How To Use Human nature In A Sentence

  • A lot of human nature can be traced to instinctive behaviors evolved in harder times. ProWomanProLife » Why am I so skeptical?
  • The five or six cantos, at the opening, have all the milk of human nature that entered into the composition of that miscalled saturnine mind. Purgatory
  • Getting deeper into the study of morality showed me that human nature is very much two-sided; for every bad side to our nature, there's a good one.
  • Which is a long-winded way of saying that human nature will play a part in deliberations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The feelgood factor, a staple of Hollywood, is binned in favour of emotional truth and the complexities of human nature.
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  • Otherwise, why else would the Deity feel the need to impose laws that repress human nature?
  • Human nature being what it is, books will gradually disappear and get chucked in the bin.
  • It is knowing this about human nature that we set up safeguards to prevent us from being our worst.
  • Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.
  • Human nature is greedy, devious and sleazy, and most salacious tabloid stories are merely reflecting that fact.
  • Do you think that Hume wanted a general theory of human nature to explain why human beings act, think, perceive and feel in all of the ways that we do?
  • [Page 67] * This accomplished comment to human nature was the widow of the late Willoughby lord Middleton of Woolaton in Nottinghamshire, and wife of Edward Miller Mundy, Esq. of Shipley in the county of Derby, by whom her ladyship had one daughter now living. Poems, by Mrs. M. Robinson
  • We need to weave more elements of nonhuman nature into our urban and suburban worlds.
  • It would be sounded high that he debased human nature, which has a "cognation," so the reverend and learned Doctor Cudworth calls it, with the divine; that the soul of man, immaterial and immortal by its nature, was made to contemplate higher and nobler objects than this sensible world, and even than itself, since it was made to contemplate God and to be united to Him. Letters to Sir William Windham and Mr. Pope
  • From this we put a major explanatory weight on the indigenous construction of human nature and emotions.
  • Many of the most accepted theories in the social sciences encourage a mechanistic view of human nature.
  • Their abstract certitudes seemed far removed to him from the inherent contradictions in human nature.
  • In the face of such rises, human nature ensures that purchasing turns speculative - and another bubble is born. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the ages of history human nature has undergone no essential change.
  • As soon as we encounter rules, it seems to be human nature to start to get very clever about finding ways to gratify our desires even within the parameters of the rules.
  • The man Christ's voluntary and most innocent, most shameful, and most cruel death on the Cross was the deletion and purgation of, and the satisfaction for, all the carnal desires of human nature.
  • He's obviously an excellent student of human nature.
  • Thus Flora on one occasion had been reduced to rage and despair, had her most secret feelings lacerated, had obtained a view of the utmost baseness to which common human nature can descend -- I won't say _a propos de bottes_ as the French would excellently put it but literally _a propos_ of some mislaid cheap lace trimmings for a nightgown the romping one was making for herself. Chance A Tale in Two Parts
  • Bohr may be thought to have got perilously close to this when he suggested that complementarity could shed light on the age-old question of determinism and free will in relation to human nature.
  • Human nature, fallen and self-exculpatory as it is, tends to favour the latter. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the consistent intervention of human nature, expectations do creep in and that is where the fun starts.
  • Her discussions of human nature are free of ideology and focus instead on consciousness and complex biological structure to differentiate human beings from computerlike machines. May Brodbeck.
  • Hobbes and Cavendish shared pessimism about human nature, and an anxiety about ethical and linguistic relativism.
  • For if Geras was not to sublate the realm of the social entirely to nature, he had to leave room for a nominally separate society which was underpinned by both external and human nature.
  • She doesn't have any understanding of politics/human nature/what it takes to be a good manager.
  • It is human nature that if you are insulted by someone, you will retort the insult.
  • It is the Bible - God's word that convinces people of their sin and has power to give them the ability to change their fallen human nature.
  • Interviewing must have given him insight into human nature, but what insights has it given into himself?
