How To Use Hydrogen atom In A Sentence

  • A molecule of chloesteryl myristate consists of mostly carbon and hydrogen atoms.
  • The other experiments being developed in the hall focus on the possible energy values of antihydrogen atoms. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, each molecule of isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) has eight hydrogen atoms in one of three environments.
  • Instantly, one of the hydrogen atoms on the ethanol molecule is ripped off.
  • Rubber gum is made up mostly of a hydrocarbon polymer called polyisoprene, the chains of which are composed only of interlinked carbon atoms with some hydrogen atoms attached.
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  • Like pentane, paraffins are alkanes - hydrocarbon molecules that have as many hydrogen atoms as the molecule's carbon backbone can accommodate.
  • The other contribution is the synthesis of liquid crystalline conjugated polymers by replacing the hydrogen atom bonded to polyacetylene with a substituent having liquid crystalline nature as the side chain. Hideki Shirakawa - Autobiography
  • pH is a measure of the concentration of free hydrogen atoms in a solution.
  • A trivalent carbon atom and a divalent hydrogen atom: who changed the rules without warning me? [eyewatch 1227] how stupid are people these days
  • As the energy levels in the excited hydrogen atom decrease, the electron returns to lower energy orbitals closer to the nucleus.
  • This was not going the way she had planned, “I gave the computer eight decillion virtual hydrogen atoms, described in exquisite detail, and defined an environment with physical laws just like our own Universe, and …” Jaed’s mouth scrunched up at the look on Almod’s face. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » April : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Like benzene, the homologous aromatic hydrocarbons, toluene, xylenes, etc. fix directly six hydrogen atoms to produce the corresponding cyclic compounds; phenol is transformed into cyclohexanol, aniline into cyclohexylamine. Paul Sabatier - Nobel Lecture
  • Similarly, incoherent quasielastic neutron scattering experiments provide information on the mean-square displacements of the hydrogen atoms.
  • The carbon atoms are covalently bonded and surrounded by hydrogen atoms.
  • The team studied both the electrical and structural properties of graphane and concluded that each carbon atom is bonded with one hydrogen atom. all content
  • Like Green's compound, this iridium compound contains two hydrogen atoms that can be eliminated by light.
  • The term alkyl refers to the hydrocarbon functional group derived formally by the loss of a hydrogen atom from the alkane.
  • In some such compounds, the hydrogen atom in the carboxyl group is neutralized by reaction with a base, to form the metal salt of the fatty acid.
  • It consists of a chain of carbon atoms, with one hydrogen atom attached to each carbon.
  • However, if a proton is added to the hydrogen atom, a new element, helium is created.
  • While studying streams of ionized gas Wien, in 1898, identified a positive particle equal in mass to the hydrogen atom.
  • A hydrogen bond is a dipole dipole interaction that occurs between any molecule with a bond between a hydrogen atom and any of oxygen / fluorine / nitrogen.
  • It is polar, that is the oxygen atom has a negative electrical charge while the two hydrogen atoms are positive.
  • That is, all hydrogen atoms - whether here on Earth or in the farthest reaches of outer space - have only a single proton in their nucleus.
  • The anion formed by removal of the dissociable hydrogen atom of a weak acid will compete with the hydronium ion formed from the autoionization of water, leaving an excess of hydroxide ion.
  • The sugars glucose, galactose, and fructose all have six carbon atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms, and six oxygen atoms.
  • According to the perturbation theory, a distribution law of matrix element in secular equation is discovered in degenerate state and wave function property of the hydrogen atom.
  • By finding the energies of the excited states of a hydrogen atom, we can get an insight into the electromagnetic forces that bind it together.
  • We now incorporate this condition into the analysis of the hydrogen atom.
  • However, if a proton is added to the hydrogen atom, a new element, helium is created.
  • pH is a measure of the concentration of free hydrogen atoms in a solution.
