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How To Use Hound In A Sentence

  • I think that it is because a man, to be attractive, must be free to give his whole time to it, and the Canadian male is so hounded by taxes and the rigours of our climate, that he is lucky to be alive, without being irresistible as well. 2009 June 30 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • On Friday, we thought we'd try lunch at the Stag and Hounds in Binfield, but there wasn't a table free, so we'd headed back homewards and went to the poshest place in the village.
  • Louis XIV spent 200,000 gold francs for the construction of the royal kennels at Versailles where he kenneled hunting hounds, truffle terriers and toy poodles.
  • A wily fox will outrun a pack of hounds, but never a bullet.
  • Grant, a booze-hound from the word go, would show up in front of his superiors stewed to the gills. Who
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  • What pack of demonic hellhounds brought you into this world?
  • Over hedge and fence they race, hounds in the lead, redcoats and hangers-on following on horseback.
  • Lose and the hounds of hell might be unleashed. The Sun
  • This relates directly to their ancestry; these short-legged hounds were bred to pursue their quarry by scent over considerable distances.
  • The alternative of drag-racing, where hounds chase a sack of aniseed instead of a fox, is encouraged by these activists.
  • You can enjoy the Wild West Horse, Hound and Music Show, which will feature barrel racing, trick riding, comic horses, Appaloosa ponies and American Quarter Horses.
  • Watching Nixon's henchmen come out of the woodwork to declare their moral indignation at the ethical lapses of Mark Felt was tantamount to watching Liza Minelli criticize someone else for being an an unstable boozehound.
  • I have no desire to cohabit with a hound, however high-bred.
  • The fix might be as simple as installing a controller to cut costs, increase prices, and hound deadbeat customers.
  • Healthy hares can easily outrun foxes, but can rarely escape relentless packs of hounds chasing them for up to 90 minutes.
  • More than 10,100 competitors were expected to take part in 25 different sections at the three-day event, ranging from pigeons to cattle and foxhounds to flower arranging.
  • Hundreds of angry Malawians hounded a senior political figure from his house and stoned him [though not fatally] late Wednesday, accusing him of harboring vampires.
  • It enjoys a quiet position near the centre of this pleasant village, just off the A19 Selby Road, little more than a hop, skip and a stagger away from the popular Greyhound pub.
  • This gave the Field a chance to catch up while the hounds cast back and picked up the line without help from the Master.
  • After the court case Lee was hounded relentlessly by the press.
  • Forgive me for not wanting to take style tips from a man who looks like an Afghan hound with its head out of a car window. The Sun
  • He was judged against a flat-coated retriever, a giant schnauzer, an Old English sheepdog, a wire fox terrier, a saluki hound and Pekingese toy dog.
  • That is very much part of the social bargain whereby writers are "left alone" to implement their craft, as opposed to being harassed or hounded out of existence; they get their NEA and Guggenheim fellowships, and everyone is happy since the power equations in society remain undisturbed. Anis Shivani: Creative Writing Programs: Is The MFA System Corrupt And Undemocratic?
  • ‘It was like a pack of hounds hunting a fox; it was terrifying,’ he said.
  • You only consider the hounds as a fleeting object at which to ride; the fox as a necessary evil, without which all this 'rasping' and 'bruising' and 'cutting down,' as you call it in your ridiculous jargon, cannot be attained. Kate Coventry An Autobiography
  • I knew the black hound's peculiarities, and was prepared for the appearance of a deer, unushered by the baying of hounds, but I had not expected the game to come so quickly, for Rufe had hardly had time to start the dogs. Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
  • Has there been any attempt on the part of the drag or bloodhound to devise a new form of the sport that might suit people that are not used to hunting in any way?
  • After high school she tried college but got thrown out for raising coonhounds in her dorm room.
  • The bloodhounds, known as the seducer, the libertine, the procurer, are upon her track; she is trembling on the frightful brink of the abyss. Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
  • At times came robbers and thieves, at times came diseases among the beasts and shortness of food, once the country was worried by a pack of boar-hounds he helped to kill; he went through many inconsecutive, irrelevant adventures. The War in the Air
  • Hounds moved off to draw Pinner Wood, where they found and went away across Hallows Farm, down Mapley and ran swiftly to Lannersmead, where he went to ground.