  • Dresdensis) _ of 1571 the Philippists of Electoral Saxony also rejected the omnipresence (which they termed ubiquity) of the human nature of Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • They did not attempt to put one king in place of another, but to dethrone human nature and discrown the very manhood of the race. The Writings of James Russell Lowell in Prose and Poetry, Volume V Political Essays
  • And to ask such questions, it must ask the further question: What is human nature, and what guideposts and constraints does it set for the kind of life we can choose?
  • They desire clear, unbending moral and behavioral codes, a fondness for systematization, a willingness to tolerate inequality and an inherently pessimistic view of human nature. June Carbone: Polarized Politics: How Extremists Have Taken America Hostage
  • The routineer is, of course, the first to decry every radical proposal as "against human nature. A Preface to Politics
  • Amongst so excitable a people as the Arabs, this game caused quarrels and bloodshed, hence its prohibition: and the theologians, who everywhere and at all times delight in burdening human nature, have extended the command, which is rather admonitory than prohibitive, to all games of chance. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • We will discuss the malleability of human nature.
  • Three Stages and the idea of a hierarchy of the sci - ences; the worship of natural science and of technol - ogy; the commitment to a physiological view of the mind; the subjection of the historical process to laws of human nature; the interweaving and interdepend - ence of scientific and historical method; the increas - ingly emphatic view of themselves in messianic terms, and the development of a full-blown religion to replace orthodox Christianity, complete with disciples — all these and other teachings were common to the two men. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Human nature is the most pathetic: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, not to enjoy today in our window open rose.
  • A hot and impulsive temper was checked by the reflection that it was beneath the dignity of human nature to allow a rush of blood to the organs of "combativeness" and The Reminiscences of an Astronomer
  • A broad panorama of the triumphs and follies of humanity, an exploration of the quirks of the mind, of the nobility but more often the meanness and sheer malevolence of human nature, the collection was knit together by a web of self-consistent thinking, a skein of ideas woven from a lifetime of close reasoning on life, art, and literature. William hazlitt | the man of letters « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Blest from above, human nature's wickedness had from below too frequently besulphured and suffumigated him for his memory to be dim; and though he was ever ready to own himself an example that heaven prevaileth, he could cite instances of scandal-mongering shop-women dismissed and working him mischief in the town, which pointed to him in person for a proof that the Powers of Complete Short Works of George Meredith
  • But there are records of Antony which represent him as a far more genial and human personage; full of a knowledge of human nature, and of a tenderness and sympathy, which account for his undoubted power over the minds of men; and showing, too, at times, a certain covert and "pawky" humour which puts us in mind, as does the humour of many of the Egyptian hermits, of the old-fashioned Scotch. The Hermits
  • My job here is not to be an apologist, but technology can't always save us from significant changes in human nature.
  • This determination, however, perfectly consistent with his former advice, he calls indelicate, and earnestly persuades his daughters to conceal it, though it may govern their conduct; - as if it were indelicate to have the common appetites of human nature. A vindication of the rights of woman
  • Crime were rooted in the animality of human nature, that is human instinct.sentence dictionary
  • The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. William James 
  • With the exception of the pop ballad features for Miles like ‘Human Nature’, this band plays hard throughout and usually funks it up pretty good also.
  • Far more than the story of one beleaguered farmer, it is a riveting dramatic allegory about human nature and the nature of our society.
  • Still, one must not generalise, especially on such sensitive matters as human nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's human nature to be antipathetic to change.
  • The argument begins with human nature, made, according to Genesis, in the image and likeness of God.
  • How far is human nature determined by biology?
  • It was a hard one and I'm not sorry its over tho my faith in human nature was restored a little by someone in authority taking a positive step to support me.
  • It cannot be based on any assumptions about human nature, and it cannot be expected to lead to predetermined outcomes.
  • A love of music is inherent in human nature.
  • This simple reality is hidden from view by early philosophical and theological anticipations of mass schooling in various writings about social order and human nature.
  • It's crass, sadistic and appeals to the very worst in human nature.
  • He has far too exalted an estimation of human reason and far too optimistic a view of human nature.
