How To Use Human right In A Sentence

  • This all seems to be in response to the subject of human rights and the inclusion of sexual orientation in the bill.
  • In addition to weekly episodes of our human rights broadcast, we were also producing 'fortnightly' (a word we had picked up from Anita and begun to employ widely!) editions of Body Shop Television -- a unique, in-store television magazine devoted to internal communication among Body Shop employees and managers. Rory O'Connor: There Was Nothing Like This Dame
  • Chief among the grievances I identify as providing primary justifying grounds for secession are these: persistent and serious violations of individual human rights and past unredressed unjust seizure of territory.
  • What did Woodsmall think about this denial of basic human rights on the basis of religious observances?
  • In many respects, the development of international human rights is an example of the principle of subsidiarity - the international community only steps in when the State cannot or will not deal with the problem.
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  • So I asked Justice Kirby his view about international human rights covenants and treaties.
  • Guantanamo Bay is against every law from the human rights charta, but noone is doing anything against it, or better, can do anything against it, because America "the great world police" is saying so. Thinking About America
  • Human rights groups point out that she has been denied access to a lawyer. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this context, the question to be addressed is interlinked with the question of human rights. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • For Scottish criminal cases the court can be used only when cases relate to "devolution matters", a term covering the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament in dealing with human rights issues. WalesOnline - Home
  • For Scottish criminal cases, the court can be used only when the case relates to "devolution matters", a term covering the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament in dealing with human rights issues. Evening Standard - Home
  • She has criticised the whole modern theory of human rights as being conceived the wrong way round.
  • Because human rights concepts tend to be very elastic and open-ended, they are capable of being given a wide range of meanings, including inconsistent meanings.
  • According to international law, this kind of activity is a violation of occupation laws as well as of human rights laws and, in certain cases, might be defined as pillage," says the petition. Undefined
  • Such indirect human rights violation under a new regime of international law will also have its impact on the education sector, making higher education inaccessible to the poor.
  • Negroponte's embassy also suppressed information about human rights abuses committed by the Honduran military.
  • He made only a veiled reference to international concerns over human rights issues.
  • This is fundamental to human rights and the application of international law.
  • Stacy Sullivan, another counterterrorism adviser with Human Rights Watch, said the Military Commissions Act is unclear on what happens if a guilty plea is allegedly coerced from a detainee. Complete Disorder | ATTACKERMAN
  • And yet our leaders who talk of freedom and human rights seem to be so silent on this nauseating conduct.
  • I realise, of course, that he has to make some noises about human rights, or the bleeding-heart liberals back at home get all angsty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Should property rights be given precedence over human rights or society's need to protect nature?
  • He said that the report commissioned by the Government had not found any justification to ban the sport outright and that a joint committee had recently indicated such a ban would be in contravention of human rights laws.
  • I'm passionate about children, women, inmigrant issues, and Human Rights. BlogHer
  • Russian and Chinese officials likely have found it easier to interact with each other than with their Western interlocutors, who constantly importune them to improve their human rights and other domestic practices.
  • A State promisee cannot respond to a violation by retaliation or the threat of retaliation; such retaliation would itself violate human rights.
  • The letter-writing campaigns of Amnesty International and the assessments of UN human rights rapporteurs depend on this accountability.
  • From the perspective of promoting human rights, is it desirable for the judiciary to have donned the didactic roles of pedagogues for democracy and constitutionalism?
  • It's also a boost to human rights, as current prison conditions there are inhumane. The Sun
  • A nation, he argues, can move toward democracy and, at the same time, diminish liberality generally and human rights particularly.
  • Education is one of the basic human rights written into the United Nations Charter.
  • Well, the United States government has been a very vocal critic of the human rights situation in the country, but it's not just the United States government.
  • We have played footsie with them on human rights.
  • Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed.
  • The 51-year-old is likely to impress Washington with an impeccable track record on human rights and her staunch defence of media freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The United Nations have pointed out and denunciated its human rights record.
  • EU members were unusually outspoken in appearances before the U.N. Human Rights Council, saying they were worried about preparations for a global racism conference to be held next month because attention was being diverted from the real problems of racial discrimination. EU countries oppose Muslim views on racism meeting
  • Human rights and peremptory norms of international law must be observed, and legal obligations toward third states must be respected.
