
How To Use Hume In A Sentence

  • Around the humerus, loose where once it had clung tightly, lay the twisted semi-circle of a priestly arm-ring. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • I found the head of the flat humerus so characteristic of the extinct order to which the Plesiosaurus has been assigned, and two digital bones of the paddle, that, from their comparatively slender and slightly curved form, so unlike the digitals of its cogener the The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • Beddoes as a writer of brief lyric poems, songs exhumed from the bodies of his dramas, and for the bizarre, sprawling Death's Jest Book. Introduction
  • Thousands of animists joined the Church in 2000 and 1000 adult catechumens are scheduled to be received this Easter.
  • The head of the humerus is articulated with its (glenoid?) cavity, by means of a small ligament, and it consists of a rounded epiphysis composed of spongy cartilage, the humerus itself is bent outward and forward, and it is articulated with its (glenoid?) cavity by its side, and not in a straight line. Instruments Of Reduction
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  • It is known that over 5,000 Sarmatians from this area came to Britain after the Marcomannic wars in AD 175; but it is unlikely that the people at Brougham were Sarmatians, as the latter inhumed their dead.
  • This being said, we can begin with Hume's actual description of causality.
  • The largest of these are presumably humeri, and there may be remnants of ulnae and radii as well. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Do you think that Hume wanted a general theory of human nature to explain why human beings act, think, perceive and feel in all of the ways that we do?
  • Third, James Stuart, major-general, and colonel of the thirl j-- first regiment of foot, married Lady Margaret Hume, daughter of Hugh,. Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • In the packed public gallery, Mrs Humes's family, who had glared with unrelenting hatred at him during the hearing, were in tears.
  • At about 2. 50pm on Wednesday, a light truck lost control on the slippery Hume Freeway between Arkells Lane and the Wandong exit, setting off a chain reaction when the car behind it slammed on the brakes, which in turn caused the car behind that to aquaplane straight into the car in front. Star News Group
  • Parcialmente en la parte baja la humedad es constante, razón por la cual se hizo un sistema de “canales” y tuberías ocultas para drenar el exceso de agua de las lluvias y de riego, en esta parte existe la posibilidad, por las condiciones del terreno, de contar con un venero de agua, según indicaciones del anterior propietario. Land for sale / Terreno en venta Tirio, Michoac�n
  • Propè ad vallis medium sub vna rupium, apparet omni tempore visibiliter integrum ac maximum caput daemonis vsque ad humeros tantùm, cuius speciem præ horrore nullus pleno intuitu humanus audet diu oculus sustinere: nam respicientes contrà aspicit truculentèr, agitans oculos minacitèr, tanquam ex palpebris eiecturus (quæ et scintillant) flammas in altum. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • He will buried in the tomb left vacant after the remains of Pope John XXIII were exhumed from the cramped grotto under St. Peter's Basilica in 2001 and moved to the main floor following his beatification. - Bells, white smoke to announce new pope
  • It arises from the posterior surface of the medial epicondyle of the humerus and is inserted onto the olecranon process.
  • Hume and his ilk, along with Fox new’s resources, have been a God send to the administration in repainting the issues and successfully feeding it to much of the American people. Think Progress » Hume Argues Persistent Violence Helps Iraq Make Political Progress
  • It took the fireroads of the Blue Mountains and the four lanes of the Hume Highway in equal comfort (admittedly not much of that: the only "aircon" was the manual winder handle in the door. The IT Skeptic - Comments
  • The glenohumeral joint is one of the most commonly dislocated joints.
  • Three to seven years after burial, the bones of the deceased are exhumed and placed in a family vault or a communal ossuary.
  • Now, it is conceivable that Hume encountered these texts, and recognized their propaedeutic value, only after completing his Treatise; but this bare possibility (the letter was written two years before its publication) is absolutely ruled out in the case of Bayle, if not of the other texts Hume names, by Hume's so-called early memoranda and especially by the use This, About The Man I Met Out Here In Nearly Nowhere
  • It is of great significance to identify the location of the moat precisely to protect, exhume and utilize the site further.
