
How To Use Hothouse In A Sentence

  • They live in a small hothouse - filled with plants - that is supposed to simulate a rain forest.
  • Mould - breaking strategies grow initially like weeds. They are not cultivated like tomatoes in a hothouse.
  • Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.
  • It was a hothouse artistic environment to grow up in. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there is a danger also: a person reared in such a hothouse environment may wilt once he or she steps into the broader society. Christianity Today
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  • But if you've never grown orchids before, you may wonder: Can you grow these hothouse beauties without a greenhouse?
  • The Irishman sitting between Scottie Brown and Kevin Thomson would positively hothouse the development of these two superb prospects, and Keane will have that effect on Celtic's youngsters.
  • The science and technology hothouse is built on land that was once part of RAF Martlesham Heath.
  • Careful, many of the miniatures sold at florists or checkouts around the country are hothouse plants that won't take any cold at all; make sure to ask.
  • The central glasshouse had two lean-to hothouses, one dry for cacti, the other humid for tropical plants.
  • Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality. Slumber not in the tents of your fathers.
  • R These locals, led by manic violinist Steve Gibons, might be the city's best practitioners of Roma music -- and there's only one ringer in the bunch, cimbalom virtuoso Nicolae Feraru, a Romanian expat who also leads his own group and a few years ago backed Serbian legend Saban Bajramovic at HotHouse. Chicago Reader
  • In this hothouse atmosphere, romances can quickly grow very intense. The Sun
  • Europeans, meanwhile, were captivated by the fruit and had tried to grow it in their hothouses, with varying success.
  • When Darwin received some new plants for the hothouse, he wrote to a friend that he and Henrietta ‘go & gloat over them.’
  • 'A kind of hothouses, 'said the Owl,' for the culture of feeble moral principles that the Struggle for Existtence has been too much for. 'That Very Mab'
  • But there is a danger also: a person reared in such a hothouse environment may wilt once he or she steps into the broader society. Christianity Today
  • He says that playing music saved him from that life, as he was hothoused through the education system. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I was housekeeper here, an 'cud have hothouse strawberries, an' swatebreads undher glass, an 'sparrowgrass, an' chicken, _an'_ ice crame, the way you can, whiniver yuh loike, I wouldn't be a-eatin 'cornbeef an' cabbage. Cheerful—By Request
  • A boy undone by the failure to accept human limits, Icarus is a useful metaphor for the hothouse kid. The Drama of the Gifted Parent
  • In our culture, work of this kind sometimes seems a form of diminishment, either a taking away of the illusions of the past or a hothouse re-creation of them.
  • But in the hothouse environment of academic science the flawed theory has been allowed to survive.
  • I dream of rain, falling on everything, the dripping, peeling runnels of all gardens, from the grey sky through glass and hothouse, in the sowed order of this elder's place.
  • It's a kind of hothouse testing ground for talent, where you might find writers taking a turn at singing, wrestlers reading poetry, or comedians playing jazz guitar.
  • It has 288 acres of magnificent plants and glorious trees, plus hothouses, laboratories, and four museums.
  • It was a hothouse artistic environment to grow up in. Times, Sunday Times
  • The preparation of international rugby teams is becoming a hothouse breeding mutant plants.
  • We are talking of thousands of square kilometres of hothouses, factories and packing plants.
  • It is not considered a hothouse, with pupils learning in an unpressured environment. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's like a hothouse, in whose controlled climate people can develop their selfhood to the full.
  • These so-called cluster tomatoes are cultured in hothouses for sale during seasons when field-grown crops aren't available.
  • She was conscious of the hothouse heat under her hairline and the dampness gathering in the small of her back and at the cuffs of her dress. THE WHITE DOVE
  • The author of novels which, with all their luxurious splendour, can only be called hothouses of morbid sentiment, has become the apostle of Italian imperialism, and more than any other single man provoked Italy to throw herself into the great adventure of the War. Recent Developments in European Thought
  • Despite, or perhaps thanks to, the U.S. embargo of that rhythmically rich island, Cuban culture has flowered into exotic fruition in an isolated hothouse.