  • But times change and in any case there's that joke called the Human Rights Commission, who couldn't organise a piss-up at the Dog and Duck, but who think you should let any Tom, Dick or Hari join your party even if they're the wrong fahking colour, and you can't be arsed with the hassle, you really can't. Christina Patterson: What we can learn from the Sikh in the BNP
  • What about law-abiding citizens' human rights to be safe? The Sun
  • “Korean society has a responsibility to help them,” said Samuel Kang Seong-joon, an activist of the archdiocese’s Catholic Human Rights Committee.
  • The former human rights and insurance lawyer said his commission would have no compunction about prosecuting corrupt foreign investors in court in the capital Freetown, and that could land them in a Sierra Leonean prison. West African leaders pledge to battle corruption
  • It may well save a few innocent lives if the justice system was less weighted in favour of the criminal's human rights.
  • One of the most important human rights issues of the 21st Century is whether Israel's actions in defense of its citizens, or indeed its very existence, will provide the newest excuse for the oldest of bigotries. Alan Dershowitz: Yale's Distressing Decision to Shut Down Its "Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Anti-Semitism"
  • Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country's internal affairs.
  • The American conservative or, more precisely, democratic sovereigntist, complaint about human rights has traditionally been that it is a tool by which self-defined political progressives pursue agendas that they cannot manage to achieve through domestic democratic mechanisms. The Volokh Conspiracy » Globally Managing American Speech?
  • The address, suited to the climate of 2002, was given by a well-known human rights activist.
  • The government has promised to respect human rights.
  • In court they said he has human rights but what about my rights? The Sun
  • Without tracing the history of the notion of rights, or exploring their uncertain ontology, let me simply note here that the current concept arises from the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The U.N. refugee chief has called on countries to end the plight of some 12 million stateless people caught in what he described as "limbo," denied basic human rights because no country will grant them citizenship. The Seattle Times
  • Their reasoning is that some local societies follow practices that violate human rights, such as female genital mutilation and other violations of the right against gender discrimination.
  • As he freely admitted, his defense of human rights was therefore basically "tactical. The Passion of Michel Foucault
  • Still, most human rights lawyers read the majority opinion as a major disappointment.
  • But this can only be done at the expense of human rights, as can be seen in the systematic torture inflicted on political detainees.
  • Human rights groups say the true toll could be higher. Times, Sunday Times
  • The action has been widely condemned by human rights groups.
  • The South African Nobel Peace Prize laureate expressed concern in a letter at what he called the deterioration of the human rights situation in Tibet, and the apparent breakdown of talks between the Chinese government and emissaries of the Dalai Lama. The Herald | - Front
  • And we must use the� strength of this women’s commission and the strength� of the United Nations to end that war, to end the war� against the civil rights of women and the human rights� of women, and our children and people everywhere. Remarks by Bella Abzug at the 42nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
  • The function of the reparation and rehabilitation committee is to make recommendations to President (Nelson Mandela) on both urgent interim relief and long-term reparation and rehabilitation for the victims of gross human rights violations (between) March 1 1960 and December 5 1993," she said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • They will now seek permission to take their case to the House of Lords, and, if need be, to the European Court of Human Rights.
  • U.N. Human rights special rapporteur Rene Degni-Seguy also asked Rwandan and international authorities to speed up what he called the delivery of justice to help heal the wounds of last year's genocide which killed up to one million people. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We must try to live up to our stated principles of human rights, the rule of law and democratic government.
  • The law would allow paramilitaries to give themselves up and confess to their human rights and drug trafficking crimes.
  • The UN Human Rights Council machers then recruited richard goldstone, a Vain south african Jewish judge, who despite being aware from the outset of the biased composition of the panel, permitted himself to be used as a fig leaf to provide credibility to the Israel bashers. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Freedom of expression is a basic human right.
  • Now she teaches disability law and human rights courses and says: 'I absolutely love it. Times, Sunday Times
  • These could not be sold openly in Chile, but some Americans help to sell them in the United States as a way of publicizing the human rights violations.
  • Human rights groups criticize maquilas for not providing better security for their low-wage, largely female work force.
  • What do we do as a MOP, do we just let them in with open arms - ‘please steal my things - I wont resist I wouldnt want to effect your human right to burgle me’? or does it have to reach the other end of the spectrum, whereby if you want justice people are forced to action? The Revolving Door System. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Giving people access to HC is a basic human right. Think Progress » Limbaugh: Volcanic eruption in Iceland is God’s reaction to health care’s passage.
