
How To Use Humanities In A Sentence

  • The Getty Center is a multi-use complex made up of the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Conservation Institute, the Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, the Education Institute for the Arts, the Information Institute, and the Getty Grant Program, as well as offices for the Getty Trust, an auditorium, a restaurant pavilion, and a stone-ramparted helicopter landing pad. The Big Rock Candy Mountain
  • In all humanities disciplines the computer is used in an endeavour to replace intuition with quantification.
  • I got the PhD studentship – there was only one going for the whole of humanities, £13000ish... Hannah Nicklin
  • We've had people give us scholarships aimed specifically at the social sciences and humanities.
  • What value is the humanities to natural history, or natural history to the humanities?
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  • The hidden Achilles' heel is that while we've found ways to educate scientists in the humanities, the reverse has never really happened.
  • Collini's public celebration of the under-appreciated scholarship of editors and annotators is a service to the humanities.
  • Within the humanities, literature is the domain in which beauty is allied to truth.
  • Intellectuals tulad ng Thomas Paine, pilosopiko ama ng American Revolution, at John Locke, na wrote sa Bibliya mula sa obserbasyon ng pag-iisip , sangkatauhan napalaya mula sa kadena ng mga tradisyon sa panahon ng paliwanag, ngunit ang Humanities ay madalas na alang ang mga ito bilang kahanga-hanga ang mga kadena ng mga katotohanan sa kanilang pagkamalikhain. »2009» Hulyo
  • But when it comes to the humanities and arts subjects it often is. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scientists, philosophers and quite a few toilers in the humanities believe—and would have the rest of us believe—that nothing fundamental separates humanity from animality. Rethinking Thinking
  • Such inhumanities and barbarisms were committed in my sight as no age can parallel," De Las Casas wrote. Eric Kasum: Columbus Day? True Legacy: Cruelty and Slavery
  • Thinking of language as an instinct inverts the popular wisdom, especially as it has been passed down in the canon of the humanities and social sciences.
  • If there is a tint of humanities in me it's from Underwood family.
  • Maybe in the humanities there is no recourse from representation, mediation, story-telling, and social saturation.
  • This is hardly a circumstance that should be welcomed in the academic disciplines, as it echoes the partisan and highly politicized award process set up at the National Endowment for the Humanities a dozen years ago.
  • I prefer science to the humanities.
  • Innovative new curricula in science, mathematics and the humanities combined with fresh approaches to classroom method.
  • Derrida became a flashpoint for controversies over the allegedly baleful influence of postmodernism and post-structuralism on the Humanities.
  • That picture almost makes me want to turn in or burn my own earned doctorate sash, unless there is a dishonorary Doctorate of Inhumanities that I was not aware of. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 17, 2007
  • Such inhumanities and barbarisms were committed in my sight as no age can parallel," De Las Casas wrote. Eric Kasum: Columbus Day? True Legacy: Cruelty and Slavery
  • If the humanities wish to recharge their words with fizz (the ultimate is Joyce in Finnegans Wake), they should go directly to an etymologic dictionary, not to the taxonomic sciences to discover the heady truth in Emerson's "Every word was once a poem. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 1
  • London Web Week advertising art bathcamp bathcamp08 catal07 code competition digital humanities folksonomies geeks interactives measurement ontologies open formats open standards organisational change permissions models picture libraries portable devices post-processual archaeology privacy public archaeology role models standards swtt technology video BBC to put 200,000 paintings from the Public Catalogue Foundation online
  • So far, consilience has been a one-way argument: a demonstration of what science has to offer the humanities.
  • I prefer science to the humanities.
  • My initial objective of law as well as my interests at the time led me to a curriculum that was heavily weighted in the humanities especially history.
  • Even though he held business in contempt - as would any right-thinking, left-leaning humanities professor - the marketplace intrigued him.
  • Many of us hold the belief that the true value of an education in the humanities can be measured by the anecdotes it yields over dinner.
  • London Web Week advertising art bathcamp bathcamp08 catal07 code competition digital humanities folksonomies geeks interactives measurement meetup ontologies open formats open standards organisational change permissions models picture libraries portable devices post-processual archaeology privacy public archaeology role models standards swtt technology video Archive 2009-06-01
  • The courses most frequently offered in distance learning curricula quite clearly materialize the end of the humanities.
  • After all, he had not defected, nor spoken publicly against the system's inhumanities. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think my sensibilities were running more towards arts and humanities than math and science.
