How To Use House of commons In A Sentence

  • As you may be aware I am the Speaker of the House of Commons and it is incumbent upon me to honour and uphold the noble traditions of the House.
  • Unlike elected presidents, British prime ministers get where they are by being leader of the largest party in the House of Commons.
  • In Britain the upper chamber or parliament is the House of Lords, the lower the House of Commons.
  • But knighthood is an honour, not a peerage; he remained a member of the House of Commons until his retirement in 2001.
  • In Britain the upper chamber or parliament is the House of Lords, the lower the House of Commons.
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  • Lady Boothroyd stood by her refusal to grant the privileges when she was Speaker, saying she had been determined to ‘protect the rules of the House of Commons’.
  • Becoming Speaker of the House of Commons is happily no longer so precarious, but it certainly has its difficulties.
  • Word is now that Stephen Harper is going to try to progue Parliament again until after the Olympics rather than submit to an order by the House of Commons to turn over uncensored documents in the Afghan prisoner investigation. Rumors of a coup
  • Major's reply came as a complete surprise to the House of Commons.
  • On the political side of gay issues, a motion passed last week in the House of Commons to extend the parliamentary session for a few more days to pass additional legislation.
  • I could wear Armani suits and make flippant remarks in the House of Commons.
  • The fact that the Party is not abstentionist, and can make its voice heard on the floor of House of Commons and on Parliamentary Committees should also be seen as an advantage. "THE SDLP’S CHALLENGE"
  • The new transport bill will get its first reading in the House of Commons tomorrow.
  • My visit was to see The House of Commons and have a girly gossip with Melissa which I enjoyed immensely.
  • The seven voters of Old Sarum were allowed to return two members of Parliament, because this place, -- once a Roman fort, and afterwards a sheepwalk, -- many generations before, at the early casting of the House of Commons, had been entitled to this representation; but the argument for State Rights assumes that all these rights may be lodged in voters as few in number as ever controlled a rotten borough of The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 72, October, 1863
  • The necessity of limiting the influence of the crown and excluding 'placemen' from the House of Commons had been one of the traditional Whig commonplaces, and a little had been done by Burke's act of 1782 towards limiting pensions and abolishing obsolete offices. The English Utilitarians, Volume II (of 3) James Mill
  • The House of Commons and the House of Lords comprise / compose / constitute the British Parliament.
  • Under Labour the first Muslims were elected to the House of Commons and appointed to the Lords.
  • In Great Britain an ocean-going vessel, the Savoy Theatre, and the House of Commons were all lit by electric lamps in 1881.
  • The visitor's gallery in the House of Commons was full.
  • The British Women's Movement, such as it is these days, came up with a programme of speeches at the House of Commons.
  • The couple then moved to the romantic setting of the Commons terrace, before George showered Caroline with gifts: a box of parliamentary mints, a House of Commons teddy bear and a copy of his book.
  • These were hurled at Michael Foot, the then Leader of the House, in the House of Commons, on July 6, 1978.
  • But no one will be laughing if they end up sitting in the House of Commons spouting their nonsense. The Sun
  • That meant that he was always hugely popular both in the House of Lords and the House of Commons, because his criticisms, although trenchant, were never malicious.
  • It is plain as a pikestaff that if exposed to the incredulous view of the Taxpayer, who, by now, has a pretty clear view of some of the potential abuses, the floor of the House of Commons cellars would soon be awash with the blood of MPs caught with their grubby hands in the till. 'Shred & Bury': The New Westminster Watchword
  • There was a supercharged atmosphere during the debate in the House of Commons last night.
  • As we digest the probability that the House of Commons will vote to ratify the EU Constitution without a single shred of democratic legitimacy, even the Guardian, which can normally be relied upon to peddle the Party Line in as psittacine a manner as it can manage, has felt moved to object to the present undemocratic outrage being perpetrated by Labour. Archive 2008-01-20
  • At last, he has been allowed to take up his office in the House of Commons, where he has raised the Irish flag.
