How To Use Hurriedly In A Sentence
Little cookie unfolds her colorful umbrella hurriedly in order to block the raindrop.
She dipped her goose-feather quill into a jade inkpot, drained the red ink along the side, and unhurriedly marked a circle around the black tent the eunuch had pointed out to her.
Shadow Princess
Rising hurriedly, she soon was neatly dressed and combed.
Ignoring the shivery thrill that raced down her spine, she hurriedly obeyed.
When darkness descended we hurriedly cleared the kitchen table in order to commence our fretwork.
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Mr Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio.
Golden eye or yellowtail grunts, chubs or scads would move unhurriedly across, changing direction with uncanny synchronisation.
At the camp at Kokinia, outside Athens, 'lorries were being hurriedly packed, stores and equipment were flung about anyhow, officers' valises and suitcases were lying open with their contents scattered around as if the owners had made a hasty choice of their more valuable belongings at the last moment.
She jumped up hurriedly and said suppose they go in and have some raspberry cordial.
Anne of Green Gables
He alighted on the word beau hurriedly, like a bird coming to ground with a little bounce.
Twilight in Italy
With the dried tail of a herring sticking out of their saffron-coloured, shrivelled chops, Lord! how they gaped when I passed by, hurriedly, like
A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
Hurriedly she called her mind to order: she didn't usually allow her thoughts to skitter about like this.
‘It's just a passing remark,’ he hurriedly back-pedalled, sensing something wrong.
To try to open one of these monstrosities is an exercise in masochism — hurriedly I discard them with the dispatch with which one would thrust away a venomous snake.
I Am Sorry to Inform You
But it could be also interpreted as further brinksmanship, designed to hurriedly solve its food and oil shortages.
My companions hurriedly dropped me off at Chateaubelair, near Richmond, leaving me to wade ashore waist deep.
Built in Glasgow in 1910, this vessel tramped her way around the globe for the next three decades, until she was requisitioned by an Admiralty hurriedly preparing for a war it was desperately unready to fight.
Finishing her packing hurriedly, she said farewell to the body of Delbert Donnelly and, calling her rosaries to her, made her departure.
One photographer and his assistant guided us hurriedly, shuttling between studios with different layouts.
Latecomers hurriedly kneel and bow, trying to catch up with the group prayer in progress.
At the command every student in the room hurriedly parked themselves in their specific seats and waited for instructions from the teacher, Madame Besson.
In the case of phones, paying $1.50 for a high quality call is far more cost effective than paying 50 cents for a short call hurriedly read by an uncommitted caller.
They hurriedly set about constructing fortified positions in the sewers, cellars and vaults which honeycombed the entire ghetto.
the way they buried him so hurriedly was disgraceful
Mr Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio.
Nilly hurriedly buttoned all the shiny buttons on the uniform, buckled the belt with the shiny saber that only just barely dragged on the ground, and grabbed the strange, three-cornered hat that was sitting on the seat of the chair.
Bubble in the Bathtub
Actually, absquatulate means to leave hurriedly, with the implication that one is being pursued.
When she saw me, she rose and came hurriedly at me with a gugglet58 of water; and, muttering spells over it, she besprinkled me and said, “Come forth from this thy shape into the shape of a dog;” and I became on the instant a dog.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
But what's a barracouta?" demanded the Babe hurriedly.
Children of the Wild
A half dozen of the most senior American national security officials were summoned to a hurriedly called late-night emergency meeting in the White House Situation Room.
The Prize
Hurriedly she genuflected toward the golden shrine in the vestiary™s corner, then parted the curtains and stepped through.
Chosen Of The Gods
Hailey hurriedly scrambled off the bed, and lunged at James with her arms outstretched.
Imagine the thrill of watching your name flow by hurriedly on television and film credits…
Charles hurriedly had his friends assist him in launching his rowing skiff and went after the dolphins.
She hurriedly started pulling notebooks and books off of the top shelf, almost at random.
He eats hurriedly, chewing with his mouth open as he stuffs more food in his mouth.
a construction hard hat and a raincoat to hurriedly deconsecrate a historic Anglican chapel, which had suffered irreparable damage.