  • The hunter has twenty more hounds.
  • The Sporting magazine of 1800 lists all of the packs of foxhounds in England.
  • He was estimated to have won £100,000 in his career but his love of a flutter on greyhounds bankrupted him.
  • The girl, who had been drawing her hands down her face in worry, stopped mid-action causing her eyes to droop like those of a basset hound.
  • But he has become invisible since being hounded out of office two years ago. The Sun
  • The earl is the vera soul of honour, and cares nae mair for warld's gear than a noble hound for the quest of a foulmart; but as for his son, he was like to brazen us a 'out -- ourselves, Steenie, The Fortunes of Nigel
  • With no lineouts, no meaningful scrums and all players having to be greyhounds, it's a hybrid of rugby union.
  • Five minutes later he was plodding steadily ahead of his big Mackenzie hound into the peopleless barrens to the south and west. Philip Steele of the Royal Northwest mounted Police
  • AYH agree they shouldn't cut joffrey scene, and i also don't think they cut the hound. the cersei / luwin scene makes MUCH more sense, and would relate to the "world class thespian" not being in the pilot, but being in the series a little better than if the "thespian" were the hound. GRRM with a brief update
  • Dogs of every description from the poodle to the St. Bernard and from the wolfhound to the half-breed dachshund, which is half German and half Bolshevik and looks the part. The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919
  • They got the nightvision goongoggles, they got that full body armor, they got them gasmasks latched on, they hear the squawky voice in the head phones, they got the GPS locator's, the heat sensor hound dog, they got the dragnet spread out, they got their charts and planning. A Limbaugh-Ron Paulian Republic? The Youth Will Decide
  • After 1pm a range of events will take place at the Langton Wold Gallops including a parade of hunting hounds, a celebrity pony Grand National and dressage display.
  • Meanwhile many crowded to the spot, especially followers of Conrade and officers of the Stradiots, who, as they saw their leader lie gazing wildly on the sky, raised him up amid a tumultuary cry of “Cut the slave and his hound to pieces!” The Talisman
  • American English Coonhound: I know this coonhound has waited awhile to make it into the WKC show, but I just don't see any star power from this guy. Westminster Dog Show 2012—as it happened
  • It is regarded by many as the most prestigious fell hound show there is, with classes for beagles, harriers, Jack Russell's and terriers.
  • Prior to the 1800s, European hunters maintained a large collection of dogs - pointers to locate the game; setters and retrievers to retrieve it; hounds to trail quarry over long distances.
  • Another tactic, which I abhor, was to use pepper, chilli or anything to irritate the hounds' noses.
  • Something in my memories hints that there were rumors that the Hellhound was mixing his purebreds with wolves or coyotes.
  • Well, we just type Greyhounds in the search engine and… blimey!
  • The hound has to be a real character who tends to be bossy and, maybe, has become too much of a handful for his owners to deal with.
  • The hounds followed the stag's scent.
  • He had two hunting hounds that were to be part of the cry of hounds that the lord of the manor then kept.
  • LEMON HOUND: from Erin Moure's postface to O Cadoiro skip to main From Erin Moure's postface to O Cadoiro
  • There are ways to kill foxes to keep the numbers down and it shouldn't be with the use of packs of ravenous hounds.
  • My Dearest: See what an effect your "gallous young hound" episode has had on me. An Englishwoman's Love-Letters
  • This marks an interesting divide because women - especially California women - have certainly been willing and eager to vote for that other rapacious hound.
  • The idea of grown men and women on horseback with packs of hounds, charging after one tiny animal is completely unacceptable.
  • Luck links you to the owner of a greyhound. The Sun
  • Otter hunting was the oldest organized sport in Great Britain in which packs of scent hounds were used for hunting.
  • Sir Hugo is found dead on the moors, viciously murdered by a terrifying hound from hell.
  • Yet, at 23 kilos, it weighs no more than a small basset hound.
  • Pattaya City Hall was the first stop on their whirlwind tour, when at 11: 00 a.m. on May 5th, accompanied by escorts and news hounds, the Miss Thailand hopefuls were greeted by Mayor Pairat and the entire city administration.
