How To Use Humiliation In A Sentence
A fortified city, Numantia had fought Rome for the better part of twenty years, between 154 and 133 B.C. The Numantines inflicted defeat and humiliation on a half-dozen Roman commanders.
The Spartacus War
And while Annie inflicts humiliation and degradation and withholds pain relief and food Paul is forced to write a new chapter every day simply to stay alive.
So the girl was out of bondage, but Cadwaladr, sick with humiliation and rage, must come under guard to be handed over for a price to the brother who discarded and misprized him.
His Disposition
Deep down, this great patriot and cricketer has taken no pleasure from one humiliation after another.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite the disgrace and humiliation which eventually befell him, he never wavered from his beliefs.

The Vera Icon clearly shows the humiliation and abjection of the incarnate Christ.
Shame: a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behaviour.
Times, Sunday Times
Some Tories even forecast that Mr Major would quit voluntarily rather than face the humiliation of a Tory leadership challenge.
The result was an unlikely triumph plucked from the jaws of national humiliation.
Times, Sunday Times
The ones who were subjected to insults and humiliations hung their heads down in shame.
That said, he will be keen to avoid further humiliation.
Times, Sunday Times
As the Davidic epoch is the point of the covenant-people's highest glory, so the captivity is that of their lowest humiliation.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
That indignity and humiliation was so great I could only go up.
Times, Sunday Times
After a few miserable days at Flensburg, trying to make himself agreeable to Doenitz and to assert his importance; suffering humiliations that were a constant source of embarrassment to his staff; and deserted by many of his closest companions who had already set off on their private journeys to ranch cattle in the Argentine or collect butterflies in Switzerland,
No fictional account of human humiliation and shame can capture the frightening banality of the people's treatment at these checkpoints.
Atop a government building, it is an act of brazen humiliation.
Against his will and against his nature he began to temporize, meaning later to revenge his present humiliation upon his son.
Winnie Childs The Shop Girl
She faced the humiliation of discussing her husband's affair.
Some of them stayed home to avoid the conflict, trauma, risk of public humiliation, personal injury, and death.
Katsuodo despised everything Western; he was never able to surmount his humiliation at his country's defeat in the war of the Pacific.
For ten years he had also lived with the humiliation of his wife 's open infidelity.
Times, Sunday Times
The victims must know who heaped mountain upon mountain of injustice, ignominy and humiliation upon them.
Marital instability, a growing number of female breadwinners, an increase in spinsterdom and domestic conflicts engendered by the humiliations and subservience of most men's work experience, influenced women to be more socially assertive!
Seventeen and trembling on the brink of womanhood, she has already suffered the humiliation of being packed off as the poor relation with her rich cousins on holiday.
Requiring drug tests of this discrete group of citizens is an intrusion, a humiliation and a subtle deterrent to prospective candidates.
Isn't humiliation on your own TV network, followed by an abject apology, enough?
Kahn does not spare us his mother's humiliation at his father's hands.
Nay, but he is sent, and that in a state of humiliation and condescendency, infinitely below his own dignity.
The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
She was shaking with shock and humiliation.
Many others may not have been reported due to fear of dishonour, further humiliation or the high-handed dismissal of complaints.
Criminals are given the option of going to jail or facing public humiliation.
And, because I am sick and snotty and cranky and – consequently – in the mood for a little self-flagellatory humiliation.
Her Bad Hair | Her Bad Mother
It also serves to heighten the humiliation of people like me.
Times, Sunday Times
But of course there is no contingency in novels, only writing and plot, and the point of this twist of events, I think, has less to do with punishment of any kind, of the self or of others, than with what the narrator calls the "monothematic" nature of pain and humiliation.
Ian McEwan's 'Solar': The Fat Man's Vengeance (New York Review)
Opening the shirt in front of hundreds, I watched his chest heave in frustration and his face redden in humiliation as he threw the shirt down.
One Season
That was only one of the humiliations he had to endure.
Poor Karl, who wears a pitiful wig and returns Lizzie's kindness by trying to protect her from daddy, endures endless humiliations.