  • The House of Commons is to debate once again whether to bring back the death penalty.
  • We send one member for every 40,000 people in Ireland to the Imperial Parliament, while England, Scotland and Wales send only one for every 73,000; in other words, one Irishman is as good as two Scotchmen or two Englishmen in the British House of Commons, that is, if they like to go. The Irish Problem
  • After successfully passing a second vote in the House of Commons at the end of June, the identity card bill will go for a final vote when Parliament reconvenes in October.
  • The House of Commons, too, was horrified at the notion of a Scottish king styling himself ‘King of Great Britain’.
  • Government was in office, with Lord Randolph Churchill as its leader in the House of Commons; and one of the first acts of the new leader was to separate himself ostentatiously from the Irish policy of Lord Spencer and from the policy of coercion in general. Handbook of Home Rule Being articles on the Irish question
  • The House of Commons can merely say yea or nay to the executive judgment.
  • Hundreds of futurists, supposedly right up there on the cutting edge of everything, laughed at a word that is so ancient it made its way to that hotbed of street slang, the House of Commons, three years ago.
  • It is to be also remembered that female attorneys-at-law were unknown in England, and a proposition that a woman should enter the courts of Westminster Hall in that capacity, or as a barrister, would have created hardly less astonishment than one that she should ascend the bench of Bishops, or be elected to a seat in the House of Commons. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • We recommend that the Intelligence and Security Committee be reconstituted as a select committee of the House of Commons.
  • Other Cestrian candidates are one Thomas Catlin, who was evidently disliked because he was mean (and wore what would today be called a sadistic smile), or Sir William Catesby, a Speaker of the House of Commons who was beheaded at Bosworth in 1485. The Cheshire cat
  • House of Commons and the Admiralty — Author attempting to cut out a Spanish zebec, is taken prisoner — His pleasant experiences while in captivity — At last released. A Sailor of King George
  • If the House of Commons are absolutely determined to do this foolish thing, then what the Prime Minister says will not make a ha'p'orth of difference.
  • The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected calls to bring back the death penalty for murder.
  • If the House of Commons are absolutely determined to do this foolish thing, then what the Prime Minister says will not make a ha'p'orth of difference.
  • The last time we chatted was in the central lobby at the House of Commons, and looking at his sheer pleasure you'd imagine that he had just got a day pass to Elysium.
  • To prevent such an outcome it occupied London, purged the House of Commons of those who favoured negotiation, and engineered the trial and execution of the king.
  • He plays for the House of Commons, and for those who have played or are interested in that marvellous game, he is a left-handed bowler, and he is an opening batsman, which is a very important place to be. Europe, NATO and North America and their Future Relationships
  • In March 1940, while still serving, he was elected to the House of Commons as a Conservative at a by-election in Kettering, Northamptonshire. Profumo's claim to fame
  • Details of the enhanced scheme, which pays for former prime ministers' private offices, are disclosed in previously unpublicised parliamentary papers deposited in the House of Commons library.
  • There's anold joke that the word "lies" is banned in the House of Commons because it would be used so often that you'd get no business done. Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • I suppose they attach some political importance to the having had the discussion with us before it comes on in the House of Commons, for I can conceive no other reason for this pertinaciousness. Memoirs of the Court and Cabinets of George the Third, Volume 2 (of 2) From the Original Family Documents
  • “I tell you what sarge, I fancy driving down to that there big London and arresting those fraudsters in the House of CommonsPolice Investigate MP’s Expenses « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Churchill brazenly lied to the House of Commons and the public, claiming that only military and industrial installations were targeted.
  • As recently as three weeks ago he had not paid back a penny of the money he owes the House of Commons Fees Office (ie the taxpayer), despite his claims last year that he had done so.
  • Changing partners in the House of Commons is about as helpful as wrapping your handlebars in blue tape rather than red.
  • But those who rarely speak in the House of Commons or vote in the division lobbies are letting down their constituents and fleecing taxpayers.
