How To Use Host In A Sentence

  • It will also host the handball final and semifinals, wheelchair rugby and wheelchair basketball. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among profuse schools of trevallies and barracuda, huge tunas and a host of sharks cruise the sheer wall.
  • Close beside me stood my excellent friend Griffiths, the jolly hosteler, of whom I take the present opportunity of saying a few words, though I dare say he has been frequently described before, and by far better pens. The Bible in Spain
  • Objectionable pictures have been deemed to contribute to a hostile environment.
  • It's a bit like telling ghost stories.
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  • The decision to escalate UN involvement has been taken in the hopes of a swift end to the hostilities.
  • Now, though, insurers find they are increasingly paying out for teenagers crashing expensive vehicles that they would not normally have the ghost of a chance of obtaining cover for.
  • The dinner was being hosted by a fledgling company he had set up just months before. Times, Sunday Times
  • It joins a host of other multinational businesses making similar pledges. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has also been claimed that part or all of the device's memory can be mounted on a host computer's desktop as a removable storage device.
  • An Iron Ancestor is a reanimated and iron - forged dead body possessed by a ghost.
  • Zoophagous insects extract nutrients from a living animal host and represent a broad group of parasitic insects.
  • We ended up walking the streets with our suitcases and had to spend the night in a flea-bitten youth hostel, with lots of old men and young lads.
  • Six biogeographical zones, ranging from subtropical forest to highland scrub, host an impressive 151 species of bird, 34 species of mammal, 228 species of butterfly and countless plants. Taiwan's Greatest Ascent
  • Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean. Maya Angelou 
  • The hostage-takers Bowden spoke with expressed little regret at their seizure of the embassy, but most, like Mirdamadi, lamented the role they played in cementing the repressive rule of the clerics. Into the Den of Spies
  • The Museum is looking to host exhibitions that celebrate major technological breakthroughs and the people behind them.
  • We will actively support Britain's bid to host the 2000 Olympic Games in Manchester.
  • The brothers then went on tour, filling theatres with ghostly music, flying coats and spirit voices.
  • Along the rocky paths Buddhist monks appear like ghosts and vanish mysteriously into the trees.
  • The much anticipated The Twilight Saga: Eclipse premiere is almost here and we will be hosting a live stream of the red carpet arrivals! TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS JUNE 16TH: ECLIPSE PREMEIRE, CULLEN FAMILY, ROBERT PATTINSON & MORE | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Received entomological wisdom holds that a ‘prudent’ parasite does not kill its host.
  • These malignant Las Vegas showgirl lookalikes are holding Earth hostage, controlling the monsters with shrewdly hidden remote devices.
  • Objectionable pictures have been deemed to contribute to a hostile environment.
  • I didn't really like this new Annabelle at all: she wasn't her old friendly self, she was hostile, brash and rude and she clearly held a large grudge towards me.
  • But while the mysterious circumstances of the tragedy keep on adding up, the ghostly presence of her partner seems intent on having his say. The Sun
  • Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The hospitable host had his spare room emptied very quickly for the honoured guest.
  • The demand for land focused hostile attention upon the graziers, who reared cattle and sheep commercially on extensive pastoral holdings.
  • Apparently the section cannot adequately host the interests of both angling and boating fraternities and the boaters have taken preference.
  • The Arts Centre is hosting a folk festival this summer.
  • It packs motorized faders, multifunction rotary encoders and a host of keys.
  • They fully deserve the hostile reception they receive. The Sun
  • Interrupted by just the squat Marble Mountains, we sit insignificantly at the hub of a huge disc of sand curving to every horizon, beneath a dome of stars and the ghostly light of a thin crescent moon.
  • The jolliest person present, as well as the most important, was of course old Santa Claus; so he was given the seat of honor at one end of the table while at the other end sat Princess Ozma, the hostess. Love Letters
  • They have a smallholding in Devon which is home to a host of animals, including a flock of pedigree Black Welsh Mountain sheep.
  • Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: Anonymity is the mutant's first defense against the world's hostility.
  • Speaking to camera, the masked man accused the hostages of being spies for the British government and claimed that they had been abandoned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Has the ghost manifested itself recently?
  • These species are under an unusual selection regime in that their hosts are often isogenic and planted in monoculture.
  • The lobbyists and the think tanks 'ghostwrite' our economic policies; the politicos just 'sign off' on them. Whatcha Gonna Do About Me?
  • They must do the chores of life, must gain in strength and wisdom to cope with the hostile time of manhood.
  • They have an open client-server architecture and manage heterogeneous workstations, servers and host computers linked via a local area network.
  • Once the new bacteriophage is packaged, the now-virulent viruses lyse the host cell and escape into the surrounding medium to infect other hosts, producing further progeny.
  • There were hosts on it and about it, and then Dr Duthoit forgot all about what we call the realities and facts of life, forgot that this sort of thing does not happen, and watched what was happening. Dr Duthoit’s Vision
  • For the best performance, large numbers of drives can be connected and their data aggregated into a larger host interface.
  • Complex cases Obviously, a host of more complex cases might arise, involving changes in both supply and demand.
  • I gave him money towards it, which he acknowledged with a nod and a ghost of a smile. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • Huguenots the free exercise of their religion only in the suburbs of one town in each bailiwick (bailliage), and in those places where it had been practised before the outbreak of hostilities and which they occupied at the current date. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Again, a fear of ghosts walking may be the best explanation for burials that appear ‘respectful’ in all other ways.
  • Encina services include two-phase commit, a structured file server, a transaction monitor and client-to-host communications.
