How To Use Humanitarianism In A Sentence
When C. P. Scott died, the innumerable tributes to him all emphasized his courage and integrity, his humanitarianism and his championship of unpopular causes.
Marx detested romanticism, emotionalism, sentimentalism and humanitarianism of any kind.
Perhaps we are seeing the flowering of a new humanitarianism around the globe, surely the best possible response to the recent events.
Marx detested romanticism, emotionalism, sentimentalism and humanitarianism of any kind.
From Zuo Zhuan we can discover that the wars theand Autumn Period are full of humanitarianism.

By sustaining a thin strand of humanitarianism in Australia, they also provided a political framework for several generations of leaders.
For another thing, his antiauthoritarianism, antimilitarism, and borderless humanitarianism cause him to find the acts of political domination, war, and empire which make up the vast bulk of these “great” deeds and events not morally edifying but morally repugnant.
Johann Gottfried von Herder
Of, relating to, or characteristic of a humanitarian or humanitarianism.
Loan repayment assistance programs for alumni in public interest careers can help prevent the goals of practicing humanitarianism and maintaining financial stability from being mutually exclusive.
Although there are no official diplomatic ties between the two nations, humanitarianism transcends national boundaries.
On the day that the PLP seeks to wrap itself in laurels of humanitarianism, their Government admits that there are still no funds to replace the decrepit and wholly inadequate homeless shelter in Bermuda.
Global Voices in English » Bermuda: Guantanamo Protest
The ALP prides itself on a tradition of humanitarianism, internationalism.
Political and financial expediency has influenced the balance between humanitarianism and military necessity.
The region's need for his kind of world-embracing humanitarianism is starkly highlighted.
To encapsulate his humanitarianism in this immensely accessible ribaldry is a triumph of serious intention within comic means.
His fame rose further in the nineteenth century when his humble birth, scientific skill, and humanitarianism won the admiration of a democratic age.
It has pushed, as they did, multilateralism and humanitarianism, though with less budgetary resources.
Globe and Mail
This is the sort of humanitarianism that should be applauded, not punished.
People should not live in an environment that is hostile to human rights, humanitarianism, human nature and human feelings.
Why not recall the humanitarianism of William Penn, an early colonist who made peace with the Delaware Indians instead of warring on them, as other colonial leaders were doing?
If humanitarianism is your thing, there are many organizations that allow you to help people in cultures less fortunate than us.
And the 70s were a decade of Aquarian folksy humanitarianism.
Thomson's denunciation of the slave trade, and of cruelty to animals, especially the caging of birds and the coursing of hares; his preference of country to town; his rhapsodies on domestic love and the innocence of the Golden Age; his contrast between the misery of the poor and the heartless luxury of the rich; all these features of the poem foretoken the sentimentalism of Sterne and Goldsmith, and the humanitarianism of
A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
His capabilities and accomplishments in business, government, and humanitarianism are too numerous to mention.
Properly speaking, the term Haskalah includes the notion at once of humanism and humanitarianism.]
The Renascence of Hebrew Literature (1743-1885)
This identification was in part explicable by reason of the supporting pillars of social reform: evangelicism, humanitarianism, the idea of progress, and a middle-class awareness of the need for the maintenance of social order.
In the ethics history, esteem is the basic principle of humanitarianism.
On the dropping of fliers, that is nearly the most outrageous claim for 'humanitarianism' that has ever been made.
Gaza Invasion Protesters; Don't Feed the Beast-- Let's start talking about smart protest."
The plan is couched in the language of humanitarianism and democracy.
The most compelling argument, and the issue at the heart of the liberal perversion of liberalism, is in the area of humanitarianism.
The model of Humanitarianism emphasize that adult learning is a course of analysis, that is to look for the need, interesting and satisfy oneself.
No doubt, this new humanitarianism also reflected the fact that the missionaries now preached to an increasingly creolized population.