  • The MP has previously tabled several Early Daily Motions in the House of Commons questioning Coventry's groundshare with Northampton Town.
  • Poor Churchill seems a lost cause, so leashed to the animal that he'll never escape, no matter how valiantly he fights on, but could he help a lonely young widow in the House of Commons library? Book World: 'Mr. Chartwell' reviewed by Ron Charles
  • Notwithstanding the newly formalized way of arranging pairs, House of Commons Speaker John Fraser noted in a 1992 ruling that agreements to pair still are private arrangements between Members and not matters in which House or the Speaker can intervene.
  • In his budget statement, delivered to the House of Commons on 24 March, Darling said that the UK must renew and modernise its energy supplies if it hoped to improve its infrastructure.
  • The Conservatives had a huge overall majority in the House of Commons.
  • The public sector borrowing figures, released just three hours before George Osborne took to his feet in the House of Commons, underlined why that idea would have been almost as clumsy as the expression dreamt up to describe it. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Major's reply came as a complete surprise to the House of Commons.
  • There was a supercharged atmosphere during the debate in the House of Commons last night.
  • The Chartists collected 250,000 signatures supporting their demands and, in 1839, presented a petition to the House of Commons which was rejected by 235 votes to 46.
  • He seems fond of coqueting with the House of Commons, and is perpetually calling the Speaker out to dance a minuet with him, before he begins.
  • I was looking for some information about the history of the House of Commons.
  • As to his defence having been abandoned, we refer your Lordships to the last petition laid by him upon your table, (that libellous petition, which we speak of as a libel upon the House of Commons,) and which has no validity but as it asserts a matter of fact from the petitioner; and there you will find that he has declared explicitly, that, for the accommodation and ease of this business, and for its expedition, he did abandon his defence at a certain period. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 12 (of 12)
  • Today I am sitting in my boiling and un-air-conditioned office getting psyched up for an afternoon in the House of Commons.
  • Their truthful ideal would be a hung parliament, where they could extract from Labour the promise that has tantalised them for generations: electoral reform for the House of Commons.
  • Critics of the selection procedure within the party say that the union influence is installing a number of placemen who will merely act as Labour voting fodder in the House of Commons.
  • There are two chambers in the British parliament - the House of Commons is the lower chamber, and the House of Lords is the upper chamber.
  • For a chancellor to leak out details of his Budget ahead of the day it was due to be presented to the House of Commons would have led to the offending politician being carted off the Tower of London.
  • This is the day it is announced in the House of Commons by the Prime Minister, and certainly a number of newspapers, with mass readerships throughout the country, have misunderstood it.
  • The House of Commons can merely say yea or nay to the executive judgment.
  • The comedy drooped a little after this, when Sugden's charlady character, Lil, just given an MBE for services to the House of Commons, gossiped with a statue of Churchill and then celebrated her award at a drunken party with Vi and Min.
  • Hundreds are thought to owe money for subsidised meals and refreshments in the House of Commons. The Sun
  • The reality is that he lost the confidence of the company, was attacked by leading artists and attracted a savage motion in the House of Commons which together made his position untenable.
  • However, a new way of appointing or electing its members is required which will effectively avoid both placemen and a mix of political views which mirror the House of Commons.
  • We all have views about how our fellow creatures should be treated but it is in the nature of our democracy that the House of Commons decides the law.
  • After a lengthy debate, MPs/the House of Commons divided.
  • That speculation, which is rife in the tea-rooms of the House of Commons, is - in truth - way off the mark.
  • Since first being elected to the House of Commons in 1968, at a time of great national unity, I have never witnessed a Canadian prime minister consciously decide to disunite the nation. Ed broadbent: harper disuniting the nation "for the paltry purpose of saving himself from a confidence vote"
  • Since 1980 the courts have been permitted to look at Hansard (the official report of the debates and proceedings in the House of Commons) as an external aid to the construction of a statute.
  • The day that a member of Parliament stood in the House of Commons to protest the joyrides, Wills was taken up for spin in a $50 million Tornado fighter jet. William and Kate
  • In 1989, proceedings in the House of Commons were televised for the first time.
