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How To Use Hovel In A Sentence

  • Only ran for about 300 miles. 509-720-9393 $1700 o.b.o. i can email some pics chopper bobber tranny panhead shovelhead harley parts Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in los angeles
  • Grandma is up about then and is found sweeping up the street in front of the family home picking up the beer cans and shoveling away the cinders left from the fires. OK! Now that I know . . . . . .
  • It is patent that dusk found them weary and worn, plodding and wading silently "homewards," shovel on shoulder, across four or five kilos of desolate mud; falling and tripping over stagnant bodies, masses of tangled wire, bricks and jagged wood-work everywhere impeding progress. Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
  • Big steamshovels dug up the ore and loaded it onto the cars and brought it into what they called the washer, where it was washed. Oral History Interview with Eula McGill, February 3, 1976. Interview G-0040-1. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • I ended up walking on the unshovelled areas in order to have a more secure footing.
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  • Carpenter scrambled out of the pocket, pulled up at the line of scrimmage and shoveled the ball to Thompson, who outleaped two defenders under the goal post.
  • Black paid twenty-six dollars for the brass andirons, stamped ‘John Molineux / Boston,’ and the matching, but unstamped, shovel and tongs.
  • Hundreds of parishioners were working with bare hands, shovels and harrows, extending the church by burrowing out a crypt.
  • The number of self-proclaimed experts on the internet only proves the point that one should take advice with a "shovelful" of salt. A Shovelful of Salt, Part II: Trigger Weight and Gun Safety
  • When the shovelers come by, they shovel the bread, rats and spoiled meat into the sausage vats.
  • Back in the 1870s, when the project began, the 480-foot-long pit was dug with shovels, picks, burros, and a whole lot of muscle.
  • After some judicious pruning, trim the rootball to size with your shovel and tilt the tree into the hole.
  • When he saw me, he leaned on his shovel until I was near enough to shake hands.
  • It's very uncomfortable living in a dirty hovel like ours.
  • An original touch, however, is the shovel-grip handbrake, which saves space as well as feeling quite butch.
  • Everybody in the place, even the pick and shovel man at the end of a drift, consults his book.
  • A wheelbarrow pusher can complete a return journey of 30 m in each direction whilst a shoveller is filling a 50-litre barrow. 1.1. Survey of local conditions and site reconnaissance
  • Billy slapped his knee and guffawed, and he began choking on his pretzel he had shoveled into his mouth. Kari Gremore: An All-American Tea Party
  • Amid abandoned houses, plebeian hovels and piles of refuse and sewage, there were government offices, arms factories, official warehouses, and active markets.
  • Yes Zach I would prefer "those mustard yellow matchstick built hovels, even with their big asphalt parking lots (with inevitable weed-filled cracks)". See for yourself (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • You can also toss nonanimal food waste on the pile, but you will need to turn it more frequently with a shovel, pitchfork, or specialized tool to prevent odors that will attract vermin—and annoy you and the neighbors. Tip of the day: Compost your leaves this fall
  • A lot of Obama people say, when you say that is, they didn't have what they call shovel-ready projects. CNN Transcript Mar 1, 2009
  • Is this the digital equivalent of shovel-ready? Times, Sunday Times
  • Leave the oceans' bluefin tunas and billfish and sea turtles alone, but pay no attention to the man behind the curtain - as he shovels redfish into the boiler.
  • I had to grin, she looked kind of cute with red cheeks, shoveling food in her mouth while hugging herself and desperately trying to avoid my gaze.
  • It stood out like the Taj Mahal in a trailer camp as it was surrounded by what can only be described as windowless hovels and wooden shacks.
  • These are long-term investments and they are shovel-ready.
  • Up here in Northern Illinois it has to be shoveled from the barns with regularity. Think Progress » FLASHBACK: McCain Said Of Himself And Palin, ‘What Do You Expect Of Two Mavericks?’
  • But it will burn, and that is what our fuel truck did, stubbornly and with thick billows of oily black smoke that would have prevented us from smothering the blaze with sand even if we had not been too tired to lift our shovels.