  • Yet, despite the involvement and money of the LGBT lobbyists, including the omnipresent Human Rights Campaign, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the Freedom to Marry Coalition, the marriage tit-for-tat continues in Albany. Adrian Margaret Brune: The New Gay Guerrillas
  • In reality both of these men are victims of ethnocide and forced assimilation and both to date are pawns of the Caucasian power structure which has always violated the human rights of Afro-Descendants.
  • Sam Rainsy was the most visible and vocal Human Rights advocate in Cambodia.
  • Both the semi-autobiographical Denisovich and the non-ficiton Archipelago described Gulag life in harrowing detail, and forced the West to finally acknowledge the grave human rights abuses perpetrated inside Stalin’s brutal work camps, which at their peak housed more than two million prisoners. Russian Gulags: Then and Now | Disinformation
  • The movement emerged out of concern for human rights abuses.
  • Human rights in general and the right to communicate in particular are bound up with the notion of democracy.
  • Reed Brody is a spokesperson with the international group Human Rights Watch. Cuban Dissident Wins EU Human Rights Prize
  • Her lawyer lodged an appeal, claiming her human rights had been infringed. Times, Sunday Times
  • And thanks to the globalisation ofwww. international ‘human rights’ law, Israel is now being persecuted through legal action for defending its own citizens against mass murder. The western front of the jihad against the Jews
  • This cockamamie human rights inquisition outfit found him guilty of hate.
  • About three thousand people held a rally to mark international human rights day.
  • So, if the "monoculture" is responsible for the current recession, doesn't that also imply that that same monoculture is responsible for the vast and incredible wealth, and subsequent increases in freedom, health, and human rights, produced over the past, say, 100 years? Monoculture Is Bad For Business - Anil Dash
  • Democracy and human rights have been extended by women's groups, ethnic minorities, and dissident groups.
  • Criticised by HRW and human rights organisations within Turkey as contradictory and unverifiable, official figures released last month put total returns at only 71,000.
  • The draft bill, to be published shortly, will appease most critics who feared that human rights protections would be removed. Times, Sunday Times
  • And that starts with introducing the mass of Canadian voters to human rights commissions, and introducing them in a manner that demonstrates the abnormalcy of these commissions -- how they fly in the face of our instinctive Canadian notions of justice, fair play, freedoms, pluralism, etc. Ezra Levant: May 2008 Archives
  • We cannot permit the discussion to be sidetracked into yet another sterile debate about human rights conceived in the abstract and unrelated to the concrete circumstances of the historical moment.
  • Such a regime will crush human rights and will not allow democracy or freedom and will constitute a threat to peace. Times, Sunday Times
  • How long b4 they bleat about human rights & we have to take them? The Sun
  • Human rights organizations maintain that the men have been wrongly convicted.
  • About three thousand people held a rally to mark international human rights day.
  • Experts cite the country as an instance where human rights violations could lead to international intervention.
  • Freedom of belief (note the Western turn of phrase) is fundamental to human rights, and it was Islam that first proclaimed this value.
  • It has very good social services and a very good human rights record. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch says, ‘Instead of whitewashing the facts, the Pentagon needs to come clean about the army's use of cluster munitions.’
  • Judicial response to human rights cannot be blunted by legal jugglery. Outlook India
  • But we must do so in a way that is consistent with our unequivocal commitment to human rights. The Sun
  • Supposedly "demobilized" in 2006, the AUC has largely continued to carry out its drug-dealing activities and campaign of violence and intimidation against campesinos, indigenous peoples, stigmatized social groups such as homosexuals and prostitutes, labor organizers, critical journalists, and human rights advocates. PLIGG_Visual_Name - PLIGG_Visual_RSS_All
  • One ministry official wondered whether the U.S. was under 'external pressure' to be more 'hawkish' on human rights in Egypt or whether the U.S. intervention was 'retribution' for U.S. Obama Proposed Cutting Funding To Promote Democracy In Egypt
  • Charities and human rights groups have accused the government and police of brutality in clearing the makeshift camps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many nations in Africa, which have seen a boom in oil exploration during the past 5 years, simultaneously experience a decline in both human rights and financial equality as "strongmen" leaders have used the oil wealth for personal gain, and limited civil rights to remain in power. John Gartner: Increase in Renewables Aids Human Rights
  • We must try to live up to our stated principles of human rights, the rule of law and democratic government.
  • The court's decision is in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights.
  • Now the right to down a pint has been placed on an equal footing with human rights such as freedom of expression by a Scottish council.
