
house mouse

  1. brownish-grey Old World mouse now a common household pest worldwide

How To Use house mouse In A Sentence

  • The difficulty is best explained by contrast with a eukaryotic species - for example the house mouse, Mus musculus.
  • Images of barn cats and warehouse mousers might not spring to mind when thinking of the working heritage of our country, but our cats performed their task as well as any other man or beast.
  • Smaller mammals include short-tailed mole Talpa micrura, Tibetan water shrew Nectogale elegans, Himalayan water shrew Chimarrogale himalayica, bobak marmot Marmota bobak, Royle's pika Ochotona roylei, woolly hare Lepus oiostolus, rat Rattus sp. and house mouse Mus musculus. Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal
  • On Marion Island, for example, the numbers of the island’s only land bird – the lesser sheathbill – have dropped, and the introduced house mouse is suspected of out-competing the bird species for food. Pests and invasive species in Africa
  • Two prime examples of this are the murid rodents (Chinese vole, Norway rat, and house mouse) and the lagomorphs (rabbit, European hare, and pika).
  • She thinks it's a solitary deer mouse, which she described as the wilier cousin of the house mouse. rss feed
  • And Siam, the House Mouse, always provides an extra opportunity ( ie , challenge ) for Bodhi's spiritual growth.
  • The difficulty is best explained by contrast with a eukaryotic species - for example the house mouse, Mus musculus.
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