  • Moreover it is that consuming hatred, that ability to have any crap shoveled down your throat and you gulp it like pablum, that is dividing this country. "What do you have to forget or overlook in order to desire that this dysfunctional clan once more occupies the White House..."
  • You can also toss nonanimal food waste on the pile, but you will need to turn it more frequently with a shovel, pitchfork, or specialized tool to prevent odors that will attract vermin — and annoy you and the neighbors. Tip of the day: Compost your leaves this fall
  • Cranes and bulldozers were brought in to clear the streets while 18 teams of rescue workers dug with pickaxes and shovels.
  • Okay, we lost grandma to cancer because the Blue Cross was more of a double-cross when they told us she'd cost them enough and they weren't paying more, but at least Barack Husein Obama didn't make her shovel-ready. Brian Ross: The Do-It-Yourself Deprogrammers Guide to Fox News Zombies
  • There you are — like a knife through butter,'said the demonstrator as the powered shovel swung back with its load.
  • The digger lifted its feet and reversed in a wide arc and dropped the hydraulic shovel. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • He answered by showing me the little pail and shovel he had fetched. WEB OF DREAMS
  • ABIGAIL: I have once or twice played the shovelboard. The Crucible
  • The second I told him to eat, he threw himself into a chair and began shoveling the food into his mouth.
  • For her father's comfort, noting the sad wistful eyes that watched her coming in and going out, she had resigned herself to spend long melancholy hours within doors, reading aloud till Sir John fell asleep, playing backgammon -- a game she detested worse even than shove-halfpenny, which latter primitive game they played sometimes on the shovel-board in the hall. London Pride Or When the World Was Younger
  • A good man to handle a shovel or spade, Eddie went quietly about his business, a gentleman throughout his life.
  • While a technician shovels pomace into the small tractor-powered sheller, the pits are separated from the moist mash, which is then placed in an ordinary cement mixer.
  • Potter and Injun Joe were carrying a handbarrow with a rope and a couple of shovels on it. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • A gang of workmen were shovelling rubble onto a truck.
  • These may include wood for building, sandboxes, watering cans, shovels, and pots for playing outdoors; dolls made of natural fibers and toys of wood and cloth for indoors.
  • Restored unused shovelhead to Hallowbrook and alternate Tong model. - All about games!
  • But man, hacking firelines with Mcleod and dozer, shovel and pulaski, took some assimilating. Firestorm
  • A beechen implement, resembling somewhat our potato masher, and called the "brayer," was used to manipulate the ink as it lay on the table; an iron shovel, known as the "slicer," being used to portion out from the mass of ink such quantities as were needed from time to time for the brayer. The Building of a Book A Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing
  • Lesser fly-on-the-wall programmes would have ladled the pathos on with a shovel but there's an unfussy, understated humanity here. TV highlights 29/06/2011: Killer Tigers | Timeshift: Hotel Deluxe | Finding Amelia | The Apprentice | Afghanistan: The Battle For Helmand | 24 Hours in A&E
  • Their body warmth heated the upper floor where their humans lived and, if the snows of winter and the snow-drifts off the roofs piled up very high, the farmers could still shovel their way down to their snow-bound herds.
  • hdhouse saidMoreover it is that consuming hatred, that ability to have any crap shoveled down your throat and you gulp it like pablum, that is dividing this country. "What do you have to forget or overlook in order to desire that this dysfunctional clan once more occupies the White House..."
  • It's what I call the shovel policy - everything I have, I give it to you for free on the Web site and charge you for print. Mr. Magazine
  • She disregarded the laws governing tavern hours, and stayed open late into the night, allowing her customers, some only in their teens, to drink and play the forbidden game of shovelboard, carousing loudly enough to disturb the neighbors' sleep. History of American Women
  • With each shovel of dirt lifted up to expose the layer beneath, he's found the markers leading the way to understanding who he was, who he became and who he is meant to be.
  • Affluent housing overlooks the older hovels of Mexico City.
  • I peer suspiciously at my co-workers lunches to see what they’re shoveling in there that comes out so malodorously. The Bog Report « XUP
  • It would just sit there, ruffle its clipped wing feathers and continue its neurotic seed shovelling and beak swinging.