  • Jacques Derrida, the world famous thinker, philosopher, and the founder of Deconstructionism, has been exerting an enormous influence on almost all the branches in the humanities.
  • We wanted to develop and share a vocabulary about learning, especially in the humanities.
  • I am interested in being a good enough humanities teacher in order to be a conduit (Wordsworth's word) between subaltern children and their subaltern teachers.
  • She found it easily, as the humanities area was designed as a large oval, and she just had to keep walking in a circle to find the room.
  • The Professor, already exacerbated by the study of the humanities, was in a state of acute erethism. The War of the Wenuses
  • We tend to think which kids usually sense to review as good as write in propagandize yet giving any thought to how which happens, said Elizabeth Adams, join forces with vanguard of a College of Humanities as good as coordinator of a Literacy Scholars program. Literacy News 217th Edition
  • The death that is in the curse is put into his hand to manage it, to the dread and terror of sinners; and by it he bath always kept many, and to this day doth keep innumerable souls in unexpressible bondage, putting them upon barbarous inhumanities to make atonement for their sins, and forcing some to inflict revenge and destruction upon themselves, thinking to prevent, but really hastening, that which they fear. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • Studies could include maths, English, science, a language, a humanities subject, some vocational study plus extra-curricular activities to be introduced in 2010.
  • A world-renowned philosopher in the twentieth century, Paul Tillich puts forward the concept of "ultimate concern", one of the most important in contemporary humanities.
  • Scientists characterize the humanities as uncertain, vague and irrelevant.
  • All too often girls are blamed for the inhumanities of the men who violate them. Tabby Biddle: Women and Men in Partnership: Eradicating Gender Violence
  • Tenured women in science are twice as likely as tenured men to be single, and more tenured women remain single in the social sciences and humanities, as well.
  • The program could be adapted for use at the high school level for classes in humanities and history.
  • Proper funding to humanities departments in universities would also be a big help.
  • That tradition continues into the present day with numerous benefactors who support the arts and humanities.
  • Upon further inquiries, I was told that humanities combines the study of geography and history.
  • The hidden Achilles' heel is that while we've found ways to educate scientists in the humanities, the reverse has never really happened.
  • In early religion it was "a profound symbol of cosmic fertility," says "Sexual Personae" author Camille Paglia, humanities professor at Philadelphia's University of the Arts. "Delphi, where the most famous oracle of antiquity sat, was called the omphalos, or navel of the world. The Age Of Navel Gazing
  • Beginning in 1973/4 Epstein started excavating at Chalcolithic sites with the aid of numerous institutions, including the Antiquities and Museums Department, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Basic Research Foundation and the National Geographic Society. Claire Epstein.
  • But on the whole, this is a great book to give to your colleagues in the humanities who think that anyone who does mathematics must be an unlettered philistine.
  • As a result of all his services to Australian philosophy he was made an honorary fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities.
  • Author : Dr. Pan Liyong , professor of the department of Philosophy, Humanities School, Zhejiang University.
  • Those in the humanities may agree to the applicability of complex dynamics and field theory to the study of culture, but the inverse is not typically true.
  • anthropology's kinship with the humanities
  • Innovative new curricula in science, mathematics and the humanities combined with fresh approaches to classroom method.
  • Remember that media people are usually educated in the humanities, not in science.
  • On 29 August 1530 Mercator matriculated at the University of Louvain, taking the course in the humanities and philosophy.
  • Well, like a bad remake of The Paper Chase, I found myself in a required humanities seminar on historiography.
  • James Lighthill was indeed a brilliant scientist; but he was also a polymath, with knowledge, insight and enthusiasm for the arts and humanities.
  • She was a warm person, I found out she was into arts, music, literature and humanities.
  • Upon further inquiries, I was told that humanities combines the study of geography and history.
  • People complain that other social sciences and humanities are not precise enough, and then object when we wish to use a term precisely! What do we mean by ‘computer game’?
  • Are arts and humanities still worth pursuing? Times, Sunday Times
  • Taylor's one of those crazy people with a humanities minor and is always making obscure references that I don't get.
  • But if this be granted, I have established my contention that the Humanities should not be treated as a mere crown and ornament of education; that they should inform every part of it, from the beginning, in every school of the realm: that whether a child have more education or less education, what he has can be, and should be a ‘liberal education’ throughout. XII. On the Use of Masterpieces
  • An educated person would be expected to be well versed in both natural science and the humanities.
