How To Use Humorously In A Sentence
Suffice to say the next time Sarah was co-hosting with John she humorously chided her colleague for such fustiness, to which John mumbled a splendidly unconvincing apology.
Archive 2006-04-01
There is so much "bottom dressing," or "butt dressing" as I call it humorously these days, and to put it sympathetically, it is not the fault of women.
Alfred Augustus Glendening 1861-1903
Some of the students commented humorously on their teacher's cap.
Elizabeth, who was regarded in her set as a wit, a reputation acquired by reason of the fact that she possessed a certain knack for adapting slang humorously (for there was no originality to her alleged wit), now bent her head and looked at her brother incredulously.
Kindred of the Dust
And Close's nasty, shifting canterings with a shovel before he fells his unfortunate brother and humorously lops off his arm to acquire the ring were shiveringly unpleasant.

A "Ribu" is the term humorously coined for a mountain in Indonesia with an elevation of (as the name suggests) at least 1,000 meters.
The Jakarta Post Breaking News
Other wordplay directed humorously is less successful: the author mixes highly esoteric words with the demotic in a way that unintentionally sets up the more casual phrases to disappoint the reader.
You write about this humorously, but I think it would have been really hard growing up in a house like this.
The vocals don't sound maniacal or out of control; they're just deftly witty and humorously exaggerated.
The film director humorously compared the number of people who rectified their name with the number of black-faced spoonbills, a protected migratory bird that overwinters in Taiwan.
By filtering sunlight and mixing selected wavelengths in what Keats calls "appetizing combinations" for plants that are used to savagely foraging on whatever solar sustenance they can find, Keats is humorously reminding a gluttonous humanity how much it takes its flora for granted.
Wired Top Stories
I kinda feel like some of these could have happened purposefully in an effort to humorously combine the two words that sound alike, you know, kinda like "frenemy" -- "congraduation.
Jen GraduRants
Logan, still smiling humorously at him, took out a piece of paper and pencil and wrote down everything he asked for and more.
The humorously absurd mood is set up from the start.
The acting is quite naturalistic and the incidents between the affected and unaffected people are humorously portrayed.
The poem humorously describes local characters and traditions.
And each humorously, we travel around the world buteo an dealfish of the unclaimed proteinase transcendency to swashbuckling that the mutinous wayne of cc eubacterium heedfully africander.
Rational Review
You men, I know, profess a preference for foreign wines; and so, humorously, I hit on the name of Fra Angelico, from the herb angelica, which is its main ingredient.
The Mayor of Troy
She humorously exposes facets of rural life.
Crucifixes and virgin statues bob and wave humorously at the camera as the children scurry along.
The blockheaded "cameraman," Hud (T.J. Miller), offers a humorously deadpan commentary throughout and deals with his own unrequited affection for a woman (Lizzy Caplan).
Archive 2008-01-01
Are we seeing genuine awkwardness here, or a naivety being deliberately and humorously deployed - and does she know the difference, or care much either way?
In Louisiana, "un avocat a terre haute" is a humorously pejorative term to describe a "Philadelphia lawyer," i.e., someone not schooled in the law who nevertheless has a legal opinion on every topic ...
Avocat - French Word-A-Day
The next batch of ads -- collectively dubbed "Syndrome" -- continue the theme of "search overload" but present the idea humorously, a far cry from the overly dramatic "Manifesto" spot that kicked off the estimated $100 million marketing campaign from WPP agency JWT.
Advertising Age - Homepage
I thought the term humorously outrageous in American Pie and then annoying once it became widely "accepted".
Disguised as the prince, to conceal the identity of the real prince at Oxford, he is served by the merry nobles and proves himself humorously unprincely.
The Growth of English Drama
As a protagonist, she is witty, humorously cynical, and completely human.
The real focus of the program, however, is the four concerti for recorder, featuring Matthias Maute on alto recorder once, soprano recorder twice, and a humorously small sopranino recorder for the final piece.
Seated down to dinner at a long communal table, the events of the previous day were humorously dissected, indiscretions were excused and pardoned.
It touches on a lot of issues humorously but never gets too intense.
He commented humorously on his outfit.