  • In aliphatic chemistry this is carried out as a substitution of a hydrogen atom in a group.
  • In order to fuse two hydrogen nuclei together, though, we must force another proton into the hydrogen atom within a distance of 1 fermi from the atom's proton.
  • Taking up the volatile alkaloids, we find with regard to _conine_, first, that the action of methyl iodide shows it to be a secondary amine, that is, it restrains only one replaceable hydrogen atom of the original ammonia molecule. Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
  • If chlorine gas is bubbled through ethanal, the hydrogen atoms of the methyl group are replaced by chlorine atoms to give chloral.
  • TEAM 0.5 is capable of producing images with a resolution of one-half angstrom, which is less than the diameter of a single hydrogen atom. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Each tiny V-shaped water molecule is made of two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to oxygen.
  • The term methyl group refers to a chemical structure with only one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms, and the term methylated means that a substance has at least one methyl group. The World's Healthiest Foods
  • This molecule has a structure that is twisted into the shape of a propeller with six blades because of steric interactions among its hydrogen atoms.
  • The harmless radio waves excite protons that form the nuclei of hydrogen atoms in the body.
  • This molecule has a structure that is twisted into the shape of a propeller with six blades because of steric interactions among its hydrogen atoms.
  • The MRI scanner uses a strong magnetic field to align hydrogen atoms in the body.
  • The equation Zn + CuSO4 ® ZnSO4 + Cu is which type of reaction? halocarbons can be prepared by addition reactions between halogens and? how many hydrogen atoms in ch4 can be replaced by halogen atoms through direct halogenation? Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Alcohol dehydrogenase is an enzyme that takes a hydrogen atom from (dehydrogenates) an alcohol molecule.
  • Hydrogen molecules move after they are ionized into protons and electrons after dissociative adsorption into hydrogen atoms.
  • For the hydrogen atom, which has only one electron and consequently is the simplest atom to investigate theoretically, the calculation of the motion of the electron in the electric field of the nucleus led to results of such accuracy that 20 years elapsed until any error of the theory could be found experimentally. Nobel Prize in Physics 1965 - Presentation Speech
  • For the crew of a spacecraft ramping up to light speed, interstellar space would appear highly compressed, thereby increasing the number of hydrogen atoms hitting the craft.
  • Any groups attached to the main chain are called substituents, they are there in place of hydrogen atoms.
  • Chemical reactions inside the cell strip electrons from the hydrogen atoms to produce a voltage that can power a circuit.
  • In a somewhat similar way, we always get positively electrified particles of the mass of the hydrogen atom, or about 1,760 times the mass of the electron, whenever we send an electric charge through a gas at very low pressure, _no matter what the kind of gas_. Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
  • A single nanometer is roughly the size of 20 hydrogen atoms strung together. Another Step Towards an Invisibility Cloak | Impact Lab
  • In the methane molecule CH 4, for instance, the carbon atom is located at the center of a tetrahedron with the four hydrogen atoms located at the four apexes of the tetrahedron.
  • Then they covered the surface with a layer of hydrogen atoms.
  • [grade 6 science] Can someone tell me these electromagnetic frequencies? halocarbons can be prepared by addition reactions between halogens and? how many hydrogen atoms in ch4 can be replaced by halogen atoms through direct halogenation? Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • A methyl group is a carbon with three hydrogen atoms attached.
  • Chem., 1955, 59 9), doi: 10.1021/j150531a005) which states The hydrogen atoms are slowly desorbed on standing... Rabett Run
  • At that point, deuterium atoms fuse together, the same way hydrogen atoms fuse in stars, releasing neutrons and energy in the process.
  • Indeed, the origin of such a compound cannot be roughly rationalized on the basis of either the presence of the easily abstractable hydrogen atoms of the macrocycle or the low polarity of the cavity when compared with water.
