How To Use Howl In A Sentence

  • I barken back to the rogue Taken Howler, the dead unexpectedly alive and inimical. Shadow Games
  • Generally speaking, I tend not to get too bent out of shape by occasional rhetorical howlers.
  • Jackson Starfield is possessed of the most rock'n'roll name in town and a nice feral howl to match.
  • As luck would have it the winds had been howling onshore for almost a solid week.
  • But the howling vacuum had opened up inside her again, with its endless vistas of nothingness and no return, the harlequinade of grasping, painted lovers. Shortcut Man
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  • He won the summit in the thick of howling wind and driving snow, providentially stumbling upon Trust
  • Although he had not howled once, his snarling and growling, combined with his thirst, had hoarsened his throat and dried the mucous membranes of his mouth so that he was incapable, except under the sheerest provocation, of further sound. CHAPTER XVI
  • Any dog not in harness was howling and yelping to be put in one, and even when harnessed they continued with their wretched wailing until they were off and running.
  • The proposed changes caused howls of protest from the public.
  • The first 30 pages of what became the book came out as one long howl of anguish. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can just imagine the wind howling round outside while everyone crowds into a stone cottage, a fire roaring in the grate and a group of friends simply playing together for the sheer fun of it.
  • Having twirled in a frock, he dons jackboots to play Adolf Hitler in Springtime for Hitler, the production's howlingly awful play-within-a-play.
  • The dog was howling like a soul in torment.
  • Democrats howled in anger when the full-year trade figures were released. Times, Sunday Times
  • His scream pierced right through the howl of the winds, and it made her eyes water with tears.
  • That she-devil is outside; I heard her howling.
  • Then she ran off, faster than any wildcat, and the men went on howling and shrieking, trying to untangle those knots.
  • Finnegan howled and spluttered in inebriate rage, then sank back in his seat and stared up at Arabella with a kind of awestruck respect. Salvage for the Saint
  • The story goes that downtrodden Sophie works in a hat shop and one day meets the glamorous wizard Howl, a charming ladykiller who has garnered the reputation of eating girls' hearts, despite looking more like a ladyboy.
  • He kicked hard at Claudette's front right tyre, then howled with pain. DESPERADOES
  • In addition to those pointed out already, your article on Lenin contains a number of other howlers.
  • Listen long enough and you can hear the high-pitched, enthusiastic yip yowl of coyotes; the long, keening howl of the wolves.
  • The game was played in dreadful conditions with driving rain and howling winds ruining the contest.
  • That's wot you are, a bloomin 'toff! the Virgin howled back as he shut the door. CHAPTER 20
  • This night, the turtle was laying her eggs on a low shelf of sand near a line of dune scrub and low palms, not far from dense jungle that is home to the deadly fer-de-lance snake, caimans, howler monkeys and sloths.
  • Then such a wave of despair and anguish overwhelmed him, the irrevocableness and implacability of fate so smote him, that he lifted up his head and howled aloud. Flush: a biography
  • And from the south, the howl of animal voices. A Plague of Angels
  • The first 30 pages of what became the book came out as one long howl of anguish. Times, Sunday Times
  • A clap of thunder echoes around the sky and an icy, howling wind picks up. The Sun
  • He shrieked and he wailed and he howled and he screeched, until all the air in his lungs left, and then he still yelled.
  • The fans responded in kind, cheering him and howling with laughter at his relentless japery. Jonah Keri: Tim Raines, Andre Dawson, and Being an Expos Fan
  • After three attempts my patience erodes to the point that I begin mumbling a string of off-color language to the howling wind. Excerpt: The Privilege of Youth by Dave Pelzer
  • Aragorn, thinking that the hobbits are dead, kicks a discarded orc helmet and falls to his knees howling in anguish.
  • As the wind howled in the chimney, we sat on a sofa in front of a roaring fireplace.
  • When we arrived in Chicago, there were 6ft-high snowdrifts and the wind was howling.
  • And someone let this dude direct The Howling III: The Marsupials. The Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf (1985)
  • You wish to howl with online pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Joe, Pink, and Booker howled with delight.
  • Without another word, she pulled open the classroom door, but before we could enter, a few hoots and howls drew our attention.
  • The sound of the howling was astonishing - not something you could just turn over and ignore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ten times ghastlier than if it had been real, the chorus wailed and ululated back and forth along immeasurable distances -- became one yell again -- and went howling down into earth's bowels as if the last of a phantom pack were left behind and yelling to be waited for. In The Time Of Light
  • All the other competitors were paired up in boats, while I struggled against a howling head wind, wading the brackish water from the bank.