  • From one point of view, the rise of the new class involves the priority of thinking — not any thinking, however, but a technocratically foreshortened, instrumentalist, and administrative thinking — over the lifeworld of everyday interactions, communities, and traditions, and the orders of human nature. The Volokh Conspiracy » Telos Returns to ‘New Class’ Analysis and the Critique of the ‘Wholly-Administered Society”
  • I happy — & I never see the leer of vice upon a beautiful face without feeling the heart ache pitying human nature & damning society. you will wonder at this kind of rhapsody from me perhaps, but you will perhaps agree with me in wishing society better. why is the door to Letter 67
  • A mind arising from a genetic human nature might not prove conformable.
  • Yet it is a small quibble with what is another tense trip through the badlands of human nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such kindness restores your faith in human nature .
  • 4. Council of Chalcedon (451); repudiated the Eutychian doctrine of monophysitism (the human nature subsumed in the one divine nature of Jesus) and delineated the two natures of Christ, human and divine. Notes from my CCU presentation
  • Another man -- for the sake of human nature we would fain wish him to be the same -- affirmed that unaided he had "despatched" eighty Huguenots in one day. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 10
  • Flora on one occasion had been reduced to rage and despair, had her most secret feelings lacerated, had obtained a view of the utmost baseness to which common human nature can descend -- I won't say _a propos de bottes_ as the French would excellently put it, but literally _a propos_ of some mislaid cheap lace trimmings for a nightgown the romping one was making for herself. Chance
  • Of course, it's human nature you sometimes feel jealous. The Sun
  • Cognitive social psychologists assume that it is pan of human nature to reduce uncertainty by processing the external stimulus world through schemata.
  • The misanthrope was the supreme failure of life because he had not the intelligence to realize, or could not reconcile himself to, the incomplete condition of human nature. Rezánov
  • The child she shall conceive is a holy thing, and therefore must not be conceived by ordinary generation, because he must not share in the common corruption and pollution of the human nature. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Hobbes accepted that human beings are capable of generosity, kindness, and co-operation but the pride and egoism which is inherent in human nature means that mankind also is prone to conflict, violence, and great evil.
  • I am here using the word preposterous in its dictionary sense of "contrary to nature, reason or commonsense," for in the light of modern scientific knowledge, human behavior is, demonstrably, characterized by the interaction of cultural and biological variables, and, as Melvin Konner has recently put it "an analysis of the causes of human nature that tends to ignore either the genes or the environmental factors may be safely discarded. Evolving Margaret Mead
  • For I had always held that revenge was a motive alien to modem, civilized man, a primitive drive, a blood-lust that human nature had sloughed off.
  • A wider view of Satanism is closer to traditional Devil worship, but with a more contemporary understanding of magic, physics, folklore, theology, and human nature. Archive 2010-02-01
  • How far is human nature determined by biology?
  • When you've learned whom to show the expensive hand - painted things to, and when to suggest quietly the little, vague things, with what you call the faded look, why, you've learned just about all there is to know of human nature. Fanny Herself
  • It is human nature to advocate change in some one else's affairs whilst vigorously opposing its necessity in one's own.
  • When we are faced by a fearful situation it is human nature to hide our emotions behind a brave front and to smile when inside we are crying.
  • This is to supplement economic theory with an understanding of politics and human nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • You also wrote: "Every workplace or institution is full of politics and petty jealousies, that is human nature, but the sheer viciousness and bloodthirstyness of academia is astounding. The Dangers (?) Of Academic Blogs
  • This determination, however, perfectly consistent with his former advice, he calls indelicate, and earnestly persuades his daughters to conceal it, though it may govern their conduct: as if it were indelicate to have the common appetites of human nature. 50 Chap. II
  • There were a number of post-Thomistic writers in the medieval and modern periods who in some way denied (2), the natural authority of the natural law, holding that while the content of the natural law is fixed either wholly or in part by human nature, its preceptive power could only come from an additional divine command: the views of John Duns Scotus, Francisco Suarez, and John Locke fit this mold. The Natural Law Tradition in Ethics
  • And he sees the most critical aspect of human nature to be our conflicted status as both selfless and selfish creatures. The Times Literary Supplement
  • unregenerate human nature
  • After the suave political irony of Before the Revolution, Bertolucci's triumphant return to his hometown of Parma brings us subtle and snide satire on human nature and the bourgeois family.