Poverty entails fear and stress and sometimes depression. It meets a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts that is something on which to pride yourself but poverty itself is romanticized by fools. J. K. Rowling
Pepys's age, I venture to submit that the _humble pie_ of that period was indeed the pie named in the list quoted; and not only so, but that it was made out of the "umbles" or entrails of the deer, a dish of the second table, inferior of course to the venison pasty which smoked upon the dais, and therefore not inexpressive of that humiliation which the term "eating humble pie" now painfully describes.
Notes and Queries, Number 06, December 8, 1849
Death means also all that right now prepares and anticipates our death: humiliations, failures, sickness that cripples us, limits due to age or health, everything that 'mortifies' us.
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For many people, the word humility has come to signify humiliation or self-derogation.
John Backman: Can Humility Change The World?
And they glanced around so seductively in their humiliation in search of a buyer!
Not to have democratic rights is, almost inevitably, accompanied by the humiliations of nepotism and corruption.
Times, Sunday Times
Mark's reveries turn to the minor humiliations he will be able to impose on his flatmate if he gets the job.
One can only imagine the sheer tedium of their school days and the constant humiliation they will have to endure in class.
Men who work in a macho sports world, where to yield a step means intolerable humiliation, willingly befoul their own legacy, and then surrender it to long-term tarnish.
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All the memories of those six months of deceit, of broken pledges, of unnecessary humiliations, of petty unpoliteness from a half-educated, half-bred, conceited, and arrogant people fell from us like a heavy knapsack.
Notes of a War Correspondent
But he is above legitimising the toxic comedy of humiliation that benights British culture.
The Guardian World News
From TV shows where contestants are verbally abused to sports team hazing parties, humiliation is tolerated and even expected.
To delate means to accuse or denounce something and the cake delator was created as an instrument to further hatred and humiliation of cakes.
Signs of Trouble
A tree measuring 50 cubits in height is constructed in Haman's palace where Mordechai is scheduled to be hung in humiliation immediately before the royal feast the following day.
Wildwood has three amusement piers, which is fun, but on this trip they all seemed designed specifically for my humiliation.
How man turns beastly to man as soon as you grant him an inch of power over his victim was very interesting, especially the power games and humiliation meted out.
They pant for an opportunity of revenging that humiliation.
It's full of Medieval and Tudor England-type tunes you can prance about singing "Hey nonny nonny" to without fear of much humiliation.
Chris Payne - Early English Music (CHAP 123)
He was forced to face the ultimate humiliation the next morning.
But she proves with her TV show that there is no humiliation she will not endure to remain in the public eye.
What a moment of abject humiliation!
Times, Sunday Times
Some, rather than being simply indifferent to the well-being of others, have an urgent need to make others feel agony and humiliation.
The viewing millions thrill to the ritual humiliation of its contestants.
Times, Sunday Times
Grandpa would, in essence, teach me to be afraid, to understand the humiliation that awaited me if I dared shed tears or demonstrate some other unmanly behavior.
Foreign rule, with all of its humiliation and indignity, is still a living memory.
Laurel and Hardy's best performances persuade you that humiliation is not all it's cracked up to be.
Now, looking back on the past few tumultuous years, he can glean a glimmer of satisfaction from what he calls his ordeal by humiliation. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
This show raised ritual humiliation to an art form.
Times, Sunday Times
In every instance, rituals of humiliation, of slow torture, of unspeakable bestiality accompanied the killings.
They know what public humiliation can result from a moist finger or a pinched toe.
Times, Sunday Times
I felt a lot of shame, embarrassment and humiliation, I lived with all that for years.
The symbolism was no accident: the film represented a new Germany, reborn and free of suffering on the First World War cross of defeat and humiliation.
What of the gropes, the bullying, the sadistic humiliations he said he was responsible for?
And now, as we see those fears removed, and those hopes reaching fruition, is it too soon, even on this day of humiliation and sadness, in view of all that has been done, -- in view of all that has been gained, and of all that has been
Strength in Sorrow
The tool that Lady Macbeth uses to galvanize her husband into action is humiliation.
