How To Use Hungarian In A Sentence

  • Compared to a Finno-Ugric language like Estonian or Hungarian, which has tons of cases with exotic names like the inessive, superessive, ablative, translative, and exessive, English seems as poor as a pauper on payday. 2009 October « Motivated Grammar
  • Last week's chemical accident in Hungary, when about 184 million gallons of caustic sludge and water burst from a storage pool of a metals plant inundating three western Hungarian towns and spilling into the Danube, is yet another reminder that accidents happen at chemical facilities. Elizabeth Hitchcock: In The Public Interest : How Many Reminders Do We Need Before We Act to Reduce Chemical Accident Risk?
  • His best finish was 11th in the Hungarian Grand Prix.
  • Tsimbls used to be strung with thinner strings and less tension, in contrast to the Hungarian-Romanian cymbaloms of today, which use piano wire strung with a barbaric tension of 40-50 kilos per string.
  • The Hungarian uprising in 1956 was suppressed by the Soviet Union.
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  • Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has warned Hungary will fight back if the 27-nation European Union interferes in what he calls internal politics while his country holds the EU's presidency. European Parliament Members Challenge Hungary Media Law
  • The London Hungarian Committee in 1849 quoted Article X, by Leopold II, of the House of Hapsburg, in 1790, which definitely stated that "Hungary with her appanages is a free kingdom, and in regard to her whole legal form of government (including all the tribunals) independent; that is, entangled with no other kingdom or people, but having her own peculiar consistence and constitution; accordingly to be governed by her legitimately crowned king after her peculiar laws and customs. Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
  • To label [Béla] Tarr, co-subject of this week's micro-retro at the Harvard Film Archive, as a downer is merely a philistine's impatient way of saying he's an existentialist, a modern-film Dostoyevsky-Beckett with a distinctly Hungarian taste for suicidal depression, morose self-amusement, and bile," writes Michael Atkinson. GreenCine Daily: Fests and events, 1/11.
  • Hungarian became a literary language only in the fifteenth century. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Two important subjects each correspondent brought up with Hungarian officials: the fates of Cardinal Mindszenty and of the two Martons. Enemies of the People
  • One of the spices is definitely Hungarian paprika, which is one of the main products made by Pride of Szeged. Archive 2007-08-01
  • We chose the name Beelzebub to reflect the dark 'diabolic' coloration of the new species and its fierce protective behavior in the field," said Gabor Csorba of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Wired Top Stories
  • Never mind, a long-since abandoned unofficial page for the Magyar Borsodi League links straight to a Hungarian recipe for goose liver cooked in paprika - just the thing to keep your pecker up on a parky afternoon at Haladas Szombathely.
  • [) S] abac from the Hungarians, expressed a legitimate Byzantine policy; and the siege of Malta, one of his latest ventures, might also be defended as The Balkans A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey
  • Volcanoes of the western Hungarian volcanic field also consistently comprise basal glassy pyroclastic units overlain by lavas that cap buttes.
  • Like Roth and Zweig, he revered the old Europe of the Austro-Hungarian Empire even in its most shadowy duplicities; it was the empire where memory reigned supreme. A Hungarian Novelist's Literature of Fidelity
  • The thing that strikes a foreigner most forcibly in Pressburg is the prevalence of the Hungarian costume, which all the men, high and low, delight in wearing. A Lady's Glimpse of the Late War in Bohemia
  • Another word returns from the deepest recesses of childhood: “Moscovite,” the word spoken by my parents with special contempt, in reference to those Hungarian Communists who returned to Budapest with the Red Army. Enemies of the People
  • The Austro-Hungarian army was a unique multinational force. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Potato is also a staple of Hungarian cuisine and the restaurant offers potato mash and roasted nut-formed potato.
  • But that's not so easy when you share a tiny flat with three ancient Hungarian relatives. Times, Sunday Times
  • After decades of Marxist-Leninist education, Hungarians of all classes are showing an obsessive interest in their aristocratic forebears.