  • Make sure you have snowmelt and a snow shovel on hand.
  • It would probably take them a week to be able to shovel out a snowplow so it can plow the main roads, never mind the secondary streets.
  • But with the frenzy of sequels, prequels, remakes and biopics being shovelled out by Hollywood, it comes as no surprise that relying on an existing popular story is the path of least resistance.
  • In the early days there was nothing else for it but to cut the snow into blocks using shovels and then throw it over the wall.
  • The fireman had to keep shoveling coal into the furnace which generated the steam to propel the train.
  • The owner of the shovel grunted and wrenched another mound of dirt out of the ground.
  • All she needed to do was dump a shovelful of dirt into the flat, pick it up and shake it over the row.
  • There are the usual stone-forts and palm-leaved hovels for the troopers, stationed here to hold the place and to escort travellers, with a coffee-shed, and a hut or two, called a bazar, but no village. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Pritchard's most interesting chapter, in which the best authorities are quoted at length, is convincing that the word 'hoveller' is derived from _hobelier_ (_hobbe_, [Greek] _hippos_, Gaelic _coppal_) and signifies 'a coast watchman, 'or' look-out man, 'who, by horse Heroes of the Goodwin Sands
  • Interesting, Orphan thought as she sidled around the corner of her hovel to the stone outcropping that crowned the Oracle's cavern. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Nestled in the hills of California's San Joaquin Valley, a tranquil pond invites flocks of ruddy ducks, pintails, and shovelers to feed at its shores.
  • The most miserable of those who inhabited the hovel were a family of four persons, consisting of father, mother, and two daughters, already well grown, all four of whom were lodged in the same attic, one of the cells which we have already mentioned. Les Miserables
  • It was a regular antheap all the way in, with the miners crawling over the tree-clad slopes, and the ceaseless thump of picks and scrape of shovels and ring of axes, and ramshackle huts and shanties and sluice-boxes everywhere, with dirty bearded fellows in slouch hats and galluses cussing and burrowing, and claim signs all along Sweetheart Mine, Crossbone Diggings, Damyereyes Gulch, and the like. Isabelle
  • Had my dad been a pothunter, I would have been one too, happily booting a shovel into the ground right next to him. NPR Topics: News
  • Instead of turning over a ceremonial shovel, officials in Seattle will break a pinata Thursday to mark the start of construction for a new South Park Bridge. The Seattle Times
  • Despite their squalid hovels and ragged clothes, Arthur Young reported that the poor of Ireland were ‘as athletic in their form, as robust, and as capable of enduring labour as any upon earth’.
  • The shoveller ducks are there, too fishing up with broad, flat beaks little crabs and such creatures as are in the mud, straining out mud and water, but swallowing the rest. Stories of California
  • Gold-painted shovels were handed out, and on Mr. Muckle's signal all the dignitaries smiled, leaned over, and dug up a scoopful of sand. Hoot
  • Finally, good fortune is smiling upon the down-but-never-beaten Evans family as they excitedly prepare themselves to move from their hovel of a high-rise homestead and relocate in Mississippi.
  • They lived in a squalid hovel for the next five years.
  • During the spring and fall migration periods, extensive use is made of the area by most waterfowl in the mid-Atlantic region, including Canada geese, greenwinged teal, bluewinged teal, gadwall, pintail, wigeon and shoveler. Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve
  • Or for about US$32, you can wade in a tank with friendly shovelnose rays, blue-spotted stingrays and other marine creatures. Finding Nemo
  • Besides drink and foodstuffs the pack trains brought in the pickaxes, shovels and other ironware that the miners required when sinking shafts to reach bedrock.
  • Grungy bands of humans huddle around rubbish fires in hovels constructed of old tires and scrap metal.
  • When dusk had come, Wade put his shovel aside and moved down the slope to the dock.
  • The half-moon lit the roof of its cab, the shovel, and part of the jointed arm that controlled it. A THIEF OF TIME
  • But the dust jacket of an old edition says pointedly that the book is “the story of a faithful Irish steam-shovel artist and his steam shovel — the beguiling Mary Anne.” 2007 July « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • It would be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon.
