How To Use hyperon In A Sentence
- S° hyperon as well as differential cross-sections for the production of those particles by pions. Donald A. Glaser - Biography
- The lightest particles were named leptons, those with medium mass, mesons, heavier particles were called baryons, and the heaviest particles of all, hyperons.
- Then the integer-spin-drive wake of a passing scout ship assigned to trail the passing starcruiser disrupted Faulk's hyperon multiplet enhancer.
- As large number of hyperons may be produced in dense matter, hyperon-hyperon interaction is important and included in this model. Science
- When the violation of parity was discovered I began a series of electronic experiments to investigate parity violation in hyperon decays. James Cronin - Autobiography
- We now call these particles ‘kaons’ and ‘lambda hyperons,’ but at the time they were simple ‘strange particles.’
- The baryon classification took on new members, including particles more massive than the proton called hyperons.
- I moved to the larger machine where I continued to do some weak interaction experiments, like for instance the determination of the parity violation in the beta decay of the lambda hyperon. Carlo Rubbia - Autobiography
- Other experiments yielded information on pion-proton scattering, parity violation in non-leptonic hyperon decay, and the branching ratios in positive K meson decay. Donald A. Glaser - Biography
- It was contaminated by a large flux of L0, and so was also a hyperon beam, permitting the first measurements of L0 cross-sections as well as the Jack Steinberger - Autobiography