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How To Use Hover In A Sentence

  • Yea, we see in that wailing infant of a week, the outspringing of an immortal spirit which may soon hover on cherub-pinion around the throne of God, or perhaps, in a few years, sink to the regions of untold anguish. The Christian Home
  • For a few odd and unsettling moments, the song hovers on its own, left virtually untouched except for the subtle fuzz of static in the background.
  • Aides hovered round like royal courtiers before he made a fleeting appearance climbing on board the City of Chicago. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pilot straps himself to this bulky rig in a standing position, controlling it with joysticks during vertical takeoff and landing - or VTOL, as we say in the hover biz.
  • Minutes after they escaped, there was a fire flashover and the whole building went up in flames.
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  • Left of center a circular form hovers between the foreground and back-ground: both cell-like and lunar, it is concealed and revealed by waves of golden brown toner.
  • Most had fresh bruises, which he himself no doubt had inflicted, and looked to be even easier pushovers than before.
  • The Go-Betweens reside in a strange hinterland full of candyfloss and loneliness that hovers between critical adoration and public ignorance.
  • For three hours a mysterious cloud of acrid smoke hovered over some of London's busiest streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The organist was a slightish man, white-haired, who seemed to hover in the alcove, his back to the audience, wizardly in his very smallness, and he hit the thunder pedal just as a figure on the screen drew back cowering from some danger above, and laughter swept the auditorium. Underworld
  • The probe will hit the coldest layer of the atmosphere, the tropopause, at about 28 miles, where expected temperatures hover around minus 390 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 200 degrees Celsius).
  • This little package of dense black fur is fearless but unaggressive, happy to please but not a pushover, a tad stubborn but a complete lovebug.
  • The coffee mug hovered halfway to his mouth, undrunk, as he watched Project Runway with rapt attention. My Fair Succubi
  • An extravagant collection of activities centered on the family shrine, as the sweet scent of incense hovered placidly above us.
  • Seed sown in early June has produced a swathe of greenery topped by the most attractive blue flowers that seem irresistible to bees, hoverflies and other insects.
  • The Dative of Reference denotes the person _to whom a statement refers, of whom it is true_, or _to whom it is of interest; _ as, -- mihi ante oculōs versāris, _you hover before my eyes_ (lit. _hover before the eyes to me_); illī sevēritās amōrem nōn dēminuit, _in his case severity did not diminish love_ (lit. _to him severity did not diminish_); interclūdere inimīcīs commeātum, _to cut of the supplies of the enemy. New Latin Grammar
  • It hit a 12-month high of 6,835 on February 17 last, but once again it is hovering close to the 6,000 milestone.
  • No climate of mutual respect will be fostered if the Federation is nothing more than a pushover ready to do the administration's bidding whenever asked.
  • But they are most admirable talaria, ankle-winglets enabling him to skim and scud, to direct his flight this way and that, to hover as well as to tower, even to run at need as well as to fly. The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • From the time a fire first breaks out to flashover, when everything catches on fire, can take as little as three minutes.
  • The word hovered in the air a moment after she’d spoken. Last Christmas
  • A full moon hovered in the sky.
  • Rather than moving forward while flapping their wings up and down like a bird, flies hover while beating their wings back and forth.
  • The rain was so heavy during the ammunition drop that the aircraft hovering on top of the trees could barely be seen from the ground.
  • He lay there while Afanasy, gloomy and scowling, hovered about him, sighing heavily, and smelling like a pothouse. The Wife
  • A sustained note of brooding rumination hovers over most of the disc.
  • Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. They seem not to notice us, hovering, averting our eyes, and they seldom offer thanks, but what we do for them is never wasted. Garrison Keillor 
  • The anxiety that hovers over Parry is the extent of his musical profundity and insight.
  • One way to prevent flashover is to add some conductivity to the surface of the insulator, so charge can bleed away before it builds up.
  • It doesn't help that she looks like a complete pushover, her heart-shaped face, blue eyes and perfect Cupid's-bow mouth radiating sweetness and light.
  • Beautiful butterflies hovered above the wild flowers.