  • For days together, the trenches remain open, getting deeper and wider every night as groups of workers go about their task with hammers, pick axes, crowbars and shovels.
  • It's a rare occasion that I can consciously recall getting up, lugging my bod into the shower, shoveling some toast in my cakehole and lumbering out the door.
  • The Wise Woman was at home; from afar the King saw her sitting outside the Hovel mending her broom with a withe from the Bush. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • Would you give me a hand shovelling the snow away from the garage door?
  • His team used chain saws, disc cutters, picks, shovels and wood to shore up the tunnel before reaching the victim, who had been lying on a bed in a multi-storey building for five days.
  • The shortnosed batfish is also odd looking, and it uses its nose as a shovel and a fishing lure: EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Rosy-Lipped Batfish
  • The snow was piled high except on the sidewalks, where it had been neatly shoveled away by the mufflered Winnebago sons and fathers. Fanny Herself
  • Forsaking the books, it was pick and shovel for a year of manual labouring for the young David.
  • What crazy devil would be mad enough to pay £30,000 to rent some nasty, rat-infested hovel?
  • Despite the poverty of his means he had been at pains to elevate the hut from a hovel. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • There were picks, shovels, knives, swords and axes.
  • After propping the shovel against the side of the building, I stamped the snow off my shoes and stepped into the warmth of the office, closing the door against the cold.
  • I stood outside my small office on the corner of Union and Crescent Streets, shoveling the snow off the walkway.
  • Outside Mr. Vilna's office sits a steam-shovel -- donated by Taiwan -- that could restore the irrigation canals. Food Crisis Forces New Look at Farming
  • The plumages of hand-reared mallards, baldpates, blue-winged teal, shovellers and ring-necked ducks develop more slowly although pintails, redheads and canvasbacks appear similar.
  • Anyhoo, all three of these migrations were of what might be called the Mongoloid racial type, or more properly were all sinodonts, since the characteristics of the Mongoloid type were still in their incipient stage, but sinodonty (a dentition pattern characterized by the presence of shovel-shaped incisors*, which evolved in Central and primarily East Asia) was a trait held in common among all members of the pre-Mongoloid race then, and the Mongoloid race today. What the shit? -- A Bad Archaeology on TV Rant
  • I'm told I also need a shovel, cat litter, energy bars, extra water, wool socks, and hand warmers.
  • A good number of duck species such as dabchicks, garganey, pin-tailed, lesser whistling teal and shovellers arrive at the Appalangulam tank located inside the Guindy National Park.
  • No ten thousand snow shovels were ever sent out to Panama, as later charged–only a thousand shovels that looked like snow shovels but were in fact specially designed for scooping the ash out of steam-shovel boilers, a use for which they were ideally suited. The Path Between the Seas
  • categories: either "nuisance", where there are minor problems, but people get around town just fine, or the storm is "plowable" - as the word implies, enough to shovel and plow. rss feed
  • As soon as they were up we shoveled snow over the flaps, placed rocks on top, and then one person crawled inside to get the cooking gear set up.
  • The shovelers and pintails have reached the northern plains and have spread through much of Alaska.
  • I didn't know my way around very well, and was rummaging through the toolshed one morning looking for a shovel.
  • Almost all of that by-catch dies and is shoveled back into the bay. Houston Chronicle
  • He moved to New York and performed an untraditional roster of penniless actor jobs – yoga instructor, manure shoveller, railroad-loader.
  • In what is called the silversmith's quarter, amid filthy lanes, full of dirty children, mangy dogs, and moping cats, we find hovels containing finely wrought silver ornaments manufactured on the spot by the natives. Foot-prints of Travel or, Journeyings in Many Lands
  • With maybe a shovel-nosed snake once in a while, just for variety. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Shock Treatment
  • Family Acipenseridae pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus Trout and Salmon of North America
  • It is used for railroad frogs, for steel mill coupling housings, pinions, spindles, and for dipper lips of power shovels operating in quarries.
