
How To Use Humanism In A Sentence

  • This has led to the rejection of Sephardic Jewish Humanism as formulated by Maimonides and an affirmation of an ethnocentric Jewish chauvinism based on the magical mysticism of Kabbalistic theurgy. David Shasha: Dangerous Mystic Motifs in Judaism
  • That went hand in hand with an old-fashioned liberal humanism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Marx may be described as a humanist, and in this century humanism has been given expression, in both secular and religious forms, in the philosophy of existentialism.
  • The second conclusion we can draw is that Gray's opposition to the notion of historical moral progress poses no serious challenge to existential humanism.
  • The sorry repercussions of embracing superhumanism-a new absolutistic faith - are everywhere to be seen. He who says speciesism says fascism-
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  • This realism remains inseparable from humanism, from a persistently innocent representation.
  • Finally, about Humanism, I would have thought that my use of the word "exorcise" suggested that Rabelais was indeed strongly attracted, and that the only way he could free himself from its trammels was by writing as he did. The Rabelais Story
  • In its antihumanism and in its thick impasto, with slices and diagonal blades of dark color making sharp edges à la Clyfford Still, this picture looks forward as well as backward. Return to the Grim and Dark
  • It is interesting and significant that the American Mullahs consistently identify "secular humanism" as the chief corruption of modern society.
  • He published On Humanism, a letter to Beaufret in which he distanced his own philosophy from French existentialism.
  • If there is any one aspect of the Renaissance that can be said to have been characteristic, that must surely be the movement known as humanism.
  • We should reflect the Humanism and endue with more meanings, but it's impossible to deny the importance of Humanism . In the face of sustainable developmen...
  • His ideas on social justice were the foundation of new humanism and of Romanticism in general.
  • Critics of humanism have for centuries declared that freethinkers once departing from religion have abandoned morality.
  • Confucian thought is characterized by a spirit of humanism, rationalism, and moralism.
  • The essence of secular humanism is that man is the measure of all things. Is Secular Humanism(left wing liberalism) ruining the Western world?? I say yes. Any other thoughts? « Children Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • For the first time ever, humanism will be recommended for study by all pupils.
  • It is the irreconcilable contradiction inevitable in humanism because of its false assumptions in constructing a world-view.
  • • In the end antiblack, antifemale, and all forms of discrimination are equivalent to the same thing - antihumanism. UUpdates - All updates
  • Of all the major versions of humanism, the Renaissance humanism that developed in Italy during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries has been the most influential.
  • I suggest that it is humanism - both religious and secular - that is the dominant philosophical adversary.
  • As Schopenhauer does , Kierkegaard criticizes traditional rationalism and Christian theology and initiates modern humanism.
  • Yet in the past humanism has always played down our dependency on our planetary habitat, placing the fulcrum of our humanity in an essentially mythological realm of spirit and reason.
  • I suggest that it is humanism - both religious and secular - that is the dominant philosophical adversary.
  • At the conclusion of this lecture The Ends of Man, 1968, Derrida brings this logic of undecidability to bear on the two strategies that have appeared in connection with the deconstruction of metaphysical humanism. Enowning
  • Secular humanism is the belief that man lives in a closed universe. Is Secular Humanism(left wing liberalism) ruining the Western world?? I say yes. Any other thoughts? « Children Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • If this perspective on the conflict is right one of the major problems is the lack of mutual understanding between those inclined to traditionalism and those inclined towards humanism.
  • It emphasises virtue and happiness and the values of humanism. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Malik seems to recognise this threat when he argues that the attempt to understand human beings in mechanistic terms is motivated by an anti-humanism.
  • Heidegger's leftist acolytes, such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida, felt able to sideline his racist and genocidal beliefs while embracing his antihumanism. The Guardian World News
  • Humanism was gradually replaced by a new international literary culture - ‘classicism’ - that recirculated and recycled an encyclopedic repertory of classical texts, mythologies, epigrams, and commonplaces.