  • It's beautiful in summer, he says, but not quite so today, the back of the house buffeted by howling winds and Biblical rains coming in across the river.
  • Inside the car, the hundred megaton speakers may be transmitting the unique sound of some howling pop star with an ululating mouth harp and a back-up band, heavy on drums.
  • Det Chief Supt Howlett confirmed the body had been buried but would not be drawn into revealing any further details.
  • Instantly, the flight deck was filled with mist as the howl of decompression began. THE RHYTHM SECTION
  • Ian was greeted by howls of amusement when he got back to the pub.
  • During the phone call David, a student at Leeds Metropolitan University, started to scream and howl.
  • The fact that he cites, in his defense, a first class degree from Cambridge ‘specializing in philosophy’ only makes more indefensible his howlers and misconceptions.
  • Loudest mammal - the Blue Whale. The second loudest is the Howler Monkey.
  • The walls screamed with the cold and harsh sound of the howling winds.
  • Dogs howled at night when the disco music was on full blast. Times, Sunday Times
  • And from the south, the howl of animal voices. A Plague of Angels
  • Let me please say before I'm howled down in protest I do have every sympathy with the families and loved ones that grieve for them.
  • Better is it, in a life like ours, to be even a howling dervis or a dancing The Conflict with Slavery and Others, Complete, Volume VII, The Works of Whittier: the Conflict with Slavery, Politics and Reform, the Inner Life and Criticism
  • Populations of howler monkeys, iguanas, and leaf-cutting ants exploded.
  • The script is peppered with dialogue that will make you howl for days, most of it being spoken by the Inspector.
  • Well the poor mutt ran away howling in pain and agony and he scampered shiveringly to a refuge in a deserted shack.
  • She heard the eerie noise of the wind howling through the trees.
  • It's worse than raw chili pepper," he howled when he had his breath back. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • There was a howl of pain but it didn't come from me.
  • A gale howls over the hunchback of Cairngorm, stinging our faces with windblown sleet.
  • The courtroom became a vaudeville theatre, as the MP lampooned his interrogators, accusing them of making ‘schoolboy howler’ mistakes.
  • Howlett claims he can only recall one time when he saw the label boss lose his cool. The Guardian World News
  • The dam would flood the Macal River valley - a so-called ‘Biogem’ of rain forest and fertile flood plain that is home to many endangered species like the howler monkey, jaguar, and tapir.
  • The dockhand howled in pain as the short sword clattered to the floor. Curse of the Shadowmage
  • Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl
  • Silence enveloped the room again, save for the howl of the winds, muted by several inches of ultra-dense hull plating.
  • The bassline thumps and voices declaim, growl or howl. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yoo hab wayted soe lawng foar tihs. *deeeeeeeeepe sye* Yoo cann stawp howldin yoor breff nao—an dat wil bee gud foar yoor cuuler—yoo ternd priity bloo, howldin yoor breff soe lawng! Just wait until the tomcat who is - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • But does that mean he can't find an hour in his diary to sort out the howling financial maelstrom that is football? Times, Sunday Times
  • When CCN replayed the Faux interview where Palin mentioned actual SC cases and newspapers she read, no one howled with laughter but instead defender her appearance at the Couric interview as a case of Palin being overcrammed. Top Stories
  • His chronicle evokes in all its wooliness the storied past and indestructible spirit of a crucial American subculture, when folks on the stroll "worked all week, and Saturday night was their night to howl. On the Midnight Special
  • Each one has committed a howler, from getting stuck in railings to being wedged in mid-air between two fences. The Sun
  • The sky darkened, and mysterious howls and hoots came from every direction.
  • _howling_ dervishes; all our religion consisted in howling like jackals or hyenas, with all our might, until we fell down in real or pretended convulsions. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • The audience howled a singer down the stage.
  • A wolf howls in the autumn morning, and is joined by three other voices.
  • She brings out the beast in men (The Corsair howls at the moon).
  • The latter was fiercely jealous, and if Parsons showed obvious affection toward someone, Patsy howled as though she were calling upon all her lupine ancestors to come forth and carry off the intruder.
  • The bearded saki (Chiropotes satanas), howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul), and red-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas) are all eastern Amazonian primates. Tocantins-Araguaia-Maranhão moist forests
  • Democrats howled in anger when the full-year trade figures were released. Times, Sunday Times
  • One brown knoll alone breaks the waste, and on it a few leafless wind-clipt oaks stretch their moss-grown arms, like giant hairy spiders, above a desolate pool which crisps and shivers in the biting breeze, while from beside its brink rises a mournful cry, and sweeps down, faint and fitful, amid the howling of the wind. Westward Ho!