  • After a long debate, the House of Commons approved the bill.
  • In her speech to the House of Commons, she outlined her vision of Britain in the 21st century.
  • The police and the House of Commons security teams similarly have become acutely aware that better security and risk assessments are needed. The Sun
  • Why not fill it with asylum seekers and let them wine and dine in the many House of Commons restaurants and bars?
  • One one topical site, MPs’ heads bob up and down in a virtual House of Commons and you are invited to splat them with an egg before they disappear.
  • The interest in the late debate on the duties on fuel and breadstuffs was not limited to those who held seats on the floor of the House of Commons.
  • There should be no more braying at our opponents in the House of Commons like pinstriped pubescents from a bygone age.
  • In Great Britain an ocean-going vessel, the Savoy Theatre, and the House of Commons were all lit by electric lamps in 1881.
  • Whilst I, perhaps bizarrely, think positively about him, it is a fact that his voting record in the House of Commons has, over many years, been antipathetic to the cause of homosexual equality.
  • I'm a member of the House of Lords, which is very much more sedate and dignified than the House of Commons.
  • I didn't know that a House of Commons committee had to report theft to the Police before they investigate - eevn if the father is covered by Parlimentary privelege, does teh same apply to the sons? Con-way Parallels: More Like Old School Tory Felony
  • The Speaker of the House of Commons had to determine, some years ago, whether it is in order to allude to the Members as "infesting" the Milton
  • Nevertheless, Bertram looked a little more after his friend, and disturbing the monsignore, who was at breakfast with Lothair one morning, Bertram obstinately outstayed the priest, and then said: "I tell you what, old fellow, you are rather hippish; I wish you were in the House of Commons. Lothair
  • Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of the National Secular Society, watched from the sidelines as the House of Commons debated the future of faith schools.
  • The House of Commons is organized along adversarial lines, its proceedings normally controlled by a disciplined party majority.
  • If no one objects, it will be discussed in further detail in committee, before moving on to the House of Commons.
  • Successive extensions of the right to vote produced universal adult suffrage by 1928 and made the House of Commons representative of the nation.
  • Given the massive concrete blocks that they've added to stop cars crashing into the House of Commons, I can't see our terrified politicians allowing low-flying planes in central London.
  • * The soeaker* of the House of Commons thougnt it hte doty to aonbuncettfc - #eoeipt of my letter, and - it was read from 4fe chair. The Parliamentary Register: Or an Impartial Report of the Debates that Have Occured in the Two ...
  • In 1521 he was made the Kingdom's Undertreasurer and knighted, and in 1523 he became the Speaker of the House of Commons.
  • In Britain the upper chamber or parliament is the House of Lords, the lower the House of Commons.
  • Visit to a Jamaican plantation — Condition of the slaves — A growl against the House of Commons and the Admiralty — Author attempting to cut out a Spanish zebec, is taken prisoner — His pleasant experiences while in captivity — At last released. A Sailor of King George
  • The House of Commons and the House of Lords comprise / compose / constitute the British Parliament.
  • The British House of Commons is a place where people hoot and holler, and high-minded debate is also encouraged.
  • He said he was excited about the prospect of standing for election to the House of Commons.
  • Patricia Hewitt is said to be 'buoyed' up by the huge majority in last night's votes to ban smoking outright in public places (except House of Commons bars, natch) and believes that it would be possible to obtain a majority to ban the sale of alcohol in pubs. Exclusive: Patricia Hewitt to Ban Alcohol in Pubs & Hotels
  • The shadow leader of the House of Commons, Eric Forth, claimed that the proposals were a great disappointment.
  • I can see that being popular with the Tory backwoodsmen in the House of Commons.
  • Of course, there were a number of positive responses, from quiet appeals for calm to supportive speeches in the House of Commons.
  • A North Yorkshire equality campaigner is celebrating a landmark victory in the House of Commons which will enable men over 60 to claim free bus travel.