  • Either it ends up with a pale sort of humanism, a conception of the good and the good society derived from the essential nature of man and his basic needs — a lapse into the Feuerbachianisms rejected by Marx — or it denies the possibility of a universally valid norm of conduct for man or society, stresses the uniqueness of the individual moral act, makes every situation in which two or more individuals are involved an antinomic one in which right conflicts with right and self with self. MARXISM
  • Nontheistic religions such as secular humanism, atheism, agnosticism and scientism are quite happy with science that seeks to remove any "supernatural" influence from its explanations.
  • Since the belief that God became man is central to Christianity, such a remark must be aimed at the various attempts to either reduce or eliminate the mystery of God, often taken to the point where "God" is simply identified as man's projection: "Those who have no desires have no gods either," claimed Feuerbach, "Gods are mens wishes in corporeal form" (quoted by de Lubac in The Drama of Atheist Humanism). Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • But somewhere within the total field of human knowledge, humanism still beckons to us as our best reason for having minds at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • But our dear Soviet literary schlock is not that innocent: it represents either the militant propaganda of antihumanism, or a senseless waste of material resources, energy, and labor. A Satisfied Author
  • As the band lets the dueling guitars heat up, Johnson barks like a flea market pitchman, bargaining with wary shoppers for humanism and attention.
  • Properly speaking, the term Haskalah includes the notion at once of humanism and humanitarianism.] The Renascence of Hebrew Literature (1743-1885)
  • This antinomy, perceived by reason and resolved by faith, is the standard paradox of Renaissance humanism, and we have met it in many shapes.
  • His close friend Claude Chansonnette, who became a distinguished representative of the movement known as juristic humanism, in 1520 requested Agrippa's opinion on his newly published legal treatise. Loss of Faith
  • In light of the complexity of the universe, which of the overarching theories of materialism, humanism, or theism provides the best explanation?
  • At the beginning of university, I was influenced by rationalism and humanism.
  • This book publication will symbolize the genuine humanism birth!
  • He naturally took Reuchlin's part in the latter's controversy with the Cologne professors (see HUMANISM), and wrote in 1514 a preface to the "Epistolae clarorum virorum"; but he did not come prominently to the fore. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Like all secular humanism it puts its faith not in angels but in mortal, imperfect human beings.
  • Part Two: Significance, limitation and issue field of humanism research paradigm.
  • Now look where rationalism in the context of liberal humanism has taken us - into the gutter of situation ethics.
  • William of Poitiers more Christian in his realism, ac - ceptance of the incarnation, and his humanism than his monastic adversary? LOVE
  • Secular humanism is really just an response to the horrible representation of Christ that the church has become. Is Secular Humanism(left wing liberalism) ruining the Western world?? I say yes. Any other thoughts? « Children Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • They are actually advancing the non-theistic religion of secular humanism.
  • But somewhere within the total field of human knowledge, humanism still beckons to us as our best reason for having minds at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Concurrent with this shift is the emergence of the individual psyche, the Self, the subconscious, psychoanalysis, symbology, dream interpretation, Humanism, and the rising popularity of Eastern Mysticism in the West.
  • Historically, humanism and science used to be harmonious; yet the magnificent development of scientism and technolatry put human civilization into a crisis, which is also true to Chinese culture.
  • Of course, some passages are obscure or anachronistic. But many of the sayings attributed to Confucius breathe a remarkably fresh secular humanism.
  • It emphasises virtue and happiness and the values of humanism. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Secular Humanism as the dominant faith of the elite.
  • But it still gives us a visceral thrill, like the trumpets and timpani in a symphony by Beethoven, because it reminds us of some of the greatest chapters of our species, when humanism was regnant. Designs for NYC's Park51 Islamic center show a literally enlightened building
  • Secular Humanism as the dominant faith of the elite.
  • Whereas in Western Europe, under the growing influence of humanism, the scholastic tradition of terminist logic came to an end in the third decade of the 16th century, it had a vigorous, though not unaltered, continuation on the Iberian Peninsula until the Medieval Semiotics
  • There is perhaps no film to rival the humanism and clarity of purpose of Rossellini's neorealism masterpiece, which documents the Nazi occupation of Rome and the bravery of the Italian resistance. Rome, Open City: No 22
  • Renaissance humanism gradually replaced the medieval scholastic tradition from which it emerged.
