How To Use Hypertensive In A Sentence

  • Taurine, a sulfur-containing amino acid, has been reported to have antihypertensive and sympatholytic activity.
  • The key to the successful management of patients with severely elevated BP is to differentiate hypertensive crises from hypertensive urgencies.
  • Dose Antihypertensive Treatment Reduce Stroke - Related Mortality and Disability in Patients with Acute ICH?
  • Results: The main causes of encephalic infarction in the youngster were hypertensive cerebral arteriosclerosis, cranium trauma, cerebral arteritis and drinking.
  • Reserpine was used in the past as an antihypertensive, and may cause hypotension.
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  • Thiazolidone derivatives also have very important physiological activities, and they can be used as a fungicide, radiation sensitizing agents, antihypertensive drugs and diabetes.
  • Green coffee bean extract has been studied as an anti-hypertensive.
  • Fifteen children were hypertensive, with the disease in 3 children uncontrolled by diet and the usual antihypertensive drugs.
  • An 88-year-old hypertensive man with multiple myeloma was admitted to our hospital because of a right lower lobe pneumonia.
  • One example is the antihypertensive effect of dietary peptides derived from milk protein, mediated by angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition.
  • The administration of antihypertensive and anticholinergic medications also impairs salivary functions and promotes xerostomia.
  • Dilation of blood vessels decreases blood pressure and hence has an antihypertensive effect.
  • The antihypertensive effects of the medication were presented at the International Congress on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy.
  • The diuretics were contaminated with bacteria; the antiepileptic drugs were contaminated with fungi, and one patient died because of taking those drugs; the antihypertensive drugs and the antidiabetic drugs were mixed. Chaotic drug management in Hong Kong
  • Several studies have demonstrated that physical activity reduces blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive persons, regardless of weight loss.
  • However, these agents are recommended for use in hypertensive patients who already have vascular disease.
  • Antihypertensive drugs, diuretics and anticoagulants, etc., which were being used before the traditional herbal therapy, were continued.
  • In a study of the relationship between corporate affiliations and divided medical opinion over a controversial class of anti-hypertensive drugs, researchers found that 96% of those who were supportive of the drugs had financial ties to the industry.
  • The fourth agent, pargyline has been used as an antihypertensive agent. Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • Ginseng can interact with antihypertensives, and Siberian ‘ginseng’ can potentiate the effects of digoxin.
  • Rolling his gutteral Prussian R's with gusto, he sang in an indescribable blend of nasality and hypertensive stridency. Music of the Weimar Republic --
  • This patient's blood pressure is 10% higher today, and you've ordered an additional antihypertensive.
  • Cyclic antidepressants and neuroleptics can negate the antihypertensive effect of guanethidine. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • One in four American adults have hypertension, and up to 30% of deaths in hypertensives are attributable to high blood pressure.
  • Atrial fibrillation is less common among hypertensive patients taking long-term monotherapy with ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II-receptor blockers (ARBs), or beta-blockers than among those on calcium channel blockers, the Medlogs - Recent stories
  • It was meant to be an anti-hypertensive.
  • A clinical study was conducted on two groups: 12 patients consulting for the first time, and 18 patients on conventional antihypertensive treatment.
  • Conventional therapy for hypertensive crisis should be employed. 5 A rapid short-acting parenteral alpha-adrenergic blocker, such as phentolamine, or vasodilators, such as nitroprusside, are recommended. Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • She also advised people to seek professional guidance as Andrographis has potential interactions with anticoagulant, antihypertensive, immunosuppressant and hypoglycemic drugs. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Science Rediscovers the Forgotten Herb Andrographis
  • Psychological profile analysis showed lower score for type-A personality and their mood behaviour in the hypomania-euthymia range compared with white coat and sustained hypertensives. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Hypertensive encephalopathy is the syndrome of central nervous system impairment associated with hypertensive crisis.
  • A 43 year old female, diabetic, hypertensive patient presented with a two year history of clear left sided nasal discharge which was worse on bending forward.
  • She has a history of hypertensive atherosclerotic heart disease that is currently well controlled and asymptomatic.
  • At her last annual physical examination, Mrs. Harrison had been started on antihypertensive therapy, and today she needed a recheck and updated lab work.
  • In general, tubulointerstitial diseases progress more slowly than do glomerular diseases, diabetic and hypertensive nephropathy, and polycystic kidney disease.
  • Treatment of the hypertensive crisis requires an alpha-adrenergic blocking agent; parenteral phentolamine 5 mg IV, followed by 0.25-0.50 mg IV every 4-6 hours is the standard. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • The authors conclude that targeted diabetes screening in hypertensive patients older than 55 years is the most efficient strategy.
  • Severe hypertension should be treated; antihypertensive medications can be discontinued when blood pressure returns to normal.
  • Antihypertensive drugs, calcium-channel blockers and some anti-inflammatory drugs can cause painful ulcerations of the gums. If Your Teeth Could Talk ...
  • Objective: To explore the value of examining effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) by renal radionuclide imaging to diagnose early hypertensive nephropathy.