  • Champion Bobby Fischer were "exhumed" on Monday in the early hours of the morning. ChessBase News
  • -- In common with the perforans, this muscle arises from the inner condyloid ridge of the humerus. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Criticism of Hume's empiricism, direct destruction of the traditional religion, theology, all reasonable evidence, camel, led to drastic moves to the bankruptcy of its theoretical foundation.
  • He then proceeds with the mass, during which the balsam is brought in, and also the oil for the chrism and that for the catechumens, by two deacons. 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
  • Reid gave Hume credit for taking Locke's premisses to their logical conclusion.
  • Pastor in Iceland: Fischer not 'exhumed' broke the news: tissue samples had been taken from chess champion Bobby Fischer's grave, on the order of the Icelandic Supreme Court to settle a paternity dispute. ChessBase News
  • Apprentices' indentures issued by the Edinburgh College of Surgeons in the 1720s forbad trainees to exhume the dead - which suggests that they had been doing so.
  • Cleland 71 maintains that the limitations of movement at the shoulder-joint are due to the structure of the joint itself, the glenoidal labrum fitting, in different positions of the elevated arm, into the anatomical neck of the humerus. III. Syndesmology. 6c. Humeral Articulation or Shoulder-joint
  • In centuries past, graves would be exhumed, and any bones remaining would be collected and buried deeper down, thereby allowing fresh graves on top.
  • A key adaptation that helped modern penguins to invade the cold waters of Antarctica within the last 16 million years is the so-called humeral arterial plexus, a network of blood vessels that limits heat loss through the wings. Top headlines
  • But Clinton gained admirers in the old-mens 'club by working hard, forming cross-party allegiances, and most importantly, not stealing the spotlight from publicity hounds like her New York colleague, Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer. Al Franken's new act opens on a serious note but should it?
  • The muscle is transected from its insertion to the humerus so that the only remaining attachment is the nerve and blood vessels.
  • However, his body was exhumed in 2001 and examined by a state pathologist, who found the main impact to Barron's skull was from a moving object, ‘most likely a motor vehicle’.
  • And if Carter's gone back to the dismal years 1977-80 to exhume diary material, what comes next? Jimmy Carter: Can't Stop the Typing
  • And while its 'system of national education was realised only in its most imperfect fashion, its _system of religious instruction_ was carried into effect with results that would alone stamp the First Book of Discipline as the most important document in Scottish history' (Hume Brown). John Knox
  • Hume was quite well aware that Berkeley would not have owned to being a sceptic.
  • Le positif c que l'equipe est supra sympa et du coup meme si j'suis crevé et que le boulot me fait deja chier au bout de deux jours, j'adore me lever le matin et j'pars de bonne humeur. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The distal end of the humerus, however, articulating with the radius and ulna in a fashion that no support is lent by any sort of contact with the body, is a ginglymus (hinge) joint and lateral motion, because of the long transverse diameter of its articular portions, is easily prevented by the medial and lateral ligaments (internal and external ligaments). Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • We believe the shoulder pain may be occurring because of superior displacement of the humeral head due to weakness of the external rotator muscles.
  • God, but "one to another" -- a practice not favored by English catechumens -- (by the way, what _do_ you all mean by "auricular" confession -- confession that can be heard? and is the Protestant pleasanter form one that can't be?) (9.) On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • The treatment of stable proximal humeral fractures (those displaced less than 1 cm) consists of a shoulder immobilizer to prevent external rotation and abduction.
