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How To Use Hun In A Sentence

  • Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails. VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
  • Watching celebs suffer from hunger and lack of home comforts is somehow really entertaining. The Sun
  • Combine the corn with steamed green vegetables like asparagus and offer baked potatoes to ensure the children don't go hungry.
  • In 2005, the Mugabe government launched what it called a slum clearance scheme, that bulldozed major shantytowns, brutally displacing hundreds of thousands of people. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2007
  • Does the plain, unsugared doughy type bagel look alike surpass the overly decorated with hundreds and thousands and pumped full of sweet chemicals with optional coating of chocolate (half dipped) Tescos Express doughnut win every time? Rabbit Stew. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
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  • Sometime in the early eighteen hundreds, they trekked to the flat plain between the Ohio River and Lake Erie and settled in Mount Vernon, which was then a few small buildings in a forest of tall trees. A Renegade History of the United States
  • This facility is intended to help a few hundred families living in public housing by training them to be grocery store clerks.
  • A couple of weeks ago, while glassing four female Meneliks bushbuck two hundred yards away feeding in a tiny clearing during a pouring rain, a nice male stepped into view. Very Little Drops Dead
  • I usually sqirt a drop or two on the front and back of my boots, and a few drops on a wick around the stand. i never used the buck pee though. i have used a couple of tarsal glands from a buck that my friend killed. had small buck circle the tree i hung it from a couple times. When to use What deer pee?
  • Our interneuronal connections in our brain, for example, process information at chemical signaling speeds of a few hundred feet per second, compared to a billion feet per second for electronics - electronics is a million times faster.
  • A few weeks later I was fired from my job at Hunter College.
  • Compared to a Finno-Ugric language like Estonian or Hungarian, which has tons of cases with exotic names like the inessive, superessive, ablative, translative, and exessive, English seems as poor as a pauper on payday. 2009 October « Motivated Grammar
  • We spend our days hunting for things to keep us alive. Times, Sunday Times
  • And thus the Washington Post column on David's congressional testimony, where he is described "hunched" and said to have "barked," "growled" and "snarled" -- language you would use to describe an animal. Humanizing al Qaeda, Demonizing the Bush Team
  • Of course, Whitty himself ain’t exactly a peach; he loves him some torture, and buries knives in bellies with minimal provocation; when it comes to witch-hunting, he’s of the “burn her alive now, ask questions … well, don’t really bother asking questions, it’s just so damn fun to burn people, let’s do it some more!” school. Cry of the Banshee « Skid Roche
  • During the take-over battle the stock quotations of both enterprises rose so that an investor would have to wait several hundred years to finance the purchase price of the shares from the present level of profits.
  • The forecasts have been asking us to watch out for thunderclouds and thundershowers for a long while now.
  • The auctioneer's podium faced a wall hung with six sets of mounted antlers each side of a large red deer's head. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most rural stations had a staff of at least six, and perhaps up to a dozen, who them carried out the duties of stationmaster, signalman, booking clerk, ticket collector, porter, shunter, lengthman and lampman.
  • Despite imperial successes at St. Gotthard (1664), Growardein and Neuhäusel in Hungary ceded to the Ottomans (1664, at Vasvár). 2. The Habsburg Monarchy
  • Over Fate of Georgia, Provinces With Russian forces appearing to hunker down in Georgia, U.S. and European officials now face a pricklier challenge: Moscow's insistence that it has the right to help break up the country. U.S.-Russia Relations Turn Cold
  •   The thundering lauwine — might be worshipped more; Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
  • The magazine gave voice to hundreds of oppressed factory workers.
  • There were just a hundred of them there.
  • Helen Hunt Jackson was a known activist who campaigned for the rights of the Native American Indians.
  • Many of the wrecks around our coasts are either mine or torpedo victims, and either way there is a colossal bang, the ship gets a big chunk blown out of it and the rest lands in a heap nearby.
  • A swingle-tree hung at the pole's end, and a second pair of reins was fast to the driver's seat, the four cheek-buckles lying crossed over the wheeler's backs. Ambrotox and Limping Dick
  • A voice drifted down through the hatch above our heads, ‘I'm amazed,’ it said. ‘Only three people have chundered so far.’
  • Hundreds of the aircraft are on order, but loss of the Northwest batch is a serious setback.
