
How To Use Humorless In A Sentence

  • But she also comes across as a humourless frump, needing constant cajoling from her husband to stay afloat.
  • ‘Tell me something I don't know,’ I laughed humorlessly, getting up.
  • After a brief pause, she smiled at him humorlessly.
  • Our mean-minded monarchists really are a bunch of humourless humbugs.
  • His life had run so smoothly that he was habitually inflexible, and perhaps rather humourless. My Darling Heriott: Henrietta Luxborough, Poetic Gardener and Irrepressible Exile
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  • Humourless and heavy-hearted love only produces hate as its offspring.
  • We need not argue at length that philosophy is serious, but this does not mean that it needs to be solemn or humourless.
  • After a brief pause, she smiled at him humorlessly.
  • Paches grinned, again humorless, and Phrynus felt the insult. The One Handed Rower of Myonnesus « A Fly in Amber
  • he reacted rather humorlessly to these rumors
  • I have heard Germans make that humorless statement.
  • Sometimes I come across as pretty monotone and humorless, which isn't an accurate reflection of my personality -- at least not all the time. Archive 2006-05-01
  • The humorlessness, self-importance, and complete lack of depth were horrifying but entertaining.
  • It's like in the '60s, when there were two distinct camps in the boho scene, one of which was Marxist and ideological and political and engaged and humorless to beat the band.
  • If it is too technical and humorless viewers will leave.
  • His laugh is an expletive, a sharp burst of humourless sound.
  • Now the songs are longer, the beat is more ponderous and the message largely humorless.
  • He laughed humorlessly and added, I cannot decide which it is, a triumph of will or its failure. The Monstrumologist
  • Woodward is not rude, arrogant or humourless, at least not all at the same time.
  • The majority of my blog readers are overweight, whining, humorless Americans.
  • It is a tedious, humourless load of crap.
  • Nor is it because her cackling, humourless laugh puts my teeth on edge. The Sun
  • More that, you know, humorless, self-righteous schtick you do. THE SAVING GRACES
  • Woodward is not rude, arrogant or humourless, at least not all at the same time.
  • Ford and Neeson stay locked inside their humourless characters.
  • Richard let out a humorless bark of laughter.
  • Rock was a sad excuse for a lead, and played his part in a humorless and ridiculous manner.
  • Geary exhaled a gust of humorless laughter.
  • He chuckled humorlessly, refilling the shotglass.
  • Angry writing is also, more often than not, completely humorless.
  • He chuckled humorlessly, refilling the shotglass.
  • He urges anyone who is involved in creative work not to get pretentious and to retain her or his sense of humor, noting that "good design may not have to be funny, but it's hard to imagine something that could be called humorless also being good design. Embracing the Art of Hacking
  • Telephones were left unanswered, and the studios and editing suites were invaded by heavy men with humourless faces. THE SCAR
  • People can sometimes walk away with a sense that this was the most humourless, serious upbringing and that is absolutely untrue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of humorless people.
  • O'Riordan is credited with introducing a certain ribaldry to the notoriously humourless world of women's magazines.
  • He's 38, unmarried and stuck in a very deep rut also inhabited by his nagging, humourless girlfriend Ruth and a cat he detests.
  • This woman, this humourless bloodless shambles of a person, was entirely sure that the sign was not open to interpretation by her or anyone else.
  • Entertainment Weekly, for example, said that ' a big-budget comic-book adaptation has rarely felt so humorless and intellectually defensive about its own pulpy roots '.
  • So I'm reluctant to see the material handled so matter-of-factly and humorlessly. With "Precious," believe all the hype
  • The majority of my blog readers are overweight, whining, humorless Americans.
  • When even survival is questionable any discourse on human rights becomes a humorless joke.
  • They will silence me, continuing onwards to their sterile and humorless future, wiping the world's mysteries into oblivion.
  • Richard let out a humorless bark of laughter.
  • The authorities took their usual humorless approach to this flight of fancy.
  • Nevertheless, a deadly humourlessness does sometimes accompany teen angst, and when it does, the results can be terrifying.
  • Yes, cruelness, crudeness, & tastelessness can be a property of both humor and humorless jokes. "There are no moral or immoral jokes. A joke is either funny or it is not. That is all."
  • My recent letter about the humourless programme was published just before the blockbusting episode watched by nearly 20 million viewers.
  • ‘Well, then I'm surely going to get along royally with him ’, the silvery blonde boy laughed humourlessly.
  • Cyril works as a co-bouncer (with the humourless Nigel) and occasional singer in a seedy niterie, the Blue Cockatoo Club, owned by the cigar-puffing Colwyn Stanley, a former bed-mate of Cyril's mother.