  • No doubt, these chronic cases are due to suspended innervation and are not to be classed with the ordinary case of atrophy of the abductor muscles of the humerus (supra - and infraspinatus) as in the usual case of Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • To meet this challenge, Locke (and to an even greater extent Hume) offered what may be termed adequacy of the stimulus counterarguments. Disbelief
  • After this St. Germanus proceeded to Britain, and there encouraged his converts to meet the heathen Picts at Maes Garmon, in Flintshire, where the exulting shout of the white-robed catechumens turned to flight the wild superstitious savages of the north – and the Hallelujah victory was gained without a drop of bloodshed. A Book of Golden Deeds
  • Ensuite, je lui trempe les oreilles dans de l'eau et l'oblige a boire ... bien sur il bave et ne boit pas du tout alors j'humecte mes doigts et essaies d'enfoncer mon index entre c dents pour l'obliger a ouvrir la gueule. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • This approach stood in opposition to the more empiricist view dominant since Hume, Comte and Mill, that the moral or social sciences had relied on conceptual and methodological analogies with the natural sciences, from Newtonian and statistical mechanics, such as Condorcet's ˜social mathematics™ and also from biology, such as Saint-Simon's ˜social physiology™. The Unity of Science
  • Don't forget: two-three inches above your wrist bone, you have a "bracelet"; and somewhere on your humerus between the greater tuberosity and the deltoid tuberosity, much closer to the former is your "cap. The Age of Empire - A Dress A Day
  • Hume There is no shit, just me shitting.
  • The ornament which the bishop is wearing above the chasuble is the rationale, an episcopal humeral, a counterpart of the pallium, and like it worn over the chasuble. The Mater Ter Admirabilis
  • There is also a process overhanging the glenoid cavity (g.) wherein the humerus articulates, which process is called coracoid (co.); it is ossified from two separate centres, and represents Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Displacement of the ulna from the trochlea, with humeroradial joint dislocation, is usually achieved only in a patient who has received general anesthesia.
  • No doubt some such exceptional cases may be met with in the course of future investigations, for we are still imperfectly acquainted with the entire fauna of the age of stone in Denmark as we may infer from an opinion expressed by Steenstrup, that some of the instruments exhumed by antiquaries from the Danish peat are made of the bones and horns of the elk and reindeer. The Antiquity of Man
  • After four months, a new cartilage surface for the humeral head had grown in place, with no complications or adverse effects, the researchers reported. Need a new hip? Someday you may grow your own
  • This notch articulates with the trochlea of the humerus to form the elbow joint.
  • Hume notes that we cannot imagine or conceive of the negations of typical mathematical theorems, but this seems to be a weak hold on the necessity of mathematics.
  • The examiner must check for associated injuries, including proximal humeral fractures, avulsion of the rotator cuff, and injuries to the adjacent neurovascular structures.
  • Of this also we haue most true experience, and most certaynely assure you that there is neyther iron or steele or the magnes stone that should so make the toombe of Mahumet to hange in the ayre, as some haue falsely imagined; neyther is there any mountayne nearer than foure myles: we remayned here three dayes to refreshe our company. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • In putting the question this way, James takes issue with Hume's empiricist critique of identity.
  • A liberal Democrat, Charles Schumer, kiboshed this craven act. Sam Greenfield: On This Memorial Day, I Ask ...
  • After looking at the credentials for miraculous claims, Hume came to the conclusion that the balance of probabilities counted against them.
  • One or two supratrochlear glands are placed above the medial epicondyle of the humerus, medial to the basilic vein. VIII. The Lymphatic System. 4. The Lymphatics of the Upper Extremity
  • Which is why his speech to Congress this week was "boycotted" by-among others -- Senator Charles Schumer of New York. James Heffernan: Now is the Time for Camus -- as an Antidote to Despair
  • First, when Hatch referred to the ABA approval as the ‘gold standard,’ he was directly quoting Chuck Schumer and ribbing him.
  • The addition of moisturizing agents (eg, lipids, occlusive agents, and humectants) to the cleanser enhances mildness.
  • Anterior is the most common direction of dislocation of the glenohumeral joint.
  • One humerus (upper arm) bone contained an arrow head embedded more than 22mm into the bone, while a thigh bone fracture suggests a fall from a horse (horse bones were also found at the site).
  • P. conybeari, based on caudal vertebrae, chevrons and a large and gracile humerus, is a basal titanosauriform, perhaps a brachiosaurid. Archive 2006-02-01
  • The humectants hold moisture in contact with the skin.
  • They found that during passive elevation the humeral head translated slightly anteriorly at low angles of elevation and slightly posteriorly at higher angles of elevation.
  • Hume notes the criticism that necessity undermines morality since it eliminates moral choice.
  • Hume gives an elaborate account of the psychology of moral feeling.
  • Hand lotions or skin moisturizers are either humectants or lipids.