  • The long howl thrills me through! Moby Dick
  • I have no idea why they are called howler monkeys because I have never heard them howl. Recent Updates
  • The museum pipes in the sound of howler monkeys, quetzals, and parrots.
  • The rhythmic clink of armor could suddenly be heard through the storm's quieting howl, as if nature itself feared dominance in any way over this being.
  • The wind had been howling for three days now, a storm from the east that whistled across the high tops and dumped sudden squalls of sleeting rain in the valleys.
  • That she was not howled down is almost as disgraceful and yet another blot on the collective reputation of our MPs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Olbinett prepared the evening meal with his accustomed punctuality, and after this was dispatched, the travelers disposed themselves for the night in the wagon and in the tent, and were soon sleeping soundly, notwithstanding the melancholy howling of the "dingoes," the jackals of Australia. In Search of the Castaways
  • Molly leapt to her feet, spluttering and howling with rage.
  • You should hear how men howl at this finding: What a trivial excuse, how silly.
  • ‘The Hives have been playing the same songs for about two and a half centuries! ‘jokes Swedish rocker Howlin’ Pelle Almqvist before launching into a set of brand new garage yawners.
  • The long howl thrills me through! Moby Dick
  • There was an unearthly howl in the distance that chilled Zeya to the bone.
  • A wolf howled off in the distance, and Raiana shifted in her seat, waiting to reach home.
  • The wind was howling and the high peaks looked rugged and beautiful in the extreme. Times, Sunday Times
  • While Lobsterman stuck to the Key, trapped and howling, I crawled to it and stabbed it in its soft, armorless parts. Bleeding Violet
  • A howling moan, like storm winds rattling windows, came from the charging creatures.
  • A strong wind came from the west, and its howl could be heard throughout the city as it whipped through dark alleys and tore past cars and people.
  • Since the report was published, there has been a howl of terrified rage from those who enjoy Radio 4 already and an unexcited silence from those who don't. A cool Radio 4? What a turn-off | Victoria Coren
  • Beyond Mr Jefferson's high black hat, through those tangled dew-drops of flame, Mr Goosevort saw golden hair glide softly through the oasis of bodies gathered vaguely round the stage, Mr Umberto and Mrs. Jefferson laughed again together, and Mr Howle's mournful ululation could be heard adrift a lake of rabble... golden hair turning away and fluttering into the shadow of a winding stairway. Mr Goosevort
  • The people had spoken in the birthplace of democracy but it felt more like a howl of despair. The Sun
  • He was all she had, for Janet was a thowless [2] thing, too like her mother for her mother to like her. The House with the Green Shutters
  • She heard a strange howling sound in the hills one night.
  • You know, those things I drag myself over red hot oozing lava and pointy steel blades uphill both ways in blizzard and howling tropical storm to create. More POV - and a reflection on how to take a compliment
  • She screams, she howls, and she tries to be feminine and vulnerable but I just can't buy it.
  • She will begin howling about something in five minutes. A Little Princess
  • The former pits a grinding feedback howl against persistent organs before the organ eventually sputters to a halt, exhausted.
  • At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Johann Mattheson, the great, stunningly eloquent peacock of Baroque musical literature, was in no doubt that the chalumeau the forerunner of the clarinet – with its “rather howling sound”, was not an appropriate instrument to be heard in sophisticated entertainments. Archive 2009-04-01
  • A chorus of high-pitched wolf howls pierces the stillness of a frigid January morning.
  • How the crowd would have howled if that had been given. Times, Sunday Times
  • He depicted the Kentucky frontier as a howling wilderness inhabited by wild beasts and uncivilized savages.
  • There were howls from inside, howls, roars, growls, and screams.
  • And each night, the howls of pain and horror get closer.
  • The baby howled as a small bud of blood appeared and dropped onto the dagger.
  • For a second I thought I heard my name, then the sound of a low howling wind.
  • And I myself took a clean tashtook from my carman to wrap round poor old dying Dim's rooker, howling and moaning as he was, and the krovvy stopped like I said it would, O my brothers. Where's the show?
  • Bagado got in and the car squirmed on the grit, the engine howling before the tyres caught and we kicked off the blocks. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • So if, for example, I were to "juxtapose" pictures of Ben Stein with candid shots of howler monkeys, I trust the rabbi will agree that this is a sufficiently cogent response to Expelled. IDiocy's defenders
  • Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl
  • The ancient Maya Indians - who had their heyday in Mexico and Central America from about A.D.250 to 900-had more than a passing familiarity with the tempests that regularly howled off the Atlantic.
