How To Use Hotspot In A Sentence

  • Many scientists think that hotspots mark locations where diapiric convection cells, called mantle ‘plumes’, rise beneath lithospheric plates.
  • We, being my partner Brett and I, set forth to the agreed hotspot, taking a 25 minute journey along a bumpy and seldom travelled track known only to a select few.
  • Organizational culture and organizational identity are both hotspots in management psychology research area in last thirty years.
  • Several distinctive ungulate herbivores are endemic to this hotspot, including the takin (Budorcas taxicolor, VU), an unusual 300-kilogram goat antelope, the red or Bailey's goral (Nemorhaedus baileyi, VU), which is endemic to the Gaoligong Shan, and the Chinese forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii). Biological diversity in the mountains of Southwest China
  • I love both ... nothing beats the excitement of exploring new hunting territory and hoping that new hotspot is just around the next bend ... still, the knowledge gained by hunting the same piece of country, season after season, is invaluable and only comes with time ... Do you prefer hunting an area you know very well and have hunted often, or do you like the challenge and adventure of hunting ne
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  • Police say the largely built-up area around the park has become one of the town's juvenile nuisance hotspots in recent years and a revamped park would help deter anti-social behaviour.
  • Among the distinctive bird species in the hotspot is the aforementioned white-winged guan (Penelope albipennis, CR), which is found only in the dry forests at the southern extreme of the hotspot. Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena
  • Today, only a few hundred individuals of the Persian wild ass subpsecies (E.h. onager) persist in Bahram-e-Goor in the Iranian portion of the hotspot, while another subspecies of wild ass, known as the kulan or Turkmenian wild ass (E.h. kulan, CR), survives only in a single population in and around the Badkhyz Nature Reserve in south Turkmenistan, just marginally outside the hotspot. Biological diversity in the Irano-Anatolian
  • For the standard arrow , the hotspot is , logically, the tip of the arrow.
  • A wi-fi hotspot is a public place that offers wireless access. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 628
  • Many coffee-shops are now following the same model, which could undermine the prospects for fee-based hotspots.
  • To within a few millimetres, human brains share a reading hotspot - what Stanislas Dehaene calls the "letterbox" - on the bottom of the left hemisphere. Stephen's Lighthouse
  • A scenic bus ride will take attendees to this Texas hotspot, an ideal setting for a festive event.
  • The hotspot is also home to a rich variety of ungulates (animals with hooves), including the threatened argali wild sheep.
  • The idea was greeted with incredulity by people questioned by the Today programme near a crash hotspot in north London.
  • Research on collision rate of finite inertial particle with preferential concentration is one of hotspots in gas-particle flow mechanism and aerosol dynamics.
  • Boingo is the private-label backend or hotspot component for products sold by Fiberlink, Wi-Fi Networking News
  • More than a hundred hotspots beneath the Earth's crust have been active during the past 10 million years.
  • Saunders also helped explain a cryptic remark by Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz on Monday, when he said the new hotspots would make stores the "antitheses" of a cyber cafe. Wi-Fi Networking News
  • Besides the flying foxes, the admiralty cuscus (Spilocuscus kraemeri) is the only endemic cuscus in the hotspot, being confined to the Admiralty Islands. Biological diversity in the East Melanesian Islands
  • In other words, the plan is not to restrict the wireless footprint of these hotspots.
  • Some of the most distinctive birds in the hotspot include two very large species, the rhea (Rhea americana) and the red-legged seriema (Cariama cristata), neither of which are endemic. Biological diversity in the Cerrado
  • The expectation that values could surge for the rest of the monarch 's reign and beyond is causing speculation about the likely hotspots. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another hotspot is a shallow, mud-bottomed bay, especially one on a lake's northern shore. 25 Killer Spring Tips for Bass, Trout, Crappie, Walleys, and Pike
  • Mac thus finds itself prey to more hackers), while Boingo Wireless, a Wi-Fi hotspot federator, is developing a Mac client to allow Mac users to tap into the Boingo network. Macworld
  • Using paleomagnetic and geochronological data from the drilled basalts, this project attempts to answer the question of whether the deep Hawaiian and Louisville mantle plumes, the two longest-lived primary hotspot systems in the Pacific, have moved in concert or independently. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Universal Studios is nearby and plenty of tours can guide them around all the star-studded hotspots of Hollywood.
