How To Use Housing development In A Sentence

  • The council has been canvassing local opinion/local people to get their thoughts on the proposed housing development.
  • The little cultivable lands we have remaining are under threat because as far as the greedy are concerned, housing developments and commerce are more profitable, hence important, than producing food.
  • The soil around the housing development had to be decontaminated by the city
  • The proposal to move the vans was to reduce disturbance to residents of the new Kiln Corner housing development.
  • Stucco housing developments spill into the desert, fuelled by the influx of waitresses, shop clerks, card-dealers and construction workers.
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  • In that interview, Mr. Karzai said he has ma jor interests in Afghanistan's only cement factory and a housing development outside the southern city of Kandahar, where U.S. and Afghan forces are making a push against the Taliban. U.S. Presses for Kabul Bank Probe
  • Though Marley Marl's legendary Juice Crew had repped The Bridge in a braggadocious back-and-forth with KRS-One in the 80s, Nas now painted a more intimate picture of life in and around America's most expansive public housing development. That Illmatic magic: revisiting Nas's masterpiece
  • New housing developments mushroomed on the edge of town.
  • Considering myself progressive I found thinkprogress. org, and here I find people going on about housing development with no mention of what type of construction is occuring. Matthew Yglesias » People Actually Building New Houses
  • It's a logical site for a new supermarket, with the housing development nearby.
  • Theres another hill, though, at the edge of town, called the Midlands, where new housing developments are continually springing up; not-there, and then there, like those toy sponges that are paper flat until you put them in water. The Fortunes of Indigo Skye
  • The sun is rising as we arrive on a hill freshly cleared for a housing development.
  • The officer followed the vehicle to a housing development in the Shelf area of Halifax and saw it being loaded by a mechanical excavator.
  • Housing development that is environmentally sustainable should have no net negative environmental impact in terms of global and local bioregions or ecosystems.
  • New housing developments dot the city's periphery.
  • Waterloo has launched major new housing developments to the west of the city, and the undeveloped lands north of campus are soon to become a high technology centre.
  • More than 700 people rallied in Hobart on July 15 to save Ralphs Bay in the Derwent estuary from a huge canal and housing development.
  • After all, it's not every day a housing development takes place on a burial ground, albeit unconsecrated.
  • The commodity housing development began to appear afterward.
  • These had expanded in intensity after the First World War, with extensive housing development in the areas served.
  • It is green belt land and so housing development is considered inappropriate.
  • She hated housing developments where every house was a clone of another.
  • Looks at the economic and technological forces affecting the nature and location of work, and the implications for sustainable housing development.
  • Many new housing developments had sprung up around the city.
  • Housing developments, which often feature non-native landscape plantings, can bring pests such as the sawfly that infested the Bracken Brae population in 1992.
  • This can be seen most clearly in the undistinguished suburban housing development projects.
  • We're still trying to find backers for the housing development scheme.
  • Mayo County Council will encourage the use of the Irish language and the use of native Irish spelling of place names in the naming of housing developments.
  • The council has been canvassing local opinion/local people to get their thoughts on the proposed housing development.
  • Take noise for example - for nearly three years residents adjoining a housing development had to endure a dumper with an ineffective exhaust being driven around the site like a stock car - no complaint was made.
  • Once clear of the city, the route wound through brand-new housing developments amid palm and cypress trees, live oaks thick with moss, and the pine scrub native to north Florida and southern Georgia.
  • With two housing developments currently under construction in Bangor, the town has got a major face-lift in the last five years.
  • It's a logical site for a new supermarket, with the housing development nearby.
  • A school is set to give up some of its land for a housing development in exchange for a new sports field, it has been revealed.
  • He also announced changes in the planning rules to discourage housing development on greenfield sites in areas of low demand.
  • Traffic chaos will reign throughout Kerry because of a failure to consider longterm implications of housing developments, it has been claimed.
  • A traditional Wharfedale community is set to increase by a third due to major planned housing developments.