  • Here, in similar territory, a Siberian Husky howls to attract attention from its owner.
  • The wind howls through the trees, the wind chill temperature must be low, and I have no clothes on.
  • He seemed too fragile and ancient to battle the biting winds that howled perpetually around the base of the Tower.
  • The sword howled with triumphant glee as it sliced into the neck of the first SS man. The Dreamthief's Daughter
  • Wolves snapped and howled at Seye workers, who were running everywhere, and grabbing weapons from the guard towers.
  • Flies buzzed, cockerels crowed, goats bleated and a chorus of dogs was howling furiously.
  • A young engineer named Howland had been in charge of the development work, but Wally rearranged his forces so as to let each dummy entryman handle the claim entered in his name. The Yukon Trail A Tale of the North
  • Dogs howled at night when the disco music was on full blast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patton Hyman's response to Sen. Max Baucus's Dec. 2 letter is the "howler" (Letters, Dec. 9). Lots of the Uninsured Had Coverage 'Til They Got Sick
  • The priest then did some more incanting, which led to a reversal of the long howl that had summoned forth the gods and now, in reverse, sent them back to their places, and ended the ceremony.
  • The steamy air reverberates with the coo off the coucal and the howl of the lemur. Times, Sunday Times
  • he gave a howl of pain
  • She flew into a howling rage.
  • As soon as Lawson bowled the first ball I've seen him bowl the howl went up.
  • He howled parts of it out and we all bawled, but we were glad he had read it.
  • They are simply the'other half' and have to tiptoe their way across a minefield of potential howlers. The Sun
  • He is howling in pain and his face has turned yellow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Call me a philistine, but his experimental noise, if it can be charitably described as such, could make hounds howl.
  • American consumers - and especially the military, which had used pyrethrum for delousing front-line troops - howled for the development of a suitable substitute.
  • The howling wind and driving rain had created zero visibility conditions.
  • How the crowd would have howled if that had been given. Times, Sunday Times
  • The beast was then howling, for it had managed to spit out the shoehorn.
  • She would walk, in lashing rain, a howling wind, rather than pay a bus fare.
  • Upon connecting a 12 volt battery they set up a violent acoustical feedback, the very first PA howl!.
  • The wind howled and the waves closed over him.
  • Republicans have been howling for military intervention.
  • Now, every time he hears the van, he howls like a baby until he is let out, runs across the road and queues up.
  • They were all bush dogs or wild-dogs, and so small was their courage that their thirst and physical pain from cords drawn too tight across veins and arteries, and their dim apprehension of the fate such treatment foreboded, led them to whimper and wail and howl their despair and suffering. CHAPTER XVI
  • Alas, the same man was responsible for both howlers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the wolves were nodding to each other and conversing in wolf speech, which consisted mostly of growls, grunts, barks and howls.
  • Ibsen's magnificence is hard to put across: the drama opens in a drawing room and ends in a howling waste. Ulster Bank Dublin theatre festival – review
  • As the carrom seeds splutter, add steamed chowli, salt, chili powder & sugar. Chori-Dhokli nu Shaak
  • It may sound simple enough, but familiarity with the gear and proficiency in these basic skills is imperative when you are on top of a mountain in a howling gale.
  • A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone. 
  • I have used the word verdure, but it is really a misnomer, for although the prevailing tint of the foliage was a dark green, the entire forest was streaked like a rainbow with innumerable flowers, and the breeze which blew from it was laden with the most delightful perfume, Evidently it was all a howling wilderness, for we could not detect the slightest vestige of human dwellings or cultivation. A Trip to Venus
  • When the word was given the brief day was almost spent, and it was slow work and tedious, rolling the big bales forward foot by foot The bullets of the Sunlanders blub-blubbed and thudded against them, but could not go through, and the men howled their delight But the dark was at hand, and Tyee, secure of success, called the bales back to the trenches. THE SUNLANDERS
  • I had walking pneumonia and a broken heart, and I was taking the bus home from work in a howling nor'easter and I had a mile to walk with no sidewalk from the bus stop to my door. The cadillacs come creeping through the night and the poison gas
  • The north wind howled around our cabin.
  • Loudest mammal - the Blue Whale. The second loudest is the Howler Monkey.
  • A lone wolf howled under the full moon.
  • Twilight at Mrs. Wickett's, when the School bell clanged for call-over, brought them back to him in a cloud — Katherine scampering along the stone corridors, laughing beside him at some "howler" in an essay he was marking, taking the cello part in a Mozart trio for the School concert, her creamy arm sweeping over the brown sheen of the instrument. Goodbye, Mr Chips
  • Wainwright isn't just a sweet songbird; she's the black dove with the weather-beaten coo and has the ability to howl like a seasoned blues singer.