  • The same year saw the release of "Brainscan," with the mop-headed actor as an alienated suburban gorehound who finds that a new, gruesome interactive video game is a little too realistic. Living in the Past, Fearing the Future
  • She was like a terrier worrying an elk hound, charging in and pressing an attack so fast and furious he had no choice but to defend himself.
  • With no gantline halyard on the Ten, Tom had to go up to the hounds and hook it with a pole and coat hanger.
  • The BBC, like a well-kicked hound, does not in its post-Hutton malaise wish to antagonise politicians. BBC is 'confusing cause and effect' in its Israeli coverage
  • The huntsman was whipping in his pack of hounds.
  • A houndstooth wool anchored the season, with touches of dusty rose and pale lemon.
  • There are 11 000 working foxhounds in the United States.
  • Johnny awoke to those words the next morning and opened his eyes to see Tom standing over him, already dressed and dangerous-looking, prodding the hound pup with the toe of his boot.
  • Hounds were fed horseflesh and collected on hunt days with the sound of a horn in the street.
  • Westminster will welcome six more breeds next year, including the bluetick coonhound, best known to sports fans as the Smokey mascot at the University of Tennessee. Sadie The Scottish Terrier Wins Westminster Dog Show; Protesters Disrupt Events (PHOTOS)
  • If I were a fox I would prefer to take the chance of a twenty second chop by hounds.
  • And you leaped to meet it; and you met it; and turning in an instant on the hand you had licked and beslavered, as only such hounds can, you strengthened, and confirmed, and justified me in my scheme. ' Martin Chuzzlewit
  • Sea of Cowards," the band's sludgier, yowlier follow-up, showcases the interplay between White and Mosshart to a greater advantage than "Horehound" did. Album review: The Dead Weather, "Sea of Cowards"
  • The media are seemingly hounding them at every opportunity, upsetting and unsettling the squad.
  • Hounded by petty bureaucrats out of his cramped offices on Calton Hill, art world legend Demarco has again landed on his feet.
  • A troubled hound was baying the moon.
  • A hound yelped briefly as a whip cracked.
  • He was a docker, living in Artillery Lane off Bishopsgate, not far from Houndsditch.
  • Rather than aggrandizing its subject, this film is all about contextualizing a man hounded by comics fans and ‘broken-down hippie pest guys.’
  • It was traversed by broad avenues, in many places half grown up with brush-wood, where the beauties of former days used to take their stand to see the stag coursed with greyhounds, or to gain an aim at him with the cross-bow. The Waverley
  • Henry VII had a Welsh dragon and a wolfhound on his heraldic insignia.
  • But Clinton gained admirers in the old-mens 'club by working hard, forming cross-party allegiances, and most importantly, not stealing the spotlight from publicity hounds like her New York colleague, Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer. Al Franken's new act opens on a serious note but should it?
  • There will be three rings at the dog show for greyhounds, lurchers, whippets and any other breeds.
  • Basset hounds were known in the United States since Revolutionary times.
  • It was very slow. we only managed to land one houndfish and a bonito.
  • Before the runner sets off, he is put in an enclosed space with the hounds that then track his scent.
  • Billy thinks that maybe on moonlit nights, Old Dan will be able to hear the baying of hunting hounds.
  • I had gone to visit my parents for the weekend, and my mother drove me to the Greyhound station for my return trip.
  • Whereat Hugo ran from the house, crying to his grooms that they should saddle his mare and unkennel the pack, and giving the hounds The Hound of the Baskervilles
  • The plight of greyhounds past their racing days has touched the hearts of staff at a dog stadium.
  • The pack of hounds was baying loudly.
  • That had to be more than sixty years ago now, but in her dream, her bluetick hound had been alive once more, bringing the grubby sand-covered tennis ball back to her time and again so she could throw it. TRIAL BY FIRE
  • Glen, nor dargle, nor mountain, nor cave, could hide the puir hill-folk when Redgauntlet was out with bugle and bloodhound after them, as if they had been sae mony deer. Redgauntlet
  • In November 2004 there were 318 registered hound packs in England and Wales.
  • While I'm shamelessly namedropping, I might as well let it be known that I also once met Kelly Woan, wife of Nottingham Forest legend Ian.5.28pm: Guardian newshound Jamie Jackson is back with more news on Bobby Zamora's non-move to QPR. Transfer window deadline day 2012 – as it happened
  • The development and unification to a type, however, was carried on mostly in Germany, where native boar-hounds were evidently cross-bred with numerous imported English hounds.
