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How To Use Hyperactive In A Sentence

  • It all starts when Chuck is asked to teach an after-school program in cartooning to elementary school kids†¦ and it isn†™ t long before he learns the kids can be more hyperactive than his doodles! Archie Comics for February 2010 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Clear-cut clinical evidence of a hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus should be present, such as respiratory distress, a continuous murmur, a hyperactive precordium, cardiomegaly and pulmonary plethora on chest x-ray. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • She said that the staff seemed hyperactively helpful, as if they were on permanent running highs, or triple espressos. Shopping, On the Run
  • -- Do they seem overtired, cranky, irritable, aggressive, overemotional or hyperactive, or have trouble thinking during the day? Kids tucked in with a dose of melatonin
  • Although basically a noble failure from the sound of it, good things have come of the attempt—for example, "The Colbert Report," where the gentle, soft-spoken Brit rose hyperactively to the occasion. Perfecting The Toaster
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  • While it can be argued that make sex too-taboo of a topic can hamper the spread of information, in 10 – 16 year-olds, giving that hyperactive brain region a chance to relax a smidge is more likely to be helpful. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
  • A hyperactive manic patient will nearly always have a rapid heart rate, but it doesn't follow that a rapid heart rate causes the mania.
  • Willoughby, an attention-seeking hyperactive child, was, by his mid to late teens, violently deranged.
  • I was a hyperactive child who attended the Detroit public schools.
  • Women who suffer anxiety during pregnancy are, apparently, twice as likely to have a hyperactive child.
  • Acura RDX $37,165 With a hyperactive turbocharged four-cylinder engine, the RDX is a crossover for boy-racer types who've chopped off their mohawks and outgrown their souped-up Civics. Test: No-Tape HD Videocams, Killer Snowboards, Hype-Worthy Crossover Utility Vehicles
  • True, the arrangements were sometimes cartoonishly hyperactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Have you ever noticed that one of your colleagues is particularly irritable, difficult to work with or perhaps even a hyperactive time-waster?
  • A NIH study in 1982 tested the theory that refined sugar and food additives make children hyperactive and inattentive.
  • It was a part that captured a peculiarly repellent side of the Reagan-Thatcher era and it rightly brought Michael Douglas an Oscar for outdoing the hyperactive villains his father, Kirk, played in postwar melodramas. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps – review
  • But for those who were alive before this hyperactive culture grew up around us, it was during those interstices of life's activities that we breathed, relaxed, observed, thought things over.
  • The mobile clinic's microscope is not state-of-the-art, but it was clear enough to see the hyperactive flagellated trichomonads scurrying around the field.
  • Sixty-four percent of those polled said their pets tried to hide in a safe place, 56 percent said they whined or cried, 52 percent said they became hyperactive, erratic or made unpredictable movements, and 36 percent said they barked or meowed persistently. Do Pets Have A Sixth Sense?
  • A spokesman for the Medical Examiner told Gang Land last week that Nastasa died from natural causes, specifically "hyperactive and arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Jerry Capeci: DEA Grinches Spoil Bonanno Family Christmas Party
  • Even too much oxygen makes people hyperactive, until they eventually become less productive.
  • Look at all these ladders that we can't use, instead forced to run in random directions below and jump like hyperactive idiots.
  • Jackson's son, Rep. Jesse Jackson III, is hyperactively seeking the Senate seat vacated by Barry/Barack. Marian's Blog
  • In addition, the observation that the "noisiest" neurons have a survival advantage helps explain the prevalence of epilepsy, in which some neurons become hyperactive and fire in an uncontrollable fashion. - latest science and technology news stories
  • I have three hyperactive children and two of them have behavioural problems, so I really need a job I can do at home.
  • How can petite-bodied Philippe Petit, a hyperactive Frenchman with freckles and carrot-top hair, possibly carry a film that does, in fact, involve illegal smuggling, the bypassing of security, and other activities typically confined to scarfaced, tough-guy villains? Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence
  • He is tasked with directing the school's annual play, assisted by his childishly hyperactive classroom assistant.
  • The HIV virus promotes dementia, then the brain activity becomes hyperactive.
  • All of which are increasingly devalued in our hyperactive society. Times, Sunday Times
  • Webloggers are collectively, hyperactively and accidentally making sense of the Web.
  • Porrino et al using an instrument designed at the NIMH called the actinometer found that a 15 mg dose of DAS would produce a decrease in hyperactive motor behavior for 8 hours.