  • Another dead giveaway, Brian, is that the humourless munter types were all wearing their Solo Lucky Undies. Cheeseburger Gothic » And now I owe Doc Yobbo two bucks.
  • Just because something is not aped after the "Sex and the City" doesn't make it humourless. (and personally, I seldom thought SATC very funny) "Alias" did fairly well (and was written by a man, to boot) and was neither humorless nor rigid nor witless, though from a feminist perspective it had a few elements that were problematic. Sex and the single Marvel super heroine | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • To our understanding, it's a send up of the cultural gravitas and humorless puffery we attach to books, seen through the story of a teenage girl whose wealthy parents commission a novel about her in order to land grant her bibliophilia. Kevin Smokler: The Shelf Talker: Butterscotch, and Prairie Home Companion
  • He was one of the most sensible and steady people I've known, and not as humourless as that sounds.
  • This used to be one of my favorite blogs; increasingly, it seems to have been taken over by one or more of those humorless, argumentative kids that could always be counted on to engage in interminable, pointless arguments with teachers in high school and college (not Harvard). The Volokh Conspiracy » The William F. Buckley Clause of the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780
  • Even Helen Mirren, a casting choice so obvious it hurts, can't alchemize the role of Hobson which won John Gielgud an Oscar into much besides a humorless scold. 'Arthur': He Drinks, Movie Falls Down
  • The president was unattractively defensive, and at times rambling, humorless, pleading and frustrated. Andy Ostroy: "Dude," Where's My President!?
  • One give away on the humourless munter types . . . they type name and place. Cheeseburger Gothic » And now I owe Doc Yobbo two bucks.
  • There are three counts in my indictment: he was a humourless boor, he was the epitome of negativity and his legend far outstrips his actual achievement.
  • What I don't know is what subset of that audience likes said films to be humorless, witless and boring as well, but judging from all the praiseful reviews the film has received, it must be disappointingly large.
  • The president made several jokes in an attempt to shake off his "humourless" tag.
  • His clipped voice and poker-faced appearance point to a rather humourless, intimidating figure, but his weary stoicism and commitment to the truth make him the kind of man you would want on your side when the chips fall.
  • Nor is it because her cackling, humourless laugh puts my teeth on edge. The Sun
  • The play's title refers to Kristallnacht, it's set in 1938, and it solves the mystery of why Sylvia has lost the use of her legs: Thanks to these dazzling performances, you can just about accept Miller's slightly humorless conclusion, conveyed in typical bravura fashion by Mr. Sher, that her illness is caused by the Hitler that lurks inside every impotent, self-hating Jewish husband. The Witty Bits of a Play
  • In the hands of less-assured actors, The Maids can slip into humourless camp.
  • And Hunt's character, a humourless, hatchet-faced harridan with an undercurrent of insecurity, gives very little for the audience to engage with.
  • So long as big and dumb does not slide into boring, self-indulgent and humorless, I am there.
  • We're catering to a "need" to escape Web pages that our poor, humorless writing instilled in our audience in the first place.
  • He sits in the court with a sardonic but kindly female family judge and a humourless martinet.
  • Now the songs are longer, the beat is more ponderous and the message largely humorless.
  • He sits in the Yorkshire court with a sardonic but kindly female family judge and a humourless martinet.
  • Most people, including therapists, can tolerate nearly any epithet about themselves except that they are humorless.
  • You could forgive Wolff for overlooking Powers' piece if he'd concretized the idea of liberal humorlessness with specific readings from the humorless left.
  • Thankfully, real life is not so humourless.
  • Many of the characters in Allen's film are afraid to step outside into the world, and their humorless, arid lives again seem more suited to an Ibsen psychodrama then Allen's usual cinema territory.
  • I don't usually do the internet quiz/meme/silliness thing, but this has caused me at times to be called humorless, and, hey, it's spring. Because If Everybody Else Jumped Off a Bridge, I Would, Too
  • For a comedian, her intensity is almost humourless, like she's partially disconnected, operating on a slightly different plane.
  • But you, you who are now my only companions in this humorless existence, you will have my only contribution to the future.
  • A seemingly humorless workaholic, the bespectacled Uribe could be mistaken for an accountant or professor.
  • Â She says that the Captain must have put them together for a reason, and Walker humorlessly informs her, “He put us together because no one else will ride with either of us.” Review: Powers #1 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • It's an enjoyable enough ride, if rather humourless. The Sun
  • The technical dialogue sounds fine, but the crew are largely humourless and speak in one voice.
  • This would just mark you down as a humourless killjoy.
  • I now have to share this island with the most wretched, witless, humourless, colourless, featureless, brainless, mindless people who have shared this planet since homo sapiens evolved.