  • Hungarian, Finnish, the Turkic languages, Mongolian, and Manchu belong to the Ural-Altaic family of languages, also known as the Turanian family, after the Persian word Turan for Turkestan. The Nazi Connection with Shambhala and Tibet
  • At that time faddists of various persuasions proliferated up and down the Village: anarchists who dutifully went home every night to their mothers’ kitchens, a Hungarian monarchist with his own following, free-verse poets who eschewed capital letters, cultists who sat rapturously for hours in orgone boxes, cloudy Swedenborgians, and all the rest. What Happened to the Baby?
  • When, under international pressure, the Hungarian regime stopped the deportations he circumvented its orders and dispatched a last trainload to the gas chambers.
  • The six giant grey cattle thundered along the embankment, their nostrils jetting steam in the cold air of a Hungarian autumn morning.
  • The Istanbul Antiphonal is a large, secular Hungarian antiphonary of 303 folios in choirbook format, written in the diocese of Esztergom around 1360.
  • Accusations of harbouring suspects were raised against the former Hungarian leadership.
  • The word "taky" (= also in English) is important in this respect: it means that there ARE some (maybe most, or even all except one) Hungarians who are to blame they are Hungarians; I think this makes the sentence be really funny, as it weakens the opposition of this Švejk´s statement to Vodička´s statement "Maďaři jsou, zkrátka řečeno, holota", which means "Hungarians are, briefly said, vermin/rabble/crew". TRANSLATING SCHWEIK.
  • You know, during the screening of the rushes, I don't speak German or Hungarian, but I could see and feel what could be the film.
  • The dancers were wearing traditional Hungarian dress/costume.
  • The highly acclaimed six-piece ensemble fuses the wild gypsy rhythms of eastern Europe with hot club swing and jazz, audaciously combining Hungarian, Russian and Romanian gypsy styles with tango, swing, klezmer and French musette.
  • For example, my recent browse of the description of the Werckmesiter Harmonies, an austerely beautiful black and white film by the Hungarian director, Bela Tarr led me via Netflix's Cinematch recommendation system to the Devil's Backbone by the Mexican filmmaker, Guillermo del Toro; a look at the terrifically exciting 60s thriller Blow Up led me to Nicholas Roeg's 70s thriller Don't Look Now. Tom Silva: Netflix Opens a Pandora's Box
  • They have nine springer spaniels, one cocker spaniel and one Hungarian vizsla.
  • Their great finesse and qualities of ensemble were displayed in works ranging from Elizabethan consort music to the Hungarian avant-garde.
  • The lancers wore the czapka of the Polish uhlans, the hussars wore the dolmans of Hungarian horsemen.
  • To read the letters that come to her from Balts, Estonians, Hungarians, Germans, Czechs is to be deeply touched. Books and Canada
  • And don't forget some of Mama Joly's fumbles---lemon extract mistaken for vanilla in chocolate chip cookies (surprisingly not-bad); cayenne pepper for paprika in Hungarian goulash (a little might have been nice) . . . When you gotta have it, you gotta have it...
  • Graffiti Classics' concert on August 11 includes Mozart and Hungarian dances.
  • Accusations of harbouring suspects were raised against the former Hungarian leadership.
  • The Hungarian is on a three-year contract at the Hawthorns unlike Rumanian international Cosmin Contra who came on a year's loan from Athletico Madrid.
  • In order to make more damage to more dangerous targets, some details are discussed for solving the assignment problem by using the Hungarian Method.
  • A preliminary federal report says an idled tour boat and nearby vessels repeatedly called the tugboat guiding the barge that hit and sank the craft, killing two Hungarian students. - News
  • While we saw a positive surprise in Polish PMI, which jumped up fairly significantly to break the critical 50 level to 52.4, up from 48.8 in October, Hungarian PMI decreased for the second consecutive month to 47.5, confirming that the recovery in the Hungarian manufacturing sector remains very fragile.