  • At the cancellated ends of the long bones, particularly the upper end of the femur and humerus, and the lower end of the radius, it is not uncommon for one fragment to be _impacted_ or wedged into the substance of the other (Fig. 28). Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Created by the founder of Le Cordon Bleu cookery school, Rosemary Hume – rather than her better-known business partner, celebrity florist Constance Spry, as is often claimed – poulet reine Elizabeth, as it was originally known, was a deliberate and tactful compromise between the luxurious and the thrifty for a country still under the dreary yoke of postwar rationing. How to cook perfect coronation chicken
  • As different as Locke and Hume's empiricism was from Descartes' rationalism, they had something in common.
  • Common osteoporotic fracture sites include the vertebrae, the hip, the distal radius of the forearm, and the proximal humerus.
  • No external force due to the femur and humerus fractures and other large bones.
  • Hume believed that four factors undermine the credibility of reports of miracles.
  • Even though, as I mentioned, my inclinations are with Wilson, I think Gould is right in staying onside with Hume - I think one is always right in staying onside with Hume!
  • Forty days: time for catechumens to prepare for baptism.
  • We would be looking for hydrocephalus, an endocardial cushion defect or abdominal wall defect, nuchal fold thickening, a short or absent nasal bone, hydronephrosis, echogenic bowel, shortened humeri or femurs—all markers used in the ultrasound diagnosis of Down syndrome. Handle with Care
  • Hume's reason for placing identity in the second group is that objects which are perfectly resemblant may still be numerically different if they do not coincide in both space and time.
  • Although the result is a non-standard account of geometry as an inexact science, Hume thinks that he thereby preserves reason from otherwise irresolvable antinomies.
  • Russell is right, though, that 'irreligion' is a better label for Hume's position than 'atheism' it is also closer to what Hume's contemporaries meant when they called him an atheist than our own term 'atheist' is. posted by Brandon | 10:35 AM Hume and the Natural History of Religion
  • The first layer is composed of four muscles that arise partly from the medial epicondyle of the humerus and partly from the ulna.
  • To answer this question, one might begin by contrasting, at least in a crude way, a Humean with a Platonic conception of practical reasoning.
  • _Un remede d'Empereur (Neron) pour se debarrasser d'un rhume, -- et de commère pour attendre le meme but -- fut envelopper un oignon dans une feuille de chou et le faire cuire sous la cendre; puis l'ecrasser, le reduire en pulpe, le mettre dans une tasse de lait, ou une decoction chaude de redisse; se coucher; et se tenir chaudement, au besoin recidiver matin et soir_. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • This date marks the 200th Anniversary to the very day when the rebel leader ended his resistance and walked through the gates of Humewood and into captivity.
  • The effect is (in some sense) as much the cause of A as (in a different sense) A is of B. (Aside: this makes John Cramer's transactional quantum theory sound weirdly Aristotelian.www. html) Consequently, when Hume and the other Early Moderns tossed out finality, they wound up tossing out causation as well and wound up with something weirdly like al-Ghazali's occasionalism. November 4th, 2009
  • They show adaptations for underwater swimming, including flattened tarsi and humeri, and shorter wings and higher wing-loading than most other petrels.
  • Schumer said passengers "have always had the right to bring a carry-on bag without having to worry about getting nickel and dimed. Spirit Airlines' $45 carry-on fee meets resistance
  • I am convinced that this rather suspect bunch of up-and-coming medicos could find even an elbow humerus.
  • Hume in one of his essays (Of Essay-Writing) makes a distinction between the learned and the conversible realms of rational discourse ("The elegant Part of Mankind, who are not immers'd in the animal Life, but employ themselves in the Operations of the Mind, may be divided into the learned and conversible"). Weblogs and the Conversible World
  • Just as individual impressions are corrigible, the system as a whole is fallible, and thus fallibility is at the heart of what Hume in the first Enquiry calls “mitigated scepticism.” David Hume
  • The shoulder is composed of one articulation, the scapulothoracic, and three true joints: the sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and glenohumeral.