  • He did his thesis work with Professor Robert T. Schumacher using a self-made electron microwave spin resonance spectrometer to study the hyperfine spectrum of interstitial hydrogen atoms in CaF2 crystals. John L. Hall - Biography
  • Strand scission in DNA can result from the production of a carbon-based radical following hydrogen atom abstraction from deoxyribose.
  • Now water contains hydrogen atoms, and the nucleus of a hydrogen atom is a tiny magnet.
  • They hypothesize that four hydrogen atoms fuse with each other in a series of reactions to form a single helium atom.
  • The hydrogen atom was stable because the possible energy states of the electron in the atom are quantized by the rule.
  • Third, the size of the hydrogen atom's first electron orbit is accurately predicted.
  • Suddenly, the instrument started picking up signals galore from high - speed hydrogen atoms streaming from the moon.
  • At the heart of these intermolecular interactions are weak bonds between a hydrogen atom on one water molecule and an oxygen atom on another.
  • For example ethanol loses two hydrogen atoms to give ethanal and when an oxygen atom is added to this the product is ethanoic acid.
  • It consisted of filling the empty space of cavities with hydrogen atoms and drawing the surface contour of the H atoms.
  • (In normal hydrogen atom an electron is bound to a proton, but in antihydrogen atom an antielectron (positron) is bound to an antiproton.) Santhosh Mathew, PhD: Seeking the Lost Seeds of Big Bang
  • This simple molecule consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.
  • The cycloalkanes are saturated hydrocarbons like the alkanes, but form rings with two hydrogen atoms per carbon.
  • (In normal hydrogen atom an electron is bound to a proton, but in antihydrogen atom an antielectron (positron) is bound to an antiproton.) Santhosh Mathew, PhD: Seeking the Lost Seeds of Big Bang
  • The hydrogen atom was stable because the possible energy states of the electron in the atom are quantized by the rule
  • And this is where the name carbohydrate comes from - "carbo" represents the carbon atoms, while the oxygen and hydrogen atoms represent water, or "hydrates". The Seattle Times
  • The bonds between the central nitrogen and the three surrounding hydrogen atoms are pointed at the corners of the base of a triangular pyramid.
  • Now, a team including the UK-based research group that discovered graphene has created a new material called graphane by adding hydrogen atoms to their original discovery. all content
  • Then, it can react with almost all end groups found in biological molecules such as amines, amides, hydroxyls, sufhydryls, reactive hydrogen atoms from aromatic amino acids, etc; the aldehyde combination result in the attachment of various hydroximethyl adducts at the original end groups Schematic view of formaldehyde fixation stages. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He gives me a blushing peek through the curtain at nonconcentric electron shells and light hydrogen atoms where electron and proton are separated by infinity. Passage at Arms
  • The harmless radio waves excite protons that form the nuclei of hydrogen atoms in the body.
  • It is only necessary to bring the hydrocarbon into contact with strong nitric acid, when the reaction takes place, and one or more of the hydrogen atoms of the hydrocarbon are replaced by the nitryl group (NO_ {2}). Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • How did hydrogen atoms forged at the beginning of time come to wake up? Times, Sunday Times
  • The optimum proportions of hydrogen and oxygen are thus two hydrogen atoms per oxygen atom, exactly the same as in water.
  • The microcosm becomes the macrocosm: the key to the whole universe may well be hidden in one hydrogen atom.
  • In the methane molecule CH 4, for instance, the carbon atom is located at the center of a tetrahedron with the four hydrogen atoms located at the four apexes of the tetrahedron.
  • The goal of the company's targeted deuteration strategy is to impart greater safety over existing agents, while maintaining or improving efficacy through the judicious use of deuterium as a replacement for metabolically labile hydrogen atoms. Featured News and Stories
  • In a normal hydrogen molecule there are two hydrogen atoms, each consisting of a nucleus and an electron. Fire and Ice - the Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Depletion, and Nuclear Winter
  • One example of the use of hydrogen atom transfer in organic synthesis is hydrogenation, i.e. the addition of hydrogen to a carbon-carbon double bond.