  • While Margolese is not an obvious high-glam media hound, he is definitely not a low-road radio guy either.
  • The fox takes his chance with a pack of hounds which may catch him and despatch him immediately.
  • Hounds that show a disinclination to kill are kicked or whipped as punishment, and may later be put down.
  • In Drag Hunting, a pack of hounds follows a scent laid by a human rather than pursuing a live quarry.
  • The fox hunts could be brought into the cities: instead of hunting foxes, they could set the hounds onto local ne'er-do-wells.
  • The story ended unhappily for all parties concerned: Harris was disgraced and his reputation exploded, but the forgers were also hounded out of Australia.
  • a glossy-coated foxhound
  • Normally, bassett hounds from Virginia enjoy risks about as much as a grandmother in pajamas. GUARDIAN OF THE VEIL
  • Hounds were fed horseflesh and collected on hunt days with the sound of a horn in the street.
  • McConnell's aides rushed to his defence yesterday, insisting unconvincingly that, had he failed to check on whether he needed to register the painting, the media would have hounded him over the issue.
  • The hound itself will be produced for the first time using state of the art animatronics and computer generated images.
  • This ability was improved further when Fairfax imported a pack of foxhounds, and Washington developed a passion for foxhunting. George Washington’s First War
  • He races greyhounds in Ireland and also funds a home for retired greyhounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a drag hunt, a field master leads a team on horseback, guided by foxhounds on the trail of an animal scent.
  • Jan 28th, 2010 at 3: 36 pm satandethomen: check out some of the reviews on chowhound, sounds like typical awful Korean style japanese food (katsu curry from woojirip). Izakaya Moku Continues the Japanification of Koreatown | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • I don't like the idea of someone being hounded by anonymously sourced allegations in the press.
  • He spoke to Thick as a man might speak to a prized wolfhound. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • When Barbara got Zina home, she made a strange discovery - the dog has webbed feet since she is an otterhound, bred for medieval hunting when otters could be found on the dinner table.
  • Patriotism, hounded on by Prussian Terror, by Preternatural Suspicion, roars tumultuous round the Salle de Manege, all day; insults many leading Deputies, of the absolvent Right-side; nay chases them, collars them with loud menace: Deputy Vaublanc, and others of the like, are glad to take refuge in Guardhouses, and escape by the back window. The French Revolution
  • They scrambled out the door like bloodhounds on the scent.
  • He'd two schooners fishin 'the Labrador in the season, a share in a hundred-ton banker, stock in a south coast whale-factory, God knows how much yellow gold in the bank, an' a round interest in the swiler _Royal Bloodhound_, which he skippered t 'the ice every spring o' the year. Harbor Tales Down North With an Appreciation by Wilfred T. Grenfell, M.D.
  • The hounds made an eight mile point in a little over 45 minutes.
  • Constantly haunted by images of hellhounds, loneliness, and an unreasonable wanderlust, Johnson lived hand to mouth, playing at plantations, house parties and street corners.
  • the hounds followed the fox's spoor
  • Selective breeding may result in a greyhound running faster and seeing better than a wolf.
  • While our youngsters, brought up without free school milk, were lolloping about mid-week, the home side darted about like greyhounds and finished like pit bulls.
  • True: but we have all seen photographs of beings in rapid motion - horses racing, greyhounds coursing a hare, men running over a field, and so on.
  • The Bloodhound can track a scent better, a German Shepherd guards better, a Greyhound is faster, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel fits much better on your lap than a Timber Wolf ever can!
  • Volunteers' title hopes took a blow when they lost 4-3 at home to Hounds, who still harbour faint hopes of the championship.
  • listened for the hounds' pursuing bark
  • Finally, some observers report, bull terriers were commissioned to smooth out remnants of the otter hound cross that were considered unpresentable after the Airedale had entered the show ring in the 1860s.
  • The earl is the vera soul of honour, and cares nae mair for warld's gear than a noble hound for the quest of a foulmart; but as for his son, he was like to brazen us all out -- ourselves, Steenie, Baby Charles, and our Council, till he heard of the tocher, and then by my kingly crown he lap like a cock at a grossart! Sir Walter Scott (English Men of Letters Series)
  • And these hounds have been born and bred as pedigrees for 200 years - if you take them out to drag hunt, they are guaranteed to chase a fox if they find one.