This is done to create an awe and respect towards him in the eye of the vulgar; but lest it should elevate him too much in his own opinion, in order to his humiliation he receives every evening in private, from a kind of beadle, a gentle kick on his posteriors; besides which he wears a ring in his nose, somewhat resembling that we ring our pigs with, and a chain round his neck not unlike that worn by our aldermen; both which I suppose to be emblematical, but heard not the reasons of either assigned.
The History of the Life of the Late Mr Jonathan Wild the Great
In the Americas, the branks were a type of humiliation punishment, while in medieval Europe, they were used more as a torture device.
The government suffered a series of political humiliations.
It requested the President to appoint a day for humiliation and prayer and to ask the people to convene at their usual places of worship in order that they may confess and repent of their manifold sins, implore the compassion and forgiveness of the Almighty, that, if consistent with his will the existing rebellion may be speedily suppressed and implore him as the supreme ruler of the world not to destroy us as a people.
Chapter X
Word ... dwelt among us "(literally," tabernacled "); first, in humiliation; hereafter, in manifested glory (Re 21: 3).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Boasting that its uniforms, methods, and attitudes make it stand out in a food court of banality, the franchise founded in 1946 at Muscle Beach, Santa Monica, spares no humiliation when dandifying its always smiling, sprightly employees. website, Hot Dog on a Stick's uniforms were inspired by a quirky 1960's trend that saw jockey caps and hot pants in fashion.
And to attempt to sound dignified and saddened at being traduced by the ingrate just makes the humiliation complete.
But it's happened and we have to make sure this humiliation makes us understand that the job is not done.
The Sun
So, whaddya reckon, cobber: Will this be a summer of sporting triumph or an unusually concentrated period of humiliation?
Panic, rage, humiliation and fear raged through her as she realized what it meant.
To delate means to accuse or denounce something and the cake delator was created as an instrument to further hatred and humiliation of cakes.
Signs of Trouble
Tara shook her head, feeling humiliation and misery welling up in her.
He is unflinching in his descriptions of the ritual humiliations of a writer in Hollywood.
Every captured Jihadist knows the form by now; Allege the most hideous crimes of torture and humiliation against US armed forces and a BBC reporter wanting to believe such pigswill will appear, microphone in hand, prepared to provide an echo chamber for the enemy.
I instantly forgot the humiliation of being unable to snowplough, the pressure of thinking I'd fail and questioning why I was even bothering.
More than anything, I was thinking of the embarrassment and the humiliation.
The Sun
After our harmonic humiliation at the feet of the Lord we'd follow her to the diner across the street and eat a piece of coconut cream pie as Helga engaged in a kind of codified, small-town banter notable for its reliance upon exclamations, nods and the subtle inflection of the eyebrows to emphasize a point.
It should have been an exercise in ritual humiliation - especially when he was ambushed on local radio by the brother of the murdered hostage.
Of course, the flip side of such promise is the potential for humiliation.
The election result is a humiliation for our party.
Nothing says humiliation like having a group of kids roll their eyes and point at you, disappointed that your lanky body will be gracing their team.
Before we permit democratic institutions to subject an offender to ridicule, scorn, and humiliation, we have to ask whether this kind of punishment comports with evolving standards of decency and the dignity of humankind.
To Brenda's humiliation, most of the students riding the bus were underclassmen; she was one of the few seniors who hadn't been able to secure a vehicle of her own.
But her last vestige of power had departed, her most loyal followers had been induced to abandon her cause after the defection of the kalif himself, and Sobeyah, who had been the most powerful of all the Moorish sultanas of Cordova, was now forced in humiliation to withdraw from active participation in worldly affairs and to spend the few remaining years of her life in strict seclusion in a lonely cloister.
Women of the Romance Countries
He is the first Aussie skipper in 120 years to suffer that humiliation.
The Sun
Are we going to stand up and play it in an honorable fashion or we're going to do something like what Governor Sanford did, which was to inflict so much suffering and humiliation on his wife and to really kind of pollute and destroy this home that his four sons are growing up in and a part of.
CNN Transcript Jul 3, 2009
It has turned out an abject humiliation.
The Sun
Out of humiliation was born a renewed sense of patriotism and moral purpose.
Times, Sunday Times
He was compelled to start negotiations, make peace and suffer the humiliation of becoming vassal to the Turkish sultan.