  • The countless mini-roundabouts popping up where there just simply isn't room for a roundabout is another danger, increasing the number of small shunts & bumps.
  • Louis XIV spent 200,000 gold francs for the construction of the royal kennels at Versailles where he kenneled hunting hounds, truffle terriers and toy poodles.
  • The plaintiff had sued one member, Hunter, of a committee of the management of a hospital which had engaged him.
  • A short fellow with a refined bearing, Gavaskar consistently got hundreds and double-hundreds against top-class bowling.
  • And David took from him a thousand chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen: David also houghed all the chariot horses, but reserved of them a hundred chariots. 1 Chronicles 18.
  • There was thunder too and lightning and in places rain. Bomber
  • The drug will be useful to hundreds of thousands of infected people.
  • So who is to blame -- hunters, wildlife managers, hikers, developers?
  • A hundred cents make one euro.
  • It shows a stag hunt, accompanied by more unlikely woodland animals such as a monkey and a tortoise. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fans certainly looked like they didn't have a care in the world as they lay in their hundreds sunning themselves on the grassy slopes surrounding the stadium in the hours before the game.
  • Typical mesocyclonic tornadoes are caused by intense thunderstorms with appropriate vertical and directional wind shear. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pathogens in Harm’s Way:
  • The gang escaped with a haul worth hundreds of pounds.
  • Like other police forces, Wiltshire constabulary is not setting up a special squad or unit to deal with possible hunting law infringements.
  • Tru hung her gown away safely, then tore off her sweat-soaked uniform before she sloshed water all over her body, scrubbing away her stench with soap.
  • Hunt thinks it unlikely that the currency will break parity with the dollar next year, and feels it is likely to settle around the $0.92 level.
  • They shoot up from the tops of thunderstorms about the same moment lightning discharges within the storm cloud.
  • One of the stars of the collection is the Diana and Minerva commode of 1773, so called for the inlaid roundels representing the goddesses of the hunt and the arts, respectively.
  • See, Stuart is like all the rest of the blood thirsty criminals in D.C., … ya seel hundreds of thousands more brown people will be killed because he's arrognt enough, he's evil enough and doggonnit Satan likes him! Franken Tells Pickens To Blow it Elsewhere « Blog
  • About 7 o'clock tonight, we had a whopping great thunderstorm with accompanying light show, and the flipping garage got flooded again!
  • A pau ka laua kamailio ana no keia mau mea, hoi aku la o Malaekahana a hiki i ka hale, in manawa, nui loa mai la ka nahunahu ana a aneane e hanau, alaila, hoomanao ae la o Malaekahana i na olelo a ke Kahuna i a-oa-o mai ai ia ia. The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
  • That's the forecast for the forecastable future -- showers and thundershowers as the warm and sun suck moisture out of our sodden lebensraum and turn it back into clouds. Showers
  • We have a report that four unidentified persons have set up a rocket launcher two hundred yards west of seventeenth green.
  • SO what happened to the hundreds of promised new schools? Times, Sunday Times
  • I long for the Monday nights before he came along when the second I got hungry I could stand by the kitchen TV watching "The Bachelorette," while whumping down a salade nicoise. Susan Orlins: Dating After Divorce: What if I Meet a Guy I Like?
  • Since ye cannae hunt nae more north of the border, something's got to eat these beasties.
  • The first was that, though the sea was indeed rough, there was little rain, and the air lacked the clammy humidity of a thunderstorm.
  • That I did not drop it into a cageful of terrier-pups was wholly due to the native vigour with which _Striatus_ hung on. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, 1920-02-04
  • The launch was held at a press conference at which graphic footage of foxhunting, staghunting and hare coursing was also released.
  • Gulf War veterans fighting to prove hundreds of former servicemen have been crippled and killed by a mysterious syndrome caused by their time in the conflict have been dealt a massive blow - their own solicitors say the case is unprovable.
  • Hundreds of homeless people could freeze to death this winter.
  • A senior detective who led the hunt for two armed robbers behind a series of terrifying raids across Bradford today told of the desperate race against time to catch them before someone was shot.
  • Poland has ten symphony orchestras, seventeen conservatories, over one hundred music schools, and almost one thousand music centers.
  • Several other Argus executives were also shunted sideways.
  • It was so embarrassing, I had to get up in front of hundreds of people and collect this award.