  • She has revealed the totalitarian temptations and shown us the strength of undogmatic humanism. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2007 - Presentation Speech
  • The term civic humanism has gained wide circulation and influence since its reception into English-language historical writing. Civic Humanism
  • He seems to suggest that the preservation of difference will have to be under the aegis of humanism.
  • It is not possible to fail so effectively that you stop racism, sexism, ageism, humanism.
  • Critics of humanism have for centuries declared that freethinkers once departing from religion have abandoned morality.
  • Rabelais ' aesthetics in Pantagrue and Gargantua, based on the humanism, overturns the Christian orthodox idea and reconstructs the humanist outlook on life and value.
  • Whether you call it humanism, marxism, socialism or communism, it is bad for liberty. State of the Union: Powell 'concerned' about Obama's agenda
  • Throughout his career, Sturr integrated pristine formalism with a tender humanism.
  • Scarry's humanism shares in this technoaestheticism: "Her version of mimesis is strong enough for virtual worldmaking: it is a specific, repeatable method for stimulating in the human body an image that responds to the content of a particular idea. Introduction
  • Jawaharlal Nehru was thoughtful and precise when he drew a link between humanism, tolerance, reason, and progress.
  • I have no argument with humanism and atheism being taught in secondary schools. The Sun
  • The scene brilliantly encapsulates the humour and humanism at the heart of Rosenthal's work.
  • This has something to do with humanism, and humanist rationality.
  • I'm really happy to be a voice for secular humanism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such developments, he thinks, have fostered an ethos of “antihumanism” in which the collective is exalted over the individual. World Wide Mind
  • I've always believed in the twin values of rationalism and humanism, but humanism has often felt as though it got short shrift in our community.
  • But somewhere within the total field of human knowledge, humanism still beckons to us as our best reason for having minds at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just on the humanism/post-humanism issue, is post-humanism related to post-modernism? Stefan Zweig « Tales from the Reading Room
  • (Duguit) but even individualism (Laski), while Protag - orean humanism and some correlative forms of pragma - tism permit freedoms in choices almost without stint. JUSTICE
  • Christopher stated that the attack on liberal humanism, and economic rationalism and globalisation, reflect a common factor, fear of change, fear of the unknown.
  • However, it should not be neglected that its cognitive mode—Separation of Heaven and Man—and secular humanism as well, have brought negative effect to human civilization.
  • This phenomenon was severely criticized by humanism and romanticism.
  • The problem of wife abuse is not one of feminism, secular humanism or a lack of headship in the home.
  • La tolerancia del derechohumanismo mundial (que ha estado presente en primera fila en el proceso y la sentencia contra Fujimori) hacia personajes como Fidel Castro y Hugo Chávez (que tienen un record mucho más largo, abultado y gravoso que Fujimori e, incluso, Pinochet) así lo demuestra. Global Voices in English » Peru: Ex-President Fujimori Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison
  • A greater recognition of the role of medieval humanism, scholasticism, Gothic architecture and Catholicism in McLuhan's thought would have opened up another avenue of uniquely Canadian direction in McLuhan.
  • Most of them live in California, their passions are life extension, body sculpting, cryonics, smart drinks, funny handshakes, and a new philosophy they call ‘transhumanism’.
  • Her quest for the big answer leads her to accept Confucianism and nonreligious Buddhism as well as secular humanism.
  • His educational beliefs were informed less by theory than by a large-minded humanism. My hero: Janusz Korczak by Eva Hoffman
  • Derrida's distrust of metaphysics harmonizes well with this political humanism, and indeed his critique of rationality in the early deconstructive texts follows this logic to its conclusion.
  • Modigliani's profound humanism and pessimism made him distrust political systems.
  • But anyone expecting softcore liberal humanism is bound to get a rude awakening.
  • He read Latin and Italian literature, and he promoted Renaissance humanism in England.
  • We should reflect the Humanism and endue with more meanings, but it's impossible to deny the importance of Humanism . In the face of sustainable developmen...
  • Perhaps that's secular humanism for you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Humanism promoted the spirit of oneness, ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’.
  • I have no argument with humanism and atheism being taught in secondary schools. The Sun
  • Perhaps that's secular humanism for you. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Party, on the other hand, frowned upon too much individualism, too much humanism practiced by any of its members.