  • Returning to Windsor, he was once again acclaimed as their Mayor, and after distinguished war service he was elected to the Federal House of Commons for Toronto Spadina. Poverty in Canada
  • As someone who has overcome Tourette's - a syndrome that is often associated with coprolalia, the involuntary exclamation of obscenities - Dan Aykroyd has some choice words for David Cameron, who jokingly suggested that Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor, was showing symptoms of the condition in the House of Commons. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • The House of Commons and the House of Lords comprise / compose / constitute the British Parliament.
  • The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
  • The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected calls to bring back the death penalty for murder.
  • Report this comment show me a decently researched demographic of the british pop. in relation to sex, race, hobnobs or rich tea, oh forgot religion and the we can balance the house of commons. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Yesterday the club's chairman Robin Smith sent a letter to Mr Caborn asking him to make a statement to the House of Commons publicly disassociating himself from Terry Rooney's remarks there on October 21.
  • Members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons came to kiss her hand and were graciously received as the heralds proclaimed her in the streets.
  • On leaving Oxford in 1893 he was for some years a clerk in the House of Commons, where his quick interest and companionableness made him widely popular and where a pleasant life seemed before him.
  • The Press Complaints Commission enjoyed mainstream coverage this week, as newspaper titles lapped up the comments of the body's chair, Lady Peta Buscombe, at the Society of Editors 'conference: she not only called for greater press support, but cited evidence allegedly showing that 6,000 attempted phone hackings were' wrongly quoted 'by solicitor Mark Lewis in the House of Commons. News from
  • Following a general election, or a change of leadership, the leader of the party commanding an overall majority in the House of Commons is invited by the monarch to become Prime Minister and form a cabinet.
  • The Speaker's House continues to function as it was intended, as a setting for formal entertaining by the Speaker on behalf of the House of Commons.
  • But the mission to India in 1942 was enough of a success to elevate Cripps to the job of leader of the House of Commons and into the war cabinet as minister of aircraft production.
  • Katie, 34GG, has exclusively revealed the kiss-and-tell details of her torrid affair with a senior House of Commons official, and how its discovery has led to her massive tabloid payday acrimonious separation from Andre. Archive 2009-05-01
  • It is also to be heard on the front and back benches of the House of Commons and is used by some members of the Lords, whether life or hereditary peers.
  • The House of Commons can merely say yea or nay to the executive judgment.
  • There are two chambers in the British parliament - the House of Commons is the lower chamber, and the House of Lords is the upper chamber.
  • Thinking to sink HMS Telegraph, the House of Commons this morning fired off an Exocet missile in the form of publishing its own thoroughly bowdlerized version of their expenses. Expenses: The Commons Exocets Itself
  • A dissolution in those circumstances would not merely have involved the measure under discussion, but if the Government of that day had received the support of the electors at the poll their victory must have carried with it that settlement and reform of the relations between the two Houses of Parliament which is necessary to secure the effective authority of the House of Commons. Liberalism and the Social Problem
  • So now Kettering is not only home to Britain’s ocarina industry: it is also home to the House of Commons’ greatest fool. House Points: Haringey, Philip Hollobone and ocarinas
  • In 1906, Catholic controversialist Hilaire Belloc was running for a seat in the British House of Commons.
  • The industrial action is scheduled to be held a day before the House of Commons and the House of Lords break for the summer recess.
  • In 1832, the House of Commons contributed funds towards the building of the new National Gallery in London.
  • Television cameras are now part of daily life in the House of Commons and the Lords.
  • The matter was taken to the House of Commons, and the film was not shown again by the BBC for over a year.
  • Another example of this method of arousing the people came in his speech to the House of Commons after the fall of France when Britain was on her own and a German invasion seemed certain.
  • Take the seemingly trivial matter of the letter he wrote on House of Commons headed notepaper to Wandsworth council saying he was ‘deeply concerned’ about a building development near a property he owns.
  • She received her first term of imprisonment in February 1908 for entering the lobby of the House of Commons.