  • The Hungarian has a pelvic problem. The Sun
  • The Viennese and Hungarian crowds were cannonaded from their strongholds, and in Germany a constitutional assembly that had been bravely debating the question of republicanism broke down into factional bickering and then ignominiously offered the country to Frederick William IV of Prussia. The Worldly Philosophers
  • The first Komondors came with the Hungarian tribes settling in the Carpathian basin more than a 1,000 years ago.
  • The doctor, who can understand Hungarian, realised that the inmate was rambling and gibbering not in Russian but in Hungarian, which is not a Slavonic language.
  • Already a convicted criminal, George Soros should be "denaturalized" and his fat, Hungarian ass kicked out of the country. House Votes Overwhelmingly To Condemn MoveOn; Large Majority Of Dems Votes "Aye"
  • In particular, the central character, Sari Arany (which we can accept as a translatuion convention: in Hungarian she would have been Arany Sari) is a fascinating figure, developing from introspective teenager to being the village midwife, registrar and procurer of poison. Three Who audiobooks
  • Are you Hungarian, by any chance?
  • The remains from prehistoric times show that the country was inhabited when the present Hungarian lowlands were covered by the ocean.
  • Rosalinda, who was also invited to the party, arrives there, affecting the airs of a Hungarian countess.
  • We have been appointed sole UK distributor of a number of Hungarian wines.
  • Italians were thought to be violent criminals; the Hungarians, Russians, Poles, and various others in the late 19 th and early 20th centuries were characterized as clannish, speaking their own languages, and being a threat to "American civilization". Main RSS Feed
  • Under Habsburg rule, it was the fourth largest city in the Austro-Hungarian empire.
  • Other culinary attractions are mango mousse gateaux, watermelon mousse gateaux and Hungarian gateaux.
  • It was followed by an explosively dazzling Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No 11, which affirmed her purposeful and communicative pianism.
  • He recorded the fastest lap in last weekend's Hungarian Grand Prix.
  • He preached a crusade against John Asen of Bulgaria, granting extensive privileges to King Bela IV of Hungary to get him to make war on the Bulgars, but the Mongols were arriving and the Hungarians had to fight them instead.
  • As the 85-year-old Mr Vermes recalls, his Hungarian Jewish parents died in the Holocaust, even though the family, which was not religious, had converted to Catholicism in the 1930s.
  • Violette met Etienne Szabo, a French officer of Hungarian descent, at the Bastille Day parade in London in 1940.
  • The great Hungarian grandmaster used to complain that even an untitled master could calculate better than he could.
  • As for Hungarian, a patriotic mystic by the name of András Kovács Andrew Smith, anglice frequents these Austral shores, making just such a comic claim on the most spurious of grounds. THE PRIMACY OF RUSSIAN.
  • The Komondor is a Hungarian breed of dog that has a very distinctive, corded coat that closely resembles dreadlocks.
  • While researching the biological combustion processes, the Hungarian Nobel Prize Laureate biochemist Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi found that bioflavonoids improved the absorption of vitamin C as well as protecting it from oxidation.
  • Hungarian is particularly awkward for dubbing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The landlord had just opened his mouth to make some remark, when he was stopped by the violent ringing of what he now called the vampyre's bell, since it proceeded from the room where the Hungarian nobleman was. Varney the vampire; or, The feast of blood. Volume 2
  • In the United States, Hungarian Slovak Gypsies, mostly violists, have played popular Hungarian music at immigrant weddings.
  • Austro-Hungarian prisons lay in "reciprocity diplomacy. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • This is a legacy from the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, when social position was determined by aristocratic or civil service hierarchy.
  • Hungarian folk music
  • The psychocultural ground of Schoenberg's atonalism and its complex procedures was the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian empire.
  • In Hungarian, the zero copula occurs only in the third person, and in AAVE it is not permitted in the first person singular.
  • In 1443, the Hungarian army advanced into Serbia, and the Turks were forced to retreat.
  • in Danish mange tak and a long-standing wish that KNR will put their broadcasts on line already but I can't see anything wrong with 'Eskimo' for Eskimos or Gypsy for Romanis or Hungarian for Magyars, Finnish for Suomis etc. etc. etc. LANGUAGE GUESSER.