  • So-called housing hotspots are those that command a property price premium over their neighbours. Times, Sunday Times
  • As in other island hotspots, there are two distinct groups of freshwater fishes in the Caribbean: on smaller and younger islands, most fish are species that are widespread in marine waters but also enter freshwater to some degree, while on the larger and older islands of the Greater Antilles, there are several groups that occupy inland waters, including gars, killifishes, silversides and cichlids. Biological diversity in the Caribbean Islands
  • However, the hard part about crime data is that it is usually disproportionally impacted by certain "hotspot areas," as well as certain types of crime. Reflections on Living with Violence in Mexico
  • After their wild night in the fleshpots and hotspots of Leeds, the boys, together with a trio of female friends head to Mull.
  • The two also exchanged views on the situation on the Korean Peninsula and regional hotspot issues.
  • The incidents have sparked panic in tourist hotspot and there are real fears the sightings will lead to holidaymakers avoiding the area. The Sun
  • The islands are volcanic in origin, having arisen from a mantle hotspot, and they have never been connected to the mainland.
  • The expectation that values could surge for the rest of the monarch 's reign and beyond is causing speculation about the likely hotspots. Times, Sunday Times
  • These previously sleepy enclaves have become hotspots of activity and are becoming ever trendier. The Sun
  • The northern parts of the hotspot in Ecuador and the Colombian Chocó are characterized by extremely wet or pluvial forests that receive eight meters of annual rainfall and have a diversity per hectare of as many as 300 tree species. Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena
  • Police are to target crime hotspots in the Keighley division to purge the streets of robbers and burglars.
  • One possible alternative if you are limited to a poor broadband service is to turn your smartphone into a mobile hotspot and tether your computer to it. The Sun
  • The problems with Wi-Fi Hotspots are symptomatic of the fundamental conflict between the cellular phone industry and the rest of our society and economy.
  • Such sites may be indicative of hotspots of recombination or mutation or epistatic selection.
  • As in other island hotspots, there are two distinct groups of freshwater fishes in the Caribbean: on smaller and younger islands, most fish are species that are widespread in marine waters but also enter freshwater to some degree, while on the larger and older islands of the Greater Antilles, there are several groups that occupy inland waters, including gars, killifishes, silversides and cichlids. Biological diversity in the Caribbean Islands
  • Matches to the hypermutation hotspot RGYW and its reverse complement, WRCY, are in lightface type.
  • However, only a small number of hotspots have been characterized in detail.
  • Examples of the many threatened species in this hotspot include three that are Critically Endangered and known from single localities: Phyllomedusa ayeaye, from Poços de Caldas in the state of Minas Gerais; Scinax alcatraz, from the Ilha de Alcatrazes in the state of São Paulo; and Hyla cymbalum, from Grande da Serra in the state of São Paulo (and which has not been recorded during recent surveys and may be extinct). Biological diversity in the Atlantic Forest
  • The saola represents a newly described endemic genus, and is one of several species within the Indo-Burma hotspot in need of immediate conservation action. Biological diversity in Indo-Burma
  • The mammal society said these features could be used to identify hotspots where action could be taken to save animal lives.
  • MIDDLE England is seeking a new life abroad, and commuter towns in the south and northwest are the emigration hotspots. Times, Sunday Times
  • The show was always shot on location, and had a hip look combining current fashion trends and New York hotspots with extravagant production values.