  • We read Jeri Laber's article "Witch Hunt in Prague" [NYR, April 23] with great interest while we were in Prague studying the implementation in Czechoslovakia of the screening law, the so-called "lustration" process, for the British Helsinki Human Rights Group. Human Rights in Prague
  • His talk of the universality of human rights is a cover for restricting their reach. Times, Sunday Times
  • The country is a target of criticism for its human rights record.
  • Barça would be giving its stamp of approval to a country with a dismal human rights record. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some French commentators criticized the president for what they called his inconsistency over China and human rights. China Slams Sarkozy for Ties to Dalai Lama
  • He called it an "example of supreme respect for human rights," while also saying the ordeal has been cause for "great self-criticism. Venezuela: Prison uprising ends after 27 days
  • In 1973, after being denied permission to emigrate to Israel, he became one of the leading Jewish refuseniks lobbying for greater human rights.
  • The term chemical was used by the Lebanese Association for Human Rights. text was changed per Mirvat's request Saturday, September 30, 2006
  • The basic elements of this perspective are a strong liberal commitment to human rights, solidarity with the oppressed, and a firm stand against fascism, totalitarianism and tyranny.
  • You are not intermeddling if you are upholding human rights.
  • In recent years, he has become as famous for his campaigning on environmental and human rights issues as for his music.
  • The U.S. threatened to take away trading privileges as a way to punish the country for human rights violations.
  • Diplomat Chris Stevens says the TNC has pledged to improve its human rights performance after international criticism.
  • He's living in a monastery in a gesture of atonement for human rights abuses committed under his leadership.
  • We need a government who can control the law and order and curtail violation of human rights.
  • Sometimes human rights will be given a very high priority; sometimes they will have to be subordinated to other interests.
  • QUESTION: The Associated Press reports that in reaction to what they termed your stern rebuke of Jerry Thacker, a group called Human Rights Campaign said that while this was a positive development, the Bush administration's, quote, "Obsessive focus on abstinence as the solitary mechanism to prevent the transmission of HIV is not based on sound science. CNN Transcript Jan 27, 2003
  • Freedom of expression is a basic human right.
  • Toews witters on about the length of time it takes to resolve complaints under the current system, and he's absolutely right: successive governments' intransigeance on the issue have ensured that complaints before the Canadian Human Rights Commission have proceeded at a glacial pace. Don't Toews me, bro
  • From the first glimmerings of the idea of human rights in the UN Charter to its actual conception and final parturition in the declaration, it had to face indifference and hostility.
  • This issue is all about human rights, and there is no right on earth so deeply entrenched as the right to grumble. Times, Sunday Times
  • Typically, they address marital fidelity but not nuclear weapons or human rights. Christianity Today
  • The convention on human rights quite rightly doesn't cover the high seas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not just a stirring defense of human rights, also a chance to use "repudiate" correctly. HUFFPOST HILL - AUGUST 3RD, 2010
  • Human rights groups have been closely watching the case.
  • The freedom of changing one's residence is a basic human right, our country present domiciliary system is under planned economy system, it has exposed the serious lag.
  • It was a decade when copious talk of universal human rights mingled abhorrently with the most brazen crimes against humanity.
  • Brainstemboy: err the UN body you are talking about is a self serving commitee with nothing better to do much like the Human Rights bodies are filled with countries with horrendous HR histories. Cheeseburger Gothic » Anyone been following the build up to next falklands war?
  • Many of these women do not see religion as antithetical to feminism, and perceive religious affiliation as integral to their struggle for human rights on many different levels.
  • These conditions were a total violation of the human rights of the people of Pakistan and the sovereignty of the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • He claimed that the way he'd been treated was a gross violation of his civil/constitutional/human rights.
  • The agent was first charged with rape and kidnapping, according to Human Rights Watch.
  • Fr. Jenkins 'comment would make sense if abortion were not such a fundamental violation of human rights, such a fundamental contravention of the purpose of government, such a grave and widespread attack on the most vulnerable of human beings, and Barrack Obama were not so prominent a supporter of the proabortion rights position. Fr. Reese's flawed arguments for Pres. Obama at Notre Dame
  • If a majority of Euro-MPs were to decide that a party was not abiding by their definition of human rights and democratic values, it would be debarred.
  • One possibility, which has increasingly been mooted, is the idea of a Universal Court for Human Rights.
  • Terrorist acts undermine the very basic of human rights, namely the right to live.