Hurriedly, he held up two bolts of fabric, one green, one blue.
Hurriedly, he moved to the front of the column where Faulkner was walking.
Just three skimpy draft scenarios that had been cobbled together hurriedly.
Times, Sunday Times
He felt a dreadful fear grip him as he walked hurriedly towards his son
Golden eye or yellowtail grunts, chubs or scads would move unhurriedly across, changing direction with uncanny synchronisation.
I dressed, therefore, rather hurriedly, and on getting again to the shore, found that Mr. John Smith had not levanted.
Tales of all countries
I hurriedly ushered them out but had to hang around waiting for a nurse to open the ward door.
Times, Sunday Times
The others made it to the Ohio shore, where Parker hurriedly arranged for a wagon to take them to the next "station" on the Underground Railroad -- the first leg of their journey to safety in Canada.
Still smiling, still watching her, Guido reached unhurriedly behind him and detached a stem of bright red geranium.
Our visitors were at once surrounded by beggars, but none of them gave them anything, except young Kalganov, who took a ten-copeck piece out of his purse, and, nervous and embarrassed — God knows why! — hurriedly gave it to an old woman, saying: “Divide it equally.”
The Brothers Karamazov
She hurriedly grabbed her papers, gloves, and keys, tucked a stray hair behind her ear and looked sternly at me.
they departed hurriedly because of some great urgency in their affairs
Too lazy to wait for another round of bread to toast, he cheekily pinched a slice of Josh's from out of the toaster, hurriedly spreading butter across it before he noticed.
At length, Caleb heard Audrey's strident laughter and hurriedly returned his attention to his cousin.
Francesca stepped off the porch and walked unhurriedly through the grass toward the gate.
Whilst I was at the train station waiting for the train I'd called a backpacker hostel and asked about vacancies, fortunately they had one, so all rather hurriedly I booked that for the night. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
While Uncle Eb was giving his views on food, he was hurriedly "bilin '" coffee, frying unlimited flapjacks, and breaking up some crystal cakes of maple sugar, which he melted into a sirup, and poured over them.
Camp and Trail A Story of the Maine Woods
The soldiers were hurriedly leaving the scene, their muskets over their shoulders, not even sparing a look back at the panicked crowd.
The men looked away hurriedly when they looked upon the Princess's beauty, and possessive wives quickly drew their husband's attention.
The Sydney Morning Herald described it as ‘the most libertinish and indelicate performance that could be given on the public stage’, and in Melbourne the season was hurriedly terminated when the possibility of a court case loomed.
Hurriedly, they moved inside and toward another elevator, the door locking automatically behind them.
Doubtless he had been detained, or had misread her hurriedly scrawled note, taking the four for a five.
The House of Mirth
After a few hours the toy was hurriedly removed, but not before pictures were published all over the interweb.
Times, Sunday Times
After getting hurriedly dressed, she went to the television, put the sound on mute, and headed to a loud rock channel.
He hurriedly moved the gear in neutral and tried the emergency brake.
She pulls on a topcoat and leaves the apartment hurriedly with a tossed off ‘A ce soir.’
His spoken Arabic was hurriedly brushed up before he started for the Middle East.
The rotors started to spin up and they hurriedly jumped to the roof a few feet below, ducking to avoid the backwash from the spinning propellers as the copter lifted off the heliport and headed into the night skyline.
I look at it curiously, my name hurriedly scribbled on the front.
Hurriedly, but with practiced ease and an air of calm and surety that she knew would alleviate some of the young man's terror, she pushed aside several hogshead barrels until she reached the back wall of the storeroom.
She jumped up hurriedly and said suppose they go in and have some raspberry cordial.
Anne of Green Gables
The cars that hurriedly zipped on by whilst I sat in behind the taxi driver who was encased in bullet proof plastic were a cornucopia of BMWs, Mercedes, Range Rovers and the odd Holden to boot.
It's as if the camera lens had been coated with a thin layer of Vaseline and hurriedly wiped clean.