  • Mary Ellen's hyperactive guilt complex responded immediately and sat like a prickly insect at the bottom of her stomach.
  • A theatre full of modern-day hyperactive children still laughs and cheers at all the right places.
  • Various means have been employed to assess sense of time in hyperactive or ADHD children.
  • But no, all the flora on 1212 Muscae, from the simplest to the most complex, were apparently a little on the hyperactive side—walking trees, for pity's sake, whose good idea was that? Doctor’s Orders
  • But that's the nature of today's hyperactive, overheated competitive environment.
  • Rush is always an entertaining turn and the role promises to license a hyperactive nastiness.
  • In person, the Esquire columnist and author of four books is hyperactive, edgy and funnier than any stand-up comic.
  • How often have we demanded of our priests that they be hyperactive administrators, social workers, or church managers?
  • Mark Chitty lives in Caernarfon, North Wales with his wife, Jane, and hyperactive cocker spaniel, Snoop. MIND MELD: The Perfect SF/F/H Books to Give to People Who Don't Read SF/F/H
  • They started out as nature's hyperactive show-offs, but now they're levitating and vibrating with excitement, tumescent with joy and hormones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although his sound is gangsta rap, and Bay Area hyphy (hyperactive), Young Bari uses no profanity. Len Hollie: Bay Area Rappers Return to NYC Looking For a Win
  • Hyperactive children often have poor concentration and require very little sleep.
  • Its denizens slip hyperactively in and out of view like character actors with coffee addictions and inspired agents.
  • Sub-Ministry industrial grind is a favorite, though overdriven drum machines have never signified "postapocalyptic" to anybody but self-pitying goth kids with hyperactive imaginations. Chicago Reader
  • His research was used in planning treatments for hyperactive children.
  • His work involved helping hyperactive children to use their energy in a constructive way.
  • I can't be micromanaging every crackpot decision of a hyperactive home secretary.
  • While boys may be hyperactive and more visible for teachers, the typical girl with ADD is most often quiet, a daydreamer and unfortunately overlooked. George Sachs, Psy.D.: Women With ADD
  • No interview can proceed without hyperactive jump cuts to tangentially relevant footage or airplanes, cars or food.
  • Hyperactive children often have poor concentration and require very little sleep.
  • Contempt is a daring idea to build a character around, much less a whole movie, and you thrill to Norton's hyperactive rant, his attitude.
  • The three subtypes of delirium are hyperactive, hypoactive, and mixed.
  • Some children are too hyperactive or inattentive to function in a regular classroom, even with medication and a behavior management plan.
  • Sure, she was a bit hyperactive, but she came by that naturally.
  • Cylert (pemoline), a medication used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, caused liver failure in 13 children. Sound Politics: Why Killing Lab Rats Is Good
  • These types of impressive, hyperactive guitar licks cover much of the album.
  • He doesn't think he can be under the same roof as my hyperactive ten-year-old son. The Sun
  • Richie hyperactively schmoozes his way through the series, punctuated by brief moments of insight and intensity.
  • It was like a lightning rod that drew to itself all the negative impulses of a hyperactive time.
  • He was bullied at school but was also hyperactive and a disruptive influence and ended up in care.
  • Will video games turn my sons into hyperactive Italian plumbers? Times, Sunday Times
  • Given the cheetah's tendency to activity, cats who spend most of their time sleeping in the sun might well label the cheetah hyperactive. Free to Run
  • The next time your broker or advisor recommends an actively managed (I call them "hyperactively managed") stock or bond fund, the conversation should go like this: Dan Solin: Is This a Farce or a Con?
  • She was hyperbright, hyperefficient and, one suspects, hyperactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • This has happened two or three times before, where she calls all my friends fearing that I'm either lying unconscious on my bed holding an empty bottle of quaaludes or being held prisoner in the cellar of some deinstitutionalized psychotic who has a thing for hyperactive white chicks. Kinaesthesia Diary Entry
  • Dustin Hoffman has a lot of fun as the hyperactive Mr Big - and gets to try on a lot of character tics for size.
  • For years parents of hyperactive children have fought to have the condition taken seriously.
  • Hyperactive children find it difficult to concentrate.
  • Publishing next week in the online, open access journal PLoS Biology, a new study reveals that early activation of astroglia, the main population of glial cells in the brain, by hyperactive neurons is one of the crucial events that predisposes neurons nearby to the generation of an epileptic discharge. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Thousands of severely hyperactive children in the UK should soon benefit from a new type of drug, doctors said today.