  • If true, this could persuade the EU to pay for a Hungarian operation to lift the wreckage - and possibly for a high-level bridge to replace the Novi Sad pontoon.
  • It is unlike the waltz, the gavotte, the country dance, the Scotch reel, the Spanish Cachucha, the Hungarian mazurka; is far worse than jota Arragonese, or the most lascivious of Spanish dances of Andalusia. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851
  • I don't know if it arose as an alternative to early Czech 'cz' which in Hungarian would come out as non-palatal, but that seems a reasonable explanation which means it's probably wrong, yes. BECS.
  • The Austro-Hungarians and Germans have their Clankers, steam-driven iron machines loaded with guns and ammunition. The best recent books: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Alternate History
  • Even the market for the Hungarian forint, a previously strong currency, this week faltered in illiquidity.
  • Stabling a horse next to one that's cribbing, wind-sucking, weaving or box walking can increase the likelihood of similar behaviour in the other, the study involving 287 horses at nine Hungarian riding schools found. Headlines
  • The situation is particularly serious in postcommunist Europe, where smaller currencies, such as the Hungarian forint or the Ukrainian hryvna, have lost a third or more of their value against the euro and the dollar since September. Trouble's Brewing in Europe's East
  • Hungarian cattlemen, shepherds, and pigherders have cooked cubed meat with onion and spices for at least 300 to 500 years.
  • Despite a letter of free passage signed by the Hungarian foreign minister, officials at the airport still obstructed Douglas's departure and called the interior ministry.
  • The Hungarian hussar is no fanfaron like the French chasseur, but he is conscious of his own powers, like a Grenadier of the Old Imperial Guard. International Weekly Miscellany - Volume 1, No. 9, August 26, 1850
  • We had tickets for the second ring, but not for the Inner one, where the Quality were standing; but just before the shooting of the great Match for the Empress's ruby ring, Mr. Pinchin, into whose head some of the bubbles from the white Hungarian had begun to mount, begins to brag about his gentle extraction, and his cousinage to Lady Betty Heeltap and my Lord Poddle. The Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous, Vol. 2 of 3 Who was a sailor, a soldier, a merchant, a spy, a slave among the moors...
  • Some locomotives were to be fitted with Brotan water-tube fireboxes, a Hungarian invention much used in that country, but a late discovery of a shortage of steel tubes stopped all that!
  • Italian Tocai is an aromatic dry white made entirely from the Tocai grape known as Sauvignon Vert in France, whereas Hungarian Tokai or Tokaji is a sweet dessert wine made using Furmint and Haréslvelü grapes. Wine, women and song
  • Last week's chemical accident in Hungary, when about184 million gallons of caustic sludge and water burst from a storage pool of a metals plant inundating three western Hungarian towns and spilling into the Danube, is yet another reminder that accidents happen at chemical facilities. Elizabeth Hitchcock: In The Public Interest : How Many Reminders Do We Need Before We Act To Reduce Chemical Accident Risk?
  • And no man in Europe wears his uniform as the Hungarian officer of hussars does; the astrachan-trimmed short coat, slung over one shoulder, cap trimmed with fur, on the side of his head, and skin-tight trousers inside of faultless, spurred boots reaching to the knees. Woman as Decoration
  • Finally, a complete mandible is known for the Hungarian azhdarchid Bakonydraco. Archive 2006-04-01
  • These striking photos were captured during a huge fire at a plastic processing plant in Kistarcsa, a suburb of the Hungarian capital Budapest.
  • Hungarians have learnt to be more punctual and correct in our relations, being more influenced by the west,’ she said.
  • Starting from this idiom, that is to say eastward from the Hungarian frontier, another language prevailed all over the territory in that direction comprised in Europe, and even extended beyond…. The Great Experiment
  • Bartok used many seconds and sevenths found in monophonic Hungarian folk music.