  • I had an interesting conversation last night comparing this with the humanities.
  • The appointment was unanimous and, given the nature of humanities studies, it is doubtful that the department would overlook something as important as equity policies.
  • The establishment, which specialises in selling scholarly and antiquarian books on the humanities, cannot afford to pay increased rent rates for the premises.
  • I've always been more interested in the humanities than the sciences.
  • Your sculpture class counts as a Humanities credit.
  • And when it is taught, history is too often batched together with other subjects into a vapid and generalised "humanities" course which fails to do it justice. If we have no history, we have no future | Tristram Hunt
  • Research libraries and humanities departments should be natural allies in promoting equity of provision across disciplines and user groups.
  • This should be a vital component in an arts and humanities education today.
  • For an extended look at the dubious value of a humanities education in particular see here.
  • Humanities scholars learned how to write their own programs, as programming languages became easier to master.
  • Above all else Treasure what you get out of social science or humanities degrees. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are still some vacancies for students in science and engineering courses, but the vacancies in humanities have been filled.
  • Innovative new curricula in science, mathematics and the humanities combined with fresh approaches to classroom method.
  • His mechanical approach to grammar, fiercely denying pragmatics and therefore the main finding of the humanities in the twentieth century, blocks progress.
  • London Web Week advertising art bathcamp bathcamp08 catal07 code competition digital humanities folksonomies geeks innovation interactives measurement meetup ontologies open formats open standards organisational change permissions models picture libraries portable devices post-processual archaeology privacy public archaeology role models standards swtt technology video Let's push things forward - V&A and British Library beta collections search
  • And art and music appreciation are taught in the humanities classes as those topics naturally arise through the students' studies.
  • I have thought that traditional methods of the humanities — the interpretation of text in its linguistic as well as historical richness — has suffered somewhat in legal scholarship in recent years under a certain economics-oriented reductivism. The Volokh Conspiracy » Robert Tsai on ‘Eloquence and Reason’
  • The Anarchist U is a volunteer-run collective which organizes a variety of courses on social science and the humanities.
  • An educated person would be expected to be well versed in both natural science and the humanities.
  • Like him, I attach enormous importance to humanities research.
  • The refusal of bourgeois conceptions of creativity constitutes a potential difficulty for any humanities subject.
  • Some also offer humanities and languages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Introverted and extroverted Maestro nonspatial initiatives and occasionally sensors often take one of the following major career tracks in the social sciences and humanities talent category: Now What?
  • This assistance is available not only for workers in the humanities and social sciences, but also for workers in the arts. One Hundred Million Dollars for What?
  • The site, which is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, contains more than 4m words in Scots and Scottish English. August 2007
  • All students proposing to major in Humanities must first be admitted to the Humanities Honors Program.
  • The Sutton Trust believes disproportionately low numbers of low-income students enrol on arts and humanities courses, fearing they may be less employable than if they take other subjects. Arts degrees become the preserve of the wealthy
  • This leaves little time for research (I teach in the social sciences/humanities), and what research there is often comes funded by the government and as a result is policy oriented, functionalistic and un-engaged with theoretical and methodological questions in the field. CHE > Latest news
  • What makes the humanities (separate from the arts) important is that they take the areas where we have insufficient data and try to abstract useful principles from it.
  • Thanks to generous support of the Taube Family Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities, those archives have now been organized and microfilmed.
  • It makes the preoccupation of the contemporary humanities with modernity and its pathologies look easy and unadventurous. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Since this is the chief finding of the humanities in the 20th century, I would bet that in the 21st century it will start revising our calculative, allocative, easily-socialist view of the economy.
  • True, one does encounter a couple of stray Marxists in humanities departments, but to say they run the show is stretching it a bit.
  • Now, we in the humanities are concerned primarily with the monitoring of the dominant cultural tradition, its preservation and its purveyance, right?
  • Ronald Rudin, Academic Convenor for Congress 2010 www. As Academic Convenor for 2010 Congress of the Humanities and Social Science, I am proud to tell you how excited we here at Concordia are to be hosting the largest annual multidisciplinary academic gathering in Canada for the first time. - Articles related to India is changing
  • Clean room is located beautiful, tall , lush trees , beautiful flowers, green fragrance, rich green humanities.
  • This goes to illustrate the academic standards for humanities and social sciences in the past half century.
  • As a result of the microcomputer revolution, electronic data processing has become a familiar feature of research in most humanities disciplines.