  • He was a slow developer and hyperactive.
  • My wife had a hyperactive thyroid. Christianity Today
  • For the love of the TV Gods.7.32pm ET: This debate is on CNBC, a cable news channel that is usually hyperactively covering share prices even more so in recent weeks, as you can imagine. GOP debate in Michigan – as it happened
  • No high costs or hyperactively managed funds for this plan. Dan Solin: Making a Bad Situation Worse: Investing in 401(k)s without an Employer Match
  • Artistic endeavors may be an active outlet for your hyperactive nature.
  • There is a huge cost in having a hyperactive, interventionist and regulatory government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Move: Choreographing You, which opened last week, sets out to change that, with a series of installations in which the visitor is an active, and at times hyperactive, participant. Move: Choreographing You; Renditions
  • The demo was brief, but it left me hyperactively excited. REVIEW: Batman: Arkham Asylum
  • For fantastic stalker songs, though, One Way or Another hyperactively pogos all over it, then follows you home.
  • But whilst wild pop videos often have completely hyperactive camerawork, films normally don't and Catwoman is testimony as to why.
  • But there was one matter for distress - in babyhood Jamie developed hyperactive and autistic behaviour and in 1961 he was placed in Smith Falls Bertram N. Brockhouse - Autobiography
  • You've spent too much cold-sweat on false anthems, generic beats, and hyperactive production work.
  • I agree -- even though my own rage would be hyperactive if I or a loved one was violated -- I still agree that killing for killing's sake does not bring a person back, and who is to say that it does justice if it enmeshes us forever in a cycle of violence? Carol Smaldino: Stories of Forgiveness
  • Alternating with these periods, there would be periods of feeling high and being hyperactive and energetic.
  • Deep tendon reflexes are usually diminished, but in cases with prominent lateral column disease may be hyperactive with extensor plantar reflexes.
  • Mr Mannion was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and put on Ritalin from a young age. ‘Psychic Healer’ Controversy
  • Will video games turn my sons into hyperactive Italian plumbers? Times, Sunday Times
  • Other potential causes of androgen excess and menstrual irregularities include conditions unique to pregnancy, such as luteoma and a hyperactive luteal body.
  • If the concrete were to stop pouring-because of a blockage in the pipe, for example-the already hyperactive melee would become frenetic.
  • He was difficult, hyperactive and extremely creative, while they were good, if a little dull, Christian children.
  • She didn't know where this place was that supposedly they were meant to go to, and because of that tried to push the thought out of her hyperactive head.
  • His research was used in planning treatments for hyperactive children.
  • Poke around the middle of the store, and you'll find a mix of subgenres: reprints of vintage comics; the arty (and often raw) 'comix' indebted to the underground movement of the 1960s; and Japanese titles based on the hyperactive animé cartoons. The Spirit of the Spirit
  • One can only imagine the trauma that the hyperactive Minister for Europe has endured during the past few days.
  • A theatre full of modern-day hyperactive children still laughs and cheers at all the right places.
  • But whilst wild pop videos often have completely hyperactive camerawork, films normally don't.
  • Weight loss despite adequate calories suggests an overactive thyroid (a blood test is necessary), Parkinsonism, diabetes, or a hyperactive Alzheimer pacer.
  • The researchers concluded that ‘significant changes in children's hyperactive behaviour could be produced by the removal of food colourings and additives from their diet’.
  • a hyperactive child
  • She metamorphoses from a Gothic heroine passively awaiting deliverance to a hyperactive maniac who believes that she needs to protect men by dragging them away from “The fierce and fiery light” (5.2.45) and the imaginary legions of the advancing dead (Orra 164). The Liberating and Debilitating Imagination in Joanna Baillie’s Orra and The Dream
  • You know, I think it's his fault that the elevator in my building is hyperactive.
  • Hyperactive, troublesome, ornery and just plain prolific… here comes Ryan again and he still means business.
  • Even those hyperactive hares, so often jokily trite, are revealed to have more subtle precursors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oliver (Craig Roberts) lives in Wales, lusting after the right girl and hyperactively role-playing a conversation with the girl or whisking her away or at least trying to. Michael Giltz: Toronto Film Fest Day 5: Ozon Saves a Dour Day
  • As a hyperactive child, he wore himself out dancing every day, much to their relief.