  • Spinal cord injury (SCI) (cont.) guard for signs of autonomic dysreflexia and uterine prolapse.52,53 Birth control pills are usually not advisable and should not be used if taking antihypertensive medication.54 A, B, C, D, E OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • Aim To investigate the lactate transportation of myocardium sarcolemmal vesicle ( SLV ) in normotensive and hypertensive rats.
  • In a report in the journal Stroke, Dr. Sylvie Perreault of McGill University, Montreal, and colleagues note that the benefits of blood pressure-lowering, or "antihypertensive," therapy on major cardiovascular outcomes have been demonstrated in clinical trials. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Conventional therapy for hypertensive crisis should be employed. 5 A rapid short-acting parenteral alpha-adrenergic blocker, such as phentolamine, or vasodilators, such as nitroprusside, are recommended. Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • A minimally effective antihypertensive might not be made available over the counter.
  • The hypertensive effects of cocaine and amphetamines also are sympathomimetic.
  • Prescription medications such as diuretics and antihypertensives, as well as illicit drugs, can decrease the body's ability to thermoregulate.
  • In portal hypertensive gastropathy, the mucosa is friable and bleeding occurs when the ectatic vessels rupture and manifest as mucosal oozing.
  • Fully dressed, she lay atop the bedclothes clutching a windup alarm clock with double brass hemispheres on top, registering its hypertensive ticktock like the pulse of a mechanical hummingbird.
  • Antihypertensive therapy was given to three patients at the beginning of the study and to all patients in due course.
  • Because the hypotensive effects of nifedipine cannot be closely regulated, this drug should not be used for BP control in patients with hypertensive crises.
  • Antihypertensives, antipyretics, other medications, and drugs of abuse such as alcohol and heroin may cause night sweats.
  • It is rare for malignant hypertension to cause asymmetric hypertensive retinopathy.
  • The Kyoto Heart study links valsartan and an improved cardiovascular outcome in Japanese hypertensive patients THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Beta blockers are among the oldest classes of antihypertensive drugs. Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific
  • We have registered two products in the UK, one is the antihypertensive drug lisinopril and the other is diuretic frusemide.
  • The effects of the drugs on clinical outcomes have not been compared in long term clinical trials in hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients.
  • This rarefaction can be found in young hypertensives and may have a hereditary component.
  • In preliminary reports, exercise training in hypertensives leads to regression of left ventricular hypertrophy.
  • Patients were gradually able to decrease antihypertensive drug therapy during the first one to six months.
  • The patient was last examined 12 months postoperatively and was without hypertensive signs or symptoms.
  • The clinical manifestations of hypertensive encephalopathy are due to increased cerebral perfusion from the loss of blood-brain barrier integrity, resulting in exudation of fluid into the brain.
  • The literature indicates that hypertensive and hyperthermic crises may occur when high doses are given.
  • Compared with similar patients who took dummy pills, those who took so-called antihypertensive medication cut their risk of stroke by 23 percent; NYT > Home Page
  • Hypertensive nephropathy causes damage to which organs? Times, Sunday Times
  • These were treated with changes in his peritoneal dialysate, Kayexalate, and anti-hypertensive medication and he had no residual problems.
  • Although central resetting via the aortic depressor nerve (ADN) has been known to occur in spontaneously hypertensive rats, the function of the ADN is not yet clear in these animals.
  • She also advised people to seek professional guidance as Andrographis has potential interactions with anticoagulant, antihypertensive, immunosuppressant and hypoglycemic drugs. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Science Rediscovers the Forgotten Herb Andrographis
  • We also calculated standardised mortality ratios for all hypertensive patients.
  • Chronic pyelonephritis has a relapse instead, cause kidney function finally not full-time, companion hairHypertensiveprobability increases apparently.
  • Licensed primarily as an antihypertensive, clonidine shares some pharmacological effects with bupropion and tricyclic antidepressants.
  • Among them, we can mention migrainous and hypertensive headaches.
  • Food and Drug Administration, often is used as an alternative to other antihypertensive drugs in people who cannot tolerate other blood pressure medicines.
  • Results: The main causes of encephalic infarction in the youngster were hypertensive cerebral arteriosclerosis, cranium trauma, cerebral arteritis and drinking.
  • He then presumes that we believe that ‘all newly diagnosed hypertensive patients would benefit from ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.’
  • Only antihypertensive and antidiabetic drugs were permitted, if needed.
  • Although antihypertensive drugs reduce blood pressure, some may also dampen exercise performance.
  • Data were entered by subgroup according to the type of antihypertensive that was compared with hydralazine.
  • In a retrospective study by Rabkin and associates, the most frequently occurring adverse effects included hypertensive reactions (some of these were due to inadvertent consumption of foods containing tyramine or concurrent use of catecholamine-containing drugs), orthostatic hypotension, hypomania, weight gain and sexual dysfunction. 2 In most cases adverse effects were controlled with dosage adjustments. Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • The general statistics arrived on the basis of various studies by different institutions reveal that 3. 5-4 per cent of people with hypertension have a risk for heart attacks, 3 per cent of people have a risk of stroke and a long-term hypertensive person has a risk of kidney disease. The Hindu - Front Page
  • You whine about hypertensives and diabetics, but some time calculate how much you make treating them.