In addition, if you look closely at the article you will see it has a certain wry affectionateness towards Labour, and deals with the expenses scandals humorously, pointing out just a few individuals who have apparently failed their genial and public spirited leader.
Archive 2009-05-16
The truth is, that our friend had been reading among the essays of a contemporary, who has perversely been confounded with him, a paper in which Edax (or the Great Eater) humorously complaineth of an inordinate appetite; and it struck him that a better paper -- of deeper interest, and wider usefulness -- might be made out of the imagined experiences of a
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 11, No. 67, May, 1863
(humorously) a dunce cap, its fundamental group is its set of path loops that has a useful characteristic known as "[[homotopy]]
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
The eyes that now rested on her humorously were the beautiful eyes which had once looked into her soul.
The New Magdalen
The Bob we initially meet is a spunky, chatty extrovert who jumps into cars and prattles humorously to the drivers about music and her best friend and boy troubles.
Dickens had humorously suggested a special service of intercession at St. Paul's Cathedral
The reality that despite outward differences humanity is largely the same was brought home by Nobel Peace Prize Winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu, nursing a ruptured/herniated intervertebral disk and therefore unable to attend, who commented humorously by video from South Africa that he could not imagine his friend and fellow Nobelist The Dalai Lama being told in heaven, "you are a wonderful man, but because you are not a Christian ....
Sunil Chacko: Vancouver, Multicultural Gateway To The World
The director humorously portrays the clash between traditional values and modern life.
Mani is so great in Hindi [humorously] ... it was the easiest way to explain to him.
He elaborates this notion by pointing out how humorously out of place someone of ‘high culture’ and ‘refined’ taste would seem when placed amidst a group of spitting, catcalling men.
I thought the term humorously outrageous in American Pie and then annoying once it became widely “accepted”.
Got MILF? | Her Bad Mother
Page 103 they have been humorously styled "parasitical," as being hangers-on or dependents.
The Confederate First Reader: Containing Selections in Prose and Poetry as Reading Exercises for the Younger Children in the Schools and Families of the Confederate States.
That is what I was kind of humorously trying to do there with that video.
CNN Transcript Jan 15, 2009
Luke humorously questions Annie as he puts a cheese cracker into his mouth.
She passionately and humorously discusses the idea of genius, success, and creativity.
It bears a very slimy white berry, of which birdlime may be made, whence its Latin name of _viscus_, It is one of those plants which do not grow in the ground by a root of their own, but fix themselves upon other plants; whence they have been humorously styled parasitical, as being hangers-on or dependants.
Types of Children's Literature
He humorously compares the amount of metal in his body now to ‘a small Erector set.’
Historical: blackface was used in minstrel shows and later in blackface sketches in more mainstream vaudeville to humorously denigrate African Americans.
SNL's Fauxbama Blackface Thing
Behind the bidders, above their heads, we can see a frieze of decorated tiles, its design of two lions after the same lioness humorously echoing the action below.
He made a flourished bow and then humorously wagged his finger in response to her question.
Clubs" are next recommended for those fond of solitude, and their satin luxuries humorously quizzed; but "the Colonial System," which follows, has more causticity.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 322, July 12, 1828
All the other comic writers of antiquity aim only at rendering folly or vice ridiculous, but never exalt their characters into buskined pomp, or make what Voltaire humorously calls a tradesman's tragedy.
The marketing and media frenzy surrounding the matter is astutely and humorously depicted.
I thought I was only humorously historicizing issues of convenience in women's fashion.
Her art consistently involves an interrupting of aesthetic, linguistic, or social conventions, which is sometimes done humorously.
The opening situation (a mobster's bodyguard misunderstands his instructions and puts a battered but living victim in the wrong sort of trunk) suggests a Westlakian criminous farce, and the final suspense situation might have appealed to Woolrich or Hitchcock, but Fast finally resembles none of these, bringing his own humorously optimistic and romantic world-view to the proceedings.
No doubt the whole 'corpus dogmatum,' so supported, will, by the entire body of such believers, be eaten up; just as was the Mahometan hog, so humorously referred to by Cowper; but even that had not all its 'forbidden parts' miraculously shown to be 'unforbidden' to different minds!
The Eclipse of Faith Or, A Visit To A Religious Sceptic