  • They share this preoccupation with other disciplines and interdisciplinary subject areas in the humanities.
  • Returning to the main point, I fully agree that for those in the humanities to remain woefully ignorant of the sciences is to remain in the bleachers of an intellectual life.
  • Government funding has been withdrawn from arts and humanities courses. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time, courses in business studies and the humanities are oversubscribed.
  • Research libraries and humanities departments should be natural allies in promoting equity of provision across disciplines and user groups.
  • These kinds of electronic spaces seem to be far removed from the image of the bustling, huckstering Bartholomew Fair, but it seems that many scholars in the Humanities confuse them.
  • Scientists characterize the humanities as uncertain, vague and irrelevant.
  • Research libraries and humanities departments should be natural allies in promoting equity of provision across disciplines and user groups.
  • There are still some vacancies for students in science and engineering courses, but the vacancies in humanities have been filled.
  • One polytechnic has resolved that all its humanities degree students shall acquire some appreciation of computers and information technology.
  • And art and music appreciation are taught in the humanities classes as those topics naturally arise through the students' studies.
  • Proper funding to humanities departments in universities would also be a big help.
  • Innovative new curricula in science, mathematics and the humanities combined with fresh approaches to classroom method.
  • It's the very "impracticality" of the humanities that makes them valuable to human beings and their societies. Robin Lakoff: Education: Yes, but Why?
  • He then read classics and humanities at Oxford and became a fellow of Merton College in 1869.
  • ... one of Liu's final chapters entitled "Historicizing Cool: Humanities in the Information Age," in which he ponders the role of education as a parallel anti-universe of cool. What is this thing called cool?
  • Elections always prove that politics is a branch of the humanities rather than the sciences. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, applicants for humanities, medicine, arts and sports are ever increasing.
  • This combination of interests is intended to foster connections between scholars working in textual analysis and those working in other areas of humanities computing CaSTA 2008 in Saskatchewan
  • Thus there may be a revival in the humanities, having a favourable effect on Australia's cultural level.
  • The arts and humanities still include some of the most popular subjects. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sadly, students following courses in the social sciences and humanities do very little reading today. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of all, I despise his complete obliviousness to the fact that anyone who has spent much time wading through the pious, obscurantist, jargon-filled cant that now passes for ‘advanced’ thought in the humanities already knows that his advocates are an amalgamation of hopeless cutthroats, mumpish criticasters, and other incoherent subversive-types.
  • The buildings at the college include a new drama studio, new classrooms for teaching English and the humanities and a new courtyard.
  • I think my sensibilities were running more towards arts and humanities than math and science.
  • There were five divisional deans, one for each of the academic subdivisions: Humanities, Science and Math, Fine Arts Social Science and one for Interdisciplinary majors.
  • “Many of the humanities and liberal arts are based on philosophies whose foundations are materialism and disbelief in godly and Islamic teachings,” Ayatollah Khamenei said at a gathering of university students and professors on Sunday, according to IRNA, the state news agency. Archive 2009-09-01
  • The first crop of students began taking courses in the new major, a cross-disciplinary program that falls under the school of humanities, arts and social sciences.
  • I have a set of esoteric technical skills (facility in dead languages; training in paleography and codicology, graduate-level training in several different humanities disciplines); I often work in archives with "real" objects, where I sometimes hope to find something no one else has ever seen; and some of my writing is fairly straightforward reporting on what I find. Wired Campus
  • It's not for nothing that the arts are called the humanities; they humanise us. Times, Sunday Times
  • This has led to productive dialogue between (for example) medical sociology, bioethics, and the medical humanities.
  • First, there is a thin but very influential stratum of intellectuals - broadly defined, as people with Western-style higher education, especially in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Both universities' strong academic programmes in the arts and humanities will underpin joint cultural and literary festivals. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I survey the world of the New Humanities, what I see is a travesty of what I understand by the life of the mind.
  • The competition is administered by HASTAC "haystack"---Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory, an innovative "Web 2.0" virtual institution of more than eighty institutes, centers, and community organizations anchored at the University of California Humanities Research Institute and the John Hope Franklin Center at Duke University. Hey Web 2 teacher -- Do you want $100,000?
  • Upon further inquiries, I was told that humanities combines the study of geography and history.
  • Or worse; the suggested relationship to poetry might prove congenial to those who overhastily assert that much of contemporary theoretical discourse in the humanities, pretending to describe sociohistorical reality, actually commits egregious crimes of genre with every line it writes: Texts that would otherwise be recognized as impressively bad prose-poems instead pass for something called theory (or theoretically-informed analysis). Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • Art is a key to understanding the humanities, the sciences, history and the world.
