

[ US /ˈhjumɝəs/ ]
[ UK /hjˈuːməɹəs/ ]
  1. bone extending from the shoulder to the elbow

How To Use humerus In A Sentence

  • Around the humerus, loose where once it had clung tightly, lay the twisted semi-circle of a priestly arm-ring. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • I found the head of the flat humerus so characteristic of the extinct order to which the Plesiosaurus has been assigned, and two digital bones of the paddle, that, from their comparatively slender and slightly curved form, so unlike the digitals of its cogener the The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • The head of the humerus is articulated with its (glenoid?) cavity, by means of a small ligament, and it consists of a rounded epiphysis composed of spongy cartilage, the humerus itself is bent outward and forward, and it is articulated with its (glenoid?) cavity by its side, and not in a straight line. Instruments Of Reduction
  • It arises from the posterior surface of the medial epicondyle of the humerus and is inserted onto the olecranon process.
  • -- In common with the perforans, this muscle arises from the inner condyloid ridge of the humerus. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Cleland 71 maintains that the limitations of movement at the shoulder-joint are due to the structure of the joint itself, the glenoidal labrum fitting, in different positions of the elevated arm, into the anatomical neck of the humerus. III. Syndesmology. 6c. Humeral Articulation or Shoulder-joint
  • The muscle is transected from its insertion to the humerus so that the only remaining attachment is the nerve and blood vessels.
  • The distal end of the humerus, however, articulating with the radius and ulna in a fashion that no support is lent by any sort of contact with the body, is a ginglymus (hinge) joint and lateral motion, because of the long transverse diameter of its articular portions, is easily prevented by the medial and lateral ligaments (internal and external ligaments). Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • No doubt, these chronic cases are due to suspended innervation and are not to be classed with the ordinary case of atrophy of the abductor muscles of the humerus (supra - and infraspinatus) as in the usual case of Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Don't forget: two-three inches above your wrist bone, you have a "bracelet"; and somewhere on your humerus between the greater tuberosity and the deltoid tuberosity, much closer to the former is your "cap. The Age of Empire - A Dress A Day
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