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How To Use Human In A Sentence

  • People at MSFC have told me over drinks that this study concluded that EELV are human ratable but they were going to do what Griffin wanted. Obama Policies on Transparency, Openness, and Participation - and NASA - NASA Watch
  • There's nothing at all wrong with a bit of human imperfection here and there.
  • It is recognised as a crime against humanity under international law.
  • It is by these special touches that the author infuses the books with the spirit of humanity, without which a fantasy becomes an empty fancy.
  • A lot of human nature can be traced to instinctive behaviors evolved in harder times. ProWomanProLife » Why am I so skeptical?
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  • Inhuman hours, back-stabbing competition, abuse by superiors; it's all familiar now.
  • You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. Mahatma Gandhi 
  • Human relations do not always rely on meeting each other in person every day. When we talk about relationships between people on either side of the border, just a few thousand miles can’t keep love from growing and blooming into a beautiful bonding. Gulzar 
  • And if you can develop a machine to look for the needle in the haystack and what you come out with from having the machine sift through the haystack is a box of straw, where maybe the needle's in there and maybe a few bonus needles, then that's a whole lot better than having humans try to sift through a haystack. Wired Top Stories
  • But many creatures besides humans have thrived without them and continue to do just fine, thank you very much. Smithsonian Mag
  • It is not just a projection of human motives on to a neutral universe.
  • Modern scientific capability has profoundly altered the course of human life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The human was definitely looking at her.
  • Hassan in frequently going to sleep in one town, to awake in another far distant, but without the benighted Oriental's surprise at the transfer, the afrit who performed this prodigy being a steam-engine, and the magician it obeyed the human mind. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • The clinico-pathological features of this model resemble human peritoneal carcinomatosis. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Where are their fiercest critics when humane help is wanted? The Sun
  • We have come to see the tornado in all of its glory, not the ant-like humans that scurry about in its path.
  • The preoccupation with the problem of evil, asserts Nietzsche, enervates the human spirit.
  • Human rebellion didn't change his desire. Christianity Today
  • It was not a great botanic garden, but it was a lung in the midst of the crowded brick and stone of human habitation. THY BROTHER DEATH
  • The resemblance also of the human stomach to that of the orang-outang is greater than to that of any other animal. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Its total destruction is not a moral imperative for the human race. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her boss did not display any human traits.
  • For the last five years, he's been a fixture on Houston street corners begging for money, a life Edwards describes as dehumanizing and empty. CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2009
  • Here, human or mouse embryonic stem cells, in vitro representatives of the totipotent inner cell mass blastomeres, are placed into culture.
  • Police recovered what was later identified as a charred right human foot in the backyard and documented a fire pit with drag marks leading to it. Edmonton Sun
  • His theory was that animals were the ‘slaves of man’ and he spoke of the ‘tyranny of humans over non-human animals.’
  • Beyond affecting the humans and wildlife that call the area home, the Arctic's warmer temperatures and decreases in permafrost, snow cover, glaciers and sea ice also have wide-ranging consequences for the physical and biological systems in other parts of the world. Arctic is warming, NOAA report says
  • Foot and mouth disease is a zoonosis, a disease transmissible to humans, but it crosses the species barrier with difficulty and with little effect.
  • Though the threat of some biohazards receded for workers in health-care and other human services, the threat of others, such as hepatitis B virus, grew.
  • Getting deeper into the study of morality showed me that human nature is very much two-sided; for every bad side to our nature, there's a good one.
  • Objective To study the effects of retinoic acid on the differentiation of human rhabdomyosarcoma cells and on the expression of myogenic regulatory factor (MRF).
  • A vaccine of this kind has been shown to protect against hepatitis B virus infections in chimpanzees and recently also in humans. Physiology or Medicine 1976 - Press Release
  • Animals are humanized, that is, the kinship between animal and human life is still keenly felt, and this reminds us of those early animistic interpretations of nature which subsequently led to doctrines of metempsychosis. The Art of the Story-Teller
  • They seemed to be in a serious mood, perhaps brooding on the deteriorating human behaviour that cannot see that he is cutting the same very branch that he is sitting on.