Katsuodo despised everything Western; he was never able to surmount his humiliation at his country's defeat in the war of the Pacific.
Under Stephen Anthony Head, the buoyantly self-obsessed and sex-obsessed boss—a delectably offensive character—work days are filled with raunchy fun, undergraduate sex prattle, and small humiliations.
Bunnies and Lovelorn Males
Director David Petrarca and writers/series creators Mark V. Olson and Will Scheffer handle his playground assault and its aftermath with an almost objective distance, often framing poor Wayne in a mid-range shot, so that instead of seeing his face in close-up, we see the entire tableau of his humiliation.
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What can one say about such an abject humiliation at Wembley?
Times, Sunday Times
Public humiliation was often a more powerful method of control than even the sequestration of an individual's money and property.
It is not so much the embarrassment or hardship of slopping out that is irking these ex-cons - it is more the public impression of what humiliations or hardships such a practice involves.
It's nerve-wracking and fraught with the potential for rejection and humiliation.
For months we've been subjected to proof after proof that we are no longer in control over our own bodies only to look forward to the ultimate humiliation of submission to the rite of passage - pain.
Last month Michael Taylor and his family walked away from their two-story brick home off Columbia Street in Riverside rather than face the frustration and humiliation that comes with what they call the dreaded 'f' word; foreclosure.
As he scanned the dry, nearly infertile land, he felt a sense of humiliation.
The Wild West frontier arrest and treatment of DSK, the lynch-mob mood, the media orgy, and his public humiliation make the US look like a nasty third world state.
Katsuodo despised everything Western; he was never able to surmount his humiliation at his country's defeat in the war of the Pacific.
A little care, a word swallowed, a rising sentence struck down in us by a simple rule, may save us humiliation.
Life and Conduct
The sharp sound of boot heels came from far away, approaching their barracks like some grim reaper, come to harvest their humiliation.
So we are suffering both humiliation and masochism.
Why must poor drug offenders be subjected to public humiliation and incarceration?
He is constantly on guard against any threat of humiliation.
Selling it to the very organisation you bought it from is abject humiliation.
Times, Sunday Times
He said she had brought shame and humiliation on herself and had besmirched her good name.
Particularly in terms of illegitimacy, mothers were punished more harshly than fathers, suffering public humiliation, even ostracism, as they were denounced from the altar and denied (either for a limited period of public penance, or indefinitely) churching and the sacraments. 63 Here, then, was a reinforcement of the chastity requirement of middle-class ideology.
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The result was an unlikely triumph plucked from the jaws of national humiliation.
Times, Sunday Times
Whether or not there is a rational basis for their sense of humiliation is irrelevant.
Many others may not have been reported due to fear of dishonour, further humiliation or the high-handed dismissal of complaints.
Also, is there an informal network of know-how, pertaining to techniques for torture and humiliation that lubricates the virtual matrix inhabited by the protagonists of the so-called "global war on terror", that operates in much the same way as the networks that bring together paedophiles and sex offenders on online platforms in the darker parts of the internet?
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The result was me holding a patient's chart in two benumbed hands while burning with humiliation at the note attached to the front: ‘Patient has decided to change oncologists.’
I think she's suffered enough humiliation without having to endure the knowledge that her son is aware of it.
My own experience is very hawkish; having grown up in an environment full of school beatings, constant humiliation, and friendlessness, I felt as though I worked for every success I had.
Free free, set them free
They know what public humiliation can result from a moist finger or a pinched toe.
Times, Sunday Times
Among those risking romantic rejection and public humiliation is a ski instructor keen to propose in salopettes, a sailor who uses the word "babe" as punctuation, and a civil servant who stores his engagement ring in a laundry tablet dispersal bag.
It's a good week for … Romance
And that is really what they call the incomprehensible demoralization and humiliation of alcoholism and that ` s usually what happens right before you hit bottom.
CNN Transcript Sep 15, 2009
PORTUGAL are dreaming of handing out another humiliation to Spain.
The Sun
What can one say about such an abject humiliation at Wembley?
Times, Sunday Times
This show raised ritual humiliation to an art form.