  • Ay -- an Edward shovelboard [Note 5], and a new shilling o 'King James, and three groats o' Queen Bess -- that's not fairy silver, I 'count. It Might Have Been The Story of the Gunpowder Plot
  • You get a half baked tan/sunburn due to being stooped over the shovel or work area, but the 95 degree heat helps sweat off the pounds.
  • But unlike the scrappy miners who used picks and shovels to chisel away at the massive, underground pocket of silver and gold known as the Comstock Lode, the company's plans are for open pit mining. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • In many places the road was in that condition called repaired, having just been whittled into the required semi-cylindrical form with the shovel and scraper, with all the softest inequalities in the middle, like a hog's back with the bristles up, and Jehu was expected to keep astride of the spine. The Maine Woods
  • Every piece of the hard rock had to be blasted out before being broken up with pick and shovel.
  • When she got up at Oh Dark Thirty, there was an unmelted, unshoveled two-foot drift in front of the garage door.
  • Use a spading fork or shovel to lift clumps, then cut the clumps into sections with a spade, shovel, sharp knife, or pruning shears.
  • In these troughs the eggs, broken and stirred with shovels, remain exposed to the sun till the oily part, which swims on the surface, has time to inspissate. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • He lived in a hovel of an apartment, sold illegal software, hacked systems, and nursed a feeling of unease.
  • Or else, well-fermented maslin, that is, provender formed of a mixture of various substances: grain, beans, vetches, hay, and salt. winnowed -- not as it is usually given to cattle before it is separated from the chaff; the grain shall be so abundant that it shall be given winnowed. shovel -- by which the grain was thrown up in the wind to separate it from the chaff. fan -- an instrument for winnowing. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Our alleged mayor, who had been overseeing PBOT for four years, had a plan for Portland during last December's inclemency: with shovel in hand at a presser during the local paralysis, he told us to clear our own walks. Dear Fireman Randy (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • He opened his hand and it grew into the shape of an old-fashioned steam shovel, the jaws lined with sharp teeth. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • For instance, a regional plan to ease Westchester traffic, particularly near communities along the Hudson River, is nowhere near being shovel-ready in time to receive federal dollars, he said.
  • She went out and helped the boys shovel snow out of the drive and part of the street.
  • Remove a core of soil from the lawn with a trowel or shovel and measure the depth of the thatch, which is the layer of dead grass above the soil line.
  • Chop logs, shovel the car out of a snow bank, never leave home without subzero boots. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who shovelled, while Munchkin banged on the window, yelling 'Sha-bo!' A New Year, A Fresh Coat
  • I can shower, grab the bins from the roadside, shovel the driveway (checking in for screaming) and be okay. Home Alone | Her Bad Mother
  • A gang of workmen were shovelling rubble onto a truck.
  • Much of the work is done manually using basic tools like hammers, shovels, axes and mammoties, a spade-like implement common throughout Sri Lanka.
  • But at Vital Speeches, we reject windbaggery, and toss those speeches out of our office by the flat-shovel-full. David Murray: Speeches: The Current State of the Oldest Art
  • It has been a year since I purged my hovel of cursed trinkets and baubles.
  • The men 'crapping' on their shovels and burying it to be discovered by some unsuspecting person. Million pound deal -hat tip to Guinevere's Court
  • These men and others who do the shovelling are the "muckers. The Poisoned Pen
  • Lesser fly-on-the-wall programmes would have ladled the pathos on with a shovel but there's an unfussy, understated humanity here. TV highlights 29/06/2011: Killer Tigers | Timeshift: Hotel Deluxe | Finding Amelia | The Apprentice | Afghanistan: The Battle For Helmand | 24 Hours in A&E
  • Now and again, you could hear the unmistakable metallic sound of snow shovels banging into concrete sidewalks, along with the deep rumble of a passing plow.
  • A rockslide from ages past, in conjunction with the undercutting and shovelling actions of a glacier, blocked the normal outflow of Medicine Lake.
  • Jilli left it at that and placed the eggs in front of her husband, sitting down next to him and shovelling the food into her mouth.
  • But the spectacle can cloy and a sadness lingers after the pageant has moved on as householders emerge with shovels and brooms to sweep away all trace of their work.
