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How To Use Humanistic In A Sentence

  • The freedom of man is perhaps the humanistic psychology's basic argument.
  • Already we can see how such advances have brought about a watershed in conjectural modeling in humanistic fields such as art conservation. Introduction
  • As I view our world from the holistic, biocentric viewpoint, rather than the common homocentric (arrogant humanistic) viewpoint, I can think only of the literal millions of lives being sacrificed in the Orwellian madness of the Bush wars and upon our cruel, unyielding roadways at home in terms of being an ecological disaster as well as a human one. 21st Century Roadkill
  • This painstakingly detailed docudrama, which won the grand prize at the Berlin film festival, commands some attention and respect; I just can't go along with its antihumanistic attack on antihumanism. Chicago Reader
  • In its early stages the literary and humanistic preoccupations and the conviction of the vast superi - ority of antiquity to anything offered by the medievals no doubt led to the neglect of some interesting medie - val inquiries e.g., those into “uniform difform” (uni - formly accelerated) motions just as the logical, cosmo - logical, and theological preoccupations of the thirteenth century had probably retarded a literary renascence. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
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  • the figurative art of the humanistic tradition
  • Editors should be scientific in their methodology and humanistic in its application.
  • the humanistic revival of learning
  • It became the basis for government and social science and could be defined as rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy: the proclaimed and enforced autonomy of the individual from any higher force above him. Archive 2008-08-01
  • The book may be perceived as humanistic in some quarters.
  • It became the basis for political and social doctrine and could be called rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy: the pro-claimed and practiced autonomy of man from any higher force above him. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • No words can be more forthright or more remindful of the basic aims of humanistic inquiry than these.
  • The humanistic ego psychology is the basic conception of psychological education.
  • Like all of his shows, this one is challenging and timely, but it only glancingly addresses how the computer is eroding the hard-won humanistic qualities of modernism.
  • Younger generations are exposed to more humanistic and atheistic philosophy than ever before. Christianity Today
  • This prestigious triennial award, which carries a prize sum of $5,00,000, is presented to projects that combine design excellence with the humanistic spirit of Islam.
  • There certainly appears to be a tension between a mechanistic philosophy and a humanistic outlook.
  • This painstakingly detailed docudrama, which won the grand prize at the Berlin film festival, commands some attention and respect; I just can't go along with its antihumanistic attack on antihumanism. Chicago Reader
  • Metaphorically and humanistically, that is. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book has an overearnest strain here and there, but it is a notable and highly individual contribution to humanistic scholarship. Short Review
  • Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic moral.
  • Most had received a humanistic education with its emphasis on analysis and reasoned argument.
  • She wants an ongoing reintegration of humanistic folk and religious values with democratic ideals.
  • In the 15th century, a new generation of artists grew up who found that their patrons were humanistic.
  • Or the other possibility was that it was a declaration of deep humanistic values. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cultural repression facilitated by decorum lies at the root of the humanistic classicism informing the Renaissance sketchbooks.
  • Art education, based on Renaissance ideals of humanistic emancipation and professional excellence, had become an instrument of cultural conservatism.
  • He collected humanistic manuscripts and Roman and Italian art.
  • Stranded out on a limb, the most important need in the coming years for the individual in the South is for the solidarity of democratic, humanistic and universalist currents in both the North and the South.
  • Huxley has received widespread recognition for her humanistic achievements.
  • He's quite big on the continent where they are more into humanistic philosophers.
  • They devised an educational program that made the study of English literature and the British humanistic classics the core of the curriculum.
  • While Maslow's theories are humanistic, they have a connection to religion and spiritual life in what he called "peak experiences," and what the religious world might call epiphanies -- moments of clarity or ecstasy when the enormity of the wonder of the physical world, harmony with others and relationship with the transcendent, with God, are felt in powerful, transformational ways. Cathleen Falsani: An Invitation to The Great Conversation
  • However, young Danes tend to choose humanistic or social science studies over the natural sciences.
  • The feminine side of me wants humanistic evaluations of interesting female people in the news, written by well-bred, well educated women.
  • He immersed himself in the reading of the humanistic philosopher and linguist.
  • According to Fischoff, this approach draws from humanistic psychology, with its emphasis on self-actualization and personal growth.
  • Faculty and staff recognize him for his humanistic approach in solving problems and conflicts.
  • This humanistic attention to the subjective interpretation by prisoners of their situation marks a distinct departure from the orthodox account.
  • He imbibed the humanistic values of all the cultures he encountered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic moral.
  • Striving for the truth, doing goodness, perfection, universal love and sacrosanctity are the highest level of humanistic spirit, principles and goals of practicing medicine.
  • Libertines brought to fruition a form of anti-Christian and antihumanistic Aristotelianism that led to a radical naturalism. Army Rumour Service
  • By the end of the sixteenth century, the humanistic, creative period of the Renaissance was thus disciplined and intellectualized, so that eclecticism flowered into encyclopedism — an effort, not without eschatological sanction, to exhaust the possibilities of knowledge and to organize it in a logically structured way. PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY
  • By the early 1930s, monographs and more popular studies of world music had begun to appear in significant numbers, spurred on by the popularization of humanistic scholarship in general.
  • It is also supported by humanistic arguments and encourages us to be more outward-looking in what is a globalizing world.
  • As on can deduce from the quote from Wilson above, the Germans may have copied their racism from Anglo-phone countries, but Anglophone and French countries also had strong humanistic and egalitarian traditions that they did not copy. Matthew Yglesias » The Real German Resistance to Hitler: The Social Democrats
  • Here is a philosophy which obviously may be both as antihumanistic and as irreligious as any which could well be conceived. Preaching and Paganism
  • This book is an argument for his significance to a wider humanistic endeavor.