  • The interviewer was none other than Meagan, who was only in her second year as a reporter and writer, though she did have her aspirations from early on to major in journalism and become a news hound for a major national publication.
  • During their marriage, the hound remains a constant companion as it grows from an adorable puppy to a huge dog. The Sun
  • He might have outwatched me, though I kept amazingly still, but the hounds were crashing through the underbrush below, and he must needs be off. The Hills of Hingham
  • Christian's response was closured by a wild outcry from the wood, hounds and horn lifting up their voices together in sudden delirium. Mount Music
  • There was a hound dog laying in the yard. An old man in overalls was sitting on the porch.
  • He is both endearing and funny with his basset hound face and jaded accent.
  • On the other hand, some well-known canine couch potatoes include the Bulldog, Basset Hound, Chow Chow, Rottweiler and Saint Bernard.
  • Forced to switch to an unaccustomed midfield role, he was hounded throughout and booed off when subbed. The Sun
  • The not so bright bulbs are apparently hounds and some beagles, which is bad news for my father. CNN Transcript Aug 10, 2009
  • In addition to salukis, eligible breeds are whippets, greyhounds, Afghan hounds, borzois, Ibizan hounds, pharaoh hounds, Irish wolfhounds, and Scottish deerhounds.
  • Run (or Hold) with the hare and hunt (or run) with the hounds
  • And if this disparate and ill-matched household needed a symbol to crystallize its discordancy, it received it in the shape of a bloodhound puppy, which had acquired the attractive habit of placing its paws on your shoulders while it peed on your legs. An Autobiography
  • Outside her only friend is a basset hound.
  • 'May the foul fiend, booted and spurred, ride down his bawling throat with a scythe at his girdle,' quoth Albert Drawslot; 'here have I been telling him that all the marks were those of a buck of the first head, and he has hallooed the hounds upon a velvet-headed knobbler! Waverley — Volume 1
  • A numerous escort, superbly clad, surrounded his ambassador; in attendance were packs of enormous hounds; and in front; went a bard, or poet, who sang, with rotte or harp in hand, the glory of Bituitus and of the Arvernian people. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 1
  • But there was a cough, and the breathing of the huge hound stopped, and then a breathy whisper came, hoarse, and sounding just as a dog would sound if dogs could talk.
  • His death on January 20 occurred at his usual mealtime, very significant for the chowhound who previously would have been demanding his dinner. When Animals Speak
  • The thrill of the sport lies in the chase and the hounds tracking the fox.
  • Among the Alsatians and poodles in the household dogs section at the Walter Rothschild Museum in Tring stands Mick the Miller, the world's most famous greyhound.
  • This leaves the question of what would happen to the packs of fox-hounds throughout the country that would no longer be required.
  • A fox-hound or a kangaroo-dog is always of the same opinion as Mr. Jorrocks: -- "All time is wasted what isn't spent in 'untin'. Three Elephant Power and Other Stories
  • Towns urged residents to purchase hounds and mastiffs and train them to hunt wolves.
  • He used to know you when he was in service at the H---- s, and speaks of you as being then "a gallous young hound," whatever that may mean. An Englishwoman's Love-Letters
  • Powder hounds won't be disappointed either as there are excellent off-piste skiing and mogul runs, but it's wise to ask for a guide if you take the uncharted option.
  • The date is also traditionally the first day of hunting meets and foxhounds, lurchers, greyhounds, beagles, minkhounds, terriers and other hunting dogs will all be taken along to Higham.
  • Nanny hoisted her higher in her arms as the huntsman blew his horn and the hounds moved off.
  • In addition to salukis, eligible breeds are whippets, greyhounds, Afghan hounds, borzois, Ibizan hounds, pharaoh hounds, Irish wolfhounds, and Scottish deerhounds.
  • To illustrate the post you may have noticed that I likes me some pitchurs a falconer with bird and sighthound: Just give it a couple years…
  • A deerhound that lives with the Scott family, Dick attacks White Fang on his first visit.