  • It should also be noted that Harper bravely made those statements outside of the House of Commons because he would receive a severe reprimand for using unparliamentary language.
  • She thought of England rather vaguely as a country where it was always raining, and where — according to John — an assemblage of old fogies, known as the House of Commons, persistently intermeddled in the affairs of the colony. Australia Felix
  • After all, Devolution was supposed to sink the Nationalist ship for ever and a day, ensure permanent Labour hegemony in Scotland and continue for another fifty years at least the practice of sending Gadarene Swine to railroad Labour laws through in The House of Commons. Archive 2007-09-02
  • The House of Commons sits for more days and more hours than any other legislature in the large democracies.
  • The House of Commons is to debate once again whether to bring back the death penalty.
  • But for me, this is the punchline cruncher: The House of Commons is, and will remain, a GM-free zone.
  • The Speaker of the House of Commons, Michael Martin MP, said he hoped that many people would tune in to the new service.
  • Prime Minister Stephen Harper must explain how it is possible that almost half of the major speech he delivered in House of Commons 20 March 2003 calling for Canadian troops to be sent to the War on Iraq was a word-for-word recitation of the speech Australian Prime Minister John Howard delivered less than a day and a half before, said Liberal Foreign Affairs Critic Bob Rae. Peace, order and good government, eh?: September 2008 Archives
  • The House of Commons itself would regain much of the power lost over the last three years.
  • After a long debate, the House of Commons approved the bill.
  • The decision to stand down as Leader of the House of Commons was not an easy one.
  • He is best known for helping to design the House of Commons.
  • During January and February 1784 the coalition's majority in the House of Commons shrank rapidly, and in the ensuing general election ninety-six coalitionists lost their seats.
  • If Brown, Cook and Short have serious misgivings, he is running out of senior allies who would help to steamroller any controversial decisions through Cabinet and, if necessary, the House of Commons.
  • Over Christmas, I had the chance to stumble on a remark by George Orwell on the quality of speeches in the House of Commons in the 1940s.
  • In Parliament the House of Lords was dominated by the landed aristocracy, and the landed gentry, often related to the peerage, held sway in the House of Commons.
  • You don't have to agree with any of their viewpoints to realise that it is unhealthy for democracy to have such voices absent from the House of Commons.
  • There are two chambers in the British parliament - the House of Commons is the lower chamber, and the House of Lords is the upper chamber.
  • But Margaret Hodge, chair of the House of Commons's cross-party public accounts committee, said students deserved to know if the place they chose was at risk, "particularly in the brave new world where the student holds the purse strings". More universities could go bust as fees rise, says audit office
  • The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected demands to bring back the death penalty for murder.
  • When Black Rod, the monarch's representative in the House of Lords, knocks on the door of Commons to invite MPs to listen to the Queen's annual speech to Parliament, the door is slammed in his face to symbolize the independence of the House of Commons from royalty. Parliament Finally Sees Some Beauty
  • But no one will be laughing if they end up sitting in the House of Commons spouting their nonsense. The Sun
  • Mr Orme holds, apparently on good grounds, that this sermon was really delivered before the House of Commons, not in February 1649, as the title bears, but in February 1650. The Sermons of John Owen
  • After a long debate, the House of Commons approved the bill.
  • Mr Bonteen had been appointed chiefly because it was thought that he might in that office act as a quasi House of Commons deputy to the Duke of Omnium in carrying out his great scheme of a five-farthinged penny and a ten-pennied shilling. Phineas Redux
  • My wife was very distressed and paged me in the House of Commons.
  • By giving the sovereignty movement a voice, by dealing them in, as it were, at the table, by making them a party of the system, Canada has found a way to give the sovereigntist movement a legitimate voice in the House of Commons, while at the same time robbing the sovereignty movement of much of its anti-establishment strength. Matthew Yglesias » My Long-Awaited Revenge
  • It should also be noted that Harper bravely made those statements outside of the House of Commons because he would receive a severe reprimand for using unparliamentary language.