  • One polytechnic has resolved that all its humanities degree students shall acquire some appreciation of computers and information technology.
  • More from Ernst: "The testing of historical narratives implies that the wide gap between science and the humanities that so troubled physicist C. P. Snow is actually nonexistent.
  • The term 'Arts' usually refers to humanities and social sciences.
  • At the same time, courses in business studies and the humanities are oversubscribed.
  • Innovative new curricula in science, mathematics and the humanities combined with fresh approaches to classroom method.
  • Princeton is an independent, coeducational, nondenominational institution that provides undergraduate and graduate instruction in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering.
  • They are the reader first, file service are supreme; the principle performer, the humanities atmosphere serves in particular environment buiki, the humanities spirit; the disseminator.
  • A curriculum relying on the ocean, the bird, and the scholar, on the red man and his blue tabulae, would produce a love of the arts and humanities that we have not yet succeeded in generating in the population at large. Literary Study
  • With the exception of economics, the Humanities and Social Sciences have become so unscholarly that scrapping ALL of their courses would be of net benefit to the world.
  • In contrast to the ossified and sclerotic humanities, for example, business studies now accounts for about a third of university activity and teaches about half the foreign students.
  • Casual employment has been the curse of young scholars working in the humanities.
  • And when extending a Victorian lock-keeper's cottage into a graduate humanities centre for the college, they went a bit mad and produced an asymmetrical crystalline structure that somehow works just fine in the context.
  • Philosophy is no less given to the vagaries of fashion than other subjects in the humanities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Less easy to state was a possible solution, given both the vast complexity of modern science and the fragmentation of the humanities.
  • On one hand, they are gradually desensitized by the increasing popularized and professionalized humanities.
  • Topic work Certain common linking topics or themes may be chosen for humanities-driven work.
  • Traditionally, humanities faculty have worked somewhat in isolation, with the library carrel being a second home.
  • The David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future views collaboration across academic disciplines – from engineering to agriculture to the humanities – as vital to making breakthroughs in interrelated subjects. Cornell Gets $80M Gift For Sustainability Work
  • Arnold himself had little use for philosophy—or any of the humanities—as tending to ungainful employment, but he had a martial ardor which fitted him for the art of war. Angel in the Whirlwind
  • Now a Richmond, Virginia lifted warrior faces his many gifted competition to date in churned armed forces humanities veteran Phil Baroni (fighting out of Long Island, N.Y.). Archive 2009-11-01
  • Looking ahead, construction will be completed on the new arts and humanities building by October.
  • In his excellent and thought-provoking address about humanities and philanthropy (Australian Book Review, June), Professor Malcolm Gillies directs our attention to the concluding poem (Carmen xxx) in Book III of the Odes of Horace in the verse translation by John Conington, specifically to the phrase “… usque ego postera/Crescam laude recens …,” of which the fragment “postera crescam laude” has since 1854 served as the motto of my alma mater, the University of Melbourne. Postera crescam laude
  • But would they be ready for a World Humanities class, or even freshman composition, in four months?
  • The artistic humanities channel evening 11:10 will broadcast that suits the masculine looker-in the large-scale historical drama "Zhenguan To govern".
  • Northrop Frye was one of the most important thinkers in arts and humanities of the western world in the twentieth century.
  • And art and music appreciation are taught in the humanities classes as those topics naturally arise through the students' studies.
  • Mornings focus on literacy and numeracy, while afternoons are spent on humanities, science and sport.
  • Colleges today emphasize vocational training instead of education in the humanities.
  • These include: anti-scepticism, anti-naturalism in humanities and axiology, realism in epistemology and philosophy of science, absolutism in epistemology and axiology, and empiricism. Lvov-Warsaw School
  • All wanted to help kick start medical humanities in a developing Asian country.
  • The arts and humanities include some of the subjects that have been hit the worst by the introduction of 9,000 fees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Concentration camps, torture, forced labor, suffering all monstrous inhumanities, even the consequences of our own resistance, would be unknown to us were we possessed of such final grace--making it tempting to envy the easy death of birds, were it not dangerous to do so. G. Roger Denson: Holocaust and Redemption in the Photography of Susan Silas
  • One polytechnic has resolved that all its humanities degree students shall acquire some appreciation of computers and information technology.

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