  • Austin estimated that they found 20 previously unknown species in New Guinea, which is such a hotspot of diversity that scientists figure they've described only about six-tenths of all the species living there. The Seattle Times
  • - svgs and HOTSPOTS scaled to 500x500 to speed up build and match svg2png script Content
  • Verizon to offer free Wi-Fi to subscribers It looks like Verizon Internet subscribers may soon have the ability to use free Wi-Fi hotspots aspread across the country, several online media outlets are now reporting. CD Freaks News
  • In addition, the BlackBerry Pearl Flip smartphone features built-in Wi-Fi® (802.11 b / g) with support for UMA (unlicensed mobile access), extending wireless email and data coverage and supporting carrier enabled voice calls over home Wi-Fi networks, enterprise wireless deployments and Wi-Fi hotspots. MobileTechNews
  • After hopscotching from event to event in Nashua I found a T-Mobile hotspot at a Borders Books in town and jotted down the events in the post below.
  • It also lets users upload away from home at more than 10,000 Wayport and open hotspots, and will automatically geotag photos with information about where the images were taken.
  • With that in mind, here is a simple crib sheet for some of our tourist hotspots. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it is not just the hotspots that have tickled our fancy. The Sun
  • At any other time of year, this would have been an odd triptych of international hotspots, but try getting your bearings during a four-day festival devoted purely to the art of dramming.
  • Once politicians conducted whistle-stop tours of election hotspots - in the days when there were election hotspots - in trundling battlebuses.
  • The one big hotspot that Bencizeng sends, it is presiding apparitor of TCL president, CEO() 18% what Lidongsheng issues subscribe total share.
  • Anyone trying to take fish during the close season is breaking the law, and the agency is warning that fisheries enforcement teams armed with high tech equipment will be patrolling known hotspots to protect the fish from poachers.
  • These boot-cut jeans will take you from a Saturday of walking around town to a night of clubbing at your favorite hotspot.
  • Once someone registers the free software, and becomes a ‘Fonero’, FON provides maps of where the new hotspot is located. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Wi-Fi sharing company
  • Before they have language, infants pay attention to what I call informational hotspots," where their mother or father is looking, said Andrew N. Meltzoff, a psychologist who is co-director of university's Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences. - News
  • I wandered aimlessly around thinking about the play and failing to find a wireless hotspot.
  • The local plod will claim they are the accident hotspots as the tickets flutter in.
  • As is the case with plants, the hotspot also holds a number of more widespread mammal species, including the jaguar (Panthera onca), Baird's tapir (Tapirus bairdii, EN), the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), and the olingo (Bassaricyon gabbii). Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena
  • Butterflies are the best-known invertebrates in the hotspot, with a few species of Ornithoptera (birdwing) butterflies, particularly O. allotae and O. victoriae – both large, prominent and spectacular species – and the blue emperor swallowtail (Papilio ulysses) found in the Bismarcks and Solomons. Biological diversity in the East Melanesian Islands
  • They're going street by street, doing what they call mop-up, making sure that any of the remaining hotspots are completely put out. CNN Transcript Jun 27, 2007
  • When Stan Hagensick boated a 74-pound, state-record flathead catfish here last spring, he didn't just land a monster mudcat; he cemented La Crosse's reputation as a Midwestern fishing hotspot. UPPER MISSISSIPPI: Cats and Eyes
  • The catch is that any other usage will be billed at whatever tariffs the relevant hotspot owner charges, so no gratis web surfing or emailing, we're afraid.
  • The Chilean Winter Rainfall-Valdivian Forests Hotspot represents the crossroads of two major floristic and faunistic regions: the Neotropical and ancient Gondwanan provinces. Biological diversity in the Chilean winter rainfall-valdivian forests
  • The specialist squad will be permanently assigned to hotspots plagued by gun-toting drug gangs. The Sun
  • The couple also splurged recently on a romantic babymoon to Rio de Janiero, Brazil, where they hit up some of the local tourist hotspots.