  • It was the size of a monkey's fist and flew into the kitchen window with a thunk.
  • Baf, Bafilomycin A1; BH, Bcl-2 homology; CHX, cycholoheximide; GFP-74Q, GFP-tagged exon 1 mutant htt fragment; htt, huntingtin; MEFs, mouse embryonic fibroblasts; 3MA, 3-methyl adenine; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; STS, staurosporin; TNF - Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Could you just sing the tune of the hymn rather than the hundred and fifty-seven little twiddly bits?
  • Hundreds die everyday without the seemliness of a proper investigation since there is never anyone to care.
  • There was no doubt at all that every Brownie there was determined to think hard and hunt hard for a new Pack Meeting place.
  • By the hunting season in the following year, not a single survivor of the last group could be found.
  • Sed quamquam permulta sint quae hunc sensum inpugnare ualeant atque perfringere, de argumentorum copia tamen haec interim libasse sufficiat. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Ask your gun customers if they bowhunt or would consider bowhunting.
  • Vanessa raised hundreds of pounds for the charity by playing requests in exchange for donations to the appeal.
  • Boys go in groups of fifteen to thirty to bush camps, where they stay for ninety to a hundred days to recover from the operation.
  • The lead found in captive condors and released condors with low levels in their blood had isotope ratios similar to lead found in dead livestock and wildlife that had not been killed by hunters.
  • Once inside they unscrewed four projectors hung from the ceiling and took four laptop computers and a digital camera, worth a total of £5,050, before leaving by the main entrance.
  • It's like quail hunting: A short, light 20-gauge gun is faster than a big, heavy 12 in covering a covey rise.
  • Champlain appears to be carrying a light arquebus that Paulin-Desormeaux calls a fusil de chasse, a hunting weapon; ibid., 1:184-93; for a more extended discussion, see below, chapter 12, and Appendix L. Champlain's Dream
  • The prey Chlorella first formed globose clusters of tens to hundreds of cells. Mutation, selection and complexity - The Panda's Thumb
  • The men never exerted themselves except when hunger prompted, or a spent magazine made the acquisition of "peltries" necessary to barter for powder and ball. The Hive of "The Bee-Hunter," A Repository of Sketches, Including Peculiar American Character, Scenery, and Rural Sports
  • Despite what the antis would tell you, hunting is for people from all walks of life.
  • Delvile, by which her own goodness proved the source of her defamation: and though something still hung upon her mind that destroyed that firm confidence she had hitherto felt in the friendship of Mr Monckton, she held it utterly unjust to condemn him without proof, which she was not more unable to procure, than to satisfy herself with any reason why so perfidiously he should calumniate her. Cecilia
  • His life hung by a single thread.
  • In the final match, Lara scored yet another hundred but this was so frantic and frenzied that it could not stop the Australians from winning the match and squaring the series.
  • The tall sportsman is one hundred kilograms.
  • Man should only eat his fellow man out of hungriness. "Artist to feed convict to goldfish."
  • A watercolour by Thundersley-born artist Richard Sorrell has made the collection.
  • I watched as my heart hungered for the same affection. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Dad
  • Folks may crow all they want about the roar of Niagara or the growlin’ of the sea—but give me a splendacious peal o’ stormbrewed thunder and your other nat’ral music is no more than a penny whistle is to a church organ! Nevermore
  • The thunder scared the children.
  • He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder.
  • Zhang had been chained to a cowshed in Hunan, southern China, in 2005 after falling out with village officials over a loan to build his house. Zhang Chuanqiu, Chain Skin Victim, Saved By British Media Charity
  • The griffin is also used by Saab, and other mythical beasts goaded into service on motor cars must include Alfa Romeo's serpent, Talbot's hunting dog and the Gilbern's Welsh dragon. Badge Engineering
  • Police have launched a nationwide hunt for the killer.
  • There is no doubt that the voters wanted to shake up the status quo and they have done this by creating what is almost a hung parliament.
  • More than one hundred local women were employed in the manufacture of these items at various South Side social centers.
  • Three hundred thousand corpses in sandy mass graves cry out that the war was just. Tragedy of Tony Blair
  • They hunt for camel meat by putting land mines around the region's brackish waterholes.
  • The super sent us a hundred men, no less, and they've searched the factory.
