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[ UK /hˈɒtpɒt/ ]
[ US /ˈhɑtˌpɔt/ ]
  1. a stew of meat and potatoes cooked in a tightly covered pot

How To Use hotpot In A Sentence

  • In the evening, the menu takes on more of a bistro persona, with a la carte offerings spanning the gamut from burgers, roast chicken and baked fish to tasty "chasseur" hotpots of mussels steamed in wine (moules marinieres this would be called in France). News On Japan
  • Specialities include a range of artisan cheeses, home-made fresh crab pates and ready-made meals, such as pheasant with pickled walnuts and Lancashire hotpot with oysters.
  • The vegetable can be used in soups, hotpots or as stuffing for dumplings.
  • Just lamb for me hotpot. The Sun
  • This quicker version of a hotpot, more of a soup really, is unthickened and has a freshness about it that the oven versions don't.
  • We also serve it with oyster fritters, because oysters used to be incredibly cheap and were often used in the hotpot.
  • My mash was creamy and tasty, and the leeks complemented the hotpot well.
  • Our man didn't enjoy the greasy lamb hotpot with soggy chips and baked beans, the beans being so salty they made his mouth tingle. The Sun
  • Unlike many of its British equivalents mash, hotpot, steamed puddings, even the surprisingly similar pease puddings which preceded the potato in this country, dal is a dish which can comfort all year round: the fresh, sharp spices and clean herbs work as well for me on a cooling summer evening as a dark winter's night. How to cook perfect dhal
  • Although the hotpot was a disappointment, with a lot of dishes in the $5 range and a student discount that knocks off the tax, Vegetarian Fastfood is an ideal place for a very filling lunch.
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