  • Words regarding the necessity to change the souls of human beings to effect real change in the world should not be interpreted to mean that black religious leaders were adopting a quietistic approach to civil rights.
  • An ideal culture is one that makes a place for every human gift. Margaret Mead 
  • Yes, it means a re-think of the way we give, but it promises to truly lift up lives in these hard times and bring us back to the true definition of the word 'philanthropy,' which literally means "the love of humanity. Melanie Lundquist: Time to Change the Way We Give
  • His anatomy of the human condition, however, is not the political and moral cul-de-sac it purports to be.
  • She can tell you why the zebrafish's genome is particularly useful for determining how human bodies work at the primary level. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the first aims of propaganda is to dehumanize the enemy in the public mind.
  • Deputy Agricultural and Land Affairs Minister Dirk du Toit called on farmers to invest in what he described as human resource capital.
  • Which is a long-winded way of saying that human nature will play a part in deliberations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem of religion secularization rose to an agenda as the growing of human self - awareness.
  • The nature of both universal and human expression is identical, the universal being mirrored in the human entity.
  • The most obvious of these powers is that of the demolition and clearance of housing that is deemed unfit for human habitation. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • The land was wild and empty, but there always seemed to be a human shape lurking in the tunnels.
  • Just as the new convert to Islam sees the work of God in all things, the Marxist neophyte is tempted to understand all human activity through the lens of the base/superstructure model.
  • The "smart" in "smart underwear" refers to the fact that the printed sensors will be incorporated into logic-based biocomputing systems that will monitor biomarkers found in human sweat and tears, make autonomous diagnoses, and administer drugs. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Hog waste is a major pollution source, communities surrounding the factories are strangled by a foetid stench and animal rights groups have long complained about the inhumane way pigs are raised and slaughtered.
  • No studies have been done on humans about the cancer link just yet. The Sun
  • The plaque tells us the sculpture is ‘a symbol of universal human endeavour.’
  • The crash has previously been blamed on technical faults and human error. The Sun
  • And also barely functioning as an able-minded human being. IN ODDER NEWS: Kathy Griffin’s Emmy Speech, Uncensored | Best Week Ever
  • He has also apparently 'humanistically re-oriented the traditions of the past'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Gods, devas, demi-gods, human, animal… these are all part of the Karmic Cycle of Existence called Samsara.
  • In the twelfth century the canon lawyers devised an elaborate, and comparatively humane, legal framework for poor relief.
  • The creature lives in the remote parts of the Upper Amazon and has a “particularly unpleasant habit of infesting humans”, the scientists say. New Species Of Nose-Dwelling Leech Discovered | Impact Lab
  • “Part of an adult faith, for example, is a commitment to the inviolability of human life from its first moment, radically opposing the principle of violence, precisely in the defense of the most defenseless of human creatures,” the pope said. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • Dolphins have a natural affinity with humans and just being with them, playing with them and touching them, is credited with bringing about wondrous results for sick people.
  • It took its corporeal form in the living room, disguised as a humanoid figure made of what could be described as a giant cotton ball.
  • Lying in the plastic chair, he wondered about the rigours of human existence, and about the people he had been. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being. Margaret Mead 
  • Similarly, the variation of distance refraction and the presence of astigmatism is also lower than for humans.
  • Maxwell's theoretical unification of electricity and magnetism was engineered into the modern human power to communicate across space at the speed of light.
  • The dregs of humanity strewn around me. Times, Sunday Times
  • The human population in the region is expanding in inverse proportion to the wildlife.
  • The full moon instilling some notion of romanticism in the minds of the stupid humans.
  • A mantid is the most humanlike of insects; it has its eyes arranged so that it can see forward, allowing it depth perception. The Killing Kind
  • Moreover, he believed very firmly in Christianity as the way of saving human beings, and he addicted to a monkish life.
  • They need the same environmental perception as humans. Times, Sunday Times
  • The feelgood factor, a staple of Hollywood, is binned in favour of emotional truth and the complexities of human nature.
  • Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread to humans by infected ticks. The Sun
  • It is an inverted fable, filled with "animalized" humans. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Of course, he does this not through imagery alone but through turning the paint itself into a kind of turbulent human clay.
  • Australia plays a leading role in advancing APEC's responses to human security issues such as communicable diseases, emergency disaster relief preparedness, counter-terrorism, climate change and energy security. Australia Strengthens APEC
  • I have seen human bathers acting just like the birds, though from a different cause, bobbing down towards the water, but afraid to dip their heads, and the idea of comicality arose, as it does in most of the ludicrous actions of animals, from their resemblance to those of mankind. The Naturalist in Nicaragua
  • Actually, this particular strain of e. coli is going to be more likely to have been spread by humans, manure (even the so-called organic stuff) or animals, than water. Spinach
  • As you might have guessed we are not talking about an all-too-human Dana Plato, Todd Bridges or Corey-of-your-choice, but a fellow member of our family Hominidae who diverged from our species 6 million years ago. Warren Holstein: Monkey Business: Travis the Celebrity Chimpanzee Attacks!!!
  • His domestic policy is unjust, inhumane, fiscally irresponsible, and amazingly uninformed.
  • I can see taha many of the comments try to justify what happening in Gaza by other crimes committed in the human history. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It is one of those biases, all the rage in academic circles right now, that explain many of the eccentricities of human behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • infrahuman animals
  • Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human.
  • A senate committee has killed a bill that would have ended Virginia's four-year-old mandate that girls receive the vaccine that protects against the human papillomavirus before enrolling in the sixth grade. Senate panel kills bill to end Virginia's HPV vaccine mandate
  • The low cell activity in equine species makes both in-vitro fertilization and cloning more difficult in horses than in cattle and even humans.
  • Eating has always been preeminently a human, communal and convivial pleasure. Times, Sunday Times
  • And of course, as humans we could experience the same torment, because of our own patterns of greed and miserliness.
  • The beauty he has perceived must in accordance with our human needs find expression concretely, because it is only as he manifests himself in forms which we can understand that we are able to recognize him. The Enjoyment of Art
  • The circle of human soldiers parted ahead, and a tall gold-haired human in a dark blue uniform walked through with another armored soldier at his side.
  • They urged both to respect international humanitarian law and allow them free passage. Times, Sunday Times
  • His vision is of a world that coheres through human connection rather than rules.
  • Animal welfare organisations said that many of the tests are unnecessary or could be performed on human volunteers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE". Dana Ullman: Nobel Prize Winner Takes Homeopathy Seriously
  • As the train stopped for its human freight at each station it slowly gathered a cargo of trammies and bussies making for their depots.
  • These are billions that should have been used for humanitarian aid.
  • A recent television program on Siamese twins demonstrated how a pair of joined, genetically identical humans had different preferences and quite distinct wills and spirits.
  • This tells us something interesting about the human concept of disgust. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pressure has been mounting for greater Western involvement to end violence and a humanitarian crisis in Darfur.
  • Yet while pilotless drones are dehumanised and impersonalised, mobile phone ring tones and screensavers are instances of the humanity and personality of the people behind technology.
  • The advance could transform the lives of amputees, but also raises questions about potential future applications of the technology, which could include human enhancement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The freaks of nature displayed here appealed to peoples’ prejudice, their unquenchable curiosity for the outlandish and the unknown, and the paradoxical human attraction and repulsion for the diseased and deformed.
  • The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover. Joseph Addison 
  • It was wonderful, an Orkney village confronted with a swan, a selkie, and a dragon, and the consequences of allowing (or forcing) them to live among humans, as humans. "And when the waves came crashing down, he closed his eyes and softly kissed her."
  • Human-resources staffers walk a fine line: employees see them as stooges for management, and management views them as annoying do-gooders representing employees.
  • We are now so dependent on the financial system, without parallel systems of support, that the result could be catastrophic for humanity.