  • The ‘Vietnam film’ corner - bullet casings, camouflage nets - sits among full size cut-outs of obscure Hungarian heart-throbs.
  • Inside, you are enclosed in something between an airlock and a time warp: a coach-built interior of wood, chrome and leather that harks back to the last days of the Austro-Hungarian empire.
  • We park in the draw where the hunter's dog first jumped a small covey of Hungarian partridge.
  • Beit. xxxi, 570, attempt to prove the identity of the names by means of a form "Arda", giving on the one hand Hungarian "Aladar", The Nibelungenlied
  • Month-to-date, the Swedish krona, Hungarian forint, Czech koruna, and Norwegian krone have gained almost 5% against the dollar.
  • There is no such thing as a specifically Hungarian American holiday, perhaps because the attention of most unassimilated Hungarian Americans is focused on the mother country.
  • Plus, currencies in these markets have strengthened, meaning returns in Hungarian forints or Brazilian reals get a boost when rendered in dollars.
  • His great-grandfather was a member of the guard to the Austrian-Hungarian royal family.
  • ‘hussar’ is Hungarian; ‘caloyer’, Romaic; ‘mammoth’, of some Siberian language; {14} ‘tattoo’, Polynesian; ‘steppe’, Tartarian; ‘sago’, English Past and Present
  • On the downside, the Iceland krona fell 2.4%, the Uruguay peso 1.6%, the Hungarian forint 1.4%, and the Polish zloty 1.4%.
  • The aluminum firm MAL Hungarian Aluminum Production & Trade Zrt. 's operation will remain halted until Sunday at the earliest, Ms. Pinter said. Deaths Toll Rises to Six in Hungary Toxic Mud Spill
  • As a wave of panic and depression spread throughout the team, Rissa—who had a store of palinka, a Hungarian apricot brandy, which she had picked up during a recent conference in Budapest—began distributing drinks to those most in need. The Goddess and the Bull
  • Once the Hungarian forint goes, the markets will turn on the currencies of better-run economies like Poland and the Czech and Slovak Republics.
  • The dancers were wearing traditional Hungarian dress/costume.
  • This is too long to preserve small bodies of melt in the crust, and suggests that the scenario is appropriate to neither the Waipiata nor the western Hungarian field.
  • The Hungarian capital has become a confusing bottleneck for the migrants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Between 1948 and 1953, the Hungarian economy was reorganized according to the Soviet model.
  • The five main Hungarian breweries are: Borsod, Sopron, arany Ászok, Kõbányai and Dreher. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Hungarian policymakers "exacerbated" the country's fiscal situation, he said. TODAYonline
  • For instance, Jacob Mestel (1884 – 1958) mentions that Pepi Litmann, and not her husband, was actually the “baleboste,” in other words the director of their troupe, and he also writes that Pepi Litmann was the first to engage female singers in keeping with the local language demands of the respective performance locations, such as a Hungarian singer in Hungary, etc. Yiddish Theater in Vienna.
  • It has nothing to do with the Hungarian wine Tokay.
  • Hungarian cuisine owes a lot to peppers and you will find goulash everywhere. The Sun
  • The Hungarian uprising in 1956 was suppressed by the Soviet Union.
  • You talk about invasive species, you mean like brown trout, honey bees, night crawlers, ringneck pheasants, or Hungarian partridge? The founding fathers believed that governments are instituted among men for the sole purpose of protecting human rights.
  • That was the thing I was most worried about but they were fantastic - two exceptionally strong and hard-working Hungarians who were jokily insulted when Paul assumed they were Polish. New flat
  • Hungarian architect Zsigmund Quittner borrowed liberally from traditional Hungarian art to produce a highly decorative and modern building.
  • The Opera House is decorated with the Hungarian national colours: green, red and white.
  • Anyone who has listened to Hungarian fiddlers at a village fair, or a Finnish male-voice choir in a darkened wine bar at midnight, or a lone singer in a Somerset kitchen, can feel as close to paradise as with any professional.
  • The Opera House is decorated with the Hungarian national colours: green, red and white.
