How To Use Huddled In A Sentence

  • She huddled inside the porch as she rang the bell.
  • Tiny figures huddled in sweatshops, toiling in unspeakable conditions.
  • The clothes lay huddled up in a pile in the corner.
  • Sasaki huddled against the hot grains of sand, gritting her teeth, curled up in a ball and hugging her shoulders as if to keep herself from ripping apart.
  • She climbed aboard the Mumbles train and huddled in a seat in the warmth of the lower deck.
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  • Her pet dog huddled against her.
  • We huddled closely around its glowing embers as they struggled to keep at bay the piercing chill of the Andean night.
  • I sighed, rolled my head around to look at her: huddled up into her corner of the carriage, hugging her knees with feet on the upholstery.
  • Well, I guess there is a fair bit of fear, xenophobia and insecurity huddled away there somewhere too.
  • The child was finally found huddled inside a flat with her mother, surrounded by bin bags full of rotting food.
  • After midnight, outspanning in a piercing wind, we formed square; main guard was posted over the General's car, and those lucky enough to escape turn of duty huddled together under cloaks and dozed fitfully until two-thirty. With Botha in the Field
  • We sprinkled the snow around their enclosure but they all huddled together away from it. Times, Sunday Times
  • We drove out of the barracks huddled in our combat jackets, and turned north towards the Alps.
  • “If you ask people, many will just tell you ‘go ask that guy — I think he was born when I was’,” explains Sami, who sits on the TV couch huddled against the cold in his patu -- a thick blanketlike shawl that men wrap over their heads and shoulders. Why Afghans Don't Know Their Ages
  • As they drew closer, he could see the rider huddled over the neck of his mount.
  • It was a scintillating partnership that wowed the crowd and their teammates, who huddled together on the dressing room balcony to witness a stellar batting exhibition.
  • They huddled together in silent groups.
  • The camera panned to a crowd of huddled men playing dominoes around a table. Times, Sunday Times
  • Various clubs huddled in circles discussing their interests.
  • A great number sat huddled together and cowered down under each gunya, their skinny limbs being so folded before their bodies that the head rested upon the knees. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2
  • The air was pale and clammy, chilling them so that they all got out their thick cloaks, and huddled in them.
  • The three guards selected exited rapidly to carry out their monarch's wishes, and the four left huddled together like a bewildered flock of sheep.
  • They huddled in their old garments, slumbrously conscious of the march of the hours which for them had no meaning. Men, Women, and Boats
  • Phil sat huddled miserably in his chair.
  • She huddled inside the warm, fleece-lined jacket he had given her. THE LAST RAVEN
  • What Natasha means, is that she has met some self confident women who don't conform to her own racist stereotypes of Muslim women, huddled away in some oriental seraglio.
  • The sheep were huddled together in a ditch.
  • All thirty of them huddled by the fire, hoping to be shielded from the wicked wind.
  • they were attacked as they huddled nakedly on the bare hill
  • The climbers were sitting huddled together for warmth.
  • His countenance was as bleak as the frozen northern wastelands, and he huddled within himself, a wizened husk hoarding unspoken power.
  • Jake huddled with the other members of the team out on the field.
  • We see another bunch of outdoor reporters huddled into their coat collars, clutching mikes like they were chocolate lollies.
  • But, though it should happen that an author is capable of excelling, yet his merit may pass without notice, huddled in the variety of things, and thrown into the general miscellany of life.
  • He was very cold, so he huddled up against his brother in bed.
  • Instead he spent the day huddled on an ancient tractor in a rainproof wax jacket and a green woolly Aran cap. Plow and Harrow
  • They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind.
  • But it is the Scottish banks which are the real villains of the piece, all huddled together in an abysmal performance right at the bottom of the league table.
  • “If you ask people, many will just tell you ‘go ask that guy — I think he was born when I was’,” explains Sami, who sits on the TV couch huddled against the cold in his patu -- a thick blanketlike shawl that men wrap over their heads and shoulders. Why Afghans Don't Know Their Ages
  • People often though her proud but none of that showed as she huddled alone within the depths of darkness.
  • In a corner, a group of teen-agers, wearing NBA jackets over their suits, huddled. Life of the Party: A Gospel-Themed Gala - The Caucus Blog -
  • I could barely discern the huddled shape of my parents standing in their doorway.