  • Heavy water is pretty much just like regular water, but instead of hydrogen atoms it has deuterium, which is to say, hydrogen atoms with an extra neutron. Eleventh Hour: It Ain’t Heavy. It’s My Water.
  • This process is called hydrogenation, because it adds hydrogen atoms to the unsaturated chains. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Far-fetched though it sounds, it is possible that gravity will make the antihydrogen atoms move upwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can we draw a line thinner than the diameter of a hydrogen atom?
  • The uniting of these groups with one another is usually induced by a nitrogen atom, which at the same time is linked with a hydrogen atom, and forms a so-called "imid" group. Albrecht Kossel - Nobel Lecture
  • The propyl group is a functional group derived from propane by the removal of a hydrogen atom.
  • The positively charged hydrogen atoms take up the electrons and form hydrogen gas.
  • Catalytic hydrogenation adds six hydrogen atoms to produce cyclohexane, a colorless liquid with the properties of an alkane.
  • Two of the experiments being developed in the antiproton decelerator's hall will aim to find out more about antihydrogen atoms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term saturated means that the carbon atoms in a chain hold as many hydrogen atoms as they can. Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy
  • Acid anhydrides replace the imino-hydrogen atom by acidyl radicals, and boiling with water converts them into phenols. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • pH is a measure of the concentration of free hydrogen atoms in a solution.
  • Such substances consist of a nitrate ion chemically bonded to a hydrocarbon molecule that's lost one of its hydrogen atoms.
  • Hydrogen Guy can influence hydrogen atoms around him, and change their chemical or physical states.
  • Unlike nuclear fission, which tears apart atoms to release energy and highly radioactive by-products, fusion involves putting immense pressure, or "squeezing" two heavy hydrogen atoms, called deuterium and tritium together so they fuse. Nuclear Fusion Power Closer to Reality Say Two Separate Teams | Universe Today
  • In a normal hydrogen molecule there are two hydrogen atoms, each consisting of a nucleus and an electron. Fire and Ice - the Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Depletion, and Nuclear Winter
  • The researchers successfully recorded an interval of one ten million billionth of a second: that's shorter than the period of an electron's orbit in a hydrogen atom.
  • As these sites began interacting with the surrounding water molecules, hydrogen atoms swiftly jumped from one oxygen partner to another, ultimately ending up on the aluminum superatom. Latest Science News Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, Articles and Book Reviews
  • Ammonia and the organic amines, molecules in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms of ammonia are replaced by organic groups, are weak bases.
  • As I recall, Heinlein had tanks of monoatomic hydrogen on his ships, no doubt made out of unobtainium metal, with a bolonium catalyst to keep the hydrogen atoms from recombining. Faster
  • In the process of decomposing, H2O2 releases free radicals - highly reactive intermediates that oxidize other molecules by removing electrons or hydrogen atoms from them.
  • We've been able to achieve a resolution of three angstroms - the width of three hydrogen atoms - in our measurements of the progress of this enzyme along DNA.
  • Making hydrogen atoms transparent to light involves a similar but much more energetic event: beams of energy must ionize the atoms, splitting them into protons and electrons.
  • Although a molecule of guanidine contains only five hydrogen atoms, it can effectively store nine by extracting hydrogen from the water recovered from the exhaust.
  • The molecule of hydrogen consists of two hydrogen atoms linked together. The Antioxidant Health Plan
  • Chemical reactions inside the cell strip electrons from the hydrogen atoms to produce a voltage that can power a circuit.
  • By supplying addition molecules of chlorine it is possible to replace all the hydrogen atoms.
  • Only discrete wavelengths of matter waves may resonate within the spherical volume of a hydrogen atom.
  • It consists of a chain of carbon atoms, with one hydrogen atom attached to each carbon.
  • Instantly, one of the hydrogen atoms on the ethanol molecule is ripped off.

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