  • He stared at it in amaze, his brain a racing wild-fire of hypotheses to account for this far-journeyer who had adventured the night of space, threaded the stars, and now rose before him and above him, exhumed by patient anthropophagi, pitted and lacquered by its fiery bath in two atmospheres. THE RED ONE
  • Schumer/Emanuel developing legislation to end dece... 11/17/2006
  • As a penalty, his corpse was exhumed and beheaded.
  • ROME - Italian and British scientists want to exhume the body of 16th century astronomer Galileo for DNA tests to determine if his severe vision problems may have affected some of his findings.
  • This ‘causal maxim’ is a close relative of the Uniformity Principle, if we think, as Hume and Kant both do, that an event's being caused entails its falling under a law.
  • He stared at it in amaze, his brain a racing wild-fire of hypotheses to account for this far-journeyer who had adventured the night of space, threaded the stars, and now rose before him and above him, exhumed by patient anthropophagi, pitted and lacquered by its fiery bath in two atmospheres. THE RED ONE
  • He and his friends Fred Barnes and Brit Hume urged young conservative journalists to go easy on the polemicizing and to stress reporting. Four Decades of Conservative Journalism
  • The humerus is the largest bone of the upper extremity.
  • Hume "doesn't really have the authority, " Shales suggested — unless of course "one believes that every Christian by mandate must proselytize.
  • Sylvain Gaboury/Patrick McMullan Bonnie Englebardt Lautenberg with Sen. Chuck Schumer The newsman was the evening's emcee, cracking jokes for local politicians who came out to support the S.L.E. Lupus Foundation, which helps fund research to combat its titular ailment. Local Politicians Gather to Aid Lupus Research
  • Ambrose expected those who wished to be baptized to announce their intention at the beginning of Lent and then to participate in instruction as catechumens throughout the season of Lent.
  • The business currently has a selection of Hume and chipboard doors in stock with mouldings and architraves for a decorative finish.
  • Most of the mastodon material was recovered from a small area, and one humerus and an ulna were articulated.
  • VietCatholic news: Pope's speech distorted, catechumen, dissident bloggers arrested Solidarity with Vietnamese blogger
  • Schumer made a show of clasping his hands and accused the officials of being ideologically 'handcuffed' to the far right — which the officials found highly insulting. You Could Bank on It
  • They know that an almost complete set of remains was exhumed from the Yreaka grave and that those remains did not belong to Mark Judge, Plumadore, Kenneth L.
  • Because of its lack of bony stability, the glenohumeral joint is the most commonly dislocated major joint in the body.
  • Even the part where the paper was going along where my humeral head fits into the glenoid fossa — uh, that's a ball and socket joint. Automatic Typewriter
  • These include dorsally migrated scapulae, a broad thorax, laterally directed humeral glenoids, an increased number of sacral vertebrae, a reduced/absent tail and less fasciculated back musculature. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Both pitchers presented with pain, tenderness, and swelling over the medial epicondyle of the humerus of the pitching arm.
  • Arguably, a clear and straightforward theory of how an unowned resource comes legitimately to be owned had to wait till Hume's Treatise of Human Nature.
  • The most common sites of origin for osseous lesions are the long bones, such as the femur or humerus or the pelvic bones.
  • The horizontal axis has the most frequently preserved part of the bone, namely the distal humerus and proximal femur.
  • Bones in this bird and its relatives show clear evidence of a heat-conserving structure known as a humeral arterial plexus. Top headlines
  • For those who would like another view of the vestments, which are simply superb, here is one which shows the subdeacon in tunicle with humeral veil: Anniversary Mass of the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem
  • Thinks I to myself, this is what Mr. Hume would have, in the Commons House, called jobbery, and a poor kind of job it turned out; for, on inspecting the lime juice at Port Royal, some of it was condemned as unfit for use. A Sailor of King George
  • Shoulder abduction involves the glenohumeral joint and the scapulothoracic articulation.
  • It must ask, as Kant asked about metaphysics after Hume's critique of rationalism, how is philosophy still possible?