  • Najla Hafiz/Reuters Late Tuesday, the agency said on its web site that over 200 "hotspots" caused by peat fires in Sumatra were seen via satellite. Haze Blankets Singapore
  • The conifers were felled on the 12 hectare site after it became a hotspot for 'dogging' - where people have sex with strangers while being watched. P2pnet news
  • Although about 12.5 % of the hotspot is under some form of protection, only about 6.9 % of the land area is conserved in protected areas that fall within IUCN categories I to IV. Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena
  • A recent Wednesday night at Incontro drew a crowd that a downtown Boston hotspot would envy.
  • Steady winds fanned the flames despite firefighters and National Park officials directing six hosereel jets on to the fire and beating out hotspots with rubber beaters.
  • I have bought a machine with inbuilt wireless, so I will have to go around hunting in London for wireless hotspots, I suppose.
  • I can jump most wifi hotspots with my fone which is cool and will save me money, so use that a lot to email and bank, also a lot safer with own hardware as PCs may be infected with spyware etc. P.O. Box: 1016, Durbar Marg Kathmandu, Nepal TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Mary K.V. Hodges, Paul Karl Link, C. Mark Fanning, 2009, The Pliocene Lost River found to west: Detrital zircon evidence of drainage disruption along a subsiding hotspot track Scientific Articles on Yellowstone
  • To solve these problems, the modular construction and reuse of ontology become a current hotspot in Semantic Web and ontology engineering.
  • The Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena biodiversity hotspot extends through the Chocó region of western Colombia and spreads east around the northern extent of the Colombian western and central cordillera, through the dry forests along the Caribbean coast as far as the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and south into the Cauca and Magdalena valleys. Colombia
  • However, intense male recombination hotspots should still increase average recombination rates.
  • Especially three-phase converter which has the advantages of bi-directional power flow, low AC harmonic and unit power factor, becomes the researching hotspot in the field of power electronics.
  • Many an underpaid Manhattan boozehound lurches from hotspot to hotspot in search of the latest free mix. What Women Want
  • There are also two endemic species of galagos (out of a total of four occurring in the hotspot): the Rondo dwarf galago (Galagoides rondoensis) in the southern Tanzanian forests, the Kenya coast galago (G. cocos) from northern Tanzania and into Kenya. Biological diversity in the coastal forests of Eastern Africa
  • Image - based virtual reality technology is a hotspot of virtual reality research.
  • The hotspot is part of BirdLife International’s Southeast African Coast Endemic Bird Area, with four restricted-range species: Rudd’s apalis (Apalis ruddi), pink-throated twinspot (Hypargos margaritatus), Neergaard’s sunbird (Nectarinia neergaardi) and lemon-breasted seedeater (Serinus citrinipectus). Biological diversity in Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany
  • Recently, a new amphibian family was discovered in Kerala in the Western Ghats; the burrowing anuran family, Nasikabatrachidae, with the single species Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis (EN), represents the only endemic amphibian family in the hotspot. Biological diversity in the Western Ghats and Sri Lanka
  • The Eastern Afromontane Hotspot encompasses several widely scattered, but biogeographically similar mountain ranges in eastern Africa, from Saudi Arabia and Yemen in the north to Zimbabwe in the south. Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • From tourist hotspots to a closeup of an eagle midflight, the planet is magical from a bird's eye view. The Sun
  • But despite the cost in human life the posting has never caught the public imagination in the way much more minor flare ups in the world's political hotspots have.
  • Among the best-recognized plant species in the hotspot are the proteas, particularly the king protea (Protea cynaroides), which is South Africa's national flower, and the red disa (Disa uniflora). Biological diversity in the Cape Floristic Region
  • Conservation of delicate, light-sensitive objects may be compromised by flash photography that can generate hotspots and cause fading. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't know about anyone else, but this seems to me a great thing since there are no landlines and no cable access where we will be living, and the nearest wifi hotspot is 2 miles away. Internet connection to laptop via cellphone
  • Thanks to new insights over the past few months, we now know that minisatellites sit next to the drivers of genetic change, called recombination hotspots, where parental DNA is blended during cell division. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • The story begins at Steffans' darkest moment in the bathroom of a Beverly Hills hotspot.