  • Blue whale of Antarrct has plunged to less than 1% of the original abundance. West Pacific grey whale hovers on the edge of extinction with just over 100 remaining.
  • Then I get a window saying 'Proceed to the ACP', but when I hover my mouse over the link, I see that the 'adm' part is missing in the link.
  • In September, the unemployment rate for people between the ages of 16 and 24 hovered morosely at 18.1 percent, nearly double the national average for that month. Balancing the recession on the backs of the young « Dating Jesus
  • This method a simple understanding of the radiation processes in compartment fires such flashover.
  • Then the sound of rotors is heard, and they look up, only to see the two Serpent helicopters hovering above them.
  • Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.
  • Last year, the buzzword was geolocation, and the conference's great, hovering, elephant in the room question was whether Foursquare v. The Full Feed from
  • His pulse leaped and her name hovered on his lips. The Hostage Bride
  • A fellow camper said: 'We were woken by the sound of a helicopter hovering over us in the dead of night. The Sun
  • And among other things the poor pigeons, I perceive, were loth to leave their houses, but hovered about the balconies till they were some of them burned and fell down.
  • Apparently the pilot's reflexes left something to be desired and the hovercraft crashed side-on into a large rock, blossoming into a ball of flame.
  • No trace, only my cigarette smoke, hovering like a wraith, betrayed my presence by leaving the shadow of its scent as it passed through drab walls.
  • In 1959, the first hovercraft was launched on the Isle of Wight.
  • Around this time in every midterm election cycle, the vultures of political prognostication begin hovering over incumbents in trouble.
  • They are very noticeable as they hover or drift around in a sleepy, sluggish way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Isly hovered over him with a grin that rivaled his own.
  • Tanks rumble along the dusty road and helicopter gunships hover. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was searching for the line of thoughts that would get him and Mideona out of there inside of Cherry's hover car with Cherry still inside of the conapt. Jfloydking Diary Entry
  • Moral ambiguity hovers over its use of these disclosure facilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • He hovered over me that he would resign his post of manager.
  • Some hover above fresh water lakes or reservoirs.
  • Like the other three Coastguard helicopters, the Sligo chopper is equipped with all the latest search and navigational equipment and has an automatic hover capability.
  • Hovering between day and night, light and dark, life and death, twilight is glorious in its very imprecision.
  • A police helicopter hovered above, floodlighting the area.
  • Photo booths are open from 6am in the morning onwards, and Experts on ‘how to fill out your visa form’ hover, ready to offer invaluable advice in exchange for a quetzal, a cigarette, a smile.
  • Allowing links to have a different style when they've already been visited or when the cursor is hovering over them gives opportunity to improve the user interface and the user experience. title - the 'tooltip' of the link title = "Find out more about the next SEOmoz seminar Search Engine Optimization and Marketing News provided by
  • The helicopter is fitted with a forward extendable in-flight refuelling probe and it can also hoist hose refuel from a surface ship whilst in hover mode.
  • The company has been hovering around profitability for a couple of quarters, and the cuts should give it an extra nudge toward the black.
  • If a slide in the polls is a sign of incompetence, what does it say about repubs that their numbers are hovering around 25%. Polls: Obama approval rating stands at 51 percent
  • Out in the hallway, May hovered, holding her tan leather gloves and new brimless hat at her waist. Pure Sin
  • When the powdered something hit the water, a filmy silver light hovered over the rim of the smooth darkened wood of the cup.
  • Flickers of reds, yellows and orange emerge from the depths, and the strange ovoid canvases reflect the surface while hovering over it.
  • Usually rendered as Good Samaritans, doctors in paintings typically hover near sickbeds or deathbeds, dispensing solace and advice.
  • The nectarivorous hummingbirds evolved a derived mode of hovering flight that allows them to remain virtually motionless in front of flowers.
  • However, they were rewarded soon after as Brook touched down a pushover from ten metres.
  • When hovering, each complete beat of the wing describes a figure of eight.
  • promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.
  • He's this wonderful, bewhiskered, white haired servant, hovering with a tray in the background.