  • Specifically, what's foundationally important for Humean Empiricism is not anti-Nativism, but what we might call experientialism, the thesis that all our ideas are representations of particular sensory states. Disbelief
  • See Hume’s Essays vol.ii. p. 444 — 457, in 8vo. edit. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • It passes medialward upon the Brachialis, and piercing the medial intermuscular septum, winds around the back of the humerus between the Triceps brachii and the bone, forming, by its junction with the profunda brachii, an arch above the olecranon fossa. VI. The Arteries. 4b. 2. The Brachial Artery
  • The elbow joint is formed by three bones; the humerus, radius, and ulna.
  • The stronger motive may have determined our volition without our perceiving it; and if we desire to prove our independence of motive, by showing that we _can_ choose something different from that which we should naturally have chosen, we still cannot escape from the circle, this very desire becoming, as Mr. Hume observes, itself a _motive_. Short Studies on Great Subjects
  • The ulnar may pass in front of the medial epicondyle of the humerus or lie behind the condyle.
  • Nothing therefore could be done but to cut loose the fastenings that yet bound them to the frame they had so vainly put their trust in; and scraping a deep hole in the sand, the remains were thus inhumed together. Ralph Rashleigh
  • The lateral epicondyle of the humerus, the radius, and the thumb lie along the preaxial border of the upper limb; and the medial epicondyle of the femur, the tibia, and the great toe along the corresponding border of the lower limb. I. Embryology. 12. The Branchial Region
  • It's not surprising that they would exhume him now to serve his usual role as facilitator of GOP criminal ravishment.
  • He also warns against using humectant moisturizers near your eyes; these products bind water to help keep skin hydrated but can have the side effect of creating puffy eyes.
  • The claim that there is no analytic entailment from any natural property to any moral property is simply Hume's Law - a datum often supported through use of the open question argument.
  • Now when we analyse the conception of a cause to the bottom, we find as the last residuum in our crucible nothing but what Hume found there long ago, and that is simply the idea of invariable sequence. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • Hospital in London, there is preserved the right humerus and scapula, presenting an enormous bulk, which was removed by amputation at the shoulder-joint, for a large lymphosarcoma growing just above the clavicle. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • His son-in-law Ali asserted that when the prophet was about to be inhumed, he was found in a situation not very common to the dead. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The other concomitant injuries were bilateral serial rib fractures and fractures of both clavicles, scapula, humerus, and pelvis.
  • The two circumflex humeri alone send down branches to inosculate with the small muscular offsets from the middle of the brachial artery. Surgical Anatomy
  • He stared at it in amaze, his brain a racing wild-fire of hypotheses to account for this far-journeyer who had adventured the night of space, threaded the stars, and now rose before him and above him, exhumed by patient anthropophagi, pitted and lacquered by its fiery bath in two atmospheres. THE RED ONE
  • Father, it would not require much stretch of imagination to believe that, by some descendental metempsychosis, I had become an exhumed member of the sacred gnomides, torn ruthlessly from my sisterhood in Cerro do Frio or the cold dreary caverns of the Agathyrsi. Macaria; or, Altars of Sacrifice
  • David Hume's position on the conflict between polygenesis versus monogenesis is the subject of some scholarly debate. Race
  • Propè ad vallis medium sub vna rupium, apparet omni tempore visibiliter integrum ac maximum caput daemonis vsque ad humeros tantùm, cuius speciem præ horrore nullus pleno intuitu humanus audet diu oculus sustinere: nam respicientes contrà aspicit truculentèr, agitans oculos minacitèr, tanquam ex palpebris eiecturus (quæ et scintillant) flammas in altum. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • The acquaintance of Mrs Esselmont and the minister had commenced soon after the coming of Mr Hume -- then little more than a lad -- a "missioner" to Nethermuir. Allison Bain, or, By a Way she knew not
  • Her body was later exhumed and reinterred in Norwich cathedral, 5 miles from her childhood home.
  • Good for Senator Schumer – it is about time that someone will stand up to the airline industries who are nickeling & diming the US consumer to death! Senator vows to block carry-on fee
  • If Voltaire had studied Hume, moreover, he might have learned how futile and inappropriate it is in the long run to examine a religion otherwise than in its most fundamental and comprehensive general ideas, and how narrow and superficial would every philosophic appreciation ultimately find what he called refutation by facts. Voltaire
  • ‘No advantages in this world,’ wrote Hume, ‘are pure and unmixed.’
