How To Use Houri In A Sentence

  • The lawer transe was condempned, diverse slane into it, and the East blok-house was schote of fra the rest of the place, betuix ten houris and ellevin. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • Oh, buffalo!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands, while Little An stared in horror and absolutely beat his forehead with his fists, and the hapless victim struggled helplessly, distracted and outraged — for I have my dignity, dammit, and I bar being unbreeched and assailed by opium-sodden houris, however be-witching, without even a by-your-leave. Flashman and the Dragon
  • Shourie panicked, while the finance ministry tried to put up a brave face, saying it was just a regular correction.
  • I have also indulged myself with words such as 'djinn' and 'houri' and 'hooligan' which Taita never employed, but which, I feel certain, he would have used if they had formed part of his vocabulary. River God
  • In his arms, in the dark, she became the epitome of woman, in truth the houri he'd labelled her. WHOLE SECRET LOVE
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  • Unfortunately, Khouri appears to have little sympathy with those she fooled into believing her tales.
  • Beautiful as a houri of Paradise, she turned her head modestly away. KARA KUSH
  • The light over her bunk flicked on and he was staring into the muzzle of an automatic, held rock-steady by this little houri. Ten Minutes, That's It
  • It is the job of a houri to climb or fly because ordinarily mundane girls or woman hardly climb over the trees.
  • While Khouri's mendacity is uncontestable, Australian filmmaker Anna Broinowski thankfully has more on her mind than simply debunking her subject in Forbidden Lie$. Dan Lybarger: DVD Review: Forbidden Lie$
  • Edinburght, whare the one, to witt Caldar youngar, remaned whill his band of manrent to the Cardinall was the meanes of his deliverance, and the other, to witt Ormestoun, fread him self by leapping of the wall of the Castell, betuix ten houris and allevin befoir none; and so breakin ward, [377] he eschaped preassone, which he injustlye sufferred. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • There was a regular queue of postulants to see this heavenly Eastern houri and buy her confection, which is very like Scotch butter-cake, but not so digestible; and even more filling at the price. The Martian
  • At 11: 32 AM, vinod said ... my dear nalini. .arun shourie's sister .. are you behind this joker called amrit hallan and writing cave? .. Blog Vacation
  • They could select 70 of their nearest and dearest to enter Heaven; and they would have at their disposal 72 houris, the beautiful virgins of paradise, Hassan recounted in the New Yorker.
  • As they bend their wills and stretch their bodies, undulating houris observe them; the music score essays Arabic themes.
  • Not only is she not intimidated by her mother's authourity and threats, she challenges the older woman, telling her that her procuress-like speech on how risks are necessary for richness "is a pretty saying of a wicked one/but methinks now/it does not show so well out of your mouth;/better in his" (2. 1.177-180). Final drafting stuff:
  • My one regret as I tooled back to London was that I hadn't been able to bid a riotous farewell to Caprice; she'd been worth the trip, ne'er mind spoking Otto's wheel, and I found myself smiling fondly as I thought of Punch and the gauzy lace clinging to that houri shape in the sunlight ... Watershed
  • Ilderim grinned and wagged his ugly head, and I cursed, thinking here was some bazaar houri plying her trade where it was least wanted, but I staggered out, and sure enough at the foot of the steps was a veiled woman in a sari, but with a burly-looking escort standing farther back at the gate. Fiancée
  • There is nothing carnal intimated at all in the relationship between the righteous soul and the “houri”. Iran War Resolution May Be Passed Next Week « Blog
  • While Khouri's mendacity is uncontestable, Australian filmmaker Anna Broinowski thankfully has more on her mind than simply debunking her subject in Forbidden Lie$. Dan Lybarger: DVD Review: Forbidden Lie$
  • Salomon B, Lenschow DJ, Rhee L, Ashourian N, Singh B, et al. (2000) B7 / CD28 costimulation is essential for the homeostasis of the CD4+CD25+ immunoregulatory T cells that control autoimmune diabetes. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • According to the Qu'ran, the houris have never been touched by man or jinn.
  • If Khouri is as mentally unstable as the article implies then that's a bit harsh, don't you reckon?
  • From the distracted and despairing man whom love and longing trepan from the lover under passion’s ban the prisoner of transport and distraction from this Kamar al-Zaman son of Shahriman to the peerless one of the fair Houris the pearl-union to the Lady Budur daughter of King Al Ghayur The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Oh, buffalo!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands, while Little An stared in horror and absolutely beat his forehead with his fists, and the hapless victim struggled helplessly, distracted and outraged - for I have my dignity, dammit, and I bar being unbreeched and assailed by opium-sodden houris, however be-witching, without even a by-your-leave. Flashman And The Dragon
  • Aberdeen witches in 1597 held their dance 'wpon Hallowewin last bypast, at tuelff houris at ewin or thairby' (or more particularly) 'betuixt tuell & ane houris at nycht'. [ The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
  • And beyond his star-gazing, in his far-imagined heavens, Valkyrie or houri, man has fain made place for her, for he could see no heaven without her. Chapter 21
  • Besides Mr. Shourie, the telecom minister from January 2003 till May 2004 under the former Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance government, Vinod Vaish , federal telecom secretary during the same period, was questioned Friday, said a spokesman for the CBI. India Investigators Question Former Telecom Minister Shourie
  • Till you're blue in the face, you darling houri, thinks I - but for answer all I did was kiss her hands. Fiancée
  • Muslims, do you believe "houri" means grapes as some Muslim scholars have interpreted it? Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • In the gardens of paradise, the houris utter only one word: ‘Peace, peace.'
  • It was in this spirit that I was able to roger that houri in Borneo during the Batang Lupar battle, whimpering fearfully the while, and do justice to Mrs Popplewell while in flight from the outraged townsfolk of Harper's Ferry. Watershed
  • Sheols of houris in chems upon divans, (revolted stellas vespertine vesamong them) at a bare (O!) mention of the scaly rybald exclaimed: Poisse! Finnegans Wake
  • She peeled a length of skin off a slice of chouriço, Wilshere's presence close, unmistakably extortionate. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • She pulled the plug and raised the hoist to remove Miss Hourie from the water.
  • Only defender Steve Gohouri continues to be out with an ankle problem as does midfielder Gal Alberman with persistent shinsplints. Soccer Blogs - latest posts
  • At 11: 32 AM, vinod said ... my dear nalini. .arun shourie's sister .. are you behind this joker called amrit hallan and writing cave? .. Blog Vacation
  • His passion for revenge was even more determined than his admiration for the "houri," as he called the maiden. Asiatic Breezes Students on The Wing
  • The said Justice-depute, be the mouth of James Sterling, dempster of the Court, decernit and ordainit the said Robert Weir to be tane to ane skaffold to be fixt beside the Croce of Edinburgh, and there to be brokin upoune ane Row,6 quhill he be deid; and to ly thairat, during the space of xxiiij houris. She Stands Accused
  • She'd worn uncommon well; middle sixties and still shaped like a Turkish belly-dancer, with the same guileless idiot smile and wondrous blue eyes that had set me slavering when she was sixteen - she'd performed like a demented houri then, and who was to say she'd lost the taste in half a century? Watershed
  • ‘This is not an overnight quick fix,’ Dr Khouri said.
  • The townis of Dundie and Sanctandrois war arrayed in ane uther battell, who come nocht to the sight of the ennemy, till that efter xij houris the mist began to evanish, and than passed some of thair horsmen to a montane, from the height whairof thay mycht discerne our nomber. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)

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