  • Emily Lau, Former Chairperson of Hong Kong Journalists Association, Legislative Councillor, Convenor of the Frontier, Vice-chairperson of China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, Hong Kong.
  • The four fundamental interests are embodied in an authoritative code of basic human rights.
  • Further along still there is a no-compromise position which holds that in every sphere of business activity, human rights are binding and should be observed.
  • Human Rights Watch urged world leaders in a statement on Tuesday to pressure King Abdullah to end discrimination against religious monitories in the kingdom. “There is no religious freedom in Saudi Arabia, †™ †™ says Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at the rights watchdog. “The dialogue should be about where religious intolerance runs deepest, and that includes Saudi Arabia. †[unknown placeholder $my.siteName$]
  • Q The second part, if I might -- the processing at sea was set up to deal with some of the human rights problems in Haiti, but now with this massive outflux of refugees being drawn out into the open sea, where they run risks, and the fact that you have to deal with them no in various locations, in much larger numbers than expected, haven't you just exchanged one problem for another? Briefing On Haiti By William Gray
  • Her second recommendation proposes human rights as a way to safeguard human dignity.
  • In September, human rights lawyers and victims of clergy sexual abuse filed a complaint in the United States urging the International Criminal Court in The Hague to investigate and prosecute Pope Benedict XVI and three top Vatican officials for crimes against humanity for what they described as abetting and covering up the rape and sexual assault of children by priests. NYT > Home Page
  • This is a threat to human rights. Times, Sunday Times
  • Critics complain that the laws violate the human rights of foreign nationals.
  • Rep. McGovern's point that to approve the Bahrain request "sends the wrong message by giving any type of military equipment to Bahrain while the Bahraini government fails to meet its human rights obligations and promises" is a principle for the U.S. to follow in every FMS request. Renee Parsons: Bahrain Arms Sale Challenges Congress
  • My hypothesis is this: to predict what the human rights community (and the media) focus on, look not at the oppressed; look instead at the party seen as the oppressor.
  • The government should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights.
  • Amnesty International, the human rights group that campaigned vigorously to save Miss Darabi, led the condemnation.
  • He made only a veiled reference to international concerns over human rights issues.
  • It is perhaps not so much for specific human rights abuses that Singapore has attracted considerable attention from human rights activists as for the government's clear articulation of a viable alternative position.
  • The US then installed and consistently backed the Shah, who proceeded to abuse systematically human rights, to suppress all political activity and to enrich his cronies while his people festered in sprawling urban slums.
  • Changes to human rights laws cynically exploited by lawyers are also being looked at with an eye to slapping on a geographical limit. The Sun
  • His murder is the latest in a series of high-profile killings of left activists which human rights advocates say is part of a military-backed campaign aimed at silencing government critics and quelling dissent.
  • And the current president of the United States, whom it might not be altogether inaccurate to describe as the Galahad of the SNL and Stewart generations, has made exactly one speech about Muslim garb — defining the wearing of the hijab as a human right and indirectly attacking those French secularists who have their misgivings about it. Cheap Laughs
  • We want to demonstrate our commitment to human rights.
  • Human rights activists have accused the country's government of a systematic perpetration of violence against minority groups.
  • They maintained the case had not been made for the court, which conflicted with the protection of human rights and a liberal democracy.
  • The closure was roundly condemned by many human rights organisations but they all knew their complaints would have no effect on policy.
  • Canada and the EU eager to consummate "free trade" pacts with that regime, the human rights situation in that country is deteriora ... Dan Kovalik: Colombia Commits "Crimes Against Humanity" as Free Trade Pacts Are Debated
  • The indefinite detention without trial of foreign nationals under emergency terror laws is incompatible with European human rights laws, the Law Lords have ruled.
  • Now name three global businesses you think are actively working to protect the environment and promote human rights. Times, Sunday Times
  • The director of the Human Rights Monitor, Law Yuk-kai, said: ‘We believe that the Ministry of State Security and Hong Kong triads are collaborating in this political violence and intimidation.’
  • They may cloak themselves in all manner of legalistic garb, prattling about human rights and producing other pretexts for trying to stop us because we're on the side of the angels.
  • Now the human rights dilemmas of the twenty-first century proceed more from anarchy than from tyranny.
  • First, we cannot enhance our own security if we place in jeopardy what is most precious to us, namely the centrality of human rights in our daily lives and in global affairs. CNN Transcript Jul 26, 2004
  • Western scholar Hugo Grotius, Thomas Hobbes , John Locke , Rousseau expand and supplement the human rights theory from different respects.