  • I clicked on one of the hotspots on the photomap of our location.
  • Named after Cadboro Bay, a sightings hotspot, Caddy sightings are impressively consistent, with most reports mentioning a large-eyed, horse-like or camel-like head (often with short horns), a long neck, serpentine body, a pair of flippers and a bifid, horizontal tail (LeBlond & Bousfield 1995). Cadborosaurus
  • The scheme, supported by the Evening Advertiser, was set up in Wroughton, a burglary hotspot, in August 2002 to combat the activities of con artists.
  • An area once prized for its placement close to both the inner city and the entertainment hotspot of Hillbrow up until the 1980s, it now bears the brunt of urban decay.
  • In addition, broad-scale thermal doming or the influence from a hotspot can cause additional mantle drag that may combine in a constructive or destructive way with existing drag.
  • They were laying kerbstones as a safety measure because the stretch of road is one of Swindon's most notorious accident hotspots.
  • The hotspot, which occupies a total land area of 338,494 km2, includes the large island of Sulawesi and also the Moluccas, or Spice Islands, and the Lesser Sundas (which encompasses Timor Leste, and the Indonesia region of Nusa Tenggara). Biological diversity in Wallacea
  • The Canadian region is a major film and animation hotspot. The Sun
  • The Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, which runs from west to east across central Mexico, and serves as a bridge connecting the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental, is the highest mountain chain in the hotspot, including the peaks of Pico de Orizaba (5,747 meters [m]) and Popocatépetl (5,452 meters). Biological diversity in the Madrean pine-oak woodlands
  • Now, public hotspot usage is known to be limited to a relatively small number of individuals.
  • These breaksite hotspot clusters are indicated by braces in Fig 3.
  • The largest protected area in the hotspot, and one of the largest in Mexico, is the 1,774-km2 Cumbres de Monterrey National Park in the Sierra Madre Oriental. Biological diversity in the Madrean pine-oak woodlands
  • The hotspot is home to three endemic plant families (Aextoxicaceae, Gomortegaceae and Lactoridaceae), and several monotypic endemic plant genera (Pitavia, Legrandia, and Jubaea). Biological diversity in the Chilean winter rainfall-valdivian forests
  • The jet will take real tourists to holidays hotspots like Ibiza. The Sun
  • With that in mind, here is a simple crib sheet for some of our tourist hotspots. Times, Sunday Times
  • The teenagers will visit many of Iceland's unique features, including geysers, volcanoes and geothermal hotspots.
  • My style is to hold out until Good Friday, and then cram as many as possible into my diet until they disappear from the shelves or, at least, from the promotional hotspots and back into the muffin and teabread aisle. How to cook perfect hot cross buns
  • It's highly flammable, which is why firefighters had to finish extinguishing hotspots before investigators could get to the dead men inside. rss feed
  • The rest of the hotspot is bounded on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the 1,000-meter elevation contour of the western slope of the Andes Mountains, where the Tropical Andes hotspot begins. Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena
  • Organizational culture and job satisfaction are the hotspots in management psychology research area.
  • The results indicate that the sequence analysis of the hotspot region is a very powerful tool to investigate genetic variations of chloroplast genome in Triticum and Aegilops.
  • The results indicate that the sequence analysis of the hotspot region is a very powerful tool to investigate genetic variations of chloroplast genome in Triticum and Aegilops.
  • How to construct situation model is the hotspot in comprehension study.
  • Lewin calls the breakpoint regions "hotspots of evolution in the genome. Undefined
  • Among other notable plant species in the hotspot are the araucaria trees (Araucaria araucana) and Chile's national flower, the copihue or Chile-bells (Lapageria rosea). Biological diversity in the Chilean winter rainfall-valdivian forests
  • Regardless of the shape the cursor assumes, it always has a single hotspot pixel.