  • wretched prisoners huddled in stinking cages
  • I'm going to be in huddled in the corner for a while now ... Crying Now...
  • The others huddled around Jack to give him the protection and warmth of their bodies, and rubbed his arms and legs.
  • The buildings huddled together like a herd of deer in the dead of a winter storm, attempting to share warmth and shelter from the elements.
  • Our dog Ira was huddled up by the front door and, for once, the annoying yip yapper was barkless. An Earthquake Rattles the Midwest - The Lede Blog -
  • From a leafless high branch of a dead tree the huddled heap of a kite regarded them thoughtfully.
  • Folk were huddled against the cold in scarves and hoodies. The Sun
  • Warrior and Engineer and Mediator huddled, and Pollyanna with them. THE MOAT AROUND MURCHESON'S EYE
  • There are people huddled together who blink and stare. The Crossing-Place
  • Others drank from flasks and clay bottles, or huddled together to read futures from the faces of playing cards.
  • Several hugs for Matt, many ogles at incredibly hot guys, and one hour of frustrating luggage checking later, four harassed but extremely excited girls huddled around Rachel, wishing her luck.
  • Earlier, at the rail stations targeted in the attack, people huddled together and shed tears as memories of the blasts returned.
  • I found her several feet away from the fight area on the ground, a crowd huddled around her.
  • The look-out next morning was dismal – the river running high in yeasty waves; the boats all huddled together under the shore; the western bank hidden in clouds of sand. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • I remember being huddled on the dark sands, pestering my parents for a ride on the donkeys. Times, Sunday Times
  • I sat up slowly from my huddled position in the corner, flexing my pained ankle experimentally, and my movement caught the attention of my protector.
  • I remember being huddled on the dark sands, pestering my parents for a ride on the donkeys. Times, Sunday Times
  • He huddled up into the fetal position and lay there a few moments, his eyes clamped tightly shut as that eerie voice filled his mind.
  • We lay huddled together for warmth.
  • So as the sun dropped and the temperature plummeted and the sensible people among us huddled around the fire eating frozen balls of butter and sugar (the musher's answer to energy bars), Wade trudged onto the ice with eelpout on his mind. Mushing, Eelpout, and Butterballs
  • Then I noticed a young family huddled together on the pavement.
  • Wearing winter woollies, the group huddled together outside Lancaster Farms last week with simple banners to highlight their pay dispute.
  • After seventy-eight years in this fair island, side by side, with the progress and improvements above referred to, there are still hundreds and hundreds of men and women who live like savages in unfloored huts, huddled together like beasts of the field, without regard to health or comfort. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 4, 1919
  • They huddled in one large room as the army fired at rebel lines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through the open doorway, she could see Hermione and Cedric huddled over a table of tea-things. WEEKEND FOR MURDER
  • The animals huddled together for warmth.
  • The two countries huddled up a treaty.
  • Villagers were in their colourful headgear huddled together in a lurching truck on a rustic road.
  • Groups of young men huddled around fires, burning plastic and wood. Times, Sunday Times
  • January's garden is one huddled below ground; its plants submerged beneath a thick layer of frozen earth, itself shrouded beneath a thick carpet of snow.
  • Positive murmurs came from the dark. Across the beach Lux and Pat were huddled in conversation.
  • We huddled together on the cliff ledge, waiting for rescue.
  • Mum was still huddled under the blanket.
  • We all huddled around the radio to hear the news.
  • Below, three men huddled by a black Land-Rover, one of them on a mobile. CHAMELEON
  • I remember being huddled on the dark sands, pestering my parents for a ride on the donkeys. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next to us is a woman reading a book, huddled up, occasionally reaching for her glass of wine (in which the level scarcely changes all the time we are there).
  • From a dark courtyard came a sound of oaths and blows, followed by shrill screams, and, huddled upon a damp doorstep, he saw the crook-backed forms of poverty and eld.
  • Mrs Clinton was huddled with advisers at her headquarters.
  • We were huddled in a shadowy corner so that just in case anyone was prowling around they wouldn't spot us.
  • The players huddled together here after a match for a post-mortem of the game, analysing and discussing, striving to iron out the flaws.
  • They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.
  • She huddled together with her mother, caring for her, making her comfortable.