  • All of which are increasingly devalued in our hyperactive society. Times, Sunday Times
  • A hyperactive deep tendon reflex was noted, but there was neither muscle weakness nor hepatomegaly.
  • Sweaty, stammering and hyperactive, Lemmon seemed to embody the countertype of the monumental, granite-jawed leading - Articles related to Signs of a Pickup in Asia's Job Markets
  • The hyperactive groups, however, did not differ from each other in the number of time estimation errors.
  • The process sweeps from hyperactive America to Europe and reaches the emerging countries with unsurpassed might.
  • A good child is often termed well adjusted, as opposed to children who are shy, withdrawn, overly aggressive, or hyperactive.
  • Deep tendon reflexes are usually diminished, but in cases with prominent lateral column disease may be hyperactive with extensor plantar reflexes.
  • With engaging actors, steamy sex, a hyperactive stream of mostly witty dialogue, and a core of emotional weight, Leaving Metropolis is well worth the time you give it.
  • The researchers concluded that ‘significant changes in children's hyperactive behaviour could be produced by the removal of food colourings and additives from their diet’.
  • Despite aggressive neuroleptic treatment, they continue to be hyperactive, although stiff, ataxic, and slurred in speech. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • If the concrete were to stop pouring-because of a blockage in the pipe, for example-the already hyperactive melee would become frenetic.
  • And parents or teachers described some 28 percent of the children as hyperactive.
  • The biggest annoyance is that this spastic clutter of a hyperactive, ultra-communicative, check down time-waster is a first ballot Hall of Fame shoe-in. The Peyton Puzzle: Redskins Week 6 preview
  • Behavioral and neuropsychological evidence suggests that hyperactive children show deficits in timing of behavior.
  • My wife had a hyperactive thyroid. Christianity Today
  • So where does this tale of abnormal, sane, hyperactive ambition begin?
  • I've come to realize that being with Tomaz is not unlike hanging out with a hyperactive child.
  • Keith, hyperactive and aggressive, a naughty boy.
  • A ‘hyperactive’ only child, she would spend her time milking her parents' cows and practising her ballet steps.
  • All of which are increasingly devalued in our hyperactive society. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or is it creating a neurotic, hyperactive corporate culture in which chief executives are too nervous to make any decisions?
  • These results suggest that symptoms of ADHD are more common in obese individuals (irrespective of BED status) and that the D3 receptor may play a role in the manifestation of the hyperactive/impulsive symptoms of ADHD. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Still More on ADHD and Obesity
  • Some customers are parents of hyperactive children put on special diets.
  • He doesn't think he can be under the same roof as my hyperactive ten-year-old son. The Sun
  • After about five days patients enter a second phase in which they are restless but not hyperactive or hostile and are now cooperative.
  • He is a sweet, tender-hearted, hyperactive kid.
  • He is a sweet, tender-hearted, hyperactive kid.
  • Hyperactive cameras and flashing lights aplenty to give the impression that this is all very exciting.
  • The authors repeated the analysis for the hyperactive probands who had or had not been treated with stimulants in high school.
  • If a student is predominantly hyperactive then a kinesthetic approach to an academic exercise may be beneficial.
  • A two-stage screening procedure was used to identify boys who were pervasively hyperactive.
  • A hyperactive, undersized boy, he loved playing football and joined a local junior team.
  • Tomorrow's World was essential viewing for a sci-fi oriented, hyperactively curious kid/teenager such as the young Hg.
  • Blue softens the energy of hyperactive children's rooms.
  • But the hopefulness with which Joey starts the summer rapidly devolves into confusion and fright as he tries to manage his remorseful, fetching, intemperate, hyperactive, and alcoholic father.
  • Broker: I recommend this [hyperactively managed] stock [or bond] fund. Dan Solin: Is This a Farce or a Con?
  • She is extremely hyperactive and impulsive for her age.
  • Now finally issued on CD, Killing Time reveals Frith at his most hyperactive and unfettered.
  • I couldn't help but to smile at this hyperactive ball of energy.
  • I was buzzing, bubbling, and hyperactive as I anticipated what was to follow.
  • Weight loss despite adequate calories suggests an overactive thyroid (a blood test is necessary), Parkinsonism, diabetes, or a hyperactive Alzheimer pacer.
  • Erratic, uneven and hyperactive it may be, but this is home-made film-making with heart and soul.
  • I'm guessing it's one of those medical anomalies like giving speed to hyperactive children to calm them down.

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