  • This all seems to be in response to the subject of human rights and the inclusion of sexual orientation in the bill.
  • He spoke of something wholly divine and uncreated in the human soul.
  • The destruction of buildings seems less consequential than the destruction of human lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • In its seeming ambiguity yet divine reality it remains free of the influence of humankind and our lusts.
  • The revolution is made through human beings, but individuals must forge their revolutionary spirit day by day. Che Guevara 
  • Metaphor is pervasive, and human language with various metaphors, thus study on metaphor is significant.
  • That went hand in hand with an old-fashioned liberal humanism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sound of the human whistle, like that in the most primitive instrumental forms - a whistle fashioned from a hollow tube of wood or straw - is made by the turbulence generated in an airstream at the narrow orifice formed by pursing the lips.
  • * In primitive conditions, given the unsually demanding task (compared to other mammals) of raising human babies, paternal investment in offspring is required. The Volokh Conspiracy » Interracial Marriage Rates Going Up
  • Sometimes, with mechs, a smile could transform the face into something even less human—the expression somehow incongruous on the synthetic lips, a quaint and unsettling party trick, like a dog propped at the dinner table with a fork and spoon. Crashed
  • That represents something of the heart of God as expressed in Genesis 3, because now we see the divorce papers being finalized as God disannuls the relationship He had with humanity and as the man and woman sort out memories of a lost opportunity. FROM THE CROSS TO PENTECOST
  • The employee needs to probe deeply and almost overcommunicate why they wanted to leave and see if it will change in the future," says Peter Vergano, senior manager of human-resources strategic staffing for Samsung Electronics Americas. When to Take a Counteroffer From Your Employer
  • the mastery of fire was a huge advance in human technology
  • The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover. Joseph Addison 
  • The stinger of the Japanese giant hornet is about a quarter-inch long and can inject venom containing a strong enzyme, which can dissolve human tissue.
  • If so, why are brilliant politicians smiling at human-animalization process? Debilitated People, Powerful Rulers:Searching Roots of Global Politics
  • Hence, data collation in the IAEA reviews focused only on those marine species that constitute food species for humans, normally using information gathered about their edible body parts.
  • Unhealthy waterways and wetlands mean more midges and mozzies; another reason to keep our Hearns Lake foreshores safe from human occupation.
  • A notice in Nature the following year described his representation of the attitudes of human locomotion by means of sculpture.
  • treated natives as subhuman
  • There's little enough sign of human habitation from above. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • Even after all these thousands of years of human settlement, the vastness of Majipoor was such that ample room for expansion still remained. LORD PRESTIMION
  • And after Vikarna's flight, Satruntapa, unable to repress his ire, began to afflict Partha, that obstructer of foes and achiever of super-human feats, by means of a perfect shower of arrows. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 Books 4, 5, 6 and 7
  • Further, in making him a slave, he does not merely unhumanize _one_ individual, but UNIVERSAL MAN. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • I don't often use words like ‘wickedness’ to describe acts of inhumanity.
  • In addition to weekly episodes of our human rights broadcast, we were also producing 'fortnightly' (a word we had picked up from Anita and begun to employ widely!) editions of Body Shop Television -- a unique, in-store television magazine devoted to internal communication among Body Shop employees and managers. Rory O'Connor: There Was Nothing Like This Dame
  • Its product, wood, is of primary importance to humans as timber for construction, fuelwoods, and wood-pulp for paper manufacturing.
  • Peter expected high standards, but his sometimes austere manner veiled a deep concern for people and an insight into the human condition.
  • Human activities, such as land-use change, water storage, interbasin transfers, and irrigation and drainage, influence the hydrological cycle in many river basins (see Chapter 4) [165]. Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)~ Chapter 6
  • It is now evident that entering a new decade humanity is undergoing a global reassessment of ideological and political values. The Golden Thread - Asian experiences of post-Raj Britain
  • Brown, a captivating and mysterious Midwesterner whose intimate slices of life are as heart-achingly beautiful as she is, will begrudgingly let listeners step into her secret hiding place filled with honest-to-goodness words and music about the human condition. Michael Bialas: Why Pieta Brown Digs the Music of Dylan, Dire Straits and her Dad
  • Objective To study the expression of substance P (SP) in human sudden erethistic death, and to seek objective morphological supports to diagnose sudden erethistic death for forensic medicine.