  • Instead, I am left to wonder, humorlessly, how we got to be in this American place of demanding the social defense of "lightening everything up" in our responses to reality. Dr. Cheryl Pappas: Lighten Up and Let The Good Times Roll
  • ‘Good to see you're finally awake,’ he said humourlessly.
  • The president made several jokes in an attempt to shake off his "humourless" tag.
  • And wonder uneasily what it was about her that made you suspect her of being a hairy-legged, humourless old minger who wears dungarees and couldn't get a bloke if her life depended on it. I Am Woman, Hear Me Snore
  • Put a few good men into corporations, and they become dull, soulless, humourless drudges given to tossing the word ‘defamatory’ around for no good reason.
  • The technical dialogue sounds fine, but the crew are largely humourless and speak in one voice.
  • A seemingly humorless workaholic, the bespectacled Uribe could be mistaken for an accountant or professor.
  • At the time of the first Kinsey study on sexuality, H.L. Mencken wrote, "All that humorless document really proves is (a) that all men lie when they are asked about their adventures in amour, and (b) that pedagogues are singularly naïve and credulous creatures. Dirty talk? New sex survey's surprising stats
  • Meanwhile, his own pet projects sound kind of drippy and humorless. Karina’s Capsule: Indie vs. Studio
  • “Where is it, S-Two?” the colonel demanded humorlessly. Dead Zero
  • Nor is it because her cackling, humourless laugh puts my teeth on edge. The Sun
  • The good ones are fun and clever; the bad ones humourless and pedantic.
  • The storytelling is almost as humourless and self-important as the central characters, but decidedly less explosive. Times, Sunday Times
  • So long as big and dumb does not slide into boring, self-indulgent and humorless, I am there.
  • His long, thin features and permanent scowl were well suited to the role of humourless bureaucrat or petty official. Times, Sunday Times
  • it was a humorless wink; a wink of warning
  • A humorless chuckle escaped him, spittle flecking his lips. Brush of Darkness
  • First, I will grant your point that there is a certain humorless quality on the SMA forum. Won't You Dance with Me?
  • ‘Good to see you're finally awake,’ he said humourlessly.
  • Thankfully, real life is not so humourless.
  • Rock was a sad excuse for a lead, and played his part in a humorless and ridiculous manner.
  • Other times he would laugh humorlessly, shaking his head ruefully as he scribbled furiously upon his pad. The Monstrumologist
  • Christoper Hunt, with shaved head and goatee, is the humourless, opinionated Serge.
  • I had received a few abusive tweets too many on the social networking site, and decided to do something about them: not because I am a spoilsport or humourless, but because I object to family and friends reading comments about me which are not just wicked, but against the law. 'Police put the phone down on my complaint over Twitter racial abuse'
  • People would have dismissed him a few years ago as a humourless doom-monger.
  • ‘Tell me something I don't know,’ I laughed humorlessly, getting up.
  • Geary exhaled a gust of humorless laughter.
  • Here she just demonstrates her humorlessness, pastiness and how painful a push-up bra looks on a flat-chested girl.
  • He tends to the earnest and humorless when audiences seem to crave passion and personality.
  • REVILED as a chinless, wingless, humourless, smug English twit, Alf was, in fact, the perfect ambassador for his country, Little England.
  • Any social commentary is mostly of the exactly-what-it-says-on-the-tin variety and is ultimately po-faced and humourless.
  • Anyone who believes the national stereotype of the Germans as humourless might like to ponder the following Teutonic rib-tickler: How did the Grand Canyon originate?
  • He is dressed in a sleeveless sweater, striped shirt and tie, and gives the impression of being supercilious, humorless and disengaged.
  • Quaritch is a humorless man, thicknecked and barrel-chested, with one side of his face twisted by the scars from an encounter with some Pandoran predator.
  • I interviewed Dumont some years ago when L'Humanite (what's your view of that, James?) came out, and he was talking, humorlessly, of making a musical then. GreenCine Daily: Rendez-Vous. 7.
  • Although he can seem slightly humorless on TV, as he is fencing with an inquiring anchorperson or debating an opponent, he has a light touch in the office, and he can laugh off adversity. Sit Back, Relax, Get Ready to Rumble
  • A life-long friend described Mitchell as "meanspirited, grotesque, and humorless. A Fiercely Gifted Artist
  • An idle thought: must all literary interviewers be so intense perhaps the word humorless applies about literature? More Author Interviews : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
  • Put a few good men into corporations, and they become dull, soulless, humourless drudges given to tossing the word ‘defamatory’ around for no good reason.
  • The ones I liked I value to this day but an overwhelming number have proved themselves to be the domineering, humourless, bad-mannered know-it-alls I always suspected they were.
  • His laugh is an expletive, a sharp burst of humourless sound.