  • ALLAHABAD - As the country marked the first anniversary of 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attacks, hundreds of people in Uttar Pradesh's Allahabad district turned up at the bank of the Ganga Thursday to witness the "hanging" of terrorist Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride. Hunter S. Thompson 
  • She climbed into the jungle gym for the drizzle had quickly changed into a large thunder storm.
  • The geographical results were fruitful; the Ross Sea, the Admiralty Range and the Great Ice Barrier were discovered and some eight hundred miles of Antarctic coastline were broadly delineated. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • Spacewatch discovers hundreds of new kilometer-sized belt asteroids with every observing run.
  • Slips, trips and falls are a very common cause of accidents with hundreds of thousands of incidents reported each year.
  • Pumas roam these passes, hunting vast areas for grey fox, upland geese or guanacos, the wild and woolly relative of the llama. Globe and Mail
  • From almost two hundred field offices, more than two thousand special agents teletyped all new data daily to Headquarters in Washington, where an army of clerks indexed it for easy retrieval.
  • When you shut up your eyes , I like a duck in a thunderstorm . I can but stop and wait beside you whisht .
  • She did not know that this Congo River was the home of the Crocodile, the biggest, fiercest, scaliest, hungriest Crocodile in all Africa. The Curious Book of Birds
  • He dresses in half-mourning always, and never wears any jewelry, but strictly shuns all society, and prefers uncivilized regions. Erema
  • The haze of summer hung sweetly over the opening. Times, Sunday Times
  • There should be plenty of thunder left in the powerful arms and lower body he has developed since arriving in America as an underfed teenager with bright eyes and a voracious appetite for success.
  • The tower was originally a summer banqueting house and allowed aristocratic ladies to watch their men hunting.
  • Half an hour later, Willie's nose zigzagged up a rise onto level patch of sun where, a hundred years ago, a house had stood.
  • Thousands of people can live in a hutong which is made up of hundreds of quadrangular courtyards each surrounded by four homes.
  • The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm
  • These are common in a region where hunting is popular. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hundreds of people use auto-focus cameras and there are many people who can't focus their cameras anymore.
  • Throne of God, by tens, by hundreds, by thousands, the harmonious and multisonant salutation of all the Voices. The Captive
  • Yes | No | Report from alabamaoutlaw wrote 23 hours 58 min ago i'm also i Alabama hunter abd use a. 27o ,30-30,7mm rem mag. for deer. along with a franchi 12ga an 870 12ga and a mossberg 500 all with varible chkes bepending on the gane hunted. I'm a rather new hunter and I'm just wondering what gun would you recommend I start off hunting with?
  • The murder hunt team are now back at square one after having arrested and released 27 men.
  • I found myself in a salon with a very well-painted, highly varnished floor; chairs and sofas covered with white draperies, a green porcelain stove, walls hung with pictures in gilt frames, a gilt pendule and other ornaments on the mantelpiece, a large lustre pendent from the centre of the ceiling, mirrors, consoles, muslin curtains, and a handsome centre table completed the inventory of furniture. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The child was frightened to death by the violent thunderstorm.
  • As the student's uniforms are traded for spears and war paint, the innocent boys devolve into uncontrolled, bloodthirsty hunters and ultimately, savages intent on killing the "beast".
  • This ensured that the beaglers could not use the traditional Wiltshire Police tactic of letting the hunt drive away while holding sabs up.
  • Thus was imposed on nationalist people an undemocratic arrangement destined never to yield a nationalist majority for perhaps hundreds of years.
  • Instinctively, Hunter tried to field the ball barehanded - an unfortunate decision, as it turned out - and incurred a hairline fracture to his right thumb.
  • The news on the TV screen had a surge of static and a loud noise simultaneously thundered throughout the colony.
  • The hunting dog lolled its tongue out.
  • Have you ever innocently bitten into a chunk of cayenne pepper in a spicy stir-fry?
  • There was a strained silence for a while and then in the distance there was a clap of thunder.
  • Scenes of milking, slaughtering and butchering cattle, and hunting wild cattle in swamps are also shown.
  • He wasn't so sure that the welding of artist and model improved the art, that her sudden fetish for Captain Hunt's bete-noir would inspire the strumming fingers of her daemon.