  • The incidents have sparked panic in tourist hotspot and there are real fears the sightings will lead to holidaymakers avoiding the area. The Sun
  • The results indicate that the sequence analysis of the hotspot region is a very powerful tool to investigate genetic variations of chloroplast genome in Triticum and Aegilops.
  • Owing to their profound academic and applied background, recently, exploring an exact algorithm or heuristics as fine as possible of these problems is hotspot for so many mathematicians.
  • The area is identified as an important hotspot of biodiversity and management of the protected area.
  • The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), widely planted throughout the tropics for oil production, is native to the hotspot, while valuable timber species include the African ebony (Diospyros gracilis), two genera of African mahogany (Entandophragma and Khaya), and iroko (Milicia excelsa), which is widely exploited. Biological diversity in the Guinean forests of West Africa
  • Yellowstone hotspot and mantle plume: Seismic and GPS imaging, kinematics, and mantle flow, J. Volcanol. Scientific Articles on Yellowstone
  • I use a program called HotSpot, which disables the screensaver while the mouse cursor is in the (configurable) upper right corner of the screen. Caffeine Disables Or Enables The ScreenSaver Easily | Lifehacker Australia
  • They should also track their hotspot usage so that the company will know what to contract for when the market matures further.
  • The Eastern Himalaya EBA, which also overlaps with part of the Indo-Burma Hotspot, has nearly 20 endemic species, including four that are fully endemic to the Himalayas: the chestnut-breasted partridge (Arborophila mandellii, VU) and rusty-throated wren babbler (Spelaeornis badeigularis, VU), plus the white-throated tit (Aegithalos niveogularis) and orange bullfinch (Pyrrhula aurantiaca). Biological diversity in the Himalayas
  • Benefit cuts are fuelling abuse of disabled people, say charities Benefit cuts are fuelling abuse of disabled people, say charities 'I never qualified for disability benefit, yet I'm still called a faker' Youth unemployment report calls for co-ordinated action in 600 hotspots Boy, 11, drowned in respite centre pool after carers were distracted - inquest Follow the latest news on the NHS reforms with our team of health specialists The Guardian World News
  • However, the politics surrounding HotSpot are shrouded in controversy.
  • The results indicate that the sequence analysis of the hotspot region is a very powerful tool to investigate genetic variations of chloroplast genome in Triticum and Aegilops.
  • The vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) – which along with the domesticated llama (Lama glama), the alpaca (Lama pacos), and the wild guanaco (Lama guanicoe) is one of four distinctive camel species found in the Tropical Andes – represents an important conservation success story for this hotspot. Biological diversity in the Tropical Andes
  • Could the genetic benefits of crossing over explain the persistence of active hotspots?
  • Our weekends are typically filled with flea market food tastings, mimosa-soaked brunches, and intimate meals at creative Brooklyn hotspots serving things like fried kale, creamy risotto, and creatively flavored artisan ice cream.
  • From tourist hotspots to a closeup of an eagle midflight, the planet is magical from a bird's eye view. The Sun
  • The band began playing at New York hotspots and was well received for their minimalist style.
  • The vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) – which along with the domesticated llama (Lama glama), the alpaca (Lama pacos), and the wild guanaco (Lama guanicoe) is one of four distinctive camel species found in the Tropical Andes – represents an important conservation success story for this hotspot. Biological diversity in the Tropical Andes
  • Newtown is Johannesburg's vibrant cultural hub, where some of the city's finest entertainment hotspots are found.
  • Intel's Centrino logo on a hotspot is a guarantee that the equipment has been tested as interoperable with its chipsets and therefore carries a certain badge of quality.
  • Now, Rough Set theory is becoming a new hotspot of artificial intelligence domain. More and more scholar focuse on the incremental data mining technology based on rough set theory.