  • My pen hovered over the box indicating interest in being a leader/co-leader.
  • Ah, yes, the round letters are quite small; yes, the omicrons and omegas seem to hover, there, in the middle of the line.
  • To dispel my disappointment and any Irish duppies - ghosts - that might be hovering about we attacked the three hours scramble to the summit of Blue Mountain Peak.
  • The potential for all kinds of damage hovers in the air like a murder of crows waiting to strike.
  • Then the real fun and filthiness began, with a mud hill, a mud-based obstacle course, a "carwash" foam tunnel and a long, watery pit with flags hovering above that racers had to crawl through. The Orange County Register - Homepage
  • The interview was an absolute pushover.
  • While the chopper hovered above Coire Na Ciste, bouncing violently in the downdrafts, we looked on as the body was hooked to a cable by rescuers and reeled up into the aircraft.
  • Section 232 requires workers to wear flame resistant outerwear if they could be exposed to a flash fire or electrical equipment flashover.
  • Before flashover occurs, a person in a burning room may crawl to safety along the floor.
  • Larry Shover, 64, a dairy farmer from Delhi, had been drawn to Mr. Gingrich because he excelled during the debates. Rivals Jockey to Overtake Slowing Gingrich
  • The eyes of the two men were held on the still hovering crystals as they once again began to pulsate with a mysterious power beyond the wizards' imaginations.
  • Then the rangers had to leap out while the helicopter hovered because the grass was too tall to land. Times, Sunday Times
  • These will encourage bees and hoverflies to visit, pollinating the flowers and controlling any aphids present.
  • A lifeboat hovercraft was launched from Morecambe at 12.50 pm following reports that a number of people had been caught by the tide.
  • She looked rather lost unused to choosing between an electric hover or a self-propelling rotary.
  • Then it suddenly soared above the branch to hover triumphantly high.
  • Yet more of them leap up ever higher, their legs scissoring the air as they hover like so many hummingbirds in baggy T-shirts and tights, and a dozen or so pirouette dizzyingly, like human spinning tops.
  • Maori wrasse, sweetlips, trevallies, grouper and every variety of Indo-Pacific coral browser hover around.
  • It reaches you through the glass swimming pool hovering off to one side above you. Times, Sunday Times
  • For such a large and powerfully built man, Micah was a bit of a pushover.
  • I have known a black-fishing expedition stopped because a "yellow yite," or yellow-hammer, hovered round the gang when they were setting out. Auld Licht Idyls
  • Her expression hovered somewhere between excitement and dismay. Time Scout
  • The story ends at a funeral, hovered over by a surreal balloon, from which hangs a fancied female acrobat.
  • Some birds hover when they look for animals to kill on the ground.
  • Xinhua News Agency reporter on the scene saw India Marines from the building in Nariman over the long-armed helicopters hovering over the roof of the building down.
  • Dobby uses the Hover Charm to float a pudding above Aunt Petunia's kitchen ( CS 2 ).
  • Her old adulator, also, vanished from public places, while her young admirer and his father hovered about in them as usual, but spiritless, comfortless, and as if in the same search as himself. Camilla
  • In this regard, I can no longer, for example, sit with a poor family hovering along the poverty line without being mindful of the multitudinous ways in which class oppression can fracture the relationships of those affected.
  • The calligraphist had given each letter a shadow, so that the words seemed to hover just over the page.
  • It hovers perilously close to cheesy at times (think animal prints and acres of marble), but it positively reeks of a bygone era.
  • In 1959 he persuaded ministers to invest £5.25 million in a high speed hovertrain but in 1973 the scheme was cancelled.
  • Imagine your commanders surprise when you crank up the engine and hover over the Garage!
  • If your buoyancy control is good and the current is minimal, the three-plus minutes can be spent in a relaxing hover.
  • Vinton still hovered over his wounded sister and felt extremely awful for shooting her.
  • Did Brampton's soul hover here, as he would for eternity, between heaven and hell?
  • Creating a massive weighty object that not only flies, but hovers and takes off vertically is an amazing innovation, a marvel of modern engineering.