  • Hundreds of thousands, millions of Hungarian people live day to day and die from starvation, thirst and poverty in our country.
  • Peppers can be classified into two groups: mild or sweet, such as bell, pimento and sweet wax, and hot or pungent, such as jalapeño, serrano and Hungarian wax.
  • Now she works 12 hours a day collecting 40 Hungarian forints from every person who wants to use the toilets.
  • She's a unique case in Hungarian criminology," Szabo admitted. Breaking News: CBS News
  • This Hungarian version is one of the more interesting chicken stews in the world, with the typically Magyar ingredients of onion, sweet peppers and paprika.
  • Plus, currencies in these markets have strengthened, meaning returns in Hungarian forints or Brazilian reals get a boost when rendered in dollars.
  • Were I not translating that off the cuff, I'd have used "Hungarian," I suppose, but I just like the word Magyar, and, through the Czech exposure, don't really register it as that odd in English. TRANSLATING SCHWEIK.
  • Hungarians in Slovakia are generally bilingual and have been acculturated but wish to maintain their national culture, especially their language.
  • I set up my headquarters in what had once been a shop, and for interpreter I acquired the services of a Hungarian, who told me that he had worked as a human cannonball in a small circus, until one day he overshot the net, and could work no longer.
  • Adams was observed to almost put down his picnic hamper in order to approach and threaten a young Hungarian migrant.
  • The warnings conflicted with the view of the prestigious Hungarian Academy of Sciences, which reiterated Friday that the red sludge remained hazardous due to its caustic alkalinity but its heavy metal concentrations were not considered dangerous for the environment. Hungary Toxic Sludge Has 'Surprisingly High' Levels Of Arsenic, Mercury, According To Greenpeace
  • One particularly interesting outcome of such research was the invention of holography and the hologram by Hungarian-born engineer Dennis Gabor in 1947.
  • Currency stabilization was a top economic priority after World War l in the dismembered Austro-Hungarian Empire.
  • For the uninitiated, Vlad Taltos is a human assassin in a strange world where humans occupy the eastern kingdoms and the rest is run by the Dragaereans, a long-lived elfin race whose sorcery is far more formalized than humanity's witchcraft (the human culture on Dragaera is based loosely on ancient Hungarian culture, and the magic is derived somewhat from Hungarian animist mysticism). Boing Boing
  • One of the most enjoyable experiences was a visit to one of the famous Hungarian thermal bath houses.
  • Romanian and Hungarian gypsies who fiddled the czardas and halgatos at our family festivities and camped in the empty store adjacent to my father's butcher shop, an uninterrupted flow of loud conversation in many tongues, rarely English, and kitchen odors of many Habsburg cuisines filling our crowded expanded-family-filled home, gave me an orthodox and optimistic view of America as a land of change and possibility which I never lost. D. Carleton Gajdusek - Autobiography
  • The folk dances finding their accompaniment to this music - the Hungarian czardas, the Polish mazurka, the German waltz, the Russian trepak, and even English Morris dancing - have a recognizably formalized shape.
  • Left to right: Toby, my crewboss; Louie, fellow treeplanter formerly of the Hungarian Olympic rowing team and despite any rumours you may have heard of him pulling knives in dicey moments at the bar, a really lovely gentleman; C.C., fellow treeplanter among many other things, who claims to have never logged any of the trees he’s planted but who knows people who have. » Blog Archive » Backyards of Creston
  • This strong increase looks somewhat overdone, and we are likely to see some setback in Hungarian PMI in the coming months.
  • And so the idea of Hungarian notation was born, in which each variable is prefixed by lower-case letters indicating useful things about it.
  • Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Balazs said "the pieces of the mosaic don't fit" based on what has been reported by the media about the alleged plot and what he called insufficient information received officially by Hungary from Bolivia. Salon
  • Hungarian belongs to the Ugor branch of the Finno-Ugric language family.
  • By 1900, intermarriages with other nationalities were more common, most of them occurring with Germans, but also with Austrians, Hungarians, and Poles.