I continued instead, hurriedly, ‘The point is, I should start looking for a job to get the dinero I so desperately need right now.’
Hurriedly turning a corner, Tielle ran smack bang into a large figure heading in her direction.
Lucinda quickly regained her composure, a dark blush flushing her pale cheeks, as she reopened the book, hurriedly skimming the past page.
He rode hurriedly from the battlefield and returned to the Shevardino knoll, where he sat on his campstool, his sallow face swollen and heavy, his eyes dim, his nose red, and his voice hoarse, involuntarily listening, with downcast eyes, to the sounds of firing.
War and Peace
The killer unscrewed the silencer and put it and the gun back into the pocket of his dustcoat, doing it unhurriedly and with a tradesman's skill.
Autumn Maze
Overstuffed gunnysacks are squeezed through windows, and cash hurriedly changes hands as traders rush to unload their goods before the train leaves the station.
I was hurriedly winding our grandfather clock when, in my carelessness, the pendulum disconnected.
I wrote my mother a letter hurriedly.
She slipped hurriedly out of the saddle, and then had to grab for it when her legs threatened to buckle.
The village had been hurriedly deserted, perhaps because terrorists were in the area.
The moon waxed unhurriedly across the starry cloudless skies, sharing what little light it had borrowed from the sun with the earth for the duration of the night.
You can almost hear the wheels turning as he takes the occasional misstep in developing the characters and hurriedly course-corrects.
'honeycombed' cotton things we were forced to use unless we were going to be frankly 'poor' and cover our beds with plain patchwork, made up hurriedly and quilted in simple 'fans' in plebeian squares, as poor folk who haven't time for elegant stitches did theirs.
Quilts Their Story and How to Make Them
I had not long to wait, for after a few _yaks_, at intervals of perhaps fifteen or twenty seconds, the fellow took to wing, and went soaring in a circle above me; calling hurriedly _click, click, click_, with a break now and then, as if for breath-taking.
Birds in the Bush
Some one was hurriedly forcing his way through this group and coming toward him.
Little Lord Fauntleroy
He hurriedly made his way through the garden This late in the year, the garden was mostly a tangle of dried brown plants and witchgrass.
Curse of the Shadowmage
He quickly let her through, and she scrambled hurriedly to the door, but not before her math teacher got to her.
The water dripped unhurriedly from my line as I retrieved.
Publishers, eager to profit from the new surge of interest in romances, hurriedly launched new romance lines.
From start to finish the whole operation was ill-conceived, hurriedly executed and bungled.
Passing hurriedly by, I tried a closet door or so, finding little, however, to reward my search; and eager to be done with what was every moment becoming more and more drearisome, I hastened across the floor to the front of the house where I found another hall and a row of rooms that, while not entirely stripped of furniture, were yet sufficiently barren to offer little encouragement to my curiosity.
A Strange Disappearance
Rodriguez, 49, was sworn in hurriedly in Sucre, without the presidential sash and regalia, before a session meeting of legislators as protesters clashed with police outside.
Hours before the rebels arrived his body was hurriedly wrapped in a blanket and secreted in a shallow grave.
They were around in the morning when we got up so we hurriedly struck camp and legged it up the hill to the east of the camp before we could get bitten to shreds.
Louise looked around hurriedly, checking to make sure that Nurse Sommers was, indeed, gone.
Alice hurriedly put out the cigarette and got up to empty the ash tray.
She hurriedly dressed into breeches and a loose fitting shirt.
The rotors started to spin up and they hurriedly jumped to the roof a few feet below, ducking to avoid the backwash from the spinning propellers as the copter lifted off the heliport and headed into the night skyline.
Pushing his way hurriedly through the surging throngs, he was amused to hear how the by-election was sharpening schoolboy wit.
Not before you've had some breakfast," said her father, and so she hurriedly ate -- it might be said "gobbled," if it were not so unladylike -- the breakfast that Mrs. Jenkins placed before her.