  • When hovering, the same input will make the model start to move backwards.
  • There would he lay till they would him descry, spancelled down upon a blossomy bed, at one foule stretch, amongst the daffydowndillies, the flowers of narcosis fourfettering his footlights, a halohedge of wild spuds hovering over him, epicures waltzing with gardenfillers, puritan shoots advancing to Aran chiefs. Finnegans Wake
  • Bessie, resplendent in royal blue velvet, was hovering beside the table.
  • He emphasised it was logical to expect them to hover around the end of 2006 or the beginning of 2007.
  • The awesome hoverboard is back and at certain spots, players are forced to use it to travel from one point to another.
  • They had the small, brilliant room, a splendid cabinet of treasures, to themselves; there was only a custode hovering about the Medicean Venus. The Portrait of a Lady
  • Jack followed him into what appeared to be a cargo elevator, with a small room service caddy hovering gently inside.
  • One hears stories of Christians who, in great anguish of heart, hover over the deathbeds of unbelieving dying relatives, hoping to hear, if only as a last gasp, a confession of faith.
  • No bird of prey hovered overhead, not even the dragonflies disturbed the oily surface of the pond.
  • Hovering the mouse over a photo enlarges it, and you can then click to be taken to the file or the appropriate website.
  • After years of calculations and plans, a British company is beginning to translate its ideas for a 250 mph hovertrain into concrete and metal.
  • He didn't fancy spending hours in the restaurant, surrounded by hovering waiters.
  • I could sense him behind me, hovering and building up the courage to ask me a question.
  • The UNSC prowler Dusk hovered in the shadow zone of the fourth planet's moon.
  • Raven hovered around the bruised and battered girl.
  • Watch out for the Sea-Safari, high-speed boat trips around the bay, a hovercraft, and even a hot-air balloon!
  • A year later, as I stood waiting for a bus that wasn't coming, helicopters hovered overhead.
  • Hovering at the back for a few seconds I scanned the club, there was Darren leaning against the bar nursing a drink, pretty girl at his side.
  • Dozens of demoiselles hovered, waiting for the combfish to remove their parasites while the goatfish below seemed oblivious to the free grooming services available.
  • The CDC reported deaths as a whole from influenza hovering near epidemic levels.
  • The Bug is the color of a ripe juneberry, with a butterfly Mom painted hovering on the fender. Angels Carry the Sun excerpt: Chapter One, In the Woods
  • But she’d been traveling for just three days, and her hoverboard was a lot faster than most. Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet
  • T he scene was set in a stylized rocky landscape, with praying angels depicted in profile hovering in a circle all around. COMPULSION
  • Predictably, they were caught by the tide and the hovercraft found them in nearly two feet of water.
  • All these she studied long and carefully, while the dancing glow of the firelight played over the child's delicate flesh, and it extended its little arms in the pleasant warmth, holding them up, as in act of adoration, towards those gracious unseen presences, still, apparently, hovering above the flood of instreaming sunshine against the ceiling overhead. The History of Sir Richard Calmady A Romance
  • Hovercraft can travel both on land and water.
  • With a guestlist hovering at around the 200 mark, low-key isn't what we (or our parents) have in mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fairy basslets and sweepers hover over a plate coral decorated with feeding featherstar crinoids in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea.
  • There was something, too, of the frost-work's evanescent spiritual quality in the scene -- as though at any moment, with a puff of the balmy summer wind, the radiant glade, the hovering figure, the filagreed silver of the entire setting would melt into the accustomed stern and menacing forest of the northland, with its wolves, and its wild deer, and the voices of its sterner calling. The Blazed Trail
  • These dealers were usually people of independent means, and a certain reticent gentility hovered over their dealings.
  • Bedlam, does some shadow of it hover, to bewilder and bemock the poor inhabitants _there_. Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
  • My left hand shook as it hovered over the holster to my gun.
  • Shoppers in the High Street were confused by the police presence and scores of people were transfixed on the sky as the helicopter hovered above.