  • However, the human rights canard is typically used for political reasons in a very different way. The Volokh Conspiracy » Iran and the Shortcomings of International Human Rights Law
  • Many claim human rights breaches or unlawful detention. The Sun
  • ÂSome stalwart grad student could write quite a paper on the undertones and resonances of a paragraph like this one: "Through British veins runs the poisonous fake idealism of "human rights" and "sensitivity," of happy-clappy multicultural groveling and sick, weak, deracinated moral universalism -- the rotten fruit of a debased, sentimentalized Christianity. Richard (RJ) Eskow: England's Ashes - America's Future?
  • The way they treat women there represents a gross violation of human rights.
  • He insisted that the definition of "proselytism" is in line with a European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) case from 1993 that upheld the rights of a Jehovah's Witness, Minos Kokkinakis, who had been punished for spreading his faith in his native Greece (see MS Word text of the judgement, Forum 18 News Service
  • The derogation clause cornerstone of human rights convention, the reservation of which is key issue.
  • For the many this is justifiable: gross violations of human rights make ethical demands upon us which cannot be overridden by prohibitive law.
  • Tennessee has ordered a supply of sodium thiopental from a foreign source, possibly in the U. K, according to the suit, which was filed by a London law firm and by Reprieve, a London-based human rights group. Suit Targets Execution Drug
  • I argue that one of the most pressing human rights issues for the new century is the continued devalorized commodification of Mexican-origin populations.
  • The drugging of prisoners for other than medical purposes - i.e., to sedate them so they would be more tractable in custody - was a breach of international human rights standards.
  • HADI GHAEMI, INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN IRAN: In 2000, when he shut down the free press in Iran, he was called the butcher of the press. CNN Transcript Jan 17, 2010
  • He said the issues remained those of police reform, demilitarisation, decommissioning of paramilitary weapons and investigations into specific cases of past human rights abuses.
  • He is renowned as a canny strategist and has a sharp economic mind, but his dictatorial approach and suppression of human rights worries many.
  • The reality is that this debate is about the fundamental human rights of women.
  • NIAMEY - About 5,000 parents, pupils and human rights activists demonstrated in Niger's capital Niamey to demand the reopening of schools closed since December. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Debrahlee Lorenzana, a woman who says she was fired from her banking job after complaining that male colleagues called her curvaceous figure distracting, arrives at the offices of the New York State Division of Human Rights in New York's Financial District, Fore, right!
  • External actors should support and encourage indigenous actors who are engaging in internal discourse to legitimize and effectuate a particular human right.
  • A team of international observers was monitoring the vote amid claims by opposition and human rights workers that the election was being manipulated.
  • Charities and human rights groups have accused the government and police of brutality in clearing the makeshift camps. Times, Sunday Times
  • GENEVA — The U. N.'s top human rights official hailed the global body's second racism conference as a success Friday, despite what she called a disinformation campaign that almost derailed the meeting. UN Rights Chief Claims Durban A Success, Slams Critics
  • And on the Human Rights front, from Chechnya up, there is no positive notes to be found in Russia which has definitely retrograded on that matter since the Yeltsine years. 07/30/2006 - 08/06/2006
  • Human rights groups say that this abuse is ingrained in prison culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pityana expressed concern about what he described as the deterioration in the South African human rights environment under the Mbeki government. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Moreover, the masculinist assumptions of human rights language have already been noted, and feminists have been critical of articles in the various Declarations and Covenants which assume traditional gender roles.
  • The troops stated that their firing was in retaliation to a militant attack on them, a charge hotly contested by human rights groups in the state.
  • Human rights groups say Beijing is using terrorism as an excuse to persecute independence - leaning Muslim minorities.
  • The Bosnian government was accused of disregarding local legislation and ignoring human rights.
  • The vital question about the human rights practices inside the Tindouf four camps is the freedom of expression and even of movement. although Polisario officials confirm every now and then that sahraoui refugees are allowed to leave the camps any time they would like to do so, sahraouis need Algerian documents if they decide to leave and travel abroad, to get such document is not easy, unless you are a Polisario official or you have useful contacts within the sphere of Polisario leadership, but it is known that any saharoui who managed to leave the refugee camp and opt to go to western Sahara region, Moroccan authorities provide the person in question with necessary documents including a passport. Global Voices in English » Western Sahara: Landmine Injures Five During Peaceful Protest

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