  • It's one of the complexities of human nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unelected, single-party rule takes no account of the weaknesses of human nature.
  • Two of the strongest cravings of human nature are the desire for knowledge and the desire for power.
  • All three of these rejected positions presumed that human nature, unimproved by human effort and considered with little relation to God, was an adequate source to inspire conduct.
  • For evil purposes are, perchance, due to the imperfection of human nature; that it should be possible for scoundrels to carry out their worst schemes against the innocent, while God beholdeth, is verily monstrous. Consolation of Philosophy
  • While a natural law theorist might downplay the importance of derivationist knowledge of the natural law, it is hard to see how a consistent natural law theorist could entirely reject the possibility of such knowledge, given the view that we can provide a substantial account of how the human good is grounded in nature: for to show that the human good is grounded in nature is to show that human nature explains why certain things are goods, and it is hard to see how one could affirm that claim while entirely rejecting the possibility of derivationist knowledge of the human good (see Murphy 2001, pp. 16-17). The Natural Law Tradition in Ethics
  • The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature
  • What works are societies governed according to principles that conform to the iron laws of human nature, and the ideological shifts of China have shown everything but ferric tendencies. America, Don't Worry About China
  • Being open, broad-minded and liberal can sometimes involve difficult decisions and being selfless against human nature - not at all the path of least resistance.
  • Machiavelli urged rulers to study human nature so that they could control politics by manipulating their subjects.
  • Not only was the antithesis between the finite and the eternal, the human and the divine, treated by him as ontologically fundamental; in the final analysis it also governed the picture he drew of human nature and its basic orientation.
  • It has already been explained that human nature is the set of dispositions and capacities to believe, desire and act and, as Reid knowledges, that morality can only be focused on those that are malleable, that is sensitive to the environment these occur in, what else are the means to effect this "human nature" than is via the social forces as a key part of this environment? Planet Atheism
  • His view of human nature is often described as dualistic, and this is seen as a Platonic influence. Desiderius Erasmus
  • We can do this by presenting societies whose ideological construction of human nature and behaviour is such as to favour peaceful coexistence.
  • It seems to be human nature to worry.
  • One of the persistent follies of human nature is to imagine true happiness is just out of reach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arguably, a clear and straightforward theory of how an unowned resource comes legitimately to be owned had to wait till Hume's Treatise of Human Nature.
  • The novelist has a subtle insight into human nature.
  • In these enthusiasts we shall find striking examples of one of the morbid forces of human nature; yet in candor let us do honor to what was genuine in them, -- that principle of self-abnegation which is the life of true religion, and which is vital no less to the highest forms of heroism. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century
  • We should not believe that this malign aspect of human nature which sleeps in all of us has gone away or will ever go away.
  • It's really helped restore my faith in human nature.
  • Built using a surprising array of materials and techniques, each dress focuses on primal elements of human nature - the soul, memory, seduction, abnegation.
  • It is precisely the cultural popularity, the people spirit pursue fast-food, the human nature personalization, facilitated the Zhu Deyong cartoon widely to be in vogue.
  • -- But the poor simple bairn himsell, that had nae mair knowledge of the wickedness of human nature than a calf has of a flesher's gully, he threepit to see the auld hardened bloodshedder, and trysted wi 'him to meet wi' some of the gang at an hour certain that same day, and awa he gaed to keep tryst, but since that hour naebody ever has set een on him. St. Ronan's Well
  • Their views are the result of a fallen and sinful human nature, of rampant egotism and arrogance, and nothing more.
  • I'm struck how in the introductory sections, Publius returns again and again to a definition of ‘human nature.’
  • Hmmm ¦ sorta makes ya wonder if maybe ideological schism is as basic to human nature as ideology, eh? Another Bright idea
  • But when O'Rourke is not blinding you with his offensiveness, he's dishing out tremendous observations on human nature.