Billie Bradley at Three Towers Hall or, Leading a Needed Rebellion
The rotors started to spin up and they hurriedly jumped to the roof a few feet below, ducking to avoid the backwash from the spinning propellers as the copter lifted off the heliport and headed into the night skyline.
Only once, when two Party members, both women, were pressed close together on the bench, he overheard amid the din of voices a few hurriedly-whispered words; and in particular a reference to something called room one-ohone, which he did not understand.
Nineteen Eighty-Four
I hurriedly scribbled his phone number on a pad of paper with trembling hands and hung up.
Getting into position hurriedly may prevent an effective double-team.
Hurriedly passing through the muscadine patches and mashing the sugary juices between his toes, he stopped just beyond the edge of the brush, hearing what he thought to be a horse trying to catch its breath.
The Highest Price for Passion
The village had been hurriedly deserted, perhaps because terrorists were in the area.
In late March 1942, No.75 Squadron hurriedly deployed to Port Moresby in the face of initial Japanese air thrusts against the city.
Turning a brilliant shade of scarlet, I quickly jerked free and hurriedly went back to the table, draining my glass of water.
It'd be all right if he married me directly -- _directly_, "she repeated, hurriedly.
The Testing of Diana Mallory
Matylda hurriedly pulled her evening dress over her head and slid out of her velour camiknickers.
This is where macro photography comes in. It gives us a glimpse into the world of the very small, which goes largely unnoticed by us as we hurriedly shuffle through our day.
Finally worming out of her bed, Kali snuck into the room and hurriedly answered.
Rising hurriedly, she soon was neatly dressed and combed.
At the same time, hurriedly sketched cartoons began to appear on the city's walls at night.
Times, Sunday Times
Police hurriedly erected road barriers around the city centre.
Times, Sunday Times
They hurriedly fortified the village with barricades of carts, tree trunks and whatever came to hand.
Your process may not require all 40 steps -- some of which involve offering the patient a bedpan, sponge bathing and replacing protective covers under the bedsheets -- but it surely takes more steps than we tend to think about as we hurriedly make our own beds in the morning.
Marki Flannery: 40 Steps to Making a Bed... And Other Lessons in Caregiving
Her diurnal ritual of hurriedly brushing her hair before the mirror expands to one of self-admiration.
They were crying and frightened and shaking; hurriedly, she barred the door and he covered all the windows.
An elderly waiter with trembling hands was hurriedly spreading a pink and white checked cloth over the rusty green iron table, saying: If the lady and gentleman wish to take their tea in the garden, if the lady and gentleman wish to take their tea in the garden
The British public were never going to be enthralled by a worthy exhibition of social issues, hurriedly assembled to meet an immovable deadline.
He drives hurriedly in the direction of the Pole Star.
Hurriedly inserting the right key in the lock, she secured the doors.
To try to open one of these monstrosities is an exercise in masochism — hurriedly I discard them with the dispatch with which one would thrust away a venomous snake.
I Am Sorry to Inform You
Before I could stop him, he was hurriedly picking up the clothes from the floor and shoving them in random drawers of the dresser.
Survivors are jammed together in windowless plywood barracks hurriedly built by the army.
Leonore walked unhurriedly to the kitchen, aware of Kruger's eyes boring into her back.
The Rindge who had been dispatched by Obat returned on the run, speaking hurriedly to the subchief, who in turn spoke to Panax.
Bausch and another female dancer move through a café setting with their eyes closed while a man, struggling to anticipate their wraithlike movements, hurriedly moves tables and chairs out of their way.
He hurriedly filed a story that a Soviet assault on West Berlin was imminent.
Turning a brilliant shade of scarlet, I quickly jerked free and hurriedly went back to the table, draining my glass of water.
For which reason she called her ayah, while the Sahib was in his bath before dinner and said to her hurriedly:
Son of Power
Hurriedly he reached for the telephone and dialled his home number.
-- India -- Ceylon -- The End. I hope these hasty notes, so hurriedly and scantily given, may have interested my readers enough to secure their company for one more globe-trot, which shall be rushed through in order to bring these reminiscences to a close.