  • It is our hope, with this issue, to demonstrate that scholars working in what might be termed premodern periods [medievalists, but also early modernists] have much expertise to bring to bear upon the question of the post/human, in both its material and theoretical manifestations, and also in its implications for a future that could never be entirely free of a past that, in some ways, was more capacious and theoretically provocative in its post/humanisms and post/humanist thought than we generally allow. In the Middle
  • The tsunami disaster, in a way, has brought the public closer, reiterated the significance of humanism and inculcated the habit of helping those in distress.
  • The book is not simply a throw-back to a pre-post structuralist Marxist humanism or an unreflecting Whig history however.
  • By this I mean the secular humanism that has allowed the flowering of civil society in the West.
  • The humanism of neuropsychiatry, so illusively sought in much of modern medical practice, is found in the manner in which neuropsychiatry is applied: how one interacts with and cares for the person with the illness. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Claims are made about the total irrelevance of humanism to the secularisation process.
  • Religion has become a dirty word in our aggressively secularised society, so that any opportunity to take a swipe at it is eagerly embraced by the protagonists of the brave new world of conformist humanism.
  • Enlightenment humanism freed the individual from the status quo of natural identity, allowing humanity to reach beyond self, to change rather than simply be.
  • One new tendency -- that which insists more passionately than ever on order and organization -- merely continues the impetus given by Cézanne and received by all his followers; but another, more vague, towards something which I had rather call humanism than humanity, does imply, I think, a definite breach with Cubism and the tenets of the austerer doctrinaires. Since Cézanne
  • I have no argument with humanism and atheism being taught in secondary schools. The Sun
  • In these ways he created and perpetuated a counter discourse to the Shaftesburyian "civic humanism" or academicism, of which so much has been made of late by art historians. Lenin's Paintings
  • How discover new world? who discover Humanism, Communism, Buddisim, hindusim, capitalism, plotoism it all the youth of those day. so this time 21st centuary, time of information technology and many sciencetific development youth has key role to stablish peace, harmony and friendship. YOUTH LEADERSHIP AND FUTURE NEW NEPAL
  • For secular humanism, this should be a wake-up call, and a reminder of the days when humanist organisations fought for the right to publish uncensored information in the public interest.
  • It became the basis for government and social science and could be defined as rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy: the proclaimed and enforced autonomy of man from any higher force above him. Harvard University Commencement Address (A World Split Apart)
  • The project furthermore makes doubtful the possibility of posthumanism that is conditioned by cyborgization and human disembodiment because these two are virtually the outcomes of the metaphoric relationship.
  • IThe problem with humanism is it removes any moral aboslutes. Is Secular Humanism(left wing liberalism) ruining the Western world?? I say yes. Any other thoughts? « Children Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • International and Chinese special Olympics offers a new stage for this function and humanism.
  • I'm really happy to be a voice for secular humanism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Liberal toleration, founded either on agnosticism about higher goods or on pessimism concerning their realizability, seems to be contemporary humanism's highest ideal.
  • Ferry's perspective is one of secular humanism. The Times Literary Supplement
  • What A Present View forces us to do is to reconsider a traditional equation between humanism and liberalism.
  • If it does turn out that there is a tendency for humanists to judge the merits of scientific theories in terms of non-scientific criteria then this might well be indicative of some tension within humanism.
  • Historically, however, this tension has been a highly creative one, helping develop both a more rational humanism and a science of humanity compelled to address the exceptional character of human nature.
  • Do you think this comes automatically with humanism?
  • Feeling more at home in the Muslim world of Spain, North Africa and the Middle East, Sephardim such as Maimonides took up the challenge of that new civilization, a civilization best characterized by the term "religious humanism," and produced an efflorescent literature that was matched by an economic dynamism that in the early modern period extended its reach into Holland, England, and Italy. David Shasha: Collateral Damage: Jewish Fratricide and the Demonizing of Córdoba
  • Can you talk about how and why it was humanism that triumphed over alternative possibilities?
  • Renaissance humanism gradually replaced the medieval scholastic tradition from which it emerged.