  • Even Lord of the Flies - which I love as a metaphor for many, many things, like the savagery of humanity - treats the children more as symbolic figures.
  • Chief among the grievances I identify as providing primary justifying grounds for secession are these: persistent and serious violations of individual human rights and past unredressed unjust seizure of territory.
  • Data from human studies indicate that decompression at 1,000 feet/minute results in excitement and euphoria, followed by sensory dullness, weakness, and unconsciousness.
  • Cancer cells look too much like normal cells and most cancers (perhaps virally caused cancers are an exception) are probably expressing only genes that naturally are expressed in human cells.
  • What did Woodsmall think about this denial of basic human rights on the basis of religious observances?
  • Several early clinical studies performed on quassia verified its traditional use as a natural insecticide, documenting it as an effective treatment for head lice infestation in humans.
  • I NOTICE that apart from the widespread complaint that the German pilotless planes ‘seem so unnatural’ (a bomb dropped by a live airman is quite natural, apparently), some journalists are denouncing them as barbarous, inhumane, and ‘an indiscriminate attack on civilians’. As I Please
  • It has been strongly opposed by many religions which emphasize the sanctity of human life from the day of conception.
  • Grimm leveled his confiscated weapon at the blue-clad human, sighting down its length.
  • But, James, isn't the title indicative of "right" interpretation according to monotheistic understanding in opposition to Trinitarian understanding? and human moral development? Gratitude Mingled with Theological Concern
  • * The Minister of Agriculture to review the use of surplus funds carried from levies on the 1994 crop, and to make levies available to stabilize the price of maize for human consumption in the coming season, rather than paying levies to commercial farmers as an "agterskot" as has been suggested in a press statement by ANC Daily News Briefing
  • bedevil" government's privatisation plans, industrial relations and human resources company NMG-Levy said on Wednesday. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It was a celebration of community through shared storytelling and of the human ability to create art.
  • Otherwise, why else would the Deity feel the need to impose laws that repress human nature?
  • But at least one religious leader believes the ability to use dedifferentiation to create human stem cells would eliminate the controversy. Cells That Go Back in Time
  • Let us pray to achieve this common human efforts to better the human process, and is permanent colorful. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.
  • Other kinds of human communication [besides speech] are sometimes called language: body language, or kinesics, is one example.
  • The world yet again faces another mind-boggling issue which threatens the existence of human beings on planet earth.
  • This gathering is the largest periodic assemblage of human beings on the planet.
  • Various authors have indicated that the dehumanization of others by means of ascribing animal attributes to them is a way to legitimize their exploitation and their exclusion from civilized society.
  • Holiness answers audience questions addressing the situation of Tibet, goal of bodhicitta, nature of enlightened mind, future of the Dalai Lama institution, compatibility of Buddhist practices with theistic faith, universal purpose of human life, practice of patience towards harm-doers, subtle energy and mind, and the Heart Sutra mantra. Nagarjuna's Bodhichitta Commentary
  • While we can credit him for some degree of intellectual honesty in confronting the hypocrisies and irrationalities that govern so much of public life, religious and non-religious, Christopher Hitchens, in the end, could not offer a vision of true humanness because he dwelled in the cynical faculties of the mind without being adequately informed by the positive wisdom of the heart. Kabir Helminski: Christopher Hitchens is "Not Great"
  • When television replays and closeups became possible, all this human frailty and professional ruthlessness became multiplied many times. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just suppose that cloning a human was no longer a remote possibility, but a scientific reality.
  • But, as he was dying, from his right shoulder sprang the androgynal Kaiomorts, who was the stock root of humanity. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • The second is to gain the knowledge and experience to maintain humans within equilibrium in a closed ecological system.