  • But there is a danger also: a person reared in such a hothouse environment may wilt once he or she steps into the broader society. Christianity Today
  • Make-up mayhemAre your cosmetics becoming 'hothouses' for bacteria? National Nine News
  • My school was a thrusting hothouse of academic achievement.
  • Surely there is a point where in-house becomes hothouse.
  • But since they must endure the stress of forced bloom and off-season transplanting, they need special handling to make the transition from hothouse to garden.
  • There was the scent of faint gardenias---his hothouse boutonniere. THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • You can choose your favorite reason for why these artificial, made-for-TV, hothouse relationships usually collapse: because they're no more than the fictional creations of overeager, oversexed imaginations; or because, thanks to all those cameras, the chosen one has now had a chance to see just how eager the chooser was, and with how many other candidates. Critic's Corner Monday
  • In this Bohemian hothouse, our quirks and foibles flourished unchecked.
  • Given the financial commitment involved, it's important to get it right - it could mean the difference between a pokey hothouse or a cold, dark space and a bright, year-round sunroom.
  • Voters are fed up with callow youths who are products of the political hothouse but lack life experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Edmonton's own DIY movie hothouse presents the fruits of its labours.
  • That will add huge costs for those operators who are involved in building prefabricated buildings, barns, bridges, glasshouses, and hothouses.
  • In this hothouse atmosphere, romances can quickly grow very intense. The Sun
  • Kaufmann's voice was at both its most limber and controlled here, his delivery achieving subtle colorations in the work's atmospheric hothouses, as with his nearly vibrato-less "Ich hab' im Traum geweinet" (I wept in my dream), his plangent "Aus alten Märchen winkt es" (From old fairy tales beckons...), and the oaken darkness of his "Die alten, bösen Lieder" (the old, angry songs), summing up the poet's journey. Rodney Punt: Jonas Kaufmann Triumphs in Lieder Recital for LA Opera
  • COPENHAGEN—Modernist design was born in the chaotic center of 20th-century Europe, in the cultural hothouses of Weimar-era Germany and entre-deux-guerres Paris, but it came of age in the provincial calm of post-World War II Denmark. Danish Design's Homely Attraction
  • Finally, a lot of Americans are returning to the joys of eating fresh produce in season, having tired of the plasticene blandness of hothouse tomatoes and giant strawberries that look gorgeous and smell divine, but have all the sweetness and flavor of styrofoam. Tigers & Strawberries » Community Supported Agriculture
  • Cockatiels certainly do not need hothouse conditions to breed.
  • Groton Labs isn't some academic hothouse where a few eggheads are allowed to toil fruitlessly forever.
  • * The hothouse atmosphere of sanatorium life, the stark contrast between material luxury and inner spiritual misery, the frantic search for pleasure in the face of death, the petty scandals and storms in teacups, the black flags, symbolising death, which hung from the windows of the sanatoria-all these need no further elaboration here. Edith Södergran: a biographical profile - 3
  • It was a crazy, hothouse atmosphere populated by exceptionally gifted, strong-willed characters who seemed to drift in and out whenever they pleased.
  • Church services, Sunday propagandize as well as hothouse during 10: 30 a.m. in Darien; during FCCS church during 49 Park St., Archive 2009-11-01
  • Maradia is not the product of an expensive private school or aspiring middle class parents who hope to hothouse her into academic brilliance.
  • Specimens from all over Arkon are cultivated here, and those plants whose preferred climate does not fit that of the lands surrounding the Academy are housed in hothouses.
  • His music is very much of its time, and I should say it has, in its extra-musical concerns of orientalia, hothouse sex, and Celtic twilight, links to the literary Decadents of the Victorian Eighties and Nineties.