  • The president, who huddled with cabinet members in the secure Situation Room on Monday "to decide on next steps," also requested that legislation be sent to Congress to "toughen" and reform existing law on caps on damages linked to oil spills, the White House said. Turkish Press
  • As the kids and I huddled together on the floor in the basement I sent up a silent prayer of thanks that we were all safe and basically in good spirits.
  • They all huddled around the fire.
  • Needing a breath of fresh air to quell the residual nausea in his stomach, he limped a few yards back into the cooling shade of the junglelike forest that huddled on one side of the property. Forbidden Enchantment
  • After another hour of scrimmaging, the players and coaches huddled around midcourt for one last speech from Larranaga. Aspiring D-Leaguer? Apply Within
  • I remember being huddled on the dark sands, pestering my parents for a ride on the donkeys. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stepping into the doorway separating the two rooms, he studied her slim form huddled on the couch.
  • They are huddled in the remaining buildings and relying on airlifts for supplies, since the base's runway was also lost to the deep.
  • I huddled very close to her and she to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eight people are huddled around the stove, drinking freshly mulled wine to keep out the chill.
  • I found Jett in the blue drawing room, huddled in a corner of the sofa. DEAD BEAT
  • He just sat there all huddled up until someone said the harbourmaster wanted to see him. The Sun
  • He was fast asleep, huddled under a canvas tarpaulin.
  • Trapped Rafah residents huddled in the innermost rooms of their homes as bullets rained outside.
  • He huddled his books in the corner of his bedroom.
  • The executive board huddled to discuss the issue.
  • So we performed five tracks huddled around the one mic. The Sun
  • I huddled under a blanket on the floor.
  • Between Prince and wizard, Leynart said nothing, only clutched his precious spell-box to his chest and huddled deeper in this miniver cloak like a cold lapdog on a pillow. The Silicon Mage
  • A crowd of grey cloaked figures huddled together, like a ragged flock of birds.
  • The players huddled together here after a match for a post-mortem of the game, analysing and discussing, striving to iron out the flaws.
  • Huddled clapboard houses substitute for the raw-plank architecture of the frontier town; an industrial bridge provides background sublimity in the absence of mountains.
  • I huddled on my clothes and hurried to the factory.
  • But the truth is that at home at this time, the children would be huddled by the telly while Nev and I grab a moment to catch up after work, and later Nev would be channel-hopping while I mindlessly flick around the internet or read beside him. Powerless to resist: a no-tech break on the Isle of Wight
  • The snow blew against his huddled body.
  • Thick smoke could be seen rising from neighbourhoods in the south and east of the city as terrified inhabitants huddled inside their homes. Times, Sunday Times
  • We stood huddled together for warmth.
  • They huddled in blankets donated in massive international relief operations to help El Salvador cope with its worst quake in at least a decade.
  • As the cavalcade of over 25 cars passed through Glenade that evening, the sheep in McGloin's meadow huddled together bewildered by the hooting horns and flashing lights.
  • Either it is a well-arranged universe or a chaos huddled together, but still a universe. But can a certain order subsist in thee, and disorder in the All?
  • So we performed five tracks huddled around the one mic. The Sun
  • The children huddled closely together for warmth.
  • Who's been batting for their poor huddled masses? Times, Sunday Times
  • We see another bunch of outdoor reporters huddled into their coat collars, clutching mikes like they were chocolate lollies.
  • The Automobile Association skeleton staff trio will be huddled in front of their personal computer screens relaying road conditions to drivers.
  • The metal bottle holding a pint of pyroligneous ether fuel next to it had exploded, sending shrapnel flying in all directions but evidently just barely passing over their heads as they huddled in the tent. The Terror
  • He was very cold, so he huddled up against his brother in bed.
  • He was very cold, so he huddled up against his brother in bed.
  • A hundred or so of us huddled together in the shelter of the lobby of the Hibiya Town Hall, where I had a strong sense of not being in my natural milieu.
  • The workers were found huddled around a fire without the proper dress for the weather.
  • Figures huddled in wraps hurried past her -- the fog and dark discouraged lingering. Burning Bright
  • When I pulled in, I saw someone huddled up next to the payphones.
