrisy of the adult world.
  • The slaughter of men, women and children has been concealed by military and religious hypocrisy.
  • However, when you have to get ensnarled in a moralistic, holier than thou bandwagon, it gets a bit much and fringes on a type of hypocrisy which polarizes, becomes negative and one just wants to distance themselves from it. No mames!
  • I myself have had problems with American politics and hypocrisy since I was a small child.
  • He was wending his way through the editorial page two columns and seven letters on the hypocrisy of the Tory party's Recommitment to Basic British Values as reflected in the recent actions of the East Norfolk MP and his Paddington rent boy when he realized he'd read the same castigatory paragraph three times without the slightest idea of its contents. In the Presence of the Enemy
  • You have to admire the pretentious duplicity of these guys: they have elevated hypocrisy and lying to a new art form?
  • This monumental hypocrisy is breathtaking. The Sun
  • He argued that ‘hidden beneath the polished exterior of modern democracy are deceit, violence, corruption, mendacity, hypocrisy and oppression of the poor’.
  • Second, Barnes agreed with South Carolina editor Z. T. Cody who ‘called the whole signing up business sham and hypocrisy.’
  • What he perceives as the hypocrisy of the actor Robbie Coltrane, who attended a fancy school in Scotland before reinventing himself as "a lowborn grease-monkey," inspires a rare, and comical, rant. True Tales of a Happy Hypocrite
  • Oh and why is it that when a state that is mostly white and they come out in numbers for a white canidate is racist, and when blacks do the same it isn't. sounds like hypocrisy to me. nonny Schneider: Clinton, Obama win each other's voters
  • You can, I suppose, dismiss that message as purest Victorian hypocrisy, but to listen to the G-Minor Mass and the Fifth Symphony is to know that the greathearted genius who made them was the truest of believers in the power of art to uplift and ennoble the souls of his fellow men. How Can Skeptics Make Convincing Religious Art?
  • I'm sure O'Reilly and his ilk would consider me a "lowlife" for demonstrating what he views as my "intolerance and hypocrisy". Second Blogger Quits Edwards Campaign
  • The hypocrisy of the English FA is almost ubiquitous. Times, Sunday Times
  • President Obama accused Iran's leaders of hypocrisy for first encouraging the protests in Egypt, which they described as a continuation of Iran's own revolution, and then cracking down on Iranians who used the pretext to come out on the streets. NYT > Home Page
  • So along with your boundlessly vicious hypocrisy, you are (unsurprisingly) incapable of anything which could even possibly qualify as logical reasoning? Think Progress » Former McCain adviser Mark Zandi: The ‘stimulus was key’ to the strong 4th quarter growth of U.S. economy.
  • This, I am afraid, sits uneasily with the party’s demand for a referendum on the EU Constitution and by facing in diametrically opposite directions on the two referenda opens the party to a charge of hypocrisy. Archive 2007-11-25
  • One good litmus test in debate is to quantify the hypocrisy, then take note of who is turning a blind eye. Congratulations, Chuck!
  • Of course, all bureaucracies follow this pattern, but what a hypocrisy to find this even under a communized banner. Things One Should Not Forget « Whatever
  • It is the height of hypocrisy for him to complain that Darwinism lacks causal specificity when his own theory lacks any specificity, including one atom of historical concreteness.
  • Most others are relishing in pointing out your hypocrisy here - you are being hypocritical, but that doesn't change how much pain you're feeling.
  • Not only did Jesus scandalize these leaders by the company he kept, he went so far as to openly confront their hypocrisy.
  • It is hypocrisy against the devil] _Hypocrisy against the devil_, means hypocrisy to cheat the devil. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • Link wal-mart has institutionalized hypocrisy. they sell massive amounts of chinese goods while trumpeting their americanism. now, they create a political enviorment that encourages republican repression instead of american freedom. wal-mart is un-american.period. — Groups to File Complaint Against Wal-Mart - The Caucus Blog -
  • They will be exposed for things called hypocrisy and cant, and they will not get away with it.
  • The entire spectacle is a politically salutary lesson in the hypocrisy and brutality of imperialism, and the role of the United Nations as the cat's paw of great power politics.
  • She had been looking up files of old newspapers, and working herself up into a state of indignation with what she called the injustice and the hypocrisy of the prosecution. Chance
  • Once again, 'Conservatives', which has come to mean, 'living in fantasyland', will fail to see their utter hypocrisy. HuckPAC coordinator steps down, citing clemency decision
  • In Shakespearian tragedy, hypocrisy is not only a poison in itself but the cause of ever greater destruction.
  • If the voting records of the Blue Dogs are not evidence enough, and ifthe election victory of the Democrats in 2006 with subsequent lack of action is not enough, then surely the current display of Democratic hypocrisy should do the trick. OpEdNews - Diary: Repocrats and Dempublicans
  • It would be sheer hypocrisy to pray for success, since I've never believed in God.
  • One can find hypocrisy in the head of a Heineken, a fruit fly in the finest of fondu, a cockroach in the crust of an occasional croissant ... OpEdNews - Diary: Some Truth For A Change
  • The methods might have been foul - full of dishonesty, cynicism and hypocrisy - but they worked.
  • How about this hypocrisy … … a quitter is a quitter. Think Progress » Will Obama Recess-Appoint Former TSA Nominee Erroll Southers?
  • It stinks of humbug, hypocrisy and double standards. The Sun
  • He uses Moliere's play to make a film inside a film about hypocrisy (specifically swindling money from wealthy people using a disguise).
  • This sort of talk immediately opens itself up to the accusation of disingenuousness and hypocrisy.
  • Open yer airms and minds tae folk in need, hain frae fylin and skaith the land and sea, tak tent o justice and the commonweal, ding doon hypocrisy, wanthrift and greed, heeze up the banner o humanity, seek oot the truth and tae the truth be leal.
  • The deep-seated hatred can be understood, but this plastic thing on the surface, this hypocrisy is disagreeable, and we try to puncture that in the play.
  • This more than anything should show our supporters the inner hypocrisy of these so-called federalistic circles. Mein Kampf
  • In other words, you don't need to be a government insider to detect official deception and hypocrisy.
  • It stinks of humbug, hypocrisy and double standards. The Sun
  • Dick is the epitome of the hypocrisy of the GOP: Whatever happened, Dick, to the idea that not supporting our president aids and abets the enemy? Brennan: Cheney wrong to criticize Obama
  • Does this act of hypocrisy "permeate" the red-state electorate?
  • And next time, do a little background research before you lanch into sanctimonious, but false, claims of hypocrisy from the other side. Sound Politics: Gnashing of Democratic Teeth Begins
  • The blatant hypocrisy of the statist portside is inspiring. “Shut up, she explained.” - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • At the same time, the artist alludes to the real world, having it out with hypocrisy and duplicity.

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