  • If anything, post-humanism is what comes after post-modernism, but they are both such whopping great doctrines with so many dimensions that they undoubtedly relate in more complex and subtle ways than that. Stefan Zweig « Tales from the Reading Room
  • It is deeply antihistorical to think that our work can ignore or dismiss Christianity or humanism. Philocrites: July 2002 Archives
  • I would rather have my intelligence insulted than be subjected to two hours of obscenity, stupidity, violence, and antihumanism AND have my intelligence insulted, AND pay $10 a ticket for the privilege. juanito - John Davey says: 100 Mysteries: Mystery Liner – The Bleat.
  • And it -- also, it sounds kind of culty, and there is no -- it ` s not like there ` s a body of doctrine somewhere that ` s secular humanism. Politics: Observations and Arguments, 1966-2004
  • Post-Modern Satanism is very much like dark humanism with the Nietzsche, Rand, and other atheistic philosophers. An Interview with Venger Satanis : The Lovecraft News Network
  • Messianic hope in this new form is in the act of producing a transformation in Polish Hasidic surroundings, identical with that achieved by humanism in Lithuania. The Renascence of Hebrew Literature (1743-1885)
  • At the beginning of university, I was influenced by rationalism and humanism.
  • While it's true that Western society rests on a solid Judeo-Christian foundation, the ground floor of our edifice is filled with goodies like skepticism, science, rational thought and humanism untempered by the supernatural.
  • And then you follow that with the absurd satire of Humanism -- nihilist Nietszche prancing on in goathide leggings with an ithyphallic cock dancing in the air, bringing existential panic, but saying "Whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger" -- bara boom. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Reasons not to believe in lies limericks art television video case-study freelancing fund raising humanism phot pseudoscience reviews shopping the 2009 baby boom the media On her Majesty's secret service
  • This painstakingly detailed docudrama, which won the grand prize at the Berlin film festival, commands some attention and respect; I just can't go along with its antihumanistic attack on antihumanism. Chicago Reader
  • We are heirs to the true legacy of humanism, and we must never forget this.
  • His later spiritual perspective evolved among pantheism, humanism, and various elements of Western esotericism, as seen most vividly in Part II of Faust. Johann wolfgang von goethe | outside of the gate | Faust I. « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • That is what the tyrannies of the twentieth century had proven - that ultramundane humanism is inevitably inhuman humanism.
  • Renaissance humanism did not necessarily promote natural philosophy, but its emphasis on mastery of classical languages and texts had the side effect of promoting the sciences.
  • Confucian thought is characterized by a spirit of humanism, rationalism, and moralism.
  • The persistent experience of disquietude in the book returns us to Said's appeal for ‘unending disclosure, discovery, self-criticism, and liberation’ as the basis of a critical humanism - and art.
  • Humanism is often opposed to medieval scholasticism and macaronic language.
  • Built-in bookshelves holding the great works of Western humanism lined the walls. Death Becomes Him
  • This book publication will symbolize the genuine humanism birth!
  • It became the basis for political and social doctrine and could be called rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy: the pro-claimed and practiced autonomy of man from any higher force above him. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • I have vertigo… I understand what was wanting in our antihumanism. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Vázquez-Arroyo develops and defends his emancipatory reading of Adorno in what he calls a minima humana or critical humanism that stands for universal human freedom without importing anything like a thick conception of human identity into the universal sphere. TELOSscope: The Telos Press blog
  • In his letter On Humanism, Heidegger charges Sartre with merely inverting the Platonic order of essence and existence;
  • He combined ancient classical humanism with Oriental metaphysics to ratify his own down-to-earth brand of philosophical monism.
  • If "humanism" is what you are looking for, only Christ is the revelation of what humanity is (18), a passage indebted to Pope John Paul II's 1979 letter Redemptor Hominis Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • And in terms of religious education is atheism or humanism ever given equal balance with official religions?
  • It became the basis for government and social science and could be defined as rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy: the proclaimed and enforced autonomy of the individual from any higher force above him. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Some of the more secular trends in humanism dared to defend happiness in the here and now.
  • But somewhere within the total field of human knowledge, humanism still beckons to us as our best reason for having minds at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of the forces springing from the European Renaissance, humanism and the influence of classical learning came first.