  • The corncrib was a tiny affair where a man had to climb out one leg at a time, one morning just as Mr. Hume's father was climbing out with his feed, he was struck over the head with a large club, the next morning he broke the scoop off an iron shovel and fastened the iron handle to his body. Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Indiana Narratives
  • Before the eighteenth century is called lumbering, let us set a page of Hume against a page of Hobbes, or a passage out of Berkeley by a passage out of Selden. Some Diversions of a Man of Letters
  • Hume does not tell us what conditions would raise the quality of testimony to the level of a proof, although what he says later yields some hints.
  • Moecher and Steltenpohl document an example of an exhumed deep crustal fault, provide evidence for precise determination of the depth for earthquake rupture, and explore potential mechanisms for how deep crustal coseismic rupture occurs. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • That Hume should suffer the agony of defeat by those he did so much to habilitate would be a cruel final irony.
  • The two circumflex humeri alone send down branches to inosculate with the small muscular offsets from the middle of the brachial artery. Surgical Anatomy
  • Arizona’s legislation fits right in with existing federal programs and proposals: Secure Communities and the Criminal Alien Program (CAP), two efforts that empower state and local police to identify, arrest and detain suspected undocumented immigrants; ongoing detention and dataveillance programs; and Sen. Schumer’s comprehensive immigration reform REPAIR proposal, which focuses on immigration control to the near exclusion of legalization. Immigration's strain on democracy
  • I always use the word extreme," Mr. Schumer told his Democratic colleagues, in comments inadvertently broadcast to reporters who called into the conference. Democrats Agree to Take New Look at GOP Proposals
  • In anatomical terms, the arm is built around three bones; - the humerus in the upper arm, and the radius and the ulna in the forearm.
  • Birth and death, however, collide in a remarkable way in a number of tombs in the Greek world in which a woman is found inhumed or cremated together with a fetus or neonate.
  • We know that it is in this manner that Berkeley conquered corporeal substantialism and taught phenomenism; while Hume, more radical than he, went so far as to question the substantialism of mind. The Mind and the Brain Being the Authorised Translation of L'Âme et le Corps
  • Otherwise, as Hume remarks in his essay ‘Of the Original Contract’, it is like telling a man who has been shanghaied aboard a ship that he is free to leap into the sea and perish.
  • Schumer has been seen in the Senate wearing the same baggy-kneed, wrinkled suit and dress shirt and pilling sweater vest three days in a row. Roger Stone: StoneZone's 2011 Best and Worst Dressed
  • The work of the late coiffeur Antoine-hairdresser to Claudette Colbert and Josephine Baker -- so inspired Alexandre that he has exhumed his mentor's right hand from its Polish grave. Touching Tribute
  • Hume certainly would not have accepted the "rice theory" in explanation of the social state of the Hindoos; and, it may be safely assumed, that he would not have had recourse to the circumambience of the "melancholy main" to account for the troublous history of Ireland. Hume (English Men of Letters Series)
  • He ran unto the river Liffey, peeled off his breeches and jumped in, humecting thus his hairy skin.
  • Schumer said the program could make a real difference in the economy, by helping small businesses, which he called the backbone of the U.S. economy. - Home Page RSS
  • The humerus articulates with the scapula (shoulder blade) at the shoulder, and with the radius and the ulna at the elbow.
  • Facts of this description, facts previously unheard of, but which could not from any known law of causation be pronounced impossible, are what Hume characterizes as not contrary to experience, but merely unconformable to it; and Bentham, in his treatise on Evidence, denominates them facts disconformable _in specie_, as distinguished from such as are disconformable _in toto_ or in _degree_ A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • The first bone is called the humerus, and is the largest and strongest bone of the wing, extending from the shoulder to the elbow. Our Bird Comrades
  • Methods From January 997 to December 00 , patients of 9 males and females with capitulum humeri fractures were chosen anterorredial approaches of elbow.