  • A growing number of agents are available for management of hypertensive crises.
  • In this way, another study shows that ventilatory responses to hypoxia were higher in hypertensive patients than in normotensive OSA patients.
  • The study included 1,094 self-identified blacks with hypertensive kidney disease.
  • We used ARR 240 as the cut-off threshold for screening primary aldosteronism in another 178 hypertensive patients and ARR was greater than 240 in all 15 patients with confirmed primary aldosteronism.
  • When blood pressure quick heighten appearsHypertensiveWhen danger is resembled, constant expression is recognizant obstacle.
  • Researchers collected data on 380 pharmacologically treated hypertensive patients who had an ischemic stroke between 1989 and 1996.
  • These types of disorders, also called hypertensive disorders, can cause complications and may result in infant death. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • We previously reported that ACE inhibitors may cure symptomless dysphagia in hypertensive patients with stroke.
  • Conclusion Ventricular extradrainage and lumbar puncture can reduce the mortality and disability rate of hypertensive thalamic hemorrhage of ventricular type.
  • The principal causes are hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and severe intrauterine growth restriction, which is often associated with hypertensive disorders.
  • Glycyrrhizin may potentiate the effects of corticosteroids, antihypertensive agents, diuretics, and hormones.
  • We were seeing people who had not taken their antihypertensive because they didn't know where it was.
  • Despite the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences among various beta blockers, they have similar clinical antihypertensive efficacy.
  • Combinations of several drugs will be required for most patients, and such an antihypertensive treatment cocktail should include a thiazide diuretic.
  • The medical history may also yield medical indications for, or contraindications to, specific antihypertensive drugs.
  • Dr. Ye: Shall we use antihypertensive therapy in diabetic patients with relatively normal blood pressure?
  • Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of minimally invasive operation on severe hypertensive intracerebellar hemorrhage, and enhance the knowledge for minimally invasive operation.
  • We have registered two products in the UK, one is the antihypertensive drug lisinopril and the other is diuretic frusemide.
  • By administering an antihypertensive, they were able to slow progression of diabetic eye damage in more than 65% of participants involved in the study.
  • The manifestations of hypertensive crises are those of end-organ dysfunction.
  • The American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association and American Medical Association have established specific goals for treatment that may require patients to take one or more antihypertensive medications to achieve the desired blood pressure readings. Bruce A. Barron: Million Hearts Program and the New York Blood Center
  • They carry very real risks of hypertensive crises, seizures, strokes, and uterine rupture.
  • Despite the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences among various beta blockers, they have similar clinical antihypertensive efficacy.
  • Conventional therapy for hypertensive crisis should be employed. 5 A rapid short-acting parenteral alpha-adrenergic blocker, such as phentolamine, or vasodilators, such as nitroprusside, are recommended. Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • The key to the successful management of patients with severely elevated BP is to differentiate hypertensive crises from hypertensive urgencies.
  • Many factors like BMI, BP and glycaemic control might affect IR in an obese hypertensive diabetic patient population like our amlodipine group.
  • One study found insufficient sleep can contribute to increased blood pressure in hypertensives.
  • The patient was hypertensive and had coronary artery disease.
  • As an antihypertensive, drowsiness is a common side effect of clonidine.
  • Approximately half of the cases of pheochromocytoma manifest characteristic hypertensive crises.
  • Murphy blamed Gans 'death on "acute hydromorphone toxicity," and said Gans also had hypertensive cardiovascular disease, a high blood pressure condition, and a condition called polycythemia that caused his red blood cell count to go up. WIBW - HomePage - Headlines
  • I was recently digging out information on bringing characteristics of the microbes to bear that have anti-hypertensive properties.
  • Bretylium was used as an antihypertensive in the 1950s.
  • Objective:To observe the impact of CRP about saiga horn preparation with the mild cerebral hypothermia in acute stage of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage.
  • To assess the impact of sibutramine on blood pressure and pulse rate, only patients (N = 10,025) who reported no change in the class of antihypertensive medication used and who did not report an increase in antihypertensive medication use were analysed. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Blood Pressure-Lowering Effects of Sibutramine
  • Anti-hypertensive therapy can lower blood pressure.
  • Onions contain an antihypertensive agent.
  • Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial" (ALLHAT) showed that cheap blood-pressure-lowering drugs in a class known as diuretics worked better than newer, more expensive calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors. --
  • In my opinion, Wolf, the release of the finding of hypertensive and arteriosclerotic-cardiovascular (ph) disease within the day or so after the autopsy was premature. CNN Transcript Aug 12, 2009
  • A Swedish study in which hypertensive men had higher mortality from cardiovascular disease than non-hypertensive men presented similar findings.
  • Objective To observe the effect of protopine(Pro) on blood pressure(BP) of the hypertensive and normal-tensive rats, to evaluate it's potential availability in clinic.

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