  • It was a noble situation — noble as the ancient hau tree, the size of a house, where she sat as if in a house, so spaciously and comfortably house-like was its shade furnished; noble as the lawn that stretched away landward its plush of green at an appraisement of two hundred dollars a front foot to a bungalow equally dignified, noble, and costly. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • Few and far between were the desperate, overeager chat-up lines of some relationship-hungry singles.
  • Here, hundreds of millions of men, women and children are suffering from an incurable disease, chronic arsonicosis, and millions more are at risk.
  • But because of international pressure for an end to the killing of dolphins and the bloodiness of their hunting method, fishermen here have tried to keep out of the public eye.
  • Follow the river upstream from the weir for about two hundred yards and you will come to a clearing.
  • Thus, among many of the tribes the sun is wakanda — not _the_ wakanda or _a_ wakanda, but simply wakanda; and among the same tribes the moon is wakanda, and so is thunder, lightning, the stars, the winds, the cedar, and various other things; even The Siouan Indians
  • My favorite load for turkeys is Beman ICS Hunter arrows fletched with Bonning Blazer vanes and tipped with Vortex Pro-Series 100 grain 2.25 broadheads. Which load do you use for turkey
  • All are not hunters that blow the horn. 
  • If you're not feeling chunderous right now, you should be after reading this.
  • The rancho he could not see -- for the covering interposal columns of the cacti -- but through the openings along their tops a black line was visible that had an unnatural look, and a strange film of smoke hung over the azotea! The White Chief A Legend of Northern Mexico
  • There are two large weights hung from pulleys behind the clock.
  • He was a legend in the business, and I had read his name hundreds of times over the years on various 45s and in the trade papers. Me, The Mob, And The Music
  • He had one hundred dollars in hand.
  • The men hit the hay early, in order to be out hunting at dawn.
  • Sometimes they played the proud Bambara hunter in patterned brown and black mud-cloth robes.
  • Your CNS is the Master Control Centre, the CEO, the Commander in Chief, the Big Kuhuna, The Master Communicator and the Grand Pooh-Bah all rolled into one! Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • But he is still notably dishier than anyone who spends all day hunched at a desk could hope for. Times, Sunday Times
  • They sat in a thoughtful moment before a boom of thunder sounded and Jane jumped.
  • At this stage we need to get input from the person responsible for doing this chunk of the project.
  • Consumers remain hunkered down, and the Federal Reserve is nearly tapped out in providing monetary stimulus, so it can't replicate the sharp cuts in interest rates that gave the economy a big lift in the 1980s. Lessons of Reagan's Rebound
  • Snakes have hundreds of similar vertebrae in their backbones, as can be seen in the skeleton of a python embryo.
  • The complexity and number of processes for treating silk goods may be realized when we know that a piece-dyed or printed fabric is handled its entire length between fifty and one hundred times after it comes from the loom, sometimes even more. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • And so, with no further ado, let the hunting commence.
  • A spider web, revealing its geometric perfection, hung half across one corner of the rude casement; the moonbeams without were individualized in fine filar delicacy, like the ravellings of a silver skein. The Riddle Of The Rocks 1895
  • The team have drawn up a list of three potential sites for landing stages for the punts, the first at Castle Mill, the second at the Coppergate Centre, the third on the Hungate site.
  • There are obviously a hundred ways of structuring an exhibition on Africa.
  • Using her pole as a staff, her temporarily lamed left hand useless at her side, she turned, beginning her hunt for the tricky sorceress and a place to camp once more.
  • Wellbrook was a chunky, solid man in his fifties with big bushy eyebrows. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Hunters selectively cull the does to make more forage available for the bucks.
  • Judging from these movies, Mark Wilkinson is evidently some kind of caecilian-hunting guru genius: with just two lazy, shallow strokes of a spade, he was able to discover two caecilians in their native habitat. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Hunger and poverty often compel the poor to overexploit the resources on which their own livelihoods depend.
  • The cats would be livid, showing their displeasure by sulkily shunning their food and refusing to climb into bed for a goodnight cuddle. SANDS OF TIME
  • The sails hung limply in the flat calm .
  • Trophy hunters typically prefer to bag " prizes " with their own weapons.
