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hot toddy

  1. a mixed drink made of liquor and water with sugar and spices and served hot

How To Use hot toddy In A Sentence

  • Don't miss a taste of ponche, a kind of Mexican hot toddy made of fruits and brandy, or the sweet bread rosca de reyes, both Christmas specialties.
  • It'll pass of course, these things always do, and in the meantime I can get by on aspirin, linctus and the occasional hot toddy.
  • They're a great excuse to snuggle up in front of the telly wrapped in a fleecy blanket with a hot water bottle and a hot toddy.
  • I love it in all it's novelty plastic Santa, reindeers pooping chocolate covered raisins, cuddly robins singing ‘Jingle Bells’, hot toddy flavoured bubble bath glory.
  • Someone give him his medicine and his hot toddy and send him off to beddy-bye. McCain's Pushback On Timing Flub: The Surge Began Before The Surge
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