  • I've carried a shovel, crowbar, heavy "rammer," a dozen insulators on an average (strung round my shoulders with raw flax) - to say nothing of soldiering kit, tucker-bag, billy and climbing spurs -- all day on a telegraph line in rough country in New Zealand, and in places where a man had to manage his load with one hand and help himself climb with the other; and I've helped hump and drag telegraph-poles up cliffs and sidings where the horses couldn't go. Children of the Bush
  • The baker, with his back to her, was shovelling more loaves from the brick oven.
  • She probably is not willing to build her own mud and tin hovel out by the dump and slap together tamales to sell door-to-door in order to make ends meet. Your low income/FM3 experiences
  • NASA hasn't awarded funding to encourage commercial crew transportation, so money hasn't been shoveled into it. NASA Stimulus Fund Update - NASA Watch
  • Is the shoveller really just J Crew confusing his gofers for people? Lazy Thursday Blues: Early Edition
  • Oh, gosh, that is the worst, isn't it, trying to shovel snow across the country? CNN Transcript Jan 9, 2010
  • When the people fear the government there is tyranny. "shovelhead says: Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul - Blog
  • I would like to do ranch work up in Montana, dig postholes in frozen ground, shave sheep with electric barber clippers, dehorn cows, wring the necks of chickens and shuck their feathers in pots of scalding water, shovel boxcar loads of green horse manure in one-hundred-degree heat. The Lost Get-Back Boogie
  • Her body was being covered with leaves and her limbs and neck were hit by a sharp shovel, which was also recovered from the scene.
  • Hollow-back shovels are usually stamped from a metal sheet that's rolled over to create a depression called a frog.
  • Those who were of the type who would jump in and shovel a neighbor's car out of a snowbank based on decent concepts of neighborliness, and the sure knowledge that some old duffer is going to have a heart attack if they don't, are similar to those who felt the rest of us needed their help (Pat Tillman comes to mind). Vietnam: Still an Unjust War « Blog
  • After thus tantalizing me and taking my measure, he called a peon, whom I found to be an easy boss, and I was placed beside himself digging and shoveling, took his gait, which was much more easy than the Southern darkey. The adventures of two Alabama boys,
  • Olegt steps on rake, smashes nose, steps backwards onto shovel, whacks head, stumbles forward into ditch, crawls out puts hand in mousetrap, falls backwards into wedding cake, large drooling St. Bernard licks icing off his face, and … cut! Berlinski stirring the pot
  • Where the side-hill touched the water he dug up a shovelful of dirt and put it into the gold-pan. All Gold Cañon
  • When they came up to the farmyard for Dad to shovel the corn out of the wagon into the crib, the girls came to the house to get warm.
  • There had been pilfering of a rather more than casual order: shovels, wheelbarrows and gumboots from the building site. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • Wearing dust masks and wielding rakes and shovels, the volunteers hauled brush, moved woodpiles, cleared away dead vegetation, and pruned branches from trees close to the homes, protecting 15 in all.
  • It won't be straightforward to find schemes that are, as they say in the trade, shovel-ready. Times, Sunday Times
  • Snowy, blowy days halted the work and after the snow stopped, the Gang had to plow and sweep and shovel before the nail guns could bang again. Bird Cloud
  • The development, structure performance and new technology application of such large scale open pit loading equipment as electric shovel, hydraulic excavator and wheel loader were described.
  • Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing. Phyllis Diller 
  • How much profit is left when you have to pay an ironsmith, an apprentice, a temporary worker, when you've sold this many scythes, knives, and shovels? Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • Many a time I have stood on the broken end, where the discouraged labourers had left their very shovels and picks and trucks and had apparently fled in dismay, as if convicted of the impiousness of trying to fill the Bottomless Pit. A Labrador Doctor The Autobiography of Wilfred Thomason Grenfell
  • Then, with a mattock and shovel, we dug into the side of the hill to make a spot for a level platform, which needed to be heavily reinforced because most of the hillside consisted of loose rock and shale.