  • Overall, endemism is quite high in this hotspot because of extensive speciation among several groups of plants, most notably the epiphytes, suggesting that the region was the location of plant refugia during Pleistocene glaciations. Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena
  • Among other notable plant species in the hotspot are the araucaria trees (Araucaria araucana) and Chile's national flower, the copihue or Chile-bells (Lapageria rosea). Biological diversity in the Chilean winter rainfall-valdivian forests
  • Firefighters had been monitoring hotspots but there were worries that increasing wind might fan the flames.
  • To within a few millimetres, human brains share a reading hotspot - what Stanislas Dehaene calls the "letterbox" - on the bottom of the left hemisphere. LISNews - Comments
  • Jalisco is also an aerospace hotspot, with projects "in place," according to the Mexican-government publication Negocios, for "producing engine components, wiring harnesses, cables, landing system components and heat exchangers. The Case for Free-Trade Leadership
  • The Jandía cardon (Euphorbia handiensis), an important flagship plant species for the Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot, can be found in the Natural Park of Jandía on the Canary Islands. Biological diversity in the Mediterranean Basin
  • Four of the endemics are representatives of the three endemic genera in the hotspot: a rodent (Microakodontomys transitorius), known only from a single specimen collected in 1986 in the Brasília National Park; the Candango mouse (Juscelinomys candango), a semi-fossorial rodent first discovered in 1960 on the site of the capital, Brasília, then under construction, and which has never again been collected; and the cerrado mouse (Thalpomys cerradensis) and hairy-eared cerrado mouse (T. lasiotis). Biological diversity in the Cerrado
  • (eqn. (3)), another prediction is that homozygous loci showing homoallelic nonadditivity are hotspots for the creation of genetic dominant eQTLs in the genome. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Teams of forestry workers are inspecting trees for other disease hotspots. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the organisers, models and tennis players enjoyed a night out at the well-known Dublin hotspot Renards where Anna Kournikova was seen dancing the night away.
  • Of the 34 families represented in the hotspot, minnows (family Cyprinidae) are dominant, followed by killifishes (Nothobranchius spp.). Biological diversity in the coastal forests of Eastern Africa
  • -- Wi-Fi® (802.11 b/g/n); qualifying smartphone customers can enjoy seamless connectivity to over 20,000 AT&T Wi-Fi hotspots at no additional cost Latest News from SYS-CON MEDIA
  • HEV is very important for dealing with energy crises, ensuring environment and sustainable development. At present, HEV becomes a hotspot in vehicle technology development, and has achieved success.
  • In the northwest Pacific you can see a whole series of seamount chains that were formed by hotspots.
  • Just look at all the recent political changes in recent history: Cuba willing to talk, Iran – pre election – willing to negociate, DPRK fires missiles, Iraq war winding down, Afghanistan offensive about to start ..., coup in Honduras ... not to mention all the little hotspots around the globe. Hillary Clinton 'elbowed' aside?
  • But it is not just the hotspots that have tickled our fancy. The Sun
  • Some travelers who do not want to rely on finding an 802.11 hotspot are opting for a snap-in WAN (wide area network) PC Card that uses wireless cell phone technology to log onto the Internet. Q & A: How to surf the Net — wirelessly — from your laptop | Sync Blog
  • In the coming decade, the abuse of agrochemicals and uncontrolled fishing and hunting are expected to Euphorbia echinus, Euphorbia resinifera, Senecio put more pressure on the fragile ecosystems and the threatened endemic species, particularly in hotspots. Northern Africa and biodiversity
  • A trailblazer in the world of entertainment, the city's most contemporary jazz bar and entertainment hotspot became a popular watering hole to unwind.
  • A branch of the hotspot spreads east around the northern extent of the Colombian western and central cordillera, through the dry forests along the Caribbean coast as far as the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and south into the Cauca and Magdalena valleys. Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena

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