  • This rhomboid shaped muscle arises from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and supinator crest of the ulna, winds laterally around the radius, and inserts on its palmer surface.
  • Whenever a contractor digs into Berlin at a building site, he may dig up an unexploded bomb, exhume corpses, or liberate the fear trapped in a buried air raid shelter.
  • Hume had shown that no immediate knowledge of causes is possible, for we have no impression of necessary connection.
  • Objective Discussing the clinical effect of fractures in the Condylus humeri and Suprachondy in children using the Fragment fixation pin.
  • In their review of sauropod species referred to Cetiosaurus, Upchurch & Martin (2003) concluded that ‘C.’ humerocristatus ‘is regarded as a distinct taxon referable to the Brachiosauridae’ but went on to state that ‘[w] e prefer to wait for more complete material before proposing a new name for this taxon’ (p. 213). Archive 2006-12-01
  • Three Essays, Moral and Political, which appeared in February 1748, was the first of Hume's books to which he put his own name, a practice he was thenceforward to continue.
  • They paid a heavy price for their loyalty as Lord Hume had no goods left undestroyed by the end of 1545.
  • They surmised that the bone formation was caused by repetitive mechanical stress to the proximal humeral epiphysis during growth.
  • Treloar's body was exhumed in 1923 and buried at Mungerannie.
  • Moisturizers contain humectants, such as glycerin, methyl glucose esters, lanolin, or mineral oil, that replace oils in the skin and promote its effectiveness as a moisture barrier.
  • Hume makes no attempt to connect morals with religion, no doubt because he saw that morals cannot be grounded on any form of authority, however powerful, though religious belief may operate as a sanction through its effect on the passions.
  • In lepidosaurs, crocodilians, and birds the medial border or epicondyle of the humerus is the origin for the major flexors of the manus and carpus.
  • the caput humeri is the head of the humerus which fits into a cavity in the scapula
  • Try using a cleanser with an extra-gentle surfactant such as polysorbate 85 or 60, cocamidropropyl betaine, or caprylic acid, and make sure it has added humectants and emollients. Simple Skin Beauty
  • David Hume -- before the grindery of the winter begins. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 2
  • Ingredient:Red grape extraction, glucosan, natural humectant .
  • This was my second year attending, but last year I was a catechumen. Wyoming Youth Retreat 2007
  • So large and resistent a body as the head of the humerus displaced forwards, and taking the natural position of these vessels and nerves, will accordingly be attended with other symptoms -- such as obstructed circulation and pain or partial paralysis, besides those physical signs by which we distinguish the presence of it as a new body in its abnormal situation. Surgical Anatomy
  • Another alternative is to use humectants, which prevent water loss by attracting moisture.
  • In 1840 his body is exhumed and with pomp and ceremony moved to Paris.
  • Hume defines the term according to the context in which it is used: justice is an artificial in contrast to a natural virtue, artificial yet not arbitrary; it is both socially determined and a sine qua non for the preservation of society. ENLIGHTENMENT
  • Azemi obtained a court order to exhume the body and arrested the brother.
  • Detectives have used DNA evidence to name a nightclub bouncer whose body was exhumed last month as the likely rapist and killer of three teenage girls almost 30 years ago.
  • If the transcendental philosophy is not a version of Leibnizian rationalism, why is it not a repetition of the sceptical empiricism of Hume?
  • Hypertrophy is defined as either an increase in the size of the medial epicondylar apophysis of the pitching elbow or an increase in the thickness of the medial humeral cortex as compared to the contralateral elbow.
  • Go along about your business, miss; and don't you preshume to come to such a house as this durin 'gentlefolks' dinner-hours another time. Henry Dunbar A Novel
  • The Central Election Commission also registered as a presidential candidate a resident of Ivano-Frankivsk region, Vasyl Protyvsikh (whose surname translates as "Against Everybody"), who changed his surname from Humeniuk in early October 2009.
  • Mere reason is insufficient to convince us of its [ the Christian religion's ] veracity ( David Hume ).
  • The word is used in the same sense as in Lucretius, v. Tum caput atque humeros planis redimire coronis. Conspiracy of Catiline and the Jurgurthine War

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