  • But I need my fish grilled and oozing with BBQ sauceJhungry valval!! Cooltwinz Diary Entry
  • Dick Brewer had taken refuge behind a thirty-inch sawlog near the mill, just one hundred and forty steps from the window near which this fierce little fighting man was lying, wounded to death. The Story of the Outlaw A Study of the Western Desperado
  • For the Schlachtfest, Stralsunders gathered in hundreds, the women in their dirndls and men in old-fashioned suits, gobbling pig knuckle, leberwurst, knockwurst, dozens of waxy, greasy boiled potatoes, and of course, blutwurst. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • On his left hung some long axes, some double edged and still others were hand axes, hatchets.
  • Next to the pretty basic motel where I stayed was a shop selling and renting electric wheelchairs, and there they were in their serried hundreds.
  • We should be basing our decisions on solid facts, not inclinations and hunches.
  • We managed to hunt down an In-and-Out Burger near the airport and showed Annie what a proper milkshake is supposed to taste like.
  • The two leaders had earlier led a march of hundreds of demonstrators in defiance of a government ban on protest rallies or gatherings of more than four people.
  • I hung a sharp left, sharp right, sharp left -- that car birddogged collision close. Hollywood Nocturne
  • They may hunt down a historic building they read about in the morning paper.
  • The 320 million of annual cost savings pencilled for the combined entity would represent a decent chunk of added value. Times, Sunday Times
  • The type of damage being done to the cars ranges from wing mirrors being snapped off to glue being put in locks and tyres being slashed, with victims facing bills of hundreds of pounds.
  • It is early evening, but the sky is prematurely dark; thunderheads have blocked the last rays of the sun.
  • Unus illis deus est; hunc Christiani, hunc Judæi, hunc homnes venerantur et gentes. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • I wish you to tie the knot, a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! A happy newlywed, sweet sweet honey!
  • The organist was a slightish man, white-haired, who seemed to hover in the alcove, his back to the audience, wizardly in his very smallness, and he hit the thunder pedal just as a figure on the screen drew back cowering from some danger above, and laughter swept the auditorium. Underworld
  • However after learning Yang great wild goose this factory arms the security office staff status truly, the new hundred personnel depart low-spirited.
  • She had been gone about an hour, when the sky suddenly darkened, the wind rose and the thunder rolled in prelude to the storm. The Hidden Hand
  • Festoons of golden rope hung like blonde locks from one of the balconies.
  • And then you've got the work in the luxury saloon sector, where people are phoning out for still bigger pieces of aluminium and ordering up even larger chunks of birchwood, in accordance with a mission to go faster, fatter.
  • Twelve hundred cases of dengue and 101 cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever have been confirmed.
  • This ought to have been fine - if Phaethon had not been like a rock-star's child with a new red Ferrari, scorching off the track, shrivelling crops, turning forest to desert, doubtless melting ice-caps if the Greeks had known about ice-caps, and only stopping when Zeus called a halt with a well-aimed world-saving thunderbolt. Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG:
  • This led to a communal bloodbath in which hundreds of thousands were killed and many thousands more were expelled from their homes.
  • They have been hunkering down and they've reached a decision.
  • So, the computer's got to be moved onto a small coffee table temporarily, and my clothes are either bagged up or hung in various locations at random!
  • Serves 2-4, depending on hunger4 raw, unshelled tiger prawns90ml olive oil3 cloves garlic, finely chopped500ml good-quality fish stock150g sustainable monkfish, cut into chunks1 onion, finely diced1 tsp smoked paprika200g chopped tomatoes50ml dry white winePinch of saffron soaked in 1 tbsp hot water200g Calasparra or other short-grain rice150g baby squid, cut into rings150g broad beans150g mussels, scrubbedHandful of flat-leaf parsley to garnish½ lemon, cut into wedges 1. Shell the prawns and put the flesh aside. How to cook the perfect paella
  • Once you've collected a hundred or so caddises then you've got enough to go fishing with - and you can often get ten caddis grubs off a single stone.
  • The discovery of a small planetoid in the Kuiper belt, the distant disk of debris whose chunks eventually formed the solar system, make Pluto's chances of holding onto its status of bona fide planet weaker.
  • My patio hung over a medium sized street that was lined with shops and booths that sold fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers.
  • Planning laws are being freed up, which means good chunks of land should become available. Times, Sunday Times
  • Judging by the way they tucked into their dinner, they must have been very hungry.
  • I followed him back into the woods, slinking away as only a true hunter could.
  • The intent was to redirect some of the hunters' energy from shooting game to caring for it, thereby preserving enough game to satisfy increasing numbers of hunters.

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