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How To Use Housefly In A Sentence

  • We have people living in cardboard boxes and starving to death and little kids crying out for homes and families and these people are worried about a housefly!!!! I saw that the President got his first "kill" yesterday. The PETA-philes have their undies in a wad.
  • But when I finished reading the paper, I spotted a housefly on my refrigerator, so I rolled up the paper and tried to whack it.
  • HBV gene was examined in the genome of DNAs from larvae of housefly by PCR.
  • You probably will recognize some of the suspects: horsefly/deer fly, stable fly, housefly, black fly, hornfly, face fly, culicoides, and mosquito.
  • Australia is host to around 200 species of flies, with the major pests being the common housefly and bush fly.
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  • Cluster flies are bristly gray insects, about five times bigger than the ordinary housefly, Musca domestica.
  • Players control Darwin, the G-Force team leader, and housefly surveillance commando Mooch .
  • Coexistence of the two types of sex-determining mechanisms in the same species is unusual and has been reported only in the platy fish, housefly, and midge.
  • An optimist is a fellow who believes housefly is looking for a way to get out.
  • The adult Medfly is slightly smaller than a common housefly and is very colorful.
  • Housefly larvae and surplus manure were weighted after one week of the treatment manure, and change of the number of colibacillary colony was observed.
  • The average airspeed of the common housefly is 4.5 miles per hour.
  • You may wish to consider the differing views held by Communist gerbils vs. Monarchist gerbils, " or "Can there be such a thing as 'the housefly garment industry' or is it just a home-based craft?
  • Only the Cyclorrapha, which includes Drosophila and the common housefly, Musca domestica, have a bicoid gene.
  • Many species of dipterous insects - fruit fly, face fly, botfly, horn fly, and housefly, for example - are targets for neem products. 5 Effects on Insects
  • At first sight the tsetse fly is very similar to a housefly - being black and only slightly larger.
  • Does the housefly undergo complete metamorphosis or incomplete metamorphosis?
  • the common housefly
  • Objective To observe the change of housefly (Musca domestica) breeding in the pig manure treated ecologically with its larvae.
  • The Venus flytrap is a must for boys who enjoy watching the insectivorous plant capture its prey - usually a housefly - before devouring it over several days.
  • Cluster flies are bristly gray insects, about five times bigger than the ordinary housefly, Musca domestica.
  • We have a mosquito species here that's almost as big as a housefly.

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