  • It's what most people do at the greyhound track. The Sun
  • Yeh can 'take Dumbledore!" yelled Hagrid, making Fang the boarhound cower and whimper in his basket. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • Cadfael went back to his workshop in the herbarium, and blew up his brazier to boil a fresh elixir of horehound for the winter coughs and colds. A Caregiver's Homage To The Very Old
  • Fed-up with watching greyhounds chase a stuffed rabbit?
  • The large nutrient reserves in seeds of hound's tongue allow rapid seedling root growth.
  • Among her most talented contemporaries, Philpot can seem like a wolfhound among housecats: she wants lines and poems as urgent and as resistant to intellect as her favored subjects, and at her best she gets them.
  • He and the hounds ravening him are amalgamated in one precipitate upsweep of pigments.
  • The dark brindle rangy one is my old Riley, a cross of coldblood greyhound and Scottish deerhound. Dog Origins
  • But I'm not a huge quality hound anyway, as long as it's in focus and I can hear it, I'm usually happy enough as long as the movie is good.
  • In fact, I would generally harry, hassle and hound them until they give up or leave the country. my emphasis obviouslyThese powers already exist to some extent note Blair's use of the word "widen". Archive 2006-04-01
  • It is a little-known fact that Laura owned a greyhound at the age of eleven.
  • He's cute in a kind of droopy dog, bassett hound way. Mickey Kaus asks "Does she know the guy?"
  • We had all sorts of dogs from terriers to spaniels and even a French basset hound.
  • Topics under discussion ranged from hunting hounds on the track, through to the future of the East Coast Main Line and problems at Leeds Station.
  • We would like to say all those who searched for our missing deerhound on September 13, he was eventually found and taken to Bexleyheath police station.
  • Of around 20,000 greyhound pups registered here every year, about half are exported to the US, the UK and Spain.
  • Some underfeed their whippets, lurchers, or greyhounds, because they mistakenly think these breeds are meant to be stick-thin.
  • He appears to dispute that, but he won't deny that he is a shameless publicity hound. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no longer a convincing case to hunt foxes with hounds and our democratic institutions are rightly reflecting public opinion on this issue.
  • The final cluster includes scent hounds, terriers, spaniels, and retrievers.
  • She knew immediately that her mother was going to hound Ferdinand for the money, perhaps even possess his belongings or property.
  • IF you want your career to go to the dogs, then a job as greyhound trainer could be for you. The Sun
  • The Otterhound has good substance with strongly boned legs and broad muscles, without being coarse.
  • If you come out because you are being hounded, that is very different than being arrested in a bathroom," Ms. Press said. - News
  • Call me a philistine, but his experimental noise, if it can be charitably described as such, could make hounds howl.
  • This was a mongrel breed incorporating strains of Labrador, Greyhound, anything that could advance the genes of endurance and pulling power.
  • Tarsal navicular stress fractures were first described in 1958 in a study of racing greyhounds.
  • Indeed a wolfhound bred by Fr. Kennedy in Rosenallis found its home with the Kennedys in the Whitehouse.
  • They neither of them moved as the outline of a young man moved in and out of focus, lovingly petting the bronze wolfhound.
  • As a fellow boozehound and vodka aficionado said to me upon trying this one, "Now this is vodka! Tony Sachs: A Gin Snob Repents: 9 Lesser-Known Vodkas To Convert The Unconverted
  • The pip was a Class A, racing after the outgoing signal like a greyhound after a mechanical rabbit. The Martian Way
  • Earlier this month, a retired greyhound defeated a top racehorse to claim the crown of fastest animal in the racing world.
  • My mother wore his houndstooth check to amble through the launderettes with Marietta.
  • “The crop-eared hound!” said Captain Dalgetty, in a rage; A Legend of Montrose
  • While bright color and multicolored nubs and slubs enlivened the tweeds, the houndstooth wovens were often found in black and white.
  • Will the hounds awaken and chase another beast? Red Hunting in the Promised Land: Anticommunism and the Making of America
  • Only an officer (OC B Coy this time), would think that Westphalian tripehound was an actual breed when he asked me what sort of dog my little mongrel was. Army Rumour Service
  • Horserace owner Wally Sturt is also one of greyhound racing's biggest fans.
  • Thousands of men and women lead keen-nosed hounds into the forest at the beginning of the hunting season for white truffles.

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