  • The man sat all twisted and huddled in his chair in a way which gave an inde - scribable impression of deformity; but the face which he turned towards us, though worn and swarthy, must at some time have been remarkable for its beauty. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
  • The camera panned to a crowd of huddled men playing dominoes around a table. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the smaller rooms, chairs were huddled and worshipers crowded in casual exchange. WALKING THE BIBLE
  • As the kids and I huddled together on the floor in the basement I sent up a silent prayer of thanks that we were all safe and basically in good spirits.
  • As he lost consciousness his friends put Mr Scoreby into a warming ‘space blanket’ and huddled around him to pass on their body heat.
  • He was alone, cold and dirty, huddled up on the side of the road.
  • People huddled up close to each other.
  • I found survivors, twenty-three children, half-starved, huddled in closets and basements, hiding.
  • There we stood huddled together amid a jeering crowd in a remote bus station of Hunan.
  • Mollie peered round the corner with her shoulders huddled in a shawl, and her face at once so cheerful, so unreproving, and so bleached with cold, that it was not in human nature to refuse the desired invitation. The Fortunes of the Farrells
  • Far from being huddled masses, here were articulate, decent individuals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wearing bikinis and swim shorts they huddled into a wooden shack to look at pictures of themselves on the ride. The Sun
  • Friends and relatives huddled at the end of the hall, teary-eyed or openly crying.
  • Here, huddled together in confused, hopeless misery and ruin, lie, fettered and prostrate, even priest as well as potentate, undistinguishable victims of crude, unblenching violence, with its climax of nefarious sacrilege. West Indian Fables by James Anthony Froude Explained by J. J. Thomas
  • They were now above Jim's cell, where Jim was sitting, huddled up in a ball, and then he got up and ran at the door, only to be thrown back.
  • We huddled together for warmth beneath the blankets.
  • We found him huddled on the floor.
  • Sixteen passengers and two crew members escaped the wreck and huddled on two life rafts tied together. The Sun
  • In a third room, three women sat huddled on one of the sofas, smoking, talking, looking bored. CHAMELEON
  • Quietly they huddled together on the cobbles of the drive.
  • She huddled up against his back, his hairless hide exuding a gentle warmth and feeling incredibly soft against her fingertips as she stroked his ribs.
  • It was sleeting, and my team spotted a ribbon of smoke in the forest and wheeled off the road to a campfire, around which huddled six Lithuanian cyclists.
  • Then they huddled bed clothes around themselves, sat up and simpered.
  • But when he returned, swinging his cane, he saw those two women sitting huddled together by the station wall.
  • They huddled outside in the rain
  • When the warden arrived, all he saw was a prisoner and a guard huddled by a small fire. Christianity Today
  • In each work, the larger lozenge shape snuggles like a floating sausage into a radically curved corner of the canvas, presiding over the conversation of the two beanlike shapes huddled together in a corner below.
  • We huddled around the fire to keep warm.
  • Diptendu Dutta/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images People, stray dogs and a langur huddled next to a fire in Bihar state's Gaya district, Sunday. India in Pictures
  • Around it huddled half a score of small sheds, which shared a common wall with the great stable and leaned against it as if for shelter.
  • Molly was looking out of her window, as it went past her with the slow beginnings of speed, watching the faces that drifted by, in a kind of phantasmagoric show, never more to be repeated, when, in the further corner of a third-class carriage near the end of the train, she caught sight of a huddled figure that reminded her of Walter; a pale face was staring as if it saw nothing, but dreamed of something it could not see. Home Again
  • He could see two people huddled under shawls, crouching but unable to get to shelter.
  • I was huddled in a chair in the lounge, cold cups of strong coffee by my feet.
  • One prearranged group of gnomes formed lines along the fences to keep out any unexpected visitors, and the rest huddled together under a large tree, in order to hold a public meeting.
  • The council huddled around to discuss a solution for the problem.
  • You find them out on the course following their favourites, or huddled together on the rain-trap stands.
  • She was allowed to sit at the front on the coach journey home, on her own, with the rest of the class huddled together in the back three rows.
  • It was sleeting, and my team spotted a ribbon of smoke in the forest and wheeled off the road to a campfire, around which huddled six Lithuanian cyclists.