  • He seemed twitchy, edgy, intense, humourless and more than a little competitive.
  • Certainly she is a very rigorous, not to say humourless, libertine.
  • Angry writing is also, more often than not, completely humorless.
  • Dadda didn't answer but gave his awkward humourless grin.
  • ‘Well, then I'm surely going to get along royally with him ’, the silvery blonde boy laughed humourlessly.
  • I have heard Germans make that humorless statement.
  • I should have guessed that someone so apparently humourless could not keep a straight face for so long.
  • This would just mark you down as a humourless killjoy.
  • I should have guessed that someone so apparently humourless could not keep a straight face for so long.
  • Ford and Neeson stay locked inside their humourless characters.
  • His mum Shirley was a devout Christian woman, a Methodist, just a touch humourless but endlessly patient, kind and smiling.
  • They seem to be the most humorless people in the world. Houston Chronicle
  • Incidentally, her character has been described as dour and humourless in the first season of 'Space: 1999', but she became more playful in the second season. Archive 2009-06-21
  • It's weird, but Obama's strengths can morph into weaknesses during lectern combat: "Obama has a tendency to overintellectualize and to lecture, befitting his training as a lawyer and law professor," notes the article, and "he tends to the earnest and humorless when audiences seem to crave passion and personality. Ari Melber: No He Can't: Obama's Real Debate Problem
  • You may find him strident, irritating or humourless, but fact of the matter is the involuntary shudder running up your back after that line is real enough.
  • We are certainly sure they come across that way to someone whose argument is witless, humourless, unoriginal, lazy and just plain tiresome. Archive 2007-01-01
  • At its worst, it's like a humorless stand-up comic's miserable childhood routine.
  • He tends to the earnest and humorless when audiences seem to crave passion and personality.
  • The Prince laughed, if the humorless barks of sound could really be called laughter.
  • His long, thin features and permanent scowl were well suited to the role of humourless bureaucrat or petty official. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heh, humorless joking aside, I'm prolly going to redo this chapter within the week.
  • What excuse though did the main acts have for offering such a humourless performance, particularly on such an uninviting afternoon?
  • Extroverts may become withdrawn, natural jokers humourless, and placid individuals short-tempered and aggressive.
  • Again, that was you getting carried away with your humourless anality. Comedy Councillors: Rochdale Lib Dems Slap Schtick
  • Coward himself gives a rather humourless performance as the Captain, hampering the characterisation with his clipped and affected speech delivery.
  • What would we do without humorless, misanthropic, pseudo-intellectuals to scrutinize websites that exist solely for entertainment value and tell us whether or not our amusement is academically and historically justified? Doomed to repeat it?
  • Yet the interminable self-contemplation, articulate and sagacious though it is, proves to be a bit too much of a good thing, and this gray, humorless, dispassionate novel eventually sinks under the weight of it all.
  • She found you a little fumbling, unattentive, humourless and very fast. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Paunchy, miserable, humourless, he'd be dour if he weren't too depressed to summon up the energy.
  • The good ones are fun and clever; the bad ones humourless and pedantic.
  • His rhetoric is humorless and portentous - he always sounds to me like a slightly demented Episcopal bishop.
  • So it goes with the po-faced and utterly humourless 911.
  • The president made several jokes in an attempt to shake off his "humourless" tag.
  • Most people, including therapists, can tolerate nearly any epithet about themselves except that they are humorless.
  • No one is more humourless than a disappointed sports fan. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Blue is really my color,” Michael jokes, humorlessly. THE HUSBANDS AND WIVES CLUB
  • It's sad to see a once-proud political party turn itself into a self-parodying, humorless whiner.
  • Silent, humourless and reserved, Haig was also shrewd and ambitious and had unbounded self-esteem.
  • Aristotle regarded such figures and fancies as "adornments," but in the 19th century (which saw the birth both of Spooner and Sir James A.H. Murray's monstrous lexicographical child) the icing on the cake, all froth and saccharinity to the humorless rhetorician, becomes in fact the entire bill of fare; the rhetorical flourish, all we can discern of rhetoric, and the play on words, the word itself. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 3
  • If it is too technical and humorless viewers will leave.
  • `It certainly rules you out," Jupiter agreed somewhat humourlessly, `along with Karnes and THE MYSTERY OF THE PURPLE PIRATE
  • Baudelaire, in his essay on laughter, refers to the humorless as “spiteful pundits of solemnity” and “charlatans of gravity.” The Best American Poetry 2010
  • I have been following the thread, and i dont see what points were "humorlessly" missed. Pharyngula
  • Then JacobGoldGotti would laugh - a humorless bark that made everyone uneasy.
  • The 1958 original was dull, but this humorless cowflop was even worse. Archive 2004-08-22

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