  • “What the Colonel said he meant,” a steam-shovel engineer remembered. The Path Between the Seas
  • As this is also the moment when the state begins to shovel out generous pensions, more than 600 Greek professions somehow managed to get themselves classified as arduous: hairdressers, radio announcers, waiters, musicians and on and on and on. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • There proved to be several varieties of duck among the countless flocks which I saw, notably mallard, teal, pochard, and shoveller. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • She said that the canal had to be dug with pick and shovel with hundreds of men employed before its opening in the mid eighteenth century.
  • Improvised weapons such as shovels, chairs and table legs also can be used to fend off adversaries.
  • The good news for hospitals limping along in the recession is the new federal stimulus package could feature money for shovel-ready projects.
  • Buenos Aires with bleak squares, its hovels, its painted trees -- _timbo_ and _tipa_ and _palo barracho_ .... The Wind Bloweth
  • We will find work for you all, and please if you can bring a spade or shovel, brush or knife to work with.
  • He nodded, unable to speak as he shoveled food into his mouth.
  • On one side of the river there is a fishing village of mat and attap hovels on stilts raised a few feet above the slime of a mangrove swamp; and on the other an expanse of slime, with larger houses on stilts, and an attempt at a street of Chinese shops, and a gambling-den, which I entered, and found full of gamblers at noonday. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • The said Sully, a barracker associated with tinkers, the blackhand, Shovellyvans, wreuter of annoyimgmost letters and skirriless ballets in Parsee Franch who is Magrath’s thug and smells cheaply of Power’s spirits, like a deepsea dibbler, and he is not fit enough to throw guts down to a bear. Finnegans Wake
  • Every now and then the two firemen would shovel coal in to the boilers.
  • I jerked up my chin to see my uncles had already cast down their shovels.
  • After the prayers, Hamad Qadduri stood in his auto parts store, a dusty hovel off a muddy street.
  • But now, in the woods, he shovels so ardently he is grunting.
  • Other fishes, such as catfishes and burbots, probably eat the young shovelnose sturgeons.
  • He'd found the tile in the lowest part of the broken ditch, his shovel ringing against it as he made a few peremptory thrusts into the broken soil.
  • Johnson helped shovel a final layer of soil around a newly planted willow oak.
  • Search teams, who had shovels and a few bulldozers, were joined by survivors using their bare hands to tear at the mounds of rubble in the hope of finding anyone alive beneath the ruins.
  • The cure for this ill is not to sit still, Or frowst with a book by the fire; But to take a large hoe and a shovel also, And dig till you gently perspire;
  • One curious thing he had noticed, the very first day, in his profession of shoveler of guts; which was the sharp trick of the floor bosses whenever there chanced to come a "slunk" calf. The Jungle
  • To think I would have shoveled goat poop for years, and then consume genetically engineered soy drinks! Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • No posting until I've shoveled some antibiotics into my maw.
  • We get up at 6.30 am and head out to the beach with our wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, machete and rubbish bags.
  • Approaches to dwelling houses and farms were cleared by men with spades and shovels - bulldozers weren't part of the scene for several years afterwards.
  • As the wipers shovelled the brown stuff aside, new brown covered the glass. THE LEGEND OF CAPTAIN SPACE
  • Many of the tasks that lie ahead are easily identified, and some are "shovel-ready," awaiting only an infusion of federal energy and money.
  • Any day you can catch whiting and shovelhead sharks on the bottom with frozen shrimp.
  • Karydakis is warning Americans not to expect immediate results from spending on infrastructure and says those shovel-ready projects are limited.
  • Later, Anni, a Lapp widow, who works a reindeer farm single-handed on the shores of a lake, finds the concussed Russian and drags him back to her hovel and nurses him to health.
  • Whereas the space directly around his body was a toasty hovel of warmth, the rest of his clumpy bed wasn't.
  • And so the Hollywood glitterati at the Ball largely sequester themselves at tables and shovel in every morsel of veggies and dollop of sauce on their Wolfgang Puck-prepared plates. Oscar party scene: Hitting the Governor's Ball and the Elton John party
  • There's just nowhere to put the stuff even when it's shovelled, which is why it's literally hauled away by the truckload when things get out of hand. Quick crossword No 12,686
  • The wretch simply ran madly from his hovel and took chase through his so-called garden.

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