Ranching, Sport and Travel
He was hurriedly escorted from the area by his security detail and Israeli police.
Upon noticing her state he hurriedly outstretched his hand and mumbled an apology as he helped her off of the ground.
Whereon a sprightly devilkin seized hurriedly upon his soul and was on the point of bearing it away to Hell, when an angel (mindful doubtless of the abbey's piety) arrived, objecting with a nicely argued piece of logic that the sacristan had not been carried off "en male veie," but before any sin had been committed.
The Story of Rouen
Little cookie unfolds her colorful umbrella hurriedly in order to block the raindrop.
Hurriedly draining her cup, she reached for her purse.
Lines were learned hurriedly - in some cases only half-learned - songs and music were rehearsed until vocal chords and fingers were sore.
Mr Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio.
Police hurriedly erected road barriers around the city centre.
Times, Sunday Times
They would have walked huddled, enamoured of each other's smell, holding hands and even kissing hurriedly and shyly in the twilight's cover.
Doctors scrambled around hurriedly requesting tools and pushing nurses out of the way.
Doubtless he had been detained, or had misread her hurriedly scrawled note, taking the four for a five.
The House of Mirth
I wrote my mother a letter hurriedly.
She shook her head so hard that a wiry black curl fell into her face, and she hurriedly pushed it behind her ear.
Millions of years ago, after the Night of Demons when the Elder Gods had to smite themselves into ‘sleep,’ the somewhat metalloid Hell Creatures hurriedly invaded Earth and took over the vast network of tunnels which the Elder Gods had built to honeycomb the planet.
The Book of the SubGenius
The rest of us agreed to the proposed sunbathing and we all hurriedly dressed in our bikinis and sundresses, touched up our hair and makeup, and raced up to the pool and bar area on the top deck.
However, other high-level Navy officials acknowledged the Nimitz had been hurriedly ordered to the Persian Gulf.
They ate hurriedly and gloomily, with but little conversation, and as Martin ate and listened he realized how far he had travelled from their status.
Chapter 16
Dymov hurriedly drank a glass of tea, took a cracknel, and, smiling gently, went to the station.
The Wife
The Act was hurriedly drawn up in response to quickening deforestation which included new roads being driven into virgin wilderness.
I hurriedly washed and dried some jeans - just in time for my train.
As if he had forgotten himself, Wasswa hurriedly got up and draped a towel around the President's shoulders.
The sailor at the first glance saw that some of the chords encircling it had been cut with a knife, or other sharp instrument, -- not severed with any degree of exactitude, but "haggled," as if the act had been hurriedly performed.
The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
She said "No, thank you" and rang off hurriedly.
Officials hurriedly put together advice on the disposal of disinfectants, manure, slurry and milk.
This being the case, there is no real necessity to introduce new laws hurriedly.
As she hurriedly bent down to retrieve her possessions, she looked up and into the glaring eyes of a huge, hulking man wearing the gold braid of a four star admiral on his dress blue Navy uniform.
I hurriedly tore a piece of paper from my binder and began to write.
The teacher hurriedly set the other children to work on some colouring and then took Little Brucie aside to ask him, ‘Is that really true about your father?’
She hurriedly unstrapped her saddle, removed the saddlebags, and practically threw the whole thing over the fence.
Just three skimpy draft scenarios that had been cobbled together hurriedly.
Times, Sunday Times
Hawks hurriedly flew off to protect Paris but Paris was soon occupied and the Hawk pilots attempted to fight a rearguard action as they retreated from one base to another.
The Centre has hurriedly taken the much-awaited decision of implementation of the project in Tripura in tune with the State's considerable increase of green cover, which would help the pachyderms to find their required habitat.
They hurriedly fortified the village with barricades of carts, tree trunks and whatever came to hand.
She rose and paced the room -- not hurriedly -- she never did anything hurriedly -- but yet with unleisurely steps, until, catching sight of herself in the glass, she turned away as from an intruding and unwelcome presence, and threw herself on her couch, burying her face in the pillow.