  • That is an awful lot of togetherness and it could be argued that the prolonged exposure to a hothouse atmosphere causes bodies, and especially minds, to wilt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tropical diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever are reaching temperate regions, and ragweed and poison ivy thrive in the hothouse world.
  • They want the world to know Oz is not one big hothouse for pumping out ripe but merely gluggable, industrial wines. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • But there is a danger also: a person reared in such a hothouse environment may wilt once he or she steps into the broader society. Christianity Today
  • Several of the plants have been stolen from Berlin's hothouses - the world's second largest - along with dozens of other species of exotic plants.
  • We moved cautiously along the rambling hothouse path, peeking over umber birds of paradise and split palm fronds and under deep flowering trees nearly impossible to imagine in the arid climate just outside the glass.
  • Here in this broad window, foregathered in a congress of colours designed to appetise, are the ripe fruits of every clime and every season: the Southern pomegranate beside the hardy Northern apple, scarlet and yellow; the early strawberry and the late ruddy peach; figs from the Orient and pines from the Antilles; dates from Tunis and tawny persimmons from Japan; misty sea-green grapes and those from the hothouse -- tasteless, it is true, but so lordly in their girth, and royal purple; portly golden oranges and fat plums; pears of mellow blondness and pink-skinned apricots. The Spenders A Tale of the Third Generation
  • Nor are films split between hothouse esoterics distributed solely to hoity-toity boutique venues versus "crowd-pleasers" shown in every mall (besides, Hellas doesn't have malls - it has small shopping courtyards). Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: The Andreadis Unibrow Theory of Art
  • The White House is both a hothouse and a graveyard for professional loyalty.
  • As a response to the historic site and context, to the requirements of modern hothouses and to climate, it is both sophisticated and thoughtful.
  • That is to say, in the majority of cases, one may simply employ the water available in hothouses, which is just at the proper temperature. Three Acres and Liberty
  • If I was housekeeper here, an 'cud have hothouse strawberries, an' swatebreads undher glass, an 'sparrowgrass, an' chicken, _an'_ ice crame, the way you can, whiniver yuh loike, I wouldn't be a-eatin 'cornbeef an' cabbage. Cheerful—By Request
  • The central glasshouse had two lean-to hothouses, one dry for cacti, the other humid for tropical plants.
  • You poured in everything that was left of the geranium essence, until the room was warm and scented and smelled like an exotic hothouse.
  • In a plush suite, its air heavy with the scent of hothouse flowers, record company bosses are mingling with agents and photographers. The Sun
  • When Kierkegaard was twenty-two years old, he made his first foray into this literary hothouse.
  • Students were not potted plants to be watered in some academic hothouse, nor were they to be subjects of academic experiments.
  • Coaches and athletes, some of them interviewed anonymously, say that after one supreme national effort, the hothouse intensity of the Chinese way will not survive the 2008 games.
  • The Welsh designer's signature knitwear included barely-there macramé dresses in bright orange and hothouse pink.
  • In Drexler's hothouse world of boxers, gangsters and abused molls, women have to fight back.
  • This attitude toward violence was no different from that in England, except in that urban hothouse of London.
  • In that glimpse in the mirror, she had seen that her own face, above a delicate shroudy scarf with long flying ends, rose like some tired hothouse orchid, beautiful still, but fading, paling, passing; and she hated Gay's youth and freshness with a poignant hatred that was like the piercing of a stiletto. Blue Aloes Stories of South Africa
  • Nor was this the hothouse perfume of fashionable London ladies; it was the delicate fragrance of hundreds of spring flowers, all together in a warm room.
  • A vinery is a common hothouse or bark stove, heated with hot-water pipes or flues, and with a pit in the centre, which is generally filled with tan for pines. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • Jimmy was sent to his father's old school, the intellectual hothouse of Winchester, where he was driven by the need to restore the family fortune.