  • For it is drama of the vulgar as of the unvulgar -- a deep tragedy of human nature; alas! time has not made Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 54, No. 338, December 1843
  • Human nature is the most pathetic: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, not to enjoy today in our window open rose.
  • Such kindness restores your faith in human nature .
  • Human nature is the most pathetic: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, not to enjoy today in our window open rose.
  • The strength of religion lies in its moral doctrines that are compatible with the instinctive feelings of the human heart. Believers or non- believers are all blessed with this kind of human feelings – a part of human nature. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • My own suspicions are that although the world is rapidly becoming exteriorized through the advance of science and technology, and this may account for a lack of intensity in which one pursues an inner life, I suspect that human nature itself has not changed very much over the course of human history, Just look at the Gita it is set within the context of a War! Archive 2007-08-01
  • She doesn't have any understanding of politics/human nature/what it takes to be a good manager.
  • The tortise — as the alderman of Bristol, well learned in eating, knows by much experience — besides the delicious calipash and calipee, contains many different kinds of food; nor can the learned reader be ignorant, that in human nature, though here collected under one general name, is such prodigious variety, that a cook will have sooner gone through all the several species of animal and vegetable food in the world, than an author will be able to exhaust so extensive a subject. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • It highlights all that is bad in human nature: cunning, craftiness, and treachery.
  • I was soon sent to school -- that preparatory world, where the great primal principles of human nature, in the aggression of the strong and the meanness of the weak, constitute the earliest lesson of importance that we are taught; and where the forced _primitiae_ of that less universal knowledge which is useless to the many who in after life, neglect, and bitter to the few who improve it, are the first motives for which our minds are to be broken to terror, and our hearts initiated into tears. Falkland, Complete
  • Yet many of us in North America have become "autistic" to the natural world and have to re-attune ourselves to the whisperings of non-human nature, notes "geologian" Thomas - Home Page
  • The relationship between a parent and a child is instinctual and stems from basic human nature.
  • Giasone," which had its premiere in Venice in 1649 and is said to have been the era's most frequently performed opera, is similar to "The Coronation of Poppea" in both its musical style recitative and short ariosi and its view of human nature as amoral. NYT > Home Page
  • We can do this by presenting societies whose ideological construction of human nature and behaviour is such as to favour peaceful coexistence.
  • If human nature is in these ways imperfectible by mere instruction and teaching, why do you believe it to be perfectible in the case of rape? Yes some guys are assholes, but it’s still your fault if you get raped
  • Limited on all sides by conditions which they must have felt to be none of their own imposing, and finding everywhere forces working, over which they had no control, the fear which they would naturally entertain of these invisible and mighty agents assumed, under the direction of an idea which we may perhaps call inborn and inherent in human nature, a more generous character of reverence and awe. Short Studies on Great Subjects
  • I would not say that violence is essentially evil unless you view human nature as evil.
  • The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature
  • Capitalism is all about maximization of profits and if that requires appealing to the lowest instincts and the darkest recesses of human nature, so be it.
  • Of course, the primary reason for why conspiracy theories persist is simple human nature. The Persistence of Conspiracy | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Every workplace or institution is full of politics and petty jealousies, that is human nature, but the sheer viciousness and bloodthirstyness of academia is astounding. The Dangers (?) Of Academic Blogs
  • This is part of a broader self-questioning I’ve been going through on a number of philosophical issues which I’m still working out- primarily, about ‘human nature’- i.e., to what degree we’re in an existentialist situation or in a sociobiological situaion.. and to the degree the latter is true, what kind of sociobiological situation. Open thread on: localism, decentralism, anarchism, thick conceptions of libertarianism, and the U.S. Constitution
  • Cassian himself dwells on the horrible liability of the monks to the principal vices which infest human nature — gluttony, uncleanness, avarice, anger, vainglory, pride — above all, that despairing and unaccountable melancholy which they call acedia, and describe as “the demon that walketh in the noonday.” Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
  • The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature
  • Today kibbutz life is more relaxed, tolerant and at peace with human nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once these burdens had been lifted by the redemptive power of revolution, it would be possible to construct a free and equal society based upon the prelapsarian goodness of human nature.