  • Look at the party itself -- a veritable omnium-gatherum of political odds and ends, huddled together under the party blanket like household gods and barn-yard refuse after a hurricane. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 12
  • Our swimming pool, where I never go, because, you know, terminal freckles, is only open in the summer months, and when I drive by the lifeguards are all huddled in their jackets. Think Progress » Steorts Issues ‘Clarification’ On Misleading Global Warming Article, Makes Another Error
  • Pour me a glass of rum and within the vapors rises a raucous and even romantic history of joy, tragedy and debauchery: tippling houses in Barbados in the early 1600's, where British settlers supped the earliest permutation of rum, which they referred to as "kill-devil"; jug wielding pirates careening through the streets of Port Royal in Jamaica, wildly spending their pieces of eight plundered from the Spanish and British empires; independence-minded American revolutionaries huddled in taverns drinking rum Flips and plotting their resistance against the heavy taxes imposed upon them by the British; Americans fleeing Prohibition downing Daiquiris and Swizzles in the jammed bars of Havana; opulent tiki palaces serving Mai Tais, flaming Scorpion bowls, Hurricanes and Fog Cutters to lei-festooned business-men and June Cleaveresque housewives. Slashfood
  • The animals, used to hiding in lakes, grunted and huddled together in the shade at the back corner of their pen.
  • She huddled inside the porch as she rang the bell.
  • They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.
  • Last night they huddled together in sleeping bags as a bone-chilling wind and rain threatened to crack their resolve.
  • Now, winter days, once spent huddled up with a favourite book, involve long walks in the park, often in hot pursuit of a toddler.
  • At the end of an hour, reclad in their wet clothes, they huddled at the landing waiting for news from the hospital tent. Blacksheep! Blacksheep!
  • The old wolfer sat huddled in his furs before the fire, dreading to enter the little tent to crawl into his sleeping bag alone with his thoughts; for the white madness was driving its iron into his soul and striking at his reason. The Yellow Horde
  • San Francisco is probably the only place in the Northern Hemisphere right now where people are huddled around fireplaces, snuggled in cable-knit sweaters, watching summer reruns.
  • We huddled together, secure in the knowledge that the rescue helicopter was on its way.
  • An aspiring inventor, the father has squandered his years huddled over bubbling pots attempting to create an odourless shoe.
  • They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.
  • I huddled very close to her and she to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mrs Clinton was huddled with advisers at her headquarters.
  • We sprinkled the snow around their enclosure but they all huddled together away from it. Times, Sunday Times
  • This charming village is huddled against a cliff which drops vertically to the river Dordogne.
  • The chilly campers huddled together "by the fire". adjective phrase appositive phrase adverb phrase misplaced modifier Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind.
  • Trying her best not to stare at the small groups of dirty pirates huddled together on the deck, Pearl followed closely behind Wesley.
  • So this is the end of the solar year, the solar year I set out to chronicle as I huddled by my parents' house in Missouri, waiting for the very first bird.
  • They were huddled close together; their eyes, a cloudy unspeculative blue, were only just opened. Where the Blue Begins
  • ‘Dollar, dollar, dollar,’ rang through the air from all directions and people huddled around barrows freshly loaded with the end-of-week bargains.
  • Only half an hour later, the six had found a table at one of the nearby bars, and now sat in a circle around it, voices pitched low, heads huddled in a horrible attempt to be discreet.
  • We all huddled around the radio to hear the news.
  • The shelterless masses huddled along the lagoons and sand banks of Sri Lanka's Mullaitivu coastline had nothing except panic, grief and the sight and sound of the dying. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • From the Moulin de Cambelong a twisty road rises to the perfectly preserved medieval village of Conques, huddled on the edge of a gorge round the towering Romanesque cathedral church of Sainte-Foy.
  • She passed the night huddled at the base of the tree in aching, lonely terror, clutching her pendant of the Sacred Virgin, rocking back and forth in prayer. The crossing - based on a true story
  • Wearing bikinis and swim shorts they huddled into a wooden shack to look at pictures of themselves on the ride. The Sun
  • On Monday it was easy to detect smokers on the streets of the county's town and villages with little groups huddled together outside their place of work.
  • He found her huddled near the warmth of the boiler room when he opened that morning and settled her in a coat hangar box with a towel and some food.
  • We huddled together for warmth.
  • My brothers huddled in their tent that night while a thunderstorm raged over the mountain and rain poured down.
  • We huddled together on the cliff ledge, waiting for rescue.

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