  • Erratic Typhoon Lupit hovers near Philippines, keeps residents on edge Erratic typhoon keeps Philippines on edgeMANILA, Philippines - Living up to its name, Typhoon Lupit - meaning cruel in Filipino - zigzagged around the rain-soaked northern Philippines on Friday, keeping weary residents on edge and forecasters guessing about its next move. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • A crowd of some 200 locals gathered at the beach to watch the high-speed amphibious hovercraft speed across the water and then climb onto the beach, deflate, and unload its cargo.
  • Dishes in hand, I hovered over the sink and smiled to myself.
  • Mr Foster thought a hovercraft would be the perfect vehicle to boost tourism and navigate the mudflats of Southend when the tide is out.
  • With a hovercraft on hand and a helicopter circling above it was very impressive stuff, but was it necessary to deploy this large array of resources?
  • But, in the haze and visual undecidability of Lyons' St Albans facades, perhaps some remnants of both these lost ideals also hover.
  • The sudden intake of air with the heat of the cigarette caused a flashover and he was trapped as flames and smoke engulfed the vehicle.
  • And about Godwin and Evans hovered an air of conspiracy they shared with the detestable Chambers. THE LAST RAVEN
  • I looked at it and it was as if my pen was still hovering above the page. The Sun
  • When the creature I now watched hovered before the blossom of a convolvulus whose calyx it tapped with a tongue shaped like a glass probe, it was almost invisible. Commonplace
  • His expression hovered somewhere between disgusted and concerned as he watched his ex-girlfriend toss the wipe aside and snag yet another. Pure Sin
  • Hummingbirds are the most adept aerialists of all birds and the only ones capable of sustained hovering.
  • Along the coast just now you may come across parties of little terns, chattering, hovering and diving for fish. Times, Sunday Times
  • The windhovers do what Baroque art did: they use the sky as a metaphor and inspire sensation, awe and faith.
  • The chairman is still hovering, nervously. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. They seem not to notice us, hovering, averting our eyes, and they seldom offer thanks, but what we do for them is never wasted. Garrison Keillor 
  • The brand has been the top-selling designer ready-to-wear maker at many U.S. department stores for years, outselling Armani, which usually hovers around No. Akris Captures the Season With Wedding Tower Views
  • Mixed schools of porgy and tang hovered over the wreck, and blue chromis, almost too small to spot easily, sought protection from predators within its crusty surface.
  • When they signaled for pickup, the crew chief talked the pilot down to a 30-foot hover and started hoisting.
  • Look for the soaring rough-legged hawk and the hovering kestrel as each hunts for ground squirrels and other rodents.
  • During the tests, the airplane is fixed atop a ground-level metal grate over the hover pit - a large rectangular basin with special ducting that pulls away the propulsion system's downward rush of air and engine exhaust.
  • The old magnifico's zest is infective and the audience is swept along with his machinations only to find itself, along with the anti-hero, hovering at the edge of criminality.
  • Little Thady Kilfoyle reported that he had met the strange man a bit down the road, "leggin 'it along at a great rate, wid a black rowl of somethin' under his arm that he looked to be crumplin 'up as small as he could" -- the word "crumpling" went acutely to Mrs. Kilfoyle's heart -- and some long-sighted people declared that they could still catch glimpses of a receding figure through the hovering fog on the way towards Strangers at Lisconnel
  • From where Stephanie stood, the stadium seemed to hover above the market like some enormous flying saucer. CHAMELEON
  • The helicopters hovering overhead added to the sense of urgency.
  • Rapid descent With increasing speed, the difficulties associated with descent and translation back to hovering flight become more acute.
  • Against this, realisations in the domestic market hover between Rs 2500-3000 per tonne, inclusive of excise, sales tax and freight.
  • The endgame is to remove the cloud of suspicion that now hovers over so many leading athletes, and with this in mind the agency posted letters on Friday to those suspected of drug use.
  • Mr Atkinson said: ‘Two or three years down the line some firefighters still don't have backdraft and flashover training.
  • For search and rescue missions the rescue hoist and winch are installed on the starboard side and the helicopter operates under hover trim control.