  • That means also that the world round them has again returned to the Greek conviction, that all nature, especially human nature, is not entirely melodious nor luminous; but a barred and broken thing: that saints have their foibles, sinners their forces; that the most luminous virtue is often only a flash, and the blackest-looking fault is sometimes only a stain: and, without confusing in the least black with white, they can forgive, or even take delight in things that are like the [Greek: nebris], dappled. Lectures on Art Delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary term, 1870
  • Although he relies on assumptions about human nature, he seeks to treat its inherent tendencies scientifically.
  • Therefore a God-given moral absolute is necessarily applied and essential to the well being of the human species, given the depravity of human nature as it presently stands.
  • It's an epic, but at the heart of it is an extremely detailed and microscopic view of human nature.
  • If the morals of mankind have not contracted an extraordinary degree of depravity, within these thirty years, then must I be infected with the common vice of old men, difficilis, querulus, laudator temporis acti; or, which is more probable, the impetuous pursuits and avocations of youth have formerly hindered me from observing those rotten parts of human nature, which now appear so offensively to my observation. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Now every human mediator, whether Moses or the priests, shares with us in all the deficiencies of fallen human nature.
  • Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.
  • Limited on all sides by conditions which they must have felt to be none of their own imposing, and finding everywhere forces working, over which they had no control, the fear which they would naturally entertain of these invisible and mighty agents, assumed, under the direction of an idea which we may perhaps call inborn and inherent in human nature, a more generous character of reverence and awe. Froude's Essays in Literature and History With Introduction by Hilaire Belloc
  • Human nature is the most pathetic: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, not to enjoy today in our window open rose.
  • The progressive agenda is all about changing the world and human nature to accord with a preferred model of existence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Human nature has to be ordered and realized in actual human virtues before the child truly enters the social world.
  • The love of beauty is an essential part of human nature.
  • He's obviously an excellent student of human nature.
  • They also have educational value to us; they can teach us how to relate to nonhuman nature and how to develop as fully human beings.
  • I could get worked up about this, but I'm not so much railing against networks ignoring their civic duty as I am railing against human nature.
  • While the individual essays are well written and interesting, they do not address human nature and its deeper implications, nor do they cohere very well as a collection.
  • And in what sense is it just to say that St. Thomas legitimated the "strivings" of human nature? The Social Order As Community
  • He showed the almost divine side of human nature.
  • But as the φιλανθρωπια, the affectionate, kind love our Saviour carried to human nature, made him often groan and sigh for his adversaries, and weep over Jerusalem, albeit his own joy was full, without ebb, so in some measure a Christian learns of Christ to be a lover and pitier of mankind, and then to be moved with compassion towards others, when we have fullest joy and satisfaction ourselves. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • It's only human nature to be worried about change.
  • This pre - cosmic vitiation of the whole “life-force” was respon - sible both for human evil and for the conflictful and wasteful aspects of nonhuman nature. COSMIC FALL
  • The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature
  • If heathen philosophers grasped something of the three transcendentals and of the law of human nature, they grasped nothing of these three virtues.
  • He had an insight into human nature.
  • The argument is based on certain presumptions about human nature.
  • The painterly naturalism that we see in these early genre scenes was indeed motivated by a vision of nature - that is, by a vision of human nature conceived in terms both biological and social.
  • Human nature is the most pathetic: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, not to enjoy today in our window open rose.
  • There is this in common, in all the procession of Mayers through the ages, that their outward equipment has always sought some little bit of promise of greenery from nature's springtide, and rather a large piece of the human nature which runs to seed in the oriental "backsheesh" -- a picturesque combination of blessing and begging. Fragments of Two Centuries Glimpses of Country Life when George III. was King
  • One cause of the change was, no doubt, what is commonly called the fickleness of the multitude, but what seems to us to be merely the general law of human nature. Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3)
  • The courage of a soldier is found to be the cheapest and most common quality of human nature. Edward Gibbon 
  • Human nature being the imperfectible thing it is, he thought, the French would more than likely "run to anarchy. City Journal
  • Such kindness restores your faith in human nature .