  • On the downside, the South African rand declined 3%, the Hungarian forint 1.6%, and the British pound 1.3%.
  • On the one hand, you have the uplands: home to the ruffed grouse and the woodcock, the ringneck pheasant, the bobwhite quail, and just possibly sharptail grouse and Hungarian partridge, too.
  • The Polish zloty jumped 3.3%, the South African rand 2.5%, Czech koruna 2.0%, and Hungarian forint 1.9%.
  • The dirty deal was done before anyone at the Hungarian FA woke up to what was going on.
  • The Czech, Slovak and Hungarian mountains and countryside are well signposted for walkers and drivers.
  • I come from a Hindu family, butin the early '30s I fell in love with a Hungarian Jewish girl I met at the London School of Economics. Visions Of Gandhi, Running For Their Lives
  • The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, at Sarajevo on June 28 by a member of a secret society of Serbian nationalists provided the chance. Armistice Day 2 0 0 5
  • Innsbruck is the theologate of the Austrian and Hungarian provinces of the Society of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • In politics the Communist Party had at last lost its allure following the suppression of the Hungarian Revolution.
  • We had decided to attend our local church, which celebrates an Hungarian mass, Father Kiss pronounced kish is the priest and talks with a thick accent, which is barely understandable. At My Table
  • Then, to illustrate the essentially improvisatory nature of all Gypsy music, he brought out Oszkár Ökrös, one of Hungary's leading virtuosi on the cimbalom, the Hungarian dulcimer, whose strings, played with little hammers, produce shimmering melodies and chords. Gypsies Play What They Inspired
  • That is the fact of Hungarian football — they can play very well or very poorly.
  • The meaning of which summons was this: -- Immediately after taking soup, it was his constant practice to swallow what he called a dram, which consisted either of Hungarian wine, of Rhenish, of a cordial, or (in default of these) of Bishop. Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers — Volume 2
  • Local archives house valuable deeds documenting the glory of the mediaeval city, which has witnessed the coronation of 11 Hungarian kings and eight regal wives.
  • Having sat through a soporific video presentation, gazed at some rather disappointing Hungarian art and contemplated the implications of Freud's psychoanalysis of his own daughter, the pair are slightly stir-crazy.
  • Yogi, a hungarian vizsla from Sydney, made headlines globally last month when he was crowned Best in Show at Crufts, the world's most prestigious dog show held in England. | Top Stories
  • The judge decided that the Hungarian Guard's main aim is to spread fear among Gypsies. Global Voices in English » Hungary: The Hungarian Guard Banned
  • At a society ball, she was wooed by a ludicrously suave Hungarian count.
  • Nicolas Sarkozy, French to his fingertips despite his heteroclite background two parts Hungarian, one part Greek/Jewish and one part French/French, seems to have absorbed the first, but not the second, of the above two maxims. Dr. Charles G. Cogan: Toujours de l'Audace!
  • The four series were filmed on location with, surprisingly, Hungarian countryside standing in for the Welsh borders.
  • Diptera, and Acari species in Central-Hungarian reserves. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Sometimes a Hungarian principality, Transylvania was primarily a part of the Hungarian Empire.
  • If I am writing a history of modern Hungarian painting, for example, and I decide to describe Csaba's paintings on their own terms, downplaying or omitting their sources, I risk unmooring myself from historical sense.
  • On the downside, the Polish Zloty, Slovakia koruna, and South African rand declined 3%, while the Hungarian forint, Czech koruna, and Romania leu declined 2%.
  • Cox was a serious amateur philologist and had reading knowledge of the Romance languages along with Hungarian, Polish, Greek and German.
  • But Furst also conveys the elegant, decadent delights of the prewar good life. One Hungarian character has his sauerkraut cooked not in beer but champagne.
  • The piece is an artful reworking both of Hungarian folk music and Baroque recitative.