  • In my memory banks, his photograph is now mutating into a hothouse hybrid of Brad Pitt, Mr Big and St Francis of Assisi. Points of Review
  • Kaufmann's voice was at both its most limber and controlled here, his delivery achieving subtle colorations in the work's atmospheric hothouses, as with his nearly vibrato-less "Ich hab' im Traum geweinet" (I wept in my dream), his plangent "Aus alten Märchen winkt es" (From old fairy tales beckons...), and the oaken darkness of his "Die alten, bösen Lieder" (the old, angry songs), summing up the poet's journey. Rodney Punt: Jonas Kaufmann Triumphs in Lieder Recital for LA Opera
  • During the Triassic, the entire planet was indeed a hothouse and entirely deglaciated. Wonk Room » Perplexed By Science: Joe Barton Wonders If Oil Reached The North Pole From A Secret Texas Pipeline
  • There are plans for deep-freeze capsules carrying medicines or human organs for transplants and even heated ones for hothouse plants or food.
  • Mould - breaking strategies grow initially like weeds. They are note cultivated like tomatoes in a hothouse.
  • For the next six years he was taught in an academic hothouse under intense pressure, where some pupils thrived and others suffered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Venus, 'the evening star,' second from the sun, a hothouse of horrendous creatures: airborne, landlubbing, oceanic. The Venus Trap
  • The room was filled with hothouse flowers, twinkling electric lights, gilded candelabra, potted palms and crystal and ormolu chandeliers hung with pink roses and asparagus vines. The Bradley-Martin Ball | Edwardian Promenade
  • But the over-protective hothouse mentality is barmy.
  • That will add huge costs for those operators who are involved in building prefabricated buildings, barns, bridges, glasshouses, and hothouses.
  • I am not saying that my parents hothoused us; far from it.
  • Pompeii was a sexual hothouse, but the bordellos (which numbered about 25 when Vesuvius erupted) were the least sensual thing about the place.
  • As a result, there is now a nasty growth of algae on the roof, no cascading water, and the Eighth Wonder of the World is a hothouse.
  • In state schools pupils are hothoused in a bid to drive their schools up exam league tables, he believes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given the financial commitment involved, it's important to get it right - it could mean the difference between a pokey hothouse or a cold, dark space and a bright, year-round sunroom.
  • In the warm months, it was a garden, with hothouse-grown flowers planted along its borders.
  • There was the scent of faint gardenias---his hothouse boutonniere. THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy as well as all of the alternative principal voice actors will be behind to mishandle the hothouse classics. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The team Eriksson is building was always likely to bloom a few years hence rather than in the hothouse of this Asian summer.
  • But there is a danger also: a person reared in such a hothouse environment may wilt once he or she steps into the broader society. Christianity Today
  • In a hothouse atmosphere, that will not be easy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her five year old so doesn't want to be hothoused and forced into hateful activity after hateful activity.
  • Leimbach masterfully conjures the hothouse atmosphere of foreign correspondents in Saigon in the late 1960s. The Man From Saigon by Marti Leimbach: Book summary
  • In this week's steamy atmosphere, Aquarian Mercury's hothouse ideas and concepts might seem unusually exciting.
  • Senior faculty scour the world for young researchers, graduate students, and postdoctoral candidates who might thrive in this cross-disciplinary hothouse.
  • The best-known alumni of this talent hothouse are Formula One drivers Ralf Schumacher, Christian Klien and Timo Glock.
  • Some 80 years after its initial release, this wildly over-scaled silent melodrama retains a certain hothouse fascination.