  • The animal howl continued, as cadets and chaperones alike began to hurry about, locked in blind panic.
  • It's not polite to howl down a speaker.
  • Everybody, of course, is aware that Professor Joff committed one of his notorious "howlers" when he derived "Carmelite" -- in the street name -- from "Cromwell's Heights. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, March 25, 1914
  • They were howling at the very gates, and sometimes he and the Factor paused from the game to listen and laugh at the futile efforts of the wolves to get in. The Hunger Cry
  • Tell that to the government backbenchers who howl at him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The yammering howls came closer. A Plague of Angels
  • I think the actual snowout on Monday helped us," said Pitt coach Ben Howland, whose team lost at Seton Hall on Saturday. NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball - Pittsburgh vs. Georgetown
  • What had started as a mild wind and light rain ended by morning as a howling northerly and sleet and snow.
  • Rob Howley has no doubt that whoever is chosen as Wales' first-choice goalkicker for their RBS 6 Nations opener against Ireland will be up to the task. WalesOnline - Home
  • The first song has the refrain, ‘Dark is life, is death,’ and ends with the macabre image of an ape howling in a graveyard.
  • And with that his ever so silent manner seemed to return and he was headed off to the biting cold and howling winds.
  • But there were no more than the usual howls for a foul to the referee. Times, Sunday Times
  • The train was still inside the tunnel, the wind howling like a mad banshee through the open windows.
  • High-register electronic tones ring out as Minton provides a howling jungle of sound effects, and the noise eventually builds up and then sputters out.
  • Outside the wind howls, the snow falls, the occasional taxi sweeps past.
  • Much later, Esther Howland, a resident of Worchester and a college student at Mt. Holyoke during the late 1820s, decided to create her own valentines.
  • a howling success
  • The wind howls outside but you're cosy round a big fire.
  • She heard the eerie noise of the wind howling through the trees.
  • I took refuge in the bookstore on the square and found Howl, which was unknown in Arizona at the time.
  • I hope the right wingers who howled before they even knew the details will acknowledge this is a good thing and a good idea for the future. Obama speech to school children: 'You make your own future'
  • I started in Beadlam and followed north a narrow shallow wooded valley called Howldale Lane with, either side, fields and abandoned mini quarries.
  • The crowd cheers and howls, before mounting their bikes and cycling off. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bloodstained snow, heavy cloaks, blackened eyes, Indian rites, puritanical fire and brimstone and the ominous howl of vicious wolf beasts.
  • It's worse than raw chili pepper," he howled when he had his breath back. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • A Caucasian Chalk Circle for our own age, it begins with the howl of death mingled with dread despair and ends with an act of terrible tenderness.
  • Thick fog, freezing rain, howling wind and heavy snow are everyday factors helicopter crews face when called to fly on one of the unit's many rescue missions.
  • Plans to build a new supermarket have been greeted with howls of protest from local residents.
  • The group got to witness pure nature and animals like toucans, howler monkeys, tarantulas and various lizards.
  • To tell such a thingmost 25 - year - olds will call forth howls of denial.
  • They careened in, some staggering and some howling loud enough to wake up the homeless in los callejón's …. On the decline of civility
  • Howling wind blew fiercely from all directions as thick clouds covered the sky, shrouding the graveyard in an almost complete darkness.
  • The wind funnelled along it, gusting through the gaps in the concrete parapet with a low, intermittent howl. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • McDowell rejected reports of a crowd of people howling him down at last week's Fianna Fail party meeting.
  • The Wheel Spins Freely Sat in your leather armchair, you find yourself in the bay window of suburbia where sunshine casts friendly shadows as you turn the newspaper's brilliant page and only the hum of Sunday traffic seeping through the open window competes with the tick of the clock when the door explodes and your howling child throws himself before you and offers up the severed wheel from a favourite toy and demands through lime-green snot and salmon-pink eyes for you to intervene (as if you were some god whose powers extended to the very edges of knowing what living is like but by candlelight feared the devil in the mirror) and so you hold that severed wheel from a favourite toy and somewhere on the other side of the Universe you feel the numbed heart of a star collapse and die and you realise the swirl of the grain of the floorboards is the fingerprint of a - Articles related to '3 Idiots' triumphs at IIFA; Vidya, Kareena are best actresses
  • He was followed by Chowles and the burier, who threatened him with loud oaths. Old Saint Paul's A Tale of the Plague and the Fire

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