  • He has a far too exalted estimation of human reason and far too optimistic a view of human nature.
  • As the reverend gentleman tripped daintily down the summer street that lay between the blue river and the purple mountain, he cast his mild eyes hither and thither upon human nature, and the sentence he had just penned recurred to him with pleasurable appositeness. For the term of his natural life
  • Mollie peered round the corner with her shoulders huddled in a shawl, and her face at once so cheerful, so unreproving, and so bleached with cold, that it was not in human nature to refuse the desired invitation. The Fortunes of the Farrells
  • The strength of religion lies in its moral doctrines that are compatible with the instinctive feelings of the human heart. Believers or non- believers are all blessed with this kind of human feelings – a part of human nature. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Combat games can bring out the best and the worst in human nature.
  • Secondly, are the universals of human nature claimed by academic psychology more accurately seen as Western or Euroamerican patterns?
  • People should not live in an environment that is hostile to human rights, humanitarianism, human nature and human feelings.
  • The last argument O'Neill deals with is that the market runs with the grain of human nature which is self interest.
  • Contrary to the almost mechanistic, rationalist view of human nature underpinning the neo-liberal, free-market vision, Brooks notes Taleb's more pessimistic, more conservative view: He subscribes to what he calls the tragic vision of humankind, which 'believes in the existence of inherent limitations and flaws in the way we think and act and requires an acknowledgement of this fact as a basis for any individual and collective action.' Archive 2008-10-01
  • And we all know that, for some unfathomable reason that is not unconnected with human nature.
  • If people do anything that is generally called "immoral," they will excuse themselves on the grounds of human nature; they will say: "After all, _human nature being what it is_, you must expect this, that and the other kind of licence and immorality"; and to say that morality, real morality, can only be based on the realities of human nature will therefore sound to many of you the wildest kind of paradox. Sex and Common-Sense
  • She doesn't have any understanding of politics/human nature/what it takes to be a good manager.
  • For highly observant fundamentalist Americans, their theology inclines them toward skepticism about human nature, but their frequent church attendance somehow moves them to a more optimistic view. American Grace
  • She doesn't have any understanding of politics/human nature/what it takes to be a good manager.
  • The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature
  • Since our human nature is fallen, and since eternal blessedness is a gift far beyond the powers and merits of every created nature, it is to be expected that most human beings fall short of achieving that goal.
  • That makes for two strikes against basic human nature.
  • Even now the Homoeopathists have been introducing the venom of serpents, under the learned title of Lachesis, and outraging human nature with infusions of the pediculus capitis; that is, of course, as we understand their dilutions, the names of these things; for if a fine-tooth-comb insect were drowned in Lake Superior, we cannot agree with them in thinking that every drop of its waters would be impregnated with all the pedicular virtues they so highly value. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • The ancients, who by many are thought best to have understood human nature, did not think tears unmanful, or disgraceful to a man of true fortitude; as might be amply shewn, if needful. A Vindication of Three of Our Blessed Saviour���s Miracles: viz. The Raising of Jairus���s daughter, The Widow of Naim���s son, and Lazarus.
  • But an hereditary bent of human nature is not to be put out of the way with an argument showing that it has its disutilities. An Inquiry Into The Nature Of Peace And The Terms Of Its Perpetuation
  • And that running some network of social programs or schemes on the basis of these (“technocratically foreshortened, instrumentalist, and administrative”) theories runs the risk of destroying “the lifeworld of everyday interactions, communities, and traditions, and the orders of human nature.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Telos Returns to ‘New Class’ Analysis and the Critique of the ‘Wholly-Administered Society”
  • Shopping embodies and encourages some of the worst traits in human nature - greed, vanity and fickleness.
  • It is human nature, for the untaught and unintelligent, to abuse power when they get the chance.
  • Her greatness lies in her deep understanding of human nature.
  • It highlights all that is bad in human nature: cunning, craftiness, and treachery.

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