  • Considers the relationship between housing potential, urban quality and sustainable development for different categories of housing developments.
  • The letter noted that if ramps and speed limits signs within a housing development were deemed necessary the planning service would impose such a condition on the planning approval.
  • In my mind keeping people concentrated into urban areas and out of the areas that produce our resources is a far more worthy goal as it is far more difficult to grow F.S.C. lumber in a housing development than in the woods. GREAT GREEN REHAB: Brooks/Cadora Residence | Inhabitat
  • A campaign to block a housing development has proved victorious for the second time.
  • The Council voted in favour of a £200 million housing development.
  • The pub was served with the noise abatement order after a resident of a neighbouring housing development complained to the council.
  • We're still trying to find backers for the housing development scheme.
  • The 1980s witnessed the emergence of suburban housing developments and shopping complexes.
  • However, due to the burgeoning housing developments outside the Bay Area, another flood may kill or impoverish thousands.
  • While it is desirable that some appropriate use is made of the land formerly occupied by the tannery, housing development is most certainly not a desirable option.
  • The Government's preference for the use of urban and brownfield land for housing development must not be at the expense of other employment and economic objectives of the Plan.
  • Plans to build a luxury housing development on open parkland at Burmah Castrol went on display today.
  • With a new sewerage system on the way for Kiltimagh, a number of large housing developments are at the planning stage.
  • The Council voted in favour of a £200 million housing development.
  • The boys' families had recently moved to a new housing development.
  • All major publicly-funded housing developments will make adequate provision for the less well off.
  • Well, the orginal zoning plan (which was changed one night last December right before the former Presidente del Municipio resigned in January ... hint, hint) called for touristic development not intense housing development. Building in el Chante, Mun. of Jocotepec
  • The Council voted in favour of a £200 million housing development.
  • The party said that young nationalists would be driven out of rural areas if plans by the department to cap housing development in predominantly Catholic areas were implemented.
  • The age-oriented community was conceived as a combination housing development and amusement park for active seniors.
  • Once the constraints on local authority capital expenditure began to bite it cooperated with private housing development on inner-area sites.
  • The church dominates the commercial centre with its clock tower visible from the housing developments on the outskirts.
  • The other runs a series of housing developments, building homes for the new middle class.
  • It's a logical site for a new supermarket, with the housing development nearby.
  • The new housing development is a mishmash of different architectural styles.
  • They say the site on which this fancy housing development was built was once a Mithraic temple. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • The problematic design issues responsible for the delay are believed to surround placing of windows and the size of the housing development.
  • The route then moves up through the former sandpit and will connect to the Stradbally Road via the planned Summerhill housing development.
  • It is located near a nursing home on extensive grounds and there is a housing development under construction to the southern side.
  • There has been housing development on a massive scale since 1980.
  • Israel looks and feels like California; there are housing developments and big-box megastores, and the traffic is terrible.
  • From now on, he said, bosses of commerce and industry will have a real say on issues like allocating land for business and housing development, road links and transportation.
  • Housing developments are the norm; shopping centers and strip malls have partially replaced the old marketplaces.
  • A major housing development in Colchester will tower over nearby homes, residents claimed today.
  • But outline permission was granted for a major housing development with only a small proportion of retail.
  • The end is nigh for the Savoy in Broad Green as the bulldozers prepare to demolish the 1930s cinema to make way for a new housing development.
  • The other runs a series of housing developments, building homes for the new middle class.
  • The first group of 300 people has moved into their new homes in the Brickfields housing development in Newtown.
  • The council has been canvassing local opinion/local people to get their thoughts on the proposed housing development.
  • Later, in a remarkable and rare testament to sporting immortality, he gave his name to an entire housing development.
  • The rink closes for the last time on Sunday, to make way for a housing development.
  • The future of a top water-skiing club could be in jeopardy if plans for a new housing development are approved by Selby councillors.
  • These last remnants of nature formed divisions between the housing developments, giving their owners an illusion of being country dwellers. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • New housing developments will produce more car owners than car parking spaces.