  • There was a shared disappointment, however, about the TV dramatisations of the Mole books – in one of which, Townsend recalled with distaste, all the main characters seemed to be adopting Birmingham accents, unperceived by the Hungarian director. Book club, week three: The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾
  • But, as much as I tend to prefer the more expensive French cooperage, I really enjoy what a third type of oak, Hungarian oak, brings to the table as well. The New York Cork Report:
  • You don't know nothing for Hungarian. They can't accept their ancestor was the wild Turki from asia.
  • His best finish was 11th in the Hungarian Grand Prix.
  • Somehow that combination, of Jewish religious ritual and the proudest Hungarian patriotism, is especially poignant.
  • This scheme is similar to the structure of the Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies in that the first section is generally slow, rhapsodic and lyrical, often in a parlando style, while the second section is fast and technically brilliant.
  • Until Hungary joins the Euro-zone in 2010, the legal currency is the Hungarian forint - although some restaurants and hotels will accept euros.
  • On the upside, the Japanese yen gained 4.3%, the Hungarian forint 3.0%, the Iceland krona 2.9%, and the Indian rupee 2.0%.
  • Bisecting Budapest and Belgrade Streets, a wide boulevard lined by bedraggled trees commemorates Béla Kun, the Hungarian revolutionary who in 1919 founded the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic and was later executed by Stalin for his pains. The Return
  • Named after Joseph Pulitzer , the Hungarian - born US newspaper publisher, the prizes were established by Pulitzer's will.
  • If the Magyars talk of introducing universal suffrage, they want to extend it to Magyar electors, and on one condition only, viz. that all the candidates shall be of _Magyar_ nationality, or, as the Hungarian Premier, Count Esterhazy, put it, "democracy in Hungary can only be a Magyar democracy" -- that is, a system utterly at variance with the principles of justice. Independent Bohemia An Account of the Czecho-Slovak Struggle for Liberty
  • They are intensely nationalistic in style, and Hubay either took the melodies directly from Hungarian folk music, or created his own echt Hungarian originals.
  • FWIW, "horse penis" is a favored cussword in Hungarian. Surprisingly risqué comedy material for Laura Bush.
  • As a result of fierce Hungarian onslaughts from the north, Bulgaria lost important territories beyond the Danube, including the rich Transylvania.
  • On this occasion he will be performing one prelude and fugue by Bach, a Hungarian Rhapsody by Liszt and ‘Airs of Spain’ by Albeniz.
  • The pungent little pepper is king of the Hungarian kitchen and seasons the distinctive goulash, a national dish in either its soup or its stew form.
  • This concert featured two singers in solos and a few duets from operettas by Austrian and Hungarian composers.
  • To the comment that the Orientalist composer's intoxicating minor mode—based on what is called the ahava-rabba mode in Hebrew cantillation and klezmer music—is virtually the same as the mode Liszt called the "Hungarian Minor" in his rhapsodies, Mr. Botstein says that "many scholars have pointed out that the same musical gestures end up as ethnic signals for any number of cultures. Go East, Monsieur
  • Steele is right about one thing - the likes of the Hungarian government, made up of former communist aparatchiks were well-used to being yes-men to a great power, when it was the USSR.
  • We purchased some beautiful specimens of old Hungarian jewelry in Pressburg, thanks to a friend who lived in the town, and understood where to find such things. A Lady's Glimpse of the Late War in Bohemia
  • He recorded the fastest lap in last weekend's Hungarian Grand Prix.
  • Tens of thousands of European trade unionists have demonstrated in the Hungarian capital Budapest. The protesters oppose tough austerity measures imposed by many governments.
  • Parisiennes, with their attendant cavaliers, while the orchestra played the passionate notes of the Hungarian czardas, resembled some vision of a painter, some embarkation for the dreamed-of Cythera, realized by the fancy of an artist, a poet, or a great lord, here in nineteenth century The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • Hungarian ultramarathoner Edit Berces pounds out 153.6 miles on a treadmill, setting a new 24-hour world record.
  • But on this occasion the Hungarian with a big appetite belied his hulking frame by taking the ball neatly on his chest and drilling a low left-footed shot into the bottom corner of the net.

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