

  1. a crystalline amino acid obtained from gelatin or collagen

How To Use hydroxyproline In A Sentence

  • In contrast, HPLC determination of hydroxyproline content, as a surrogate marker for collagen protein levels, demonstrated no significant differences between the bleomycin groups - in agreement with the Ashcroft scores. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • On the presence of collagen in the brain of calf and man with special reference to the isolation of an unknown protein containing hydroxyproline by Leonard Wartofsky Solitary Confinement In U.S. Prisons Making Thousands Psychotic
  • The right lung was then carefully liberated from major bronchi and vessels, homogenized, and stored for analysis of hydroxyproline content.
  • Hydroxyproline was quantified by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-oxao-1,3, - diazole - ​ derived acid hydrolysates; the total left lung collagen was then calculated in milligrams, assuming that lung collagen contains 12. 2% (w/w) hydroxyproline. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • As a clarification of the above, molecular oxygen, as I understand it, is necessary for the post-transcriptional hydroxylation of proline to hydroxyproline - ie the oxygen in the hydroxyproline does not come from water, but is added from an O2 molecule by an oxygenase enzyme. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Interestingly KGF levels correlated with hydroxyproline content of the lungs after bleomycin injury in controls but not in HSC-KGF treated mice (which we would have predicted to be lower due to the reduced injury), suggesting that the raised levels were indeed due to the local KGF delivery by bone marrow derived cells PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The presence of hydroxyproline in all samples of pearls tested suggests but does not prove that these unusual elements may actually have been secreted within a biological organism like the conodont animal.
  • Almost one third of the amino acids are glycine and one quarter is proline or hydroxyproline. NutraIngredients-USA RSS
  • Hydroxyproline was quantified by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-oxao-1,3, - diazole - ​ derived acid hydrolysates; the total left lung collagen was then calculated in milligrams, assuming that lung collagen contains 12. 2% (w/w) hydroxyproline. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • • X-ray diffraction studies reveal a cylinder of water surrounding the triple-helix which is hydrogen-bonded to the hydroxyproline side-chains. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
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