  • Developer Ron Cook has built several upscale housing developments in Washtenaw County and has two subdivisions in Chelsea.
  • The size of housing developments in the Killea area is currently limited to no more than four to six houses.
  • At present a housing development has started on the southern side, just behind the woods.
  • The exercise has also come about because of housing developments in the area which could affect population trends.
  • Saintfield residents have mounted a campaign to block plans for two proposed housing developments in the town.
  • Moreover, ways must be found to create communal urban space capable of mitigating the drabness and dreariness of most public housing developments.
  • The South Auckland council is being criticised for allowing poor quality, infill housing developments in Howick.
  • The exercise has also come about because of housing developments in the area which could affect population trends.
  • Claim: Chicago Sun-Times revealed that in 1998, Obama wrote a letter endorsing a low-income housing development for which Rezko was a codeveloper. Obama Advisers Ratchet Up Criticism Of Hillary's Claim To Foreign Policy Experience
  • They are also working to predict future demand in the face of further housing development.
  • These last remnants of nature formed divisions between the housing developments, giving their owners an illusion of being country dwellers. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • There has been housing development on a massive scale since 1980.
  • The projected housing development will go ahead next year.
  • Villagers are facing defeat in their fight to block plans for a huge housing development on a greenfield site at Brompton-on-Swale, near Richmond.
  • Factors like birth rates and expected housing developments are being considered in the plan.
  • We're still trying to find backers for the housing development scheme.
  • MDC's approach to housing development in its extended area acknowledges the need for social housing provision.
  • MDC's approach to housing development in its extended area acknowledges the need for social housing provision.
  • The council has been canvassing local opinion/local people to get their thoughts on the proposed housing development.
  • There has been housing development on a massive scale since 1980.
  • The projected housing development will go ahead next year.
  • All major publicly-funded housing developments will make adequate provision for the less well off.
  • He agreed a restriction under the draft local plan, which allows only limited housing development on brownfield sites outside the framework boundary, is expected to be deleted from the plan in October.
  • There has been housing development on a massive scale since 1980.
  • In the early stages of a housing development in the village of Bleadon (near Weston Super Mare), diggers unearthed several ancient circular burial pits.
  • According to new figures, only 48 per cent of new housing developments were built on brownfield sites between 1998 and 2001.
  • In the meantime the area is changing as a result of a number of new housing developments.
  • The Report indicates that by excluding this water, capacity could be created for new industrial and housing developments prior to the laying of new sewers and a new treatment works.
  • Campaigners and neighbouring residents fear the 1840 landmark will be sold for housing development.
  • It's an overplanned, excessively uniform, characterless nowhere full of identical shopping centers, housing developments with pseudo-aristocratic or bucolic names and divided boulevards bisected by grassy medians with identical trees spaced at uniform intervals. Greetings from the belly of the beast
  • Several local groups came together to fight the proposed housing development.
  • New housing developments mushroomed on the edge of town.
  • Menston villagers have previously called for residents to ask for protection orders on trees in their gardens, to help preserve the character of the village, and also as a bar on infill housing developments.
  • For a variety of reasons, the citizens and residents of these newly developed areas do not seemingly demand that the local government provide police substations in close proximity to new housing developments.
  • Looks at the economic and technological forces affecting the nature and location of work, and the implications for sustainable housing development.
  • I used to live opposite a pristine tract of natural vegetation that turned into a housing development with the accompanying sounds of human habitation.
  • they live in the new housing development
  • It's a logical site for a new supermarket, with the housing development nearby.
  • As a nation we want Scotland to grow and thrive but there is too much of a Nimby culture against new housing development.
  • Residents are hoping to prove victorious for a second time in their campaign to block a housing development.
  • Families have welcomed plans to turn an empty school site into a housing development.
  • The new housing development is a mishmash of different architectural styles.
  • A historic Bradford building which housed a flagship regeneration scheme is to be sold as a potential major housing development.
  • The council has been canvassing local opinion/local people to get their thoughts on the proposed housing development.

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