Times, Sunday Times
No more Humiliation please - Amar Singh should float his own party with all the convicted persons, Bollywood actors and actresses who are deadwoods.
Latest News Online - The Indian Express
They frequently plumb the depths of loneliness, humiliation and despair.
It is constantly seen that the waverer, of nervous atrabiliar constitution, no sooner overcomes the agony of irresolution, than he flings himself on his object with a vindictive tenacity that seems to repay him for all the moral humiliation inflicted on him by his stifled doubts.
Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 1 of 3) Essay 1: Robespierre
Shadow trade spokesman Robin Cook described the judgment as a humiliation for Mr Heseltine.
The humiliation of standing beside a woman who smelt, dressed and looked absolutely wonderful was doing little for her ego.
There are upsets in matchplay golf and then there are humiliations of the kind endured by Rory McIlroy in the second round of the Accenture Match Play Championship.
Rory McIlroy out of World Match Play after heavy defeat to Ben Crane
Imagine the humiliation his family feels as he bears his soul and anguishes over the loss of his soulmate.
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It is not so much the embarrassment or hardship of slopping out that is irking these ex-cons - it is more the public impression of what humiliations or hardships such a practice involves.
Twenty years ago the idea of the England cricket team handing out a humiliation to Australia belonged in the realms of diseased fantasy.
Times, Sunday Times
He breathed shallowly trying to regain his breath, and let out a scream full of furry, hate, shame, humiliation, and pain.
The manner of his sacking was gruesome enough - a clean sacking turned into a protracted public humiliation for both men.
Demoralising idleness and the humiliation of charity or relief work left the unemployed dispirited, apathetic, or divided.
This is the systematic vandalization and humiliation of one civilization by another with technological superiority.
I think the whole and entire point is a ritual humiliation of the citizen, to enforce the proper attitude of cowed subservience to those who are above the law, and provide an excuse to isolate or inconvenience those unwilling to submit. octopod replied to comment from Ito Kagehisa
TSA doesn't understand what "random" means - Boing Boing
It has turned out an abject humiliation.
The Sun
These moments of national humiliation can stick in the memory.
Times, Sunday Times
They matte their humiliations with incredulous laughter.
Christianity Today
I am tired of the misplaced shame I feel sometimes when I think about my own sexuality, my desires, my mistakes, my brokenness, the memories I have of humiliation in adolescence and beyond.
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The concept of ‘humiliation’ is so elastic in this writer as to be practically meaningless.
Pain and humiliation feel natural to you but they will grind you down until you lose all self-esteem.
The Sun
Most people equate public speaking with public humiliation.
How she sees her destiny is a more vital and rewarding quest than bemoaning her past, with its humiliations and sufferings.
Albert Lutuli - Nobel Lecture
But we should appreciate that reality TV, particularly, traffics in and relies upon voyeurism, one-upmanship, humiliation and often soft-core pornography.
In all likelihood they do poorly on tests and other measures of performance and suffer humiliation and self-concept-destroying consequences.
Their generation, I imagine, experienced the war more distantly as a disturbed era that ended in national humiliation.
When DeAngelo Hall fell on his tuchis in the fourth quarter, it was the Jell-O salad on the buffet of humiliations served up by the St. Louis Rams on Sunday afternoon.
Once-struggling Rams humiliate the currently struggling Redskins
Right after saying this, he was taken indoors and told to recant, which he did publicly, an act of humiliation that reinforced his earlier comment.
At times, customers visited the clubs seeking gratification of certain fetishes such as the desire to interact with a dominant woman or to experience public humiliation or pain.
Since then, South Korea's defence ministry has brought out new orders banning beating, cruelty, humiliation and bullying within the armed forces, to tackle what it calls a "distorted military culture".
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The true blue Daily Mail, described the episode yesterday as ‘the humiliation from the enemy within’.
Being an unfunny comedian sounds like a kind of personal hell - public rejection and humiliation nightly.
Abuses like the torture and humiliation of prisoners will be left to the military authorities' self-policing.
he had to undergo one humiliation after another
Selling it to the very organisation you bought it from is abject humiliation.