The Marquis of Lossie
Isabelle shouts to a stunned Guy and hurriedly puts her hands into the cradle, scooping baby Lucas into her arms.
ENTER _Lydus_ HURRIEDLY. nam equidem haud aliter esse duco, quippe quo nemo advenit, nisi quem spes reliquere omnes, esse ut frugi possiet.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
Hurriedly she finished her ablutions, pulled on her clothes and went to investigate.
It is a little after daybreak. We pack hurriedly and sneak out of the hotel.
The village had been hurriedly deserted, perhaps because terrorists were in the area.
The hurriedly constructed dwellings were not only found around the lower reaches of the streamlet but were seen also in many residential districts in and around the town.
The village had been hurriedly deserted, perhaps because terrorists were in the area.
A delay has resulted from a dropped jar of sweet gherkins, and an efficient seventy-one-year-old lanky shop boy with a mop striding purposefully—not hurriedly—toward the spill, worried that the tremulous woman who dropped the jar might tumble into the slipslop of glass and vinegar.
Shock of Gray
Hurriedly, he slips his bathing trunks on, then charges out of the room.
She hurriedly called a flight stewardess who was coughing badly at the back.
They hurriedly fortified the village with barricades of carts, tree trunks and whatever came to hand.
He admitted that the long red scar on his upper arm had been drilled by a sharpshooter from a German Fokker, but added hurriedly that it was of no consequence, as he had made a good landing.
IV. Book Four: The Voyage of the Anchises
Rising hurriedly, she soon was neatly dressed and combed.
Mr Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio.
She blenched and left hurriedly; I doubt that she will be back.
The inflammable catted chimney of logs and clay, hurriedly and readily built by the first settlers, soon gave place in all houses to vast chimneys of stone, built with projecting inner ledges, on which rested a bar about six or seven or even eight feet from the floor, called a lug-pole (lug meaning to carry) or a back-bar; this was made of green wood, and thus charred slowly -- but it charred surely in the generous flames of the great chimney heart.
Home Life in Colonial Days
She hurriedly climbed out, her body racked with shudders.
Davis became one of many who would hide his comic book pages when a supervisor came by, and hurriedly return to animating Popeye cartoons.
Mr Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio.
She hurriedly picked at the dangling cherries from the tree, and put them in her basket while at the same time eating them, spitting the pits onto the rocky ground.
Stelta began to choke, he loosened his neckerchief hurriedly, to get more air but it had little effect.
Print reporters included an account of the confrontation in the postdebate analysis they hurriedly posted on the websites of their newspapers and magazines.
O: A Presidential Novel
quarrels and dissensions ensued among the cast, most of whom hurriedly and shamefacedly handed over their parts to understudies
She peered at the test and hurriedly wrote down the answers as the bell rang for her to go to lunch.
The admiral shook it somewhat doubtfully, tipped his cap, and went hurriedly back to the _dogana_, or custom-house.
The Lure of the Mask
The teacher hurriedly set the other children to work on some colouring and then took Little Brucie aside to ask him, ‘Is that really true about your father?’
Another catches a pizza delivery boy dropping the pizza and hurriedly putting it back in the box before handing it over.
As soon as they entered the town, Pinocchio noticed that all the streets were filled with hairless dogs, yawning from hunger; with sheared sheep, trembling with cold; with combless chickens, begging for a grain of wheat; with large butterflies, unable to use their wings because they had sold all their lovely colors; with tailless peacocks, ashamed to show themselves; and with bedraggled pheasants, scuttling away hurriedly, grieving for their bright feathers of gold and silver, lost to them forever.
Adventures of Pinocchio
He quickly brought the show to an end and hurriedly left the stage, surrounded by a phalanx of burly bodyguards.
Times, Sunday Times
He pushed her to the floor and hurriedly tied the chains to small, round iron rings which attached to the floor beneath Deserea.
Those mysterious dark eyes of his drifted over her, unhurriedly, seeming to burn where they touched her.
They would have walked huddled, enamoured of each other's smell, holding hands and even kissing hurriedly and shyly in the twilight's cover.