  • Robert Cecil was Secretary of State as well as Leader of the House of Commons, and made earnest efforts to regulate the private lives of citizens into a neat and tidy pattern.
  • The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected demands to bring back the death penalty for murder.
  • Nonconformists make the strength of the Liberal majority in the House of Commons, and that, therefore, the leading Liberal statesmen, to get the support of the Nonconformists, forsake the notion of fairly apportioning Church property in Ireland among the chief religious communions, declare that the national mind has decided against new endowments, and propose simply to disestablish and disendow the present establishment in Ireland without establishing or endowing any other. Culture and Anarchy
  • The government lost the debate in the House of Commons.
  • After serving with distinction in the Seven Years' War (1756–63), Burgoyne was elected to the House of Commons in 1761 and again in 1768.
  • The Commissioner requires that the House of Commons shall provide the complainant with the requested information with the following redactions made.
  • The House of Commons was opened to almost universal derision.
  • The Conservatives had a huge overall majority in the House of Commons.
  • I have submitted the motion to the House of Commons.
  • “Commons will be 'emasculated' by expenses proposals, says Philip Mawer: The House of Commons risks being "emasculated" by the Government's proposed clean-up following the expenses scandal, the former parliamentary standards watchdog has warned” Bottler Brown bottles again. No election this year
  • He has parliamentary procedure and the rules and traditions of the House of Commons at his fingertips.
  • The dismal mumblings of everyday business in the House of Commons, the creaking pomposity of the Lords, the ghastly flummery of the state opening (Black Rod and all that) are overlooked.
  • The House of Commons, inundated by a quota system guaranteed to promote mediocrity, had become a government harem populated by political eunuchs.
  • The House of Commons is to debate once again whether to bring back the death penalty.
  • MPs begin to believe that they were elected to represent their constituents within the party caucus, rather than in the House of Commons itself.
  • Among his proudest possessions are the many letters he received from Mr Clark down the years, some written in his spidery, scarcely-legible handwriting, others typed on House of Commons notepaper.
  • He made a statement before the House of Commons.
  • If Westminster MPs only talked about issues that fell within the legal purview of the House of Commons they would have some extraordinarily truncated discussions.
  • It was one of those days when that line about the House of Commons being the place where your opponents sit across the gangway but your enemies sit next to you seemed particularly apt.
  • To assuage worries that MPs are being unduly influenced by these posh trips, House of Commons rules require all members to come clean about any trips they take that aren't paid for by taxpayers and list them in a public registry.
  • Having done so, he asked the House of Commons for its approval and never shrank from a vote of censure. Democracy vs. Hypocrisy
  • It is to give the right to those who do want it – to those signatories of the second largest petition ever laid on the table of the House of Commons – to the 96,000 textile workers – to the women who went last month in deputation to the Prime Minister, and who represented over half a million belonging to Trade Unions and organized societies. The Convert
  • They will go because effective power resides not with the elected but tame House of Commons, but with the Crown and is vested in the person of the Prime Minister on behalf of the Sovereign.
  • It was at this time that a Question was asked in the House of Commons about public money being spent on a "pornographic" mag - azine and it seemed for a while that we would lose the grant. Elric At The End of Time
  • If he was wanting in the dignity, the measured solemnity, which was fitting to such an exposition of the feelings of the House and of the nation, he was abundantly earnest, emotional, and almost impassioned; so that though his speech was here and there faulty, and as a whole not particularly well constructed or conceived, he was manifestly real, and what he said came direct from his feeling; and even in such an assembly as the House of Commons genuineness is not always unacceptable. Sketches in Parliament
  • The House of Commons is an elected body.
  • Sons of peers and members of the gentry dominated the House of Commons, although there was a significant smattering of representatives from the armed forces and professions.
  • But no one will be laughing if they end up sitting in the House of Commons spouting their nonsense. The Sun
  • It is not surprising that public contempt for parliament increases and that broadcasting House of Commons' debates has resulted in MPs falling even lower in public esteem.

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