Times, Sunday Times
My family were laughing so hard they could barely steady their cameras to capture my humiliation.
Times, Sunday Times
Poverty entails fear and stress and sometimes depression. It meets a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts that is something on which to pride yourself but poverty itself is romanticized by fools. J. K. Rowling
James, by contrast, has risen to a heady eminence which serves to further emphasize the humiliation of his sibling.
How nobly they fought to maintain their dignity in the face of such awful hardship and humiliation.
WE DENY that the humble, human form of Scripture entails errancy any more than the humanity of Christ, even in His humiliation, entails sin.
In Christ becoming like man is what we call the humiliation of the Incarnation, and in that lies the great secret of redemption and reformation.
Twenty-five years in the Black Belt,
But it was the way it portrayed the American military humiliation that gave the image its power.
Times, Sunday Times
As boys become men, they enter a working world that often reinforces the psychologically debilitating lessons of their childhood, a world where humiliation cements hierarchies in place.
Organised competitive sport is agony for many children: it can lead to humiliation and indignity.
Whenever the hoax was spoken of, Judge Harvey writhed with personal humiliation, and with anger against the person who had recalled his discomfiture, and with a desire for vengeance against the perpetrator of the swindle.
No. 13 Washington Square
The vote of no confidence was the final humiliation for a government that had been clinging to office.
He has much in common with the teacher of writing, as well - a certain presumptuousness that is inevitably tempered with a dose of humiliation every once in a while.
The humiliation of beggary often produced resentments which, in turn, led to retaliation often in the form of pretended witchery: spreading white powder as threat to kill cattle or to make people ill.
Regicides through the agent-general for the humiliation of sovereigns.
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 05 (of 12)
“The then NDA Government in which NC was also a part had thrown the autonomy resolution the dustbin but despite humiliation, the party (NC) remained in the coalition just to enjoy the power” she said and cautioned the people that NC leaders were again raising the bogey of autonomy to befool the common masses.
National Confrence always bartered J&K State���s interests for the lust of power: Mehbooba
Humiliation or manhandling of officials is not the solution to this malaise.
The vote of no confidence was the final humiliation for a government that had been clinging to office.
I still have to sit the damned exams and suffer the ‘humiliation’ (as if I care what others think) of not doing so well.
More to the point, who is kidding who when you have to purchase your ticket to finals now grossly inflated in scale via the humiliations of a play-off?
She felt the piercing sting of humiliation and her heart being broken and torn apart like some fragile letter.
And if you think humiliation is the worst they have to offer, you have led a sheltered life.
Times, Sunday Times
My family were laughing so hard they could barely steady their cameras to capture my humiliation.
Times, Sunday Times
We will see; but the most striking thing was that nobody I talked to, and no commentator in the press, attributed his humiliation to the behaviour for which he is internationally famous – his carryings-on with teenage women and his alleged involvement in bribery and corruption.
The English FA was right to stand up to Fifa and its cosy idea of a 'family' | Alexander Chancellor
Shame: a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behaviour.
Times, Sunday Times
Either the Government performs a climbdown of epic humiliation scale or it publishes and risks being damned in the division lobbies.
I always found it hard to imagine Wilde in prison, but Eagleton realises him beautifully, full of humility and humiliation.
No amount of money, police harassment, or made-for-teevee humiliation is going to force everybody to follow some naïve, well-intentioned (if we're being charitable), teetotalling life plan.
Davis Sweet: Free Rush Limbaugh! (Again)
Padre, that the failure of the prince to keep our tryst was the biggest disappointment and the sharpest humiliation of my life.
Everyman's Land
He is constantly on guard against any threat of humiliation.
Apparently, slopping out served to ‘damage [this prisoner's] human rights, his human dignity and to arise in him feelings of anxiety, anguish, inferiority and humiliation’.
The resulting humiliation is designed to make you think twice before making a midnight fridge raid.
The Sun
Cultural Exchange: Humiliation and the Scarlet G yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Cultural Exchange: Humiliation and the Scarlet G'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: We can tell ourselves that we have no cultural equivalent of the shame described as peculiarly Muslim, but it\'s not true.
Cultural Exchange: Humiliation and the Scarlet G