  • Ms. GODDARD: I got interested in humanism and nonreligious ethics when I was a kid, also like Mark, in Catholic school. Secular Students Find Their Place On Campus
  • This painstakingly detailed docudrama, which won the grand prize at the Berlin film festival, commands some attention and respect; I just can't go along with its antihumanistic attack on antihumanism. Chicago Reader
  • Critics of humanism have for centuries declared that freethinkers once departing from religion have abandoned morality.
  • As Schopenhauer does , Kierkegaard criticizes traditional rationalism and Christian theology and initiates modern humanism.
  • We should reflect the Humanism and endue with more meanings, but it's impossible to deny the importance of Humanism . In the face of sustainable developmen...
  • The arrival, dissemination, and now normalization of the words 'post-human' or 'post-humanism' in literary, historical and cultural studies marks the addition of a new 'actor' or 'actant' to the assemblage of persons, machines, and the various parading of animal and plant remains employed to disseminate stories about the textual traces named 'past.' In the Middle
  • Lives of Eminent Philosophers by the third-century doxographer Diogenes Laertius, whose work was an influential discovery of Italian humanism. Loss of Faith
  • Can you talk about how and why it was humanism that triumphed over alternative possibilities?
  • So, finding all of these above as necessary parts of any meaningful and culturally relevant definition, it can be argued that humanism is a sociopolitical philosophy, both democratic and non-hierarchal, which is informed by scientific naturalism and promotes individual freedom, economic and social equality, human cooperation and planetary peace. Imagine all the People
  • The humanism was still there, but it was now pessimistic and darkly existential.
  • Humanism is often opposed to medieval scholasticism and macaronic language.
  • It is no accident that the play is set in the eighties, when the arguments between beleaguered humanism and pragmatic functionalism were at the very height.
  • If anything, post-humanism is what comes after post-modernism, but they are both such whopping great doctrines with so many dimensions that they undoubtedly relate in more complex and subtle ways than that. Stefan Zweig « Tales from the Reading Room
  • And yet this most gracious of advertisements for rationalism and humanism was unbowed, and unembittered. Times, Sunday Times
  • In spite of some of the obscure, antiquarian concerns of humanist engagement with the music of the classical past, the impact of humanism itself should not be underestimated.
  • Williams chooses to define ‘humanism’ as a philosophical search for synthesis between alternatives, as a reduction of disparate phenomena to concentricity.
  • On one hand I am too severe, holding a reductive and even dismissive view of the value of literature and literary study; on the other, I am too indulgent, giving in to the same basic background of general belletristic humanism covering the same set of books. The Ghost Writer
  • Her book captures the quintessence of Renaissance humanism.
  • Ferry's perspective is one of secular humanism. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Humanism had flourished in last century.
  • The Angry Penguins had no coherent political outlook and the Boyd family circle espoused a confused mixture of liberal humanism and religious pacifism.
  • With the rise of humanism, an increasingly diversified picture of human existence had begun to emerge. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • The ideology that did most to sustain capitalism was humanism, the belief in man as the free, autonomous origin of history.
  • The growth of artistic expressions is a sign of cultivation of sensitivity, of mellowing, of humanism.
  • After Atheno-Peloponnesian War, the ancient Greek polis declined. But their humanism ideas have passed through the long history and gotten into the tradition of the western humanism.
  • Secular Humanism has emerged as the dominant faith of the elite.
  • Humanism promoted the spirit of oneness, ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’.
  • That went hand in hand with an old-fashioned liberal humanism. Times, Sunday Times
  • His mental ideal returns the esse nce of Chinese traditional culture:Confucian humanism, independent personality in Taoism and mental freedom in Buddhism to Chinese contemporary literature.
  • The Christian Right are critical of secular humanism and liberal tolerance in religious matters.
  • Teaching humanism would be one important step towards ensuring that school education reflects their views.
  • Many Dutch humanists have a postmodern inclination towards ‘small humanism’, and an agnostic stance rather than an atheistic one.
  • The roots of ethnology lay, in turn, in the traditions of natural history, moral philosophy and humanism.
  • In this maelstrom, in which the migrant soul had no way to learn or value nature, the only groundings were those of wealth, materialism, humanism, violence and conquest.

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