  • There are gardens of Sun King splendor, with hothouses for the orchids and the French radishes. Dream State
  • She was hothoused in classical music from an early age, reaching grade eight in piano and violin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course in the hothouses that's kind of irrelevant, but there you can look with amazement at the fantastically sturdy spikes on spikes on spikes*, a sort of arms race with MAD of the vegetable world. And Sunday afternoon too
  • That is an awful lot of togetherness and it could be argued that the prolonged exposure to a hothouse atmosphere causes bodies, and especially minds, to wilt. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is often planted as a low growing (to 3 feet) border and can be grown as a houseplant or hothouse plant anywhere. Crossandra, mango and jellybean plant: ornamental plants and flowers of tropical Mexico
  • Paris had reigned supreme in her hothouse establishment and the client patronized it because she valued the couturier 's opinion. YELLOW BIRD
  • For the next six years he was taught in an academic hothouse under intense pressure, where some pupils thrived and others suffered. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Tokyo's hothouse atmosphere decorous behaviour brought from home is jettisoned.
  • The central glasshouse had two lean-to hothouses, one dry for cacti, the other humid for tropical plants.
  • In the hothouse atmosphere of college there are plenty of opportunities for falling in love.
  • In the hothouse atmosphere of college there are plenty of opportunities for falling in love.
  • The stand was created to bring nature indoors, and one might draw a parallel between a hothouse plant and a landscape painting - each is an aspect of commodified nature.
  • It is evident that garages, though unheated, are the hothouses for exciting new discoveries that can put millions of people to work," said White House Press Secretary Jay Carney. Mark Steinberg: Obama Prays That Jobs Will Return to Cupertino
  • But the structure is characteristically tight and Rattigan captures particularly well the hothouse insularity of the Mayfair set who regard Manchester as a foreign city on which the sun never rises.
  • In a hothouse atmosphere, that will not be easy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Voters are fed up with callow youths who are products of the political hothouse but lack life experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • During their respective seasons, the national capitals, county towns, and resorts were hothouses of competition, as the company, dressed to the nines, jockeyed with each other for the last ounce of prestige.
  • The German Green Party of the '80s was a hothouse for beautiful ideas and a dazzling new politics.
  • The Second World War was a hothouse for technological advance, the military having to innovate to survive; it produced advances in jet engines, radar, and computing, to cite three examples.
  • The resort's giant hothouse (sitting right beside the golf course) has more than 5000 orchids, a full-time horticulturist who babysits them all and regular orchid programs including weekly tours, classes on orchid care and world-renowned orchid experts who come in to give lectures. Pam Grout: Sarah Palin, Jane Fonda and Those Suffering From Orchidelirium Were Here
  • There are gardens of Sun King splendor, with hothouses for the orchids and the French radishes. Dream State
  • I guess I'm copping out that what's wrong with me is due to my feminine upbringing, what has developed into my mother and her family living within me, doing didoes on the dancefloors of my plasma, brewing potions within the cauldrons of my bowels, tricking my male brain via the feminine emotions that have bloomed in the hothouse of my solar plexus. Poverty and Love
  • You'll be able to admire the extensive rose garden and visit the hothouse that looks over a lily pond. Times, Sunday Times
  • My school was a thrusting hothouse of academic achievement.
  • Two other liberal hothouses, New York and New Jersey, are at least trying to clean up their fiscal messes, but the unions that dominate Sacramento think taxpayers will finance their soap opera forever. As Sacramento Turns
  • A broken pane of glass in one of the dirty windows was papered and wafered over, but there was a little plate of hothouse nectarines on the table, and there was another of grapes, and another of sponge – cakes, and there was a bottle of light wine. Bleak House
  • In contrast, she was an oven, a hothouse for all manner of cultivations.
  • In this week's steamy atmosphere, Aquarian Mercury's hothouse ideas and concepts might seem unusually exciting.
  • In a plush suite, its air heavy with the scent of hothouse flowers, record company bosses are mingling with agents and photographers. The Sun
  • He was attracted by the hothouse atmosphere of Britain's top schools.
  • Groton Labs isn't some academic hothouse where a few eggheads are allowed to toil fruitlessly forever.
  • But the flattery of imitation soon gave way to the condescension of tourists, as all Italy itself was already on the way to becoming a hothouse and museum.

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