  • Most assessments of climate sensitivity for the present day hover around 3°C per CO2 doubling (5), although if the longterm waxing and waning of continental ice sheets are considered it is probably closer to 6°C (6). Watts Up With That?
  • Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.
  • Then she cast a spell on me to make me float in the air, and she hovered right near me.
  • My immense villa has a high palm roof, hardwood floors and a plunge pool that appears to hover above the ocean beyond. Times, Sunday Times
  • I snapped this photo of three flying saucerlike clouds hovering over the 101 in Tarzana about an hour ago. Boing Boing
  • Now it's Dominic who hovers selfconsciously, scribbling busily on a yellow legal pad.
  • She hovered uncertainly near the front door.
  • Little Thady Kilfoyle reported that he had met the strange man a bit down the road, "leggin 'it along at a great rate, wid a black rowl of somethin' under his arm that he looked to be crumplin 'up as small as he could," -- the word "crumpling" went acutely to Mrs. Kilfoyle's heart, -- and some long-sighted people declared that they could still catch glimpses of a receding figure through the hovering fog on the way toward Sallinbeg. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 4
  • The priest, who was hovering nearby, crossed himself.
  • Take Hidalgo High School, located on the Texas-Mexico border, where students are Hispanic and the poverty rate hovers close to 40 percent.
  • Beautiful butterflies hovered above the wild flowers.
  • I looked at it and it was as if my pen was still hovering above the page. The Sun
  • She had a hoverfly (waspy looking), two craneflies (mosquitoey looking), a giant tarantula hawk wasp, and a delicate baby scorpion. The Higher Power of Lucky
  • According to Hover, Port-Au-Prince's bay was originally much deeper and was probably filled in over time "with a very soft and liquefiable soil" that contributed to the damage. Stories from The Sun
  • His vantage is an original combination of the archetypal and the impressionistic, the camera trailing after characters and hovering. NPR Topics: News
  • The corporation has prepared a detailed indication of running costs for the new hovercraft.
  • A safety diver hovered above and two guys were up top ready to haul me out if anything went awry.
  • Every now and then a walker, runner or cyclist would pass, a squirrel searched for a tree in a totally treeless landscape and miner bees hovered over their holes.
  • Shrouded in a sheet of transparent plastic to keep off the wind and trap the warmth of his breath, he sat on his wooden tackle box wrapped in furs and sheepskin as the temperature hovered around minus 15C.
  • 'Not a bloody word!' replied the little man, '' E picked 'isself up, and called a keb wot was passin' an 'got inter it an' went 'ome; an' I never seen no more of 'im until about' arf-past eleven the next day, w'en I was second-coatin 'the room, an' 'e comes up with a noo suit o' clothes on, an 'arsts me if I'd like to come hover to the pub an' 'ave The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
  • His father was an outgoing, large and expansive man while his mother was a polite, passive person who Tom describes as a pushover.
  • promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.
  • Unless I am establishing an alibi or there are ghostly apparitions hovering next to me, I'm not too bothered at seeing pictures of myself somewhere, but of course I'm too polite to say anything.
  • everything i do is just to weave my wings for my dream now so that it can hover in the real world.
  • The temperature hovered between boiling and baking. Times, Sunday Times
  • University of Tennessee sociologist Neal Shover has studied fraudulent telemarketers for years. MITCH GOLD
  • A lean man, smartly dressed, wearing shades, hovers menacingly.
  • One separates from the throng hovers awhile on the edge shudders, hesitates, realizes it is alone, a grace note, composes a radical new choreography darts and dives to its own dance that complements, defies and defines solo and ensemble, both we and me. Contretemps - French Word-A-Day
  • El conde hovered over his kingdom like an eagle, sharp-eyed and cold, ready to swoop at any moment.
  • The two of them now a superstitious swamp devil, humming, hovering, and plowing through the miasma.
  • The air was stale and acrid, and a cluster of black flies hovered over the bed.
  • It would be easy to climb up on my hoverboard, but the guards would have me on the ground before I was three feet in the air.

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