

  1. material that is high in humic acids

How To Use humate In A Sentence

  • In this case pure ammonia was used, but Way's experiments having shown that this alkali is not absorbed from its salts by organic matters, I expressed the opinion that humate of lime (which certainly exists in most soils) ought on chemical grounds to decompose the salts of ammonia and cause the retention of their base. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • These facts are certainly not incompatible with the presence of a true chemical compound, for the humate of ammonia is not absolutely insoluble, and many cases occur of actions taking place in the presence of water, which are entirely reversed when that fluid is removed; and it is quite possible that when humate of ammonia is dried in contact with carbonate of lime, it may be decomposed, and carbonate of ammonia escape. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • A Study on the Control of Cucumber Downy Mildew with Sodium Humate.
  • They are formed when the alkalies or their carbonates act on ulmin and humin, or upon ulmates or humates of lime, iron, etc. Their dilute solutions are yellow, or brown. Peat and its Uses as Fertilizer and Fuel
  • These experiments may be explained, either on the supposition of the presence of humate of lime, or by supposing that the carbonate of lime first decomposed the salts of ammonia, and that the liberated alkali combined with the organic matter. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • There is also a remarkably large quantity of oxide of iron, which, when acted on by the humic acid, is well known to be highly prejudicial to vegetation, and that this took place was shown by the fact that the drains, a couple of months after being laid, were almost stopped up by humate of iron. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • Your pastoral duties will be assumed by Father Shumate, who will be sent in from Reno. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • It is a most apt and elegant expression of the Roman emperor Marcus Antioninus to this purpose, who says, "Such an inordinate self-love is like an ulcer, or imposthumated part, that draweth all to itself, and starveth the body to which it belongs. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • Persicaria to grow in solutions of humate of potash, and found a very trifling diminution in the quantity of humic acid present; but the value of his experiments is invalidated by his having omitted to ascertain whether the diminution of humic acid which he observed was really due to absorption by the plant. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • Similarly in the ´13C record, humate-induced changes in colour and growth rate correspond to changes in vegetation cover and temperature that indicate, in general, that drier periods were cooler, whereas wetter times were warmer Holmgren et al., 1999. The MWP and LIA in Kenya and South Africa « Climate Audit
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