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hotel bill

  1. statement of charges for staying in a hotel

How To Use hotel bill In A Sentence

  • We ran up a massive hotel bill.
  • I was worried about the hotel bill, but in the event I had enough money to pay.
  • In it she told me that she and my aunt were only just recovering from bad colds, and on account of the inclemency of the weather thought it unwise to come to town to meet me; but Frank Hawden, the jackeroo would take every care of me, settle the hotel bill, and tip the coach-driver. My Brilliant Career
  • I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill
  • When Mike had paid his hotel bill, very few pounds were left for the card-room, and judging it was not an hour in which he might tempt fortune, he "rooked" a young man remorselessly. Mike Fletcher A Novel
  • We ran up a massive hotel bill.
  • I don't think he will jump his hotel bill.
  • To avoid hotel bills, we took overnight trains and booked couchettes.
  • His hotel bill comes to 20 pounds.
  • I will be staying in my trouse during my stay here so no hotel bill for me and hey if anyone wants to do any trails while I am here just holler my way - or send smoke signals stop staring at the hand built shed on the back of my truck. Undefined
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