  • The stampede may be natural human behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trade in exotic birds is barbarous and inhumane.
  • skeletonized human remains
  • Long before we reach this stage, the quality of life for us would be unacceptable, cruel and inhumane. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some see this fishing equipment as evidence for boat-building technology that may have allowed for initial human settlement of the Americas by sea rather than by the Bering land bridge.
  • A chatbot is a computer programme designed to hold a spoken or written coversation with a human. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Needle Works Acupuncture is widely used in human alternative medicine.
  • So it will prove in the future, for nothing can frustrate the evolutionary movement nor prevent humanity as a whole from attaining and achieving its purpose.
  • Baker suggests three possible reasons why human sinus bones should be naturally magnetic.
  • It is shocking that humans can behave with such bestiality towards others.
  • The Church, concludes the ecumenical patriarch, which by its educational activities instructed the people of God in revealed truth through the centuries, owes much to these schools of human thought, which contributed to man's intellectual and spiritual development, drawing him away from useless preservationism. Spero News
  • In many respects, the development of international human rights is an example of the principle of subsidiarity - the international community only steps in when the State cannot or will not deal with the problem.
  • No one has the right to try to salve their conscience through another human being. SEA MUSIC
  • From the point of human-computer interaction, this paper studied the task-oriented dialogue of human-computer, and gave the architecture of a dialogue system.
  • We are grateful for the tolerance and humanity of the court panel as the trial unfolded.
  • The constant repetition of violence has blunted the human response to it.
  • As these methods had yielded such splendid results from nature, they must have something to say about human societies.
  • Well, how about a forested planet with the deeply "connected" natives, a human military raid on a huge tree-city and a subsequent retaliation of natives ... some scenes seem incredibly familiar, even though Le Guin plot is markedly deeper and more sophisticated. 10 Possible Sources of "Avatar" in Classic Science Fiction
  • So I asked Justice Kirby his view about international human rights covenants and treaties.
  • But according to this new paper, humans who consume horse meat (most often overseas and especially in France, Italy, Japan and Belgium) are at risk for being poisoned by Phenylbutazone or "bute.
  • It was a bestial reminder of man's inhumanity to man.
  • It is not a blind law, for no blind law can govern the conduct of human beings....
  • On a more itemized basis, knowledge capital is intellectual and human capital, customer and supplier capital.
  • _They_ were compelled to regard exploitage as a cruel but eternally unavoidable condition of the progress of civilisation; for when they lived it was and it always had been a necessity of civilisation, and they could not justly be expected to anticipate such a fundamental revolution in the conditions of human existence as must necessarily precede the passage from exploitage to economic equity. Freeland A Social Anticipation
  • The animation of insentient or nonhuman entities produces an effect of cacophony and distraction.
  • In addition, there are the Lesser Ones, much smaller spheres that serve the Great Ones; the Dark Ones, enemies of the Great Ones; and the pigmies, stunted humanoids in the care of the Lesser Ones. "Once in a Blue Moon" by Harl Vincent, part 5
  • They worked ten or twelve hours breaking rocks and stones for roadmaking and repairing, carrying heavy loads, performing superhuman tasks. Rebecca Sieff.
  • Hence the words man, mankind, humanity have come to be treated as interchangeable synonyms.
  • Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human in-telligence long enough to get money from it. 
  • something dark and inhuman in form
  • The company develops software that mimics the human brain in the way that it works.
  • These are not necessarily human-made objects, since finds include anything like animal bones and insect remains.
  • It is appropriate, for instance, to think about human-computer interactions as theater.
  • Thus, in ancient art, any human action was on the plane of the heroic.
  • The Getty Center is a multi-use complex made up of the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Conservation Institute, the Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, the Education Institute for the Arts, the Information Institute, and the Getty Grant Program, as well as offices for the Getty Trust, an auditorium, a restaurant pavilion, and a stone-ramparted helicopter landing pad. The Big Rock Candy Mountain
  • Those people who need others to confirm their sense of existence fear solitude and find nature's indifference to human beings unendurable.

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