  • respect and humanistic regard for all members of our species
  • The mainstream psychology is science-oriented, but it doesn't meet the gap between scientific psychology and humanistic psychology, and doesn't make psychology head for maturity and unite.
  • During the 15th century, developing humanistic attitudes among patrons increasingly esteemed the creative contribution of the individual artist.
  • There certainly appears to be a tension between a mechanistic philosophy and a humanistic outlook.
  • Paintings of women are divided into "women in public," "weeping women," "virgins and mothers" and "ladies," reflecting the diverse, almost ambivalent way they were viewed during Spain's antihumanistic Counter-Reformation. The Burden of Spain
  • The humanistic ego psychology is the basic conception of psychological education.
  • He uses humanistic arguments to justify his approaches.
  • As a result, humanistic theories sometimes seem more optimistic than realistic, and more appropriate for managing the heavenly spheres than a real assembly plant or fast food franchise.
  • They expect no justice, no fair deal and no humanistic approach by the Indian leadership.
  • If Sonntag is right, the average acceptance of these beliefs should be the same between groups of students from scientific versus humanistic studies.
  • This humanistic attention to the subjective interpretation by prisoners of their situation marks a distinct departure from the orthodox account.
  • The 1981 Perennial Dictionary of World Religions classifies the Unitarian Universalist Association as a development within Christianity, but observes that the “new denomination, active in liberal causes, continues its predecessors’ the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America’s commitment to live in the tension between humanistic liberalism and Christianity” 776. Philocrites: Unitarian Universalism: In search of a definition
  • Written in admirably clear Latin, it is a typical humanistic work in its classical quotations and references and historical and philological discussions.
  • India has always existed for humanity and not for herself", Aurobindo contended at Uttarpara, "and it is for humanity and not for herself that she must be great".26 The inversion of the humanistic aspiration in Hinduism and Islam alike to a parody called communalism is the signal achievement of our secularist historians, not of Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo carried this message of the spirit from Bombay to Bengal, from Baruipur to Kishoreganj
  • Those who allow Satan in their temple, declaring humanistic wisdom, are exalting themselves above God and opposing God.
  • Evans believes the building's form fulfills the need for a humanistic, and occasionally humorous, approach to normally unstimulating work environments.
  • Using the humanistic technique of history and reminiscence, this article traces the idiosyncracies of the pythagorean philosophy: the refusal to put law in writing, the use of hieroglyphs, the dependence upon oracular judgment, the belief in multiple lives, askesis and akousmata, and places them at the root of what is most emblematically common law. Archive 2008-04-01
  • For the Renaissance, he was a wellspring of learning and a model for humanistic writing.
  • Westerners have also taken concepts from India's ancient scriptures, and used them to go beyond behavioural and humanistic psychology to what is termed 'transpersonal' psychology and 'transpersonal' psychotherapy. Immense potential of Indian traditions
  • Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals.
  • The project will result in a large ecological arboretum combining leisure, entertainment and humanistic landscape together.
  • The special quality of the series comes from its general avoidance of standard murder-mystery plots by involving Hetty in cases that bring out her humanistic approach to mystery.
  • The conservation activities endow city with deep cultural meaning over again and look for urban humanistic vitality and romantic spatial developmental philosophy of back street and alleyway.
  • This Latin and Italian manuscript combines a number of classical and humanistic works.
  • While Variety wrote that the film is ‘an intensely scenic, refreshingly humanistic oater that dares to be sincere and open-hearted’.
  • By Father Nicholai Velimirovic, Ph.D. "Nature _takes sufficient care of our individualistic sense, leaving to_ Education _the care of our panhumanistic sense_. The New Ideal in Education
  • Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals.
  • Fortunately, I was blessed to become a part of the great humanistic conversation at Princeton University.
  • It became the basis for government and social science and could be defined as rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy: the proclaimed and enforced autonomy of man from any higher force above him. Harvard University Commencement Address (A World Split Apart)
  • Few would impeach any society's humanistic obligation to care for those who actually bear the weight of battle.
  • The program suggestions were humanistic improvements - albeit cosmetic ones - to early TV fare.
  • We are so used to thinking metaphysically, whether in deconstructive or in humanistic subgroups — especially those of us who work on lyric — that it is hard to imagine any other way of approaching seeing and reading. Seeing Is Reading
  • He has also apparently 'humanistically re-oriented the traditions of the past'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A classical, humanistic education was still accepted as the defining culture of the elite.
  • Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals.
  • It is a broad theme that cuts across academic boundaries and builds linkages between disciplines to form a humanistic understanding of the many dimensions involved.
  • humanistic studies
  • Mired in the humanistic belief that someone must be pushing the planchette, our unease grows as we cannot pin down the culprit.
  • If we want to built this credendum , it is necessary for us to believe the democracy is a ideology of "humanistic subject" confirmedly.
  • That is why we hold in contempt those who, in the unbridled pride of their narcissistic haughtiness, for selfish interests, or even for filthy lucre in various places all over the world—even in our land a small group of such backsliders and traitors can be found - divorce and isolate themselves from their own people and its life and real interests and, with inexorable logic, become instruments of the antihumanistic forces of imperialism and, in its service, the heralds of disruption and discord among nations. Making the History of 1989
  • Therefore, it is inevitable that the medicine has to face to biologic and humanistic human, and the medicine and humanity compose organic relation in the nature of things.
  • Doubts and refutations were presented from the perspective of humanistic atheism and agnosticism.
  • The mainstream psychology is science-oriented, but it doesn't meet the gap between scientific psychology and humanistic psychology, and doesn't make psychology head for maturity and unite.

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