  • Gary Sinise plays a government scientist who may or may not be a replicant planted by a hostile alien race.
  • Coach discusses the new book by his former cohost Lita.
  • I use it here to mean a doctrinaire Marxist whose main motive is hostility to the Stalin regime. Notes on Nationalism
  • Fish is happy with a host of zesty whites, juicy pinks and light, tangy reds. Times, Sunday Times
  • His Australian hosts piled on more pressure yesterday, saying that sweetheart deals that allowed corporations to dodge tax in countries where they made profits amounted to theft. Times, Sunday Times
  • As described above, it allows antigenic variation in its antigens to evade the host immune system.
  • Hosting on Airbnb puts money in the pockets of regular Londoners. Times, Sunday Times
  • the perfect setting for a ghost story
  • These days, she works as a daytime television presenter, gameshow host and author.
  • We hosted 4 couples last night
  • We have increased housing support grant so that all local authorities that incur a deficit in running a hostel will qualify for grant.
  • The effect of the self-conceit can only be to unite the society in hostility against us. David Bromwich: The Afghanistan Parenthesis [UPDATED]
  • Zooxanthellae provide their host with food energy through photosynthesis and contribute to the coral's vibrant hues. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Rhemists, and Dr. Hammond, are for retaining the Greek word Paraclete; we read, Acts ix. 31, of the paraklesis tou hagiou pneumatos, the comfort of the Holy Ghost, including his whole office as a paraclete. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • That this, however, was in any proper sense an ostensorium in which the Host was exposed to view is not stated and cannot be assumed. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • But the mood has been building for several years, diffused through a host of single issue campaigns, through numerous signs of dissent and discontentment.
  • That's one of the main Spanish trawler Tuesday, and a self-proclaimed pirate said the hostage-takers were paid $3.3 million in ransom. - Articles related to EU navy arrests 13 pirates off Oman
  • It is a piece of Scotland in the heart of the auld enemy, so it might be expected to maintain the traditional hostility towards the English and their team.
  • Nothing was too large: the composition of the Host in the mass; the conduct of priests.
  • For a while she became an underwear model for Lejaby, but her big break came when she landed the job as hostess in the TV gameshow Wheel of Fortune.
  • It may act as such, by suppressing ovulation, but it also works by making the lining of the womb hostile to the newly conceived embryo.
  • Western hostesses who work in Japanese nightclubs don't have sex with their clients - unless they want to, at which point they're free to accept money and gifts.
  • As the philosopher points out, ‘There is an aestheticism in masochism, while sadism is hostile to the aesthetic attitude.’
  • The shop has its own inn, and hosts mini festivals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Candle makers, after all, cannot be expected to hail the invention of the electric light bulb, nor hostlers the advent of automobiles, nor canal-boat owners the building of railways, nor TV broadcasters the laying down of cable systems.
  • The homilist was Father Jerry Wooten, assistant pastor of the church that hosted the Mass, Holy Trinity in Gainesville, Va. Solemn Mass in Virginia: A Hopeful Sign of the New Liturgical Movement
  • College students are stranded in an abandoned town whose only law is the ghost of ruthless gunslinger Bloody Bill Anderson and his posse of vicious zombies.
  • He could not recall Plauen having talked much about the modern Empire, except to label it a weakling, lost in fantasies of its past, battling for life in a hostile age, constantly stalked by hostile intrigues. The Swordbearer
  • This was meant to pave the way for talks aimed at gaining the release of the hostages.
  • It has a steel-coated mainframe and ceramic swingarm plus a host of exotic features. The Sun
  • Victor's authority is appealed to by those who deem the last twelve verses of S. Mark's Gospel spurious, it would of course be inferred that his evidence is hostile to the verses in question; whereas his evidence to their genuineness is the most emphatic and extraordinary on record. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • Moreover, host plant can also affect the growth and development of AM fungi, and produce different infection rate, spore-bearing rate and mycorrhiza effect.
  • He was the host for a TV talk show.
  • Exploring old mines and ghost towns.
  • As a great concession, the bursar offered us a room in a hostel for graduate students.
  • Myths and ghost stories abound on any normal day.
  • Yet several works were commissioned for smart urban dance, music-theatre and performance-art events; five of the 22 tracks are clever transcriptions of Shostakovich piano pieces.
  • Under the agreement, Verio will provide its leading Web hosting and e-commerce services to on-line merchants.
  •     He'd come uninvited, but not unexpected; if it was rude of us to be such unsolicitous hosts, I told myself, it was only rudeness paid in kind, so we tried to forgive one another, Willie and I, for our eager, curious hunger grown insatiable. Heron Lake
  • That will have to wait until March 10 when they play host to the Las Vegas Outlaws.
  • Later that evening she will launch the festival and will be guest speaker at an event hosted by the heritage office of Carlow County Council.
  • Back in her room at the Station Hostel, she spread the contents across her bed. CHAMELEON
  • Who will play host to the next Olympic Games?
  • The tourists can merely hire Qualis, and the services of a hostess are optional.
  • Two years ago, he hoped to launch a host of satellite offices, from the East Coast to the Far East.
  • These factors allow the organism to propagate and acclimate to the host's internal environment.
  • There was no time now to call at the hostel so we drove through the sprawling, congested town and out again into the country on dirt tracks. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • It was the duty of her noble hosts to lay on entertainments as she went about the country.
  • They will react with hostility to the price rises and calls for equivalent wage increases are bound to be heard.
  • The guest host has their dressing room across from the band, so we were huge fans of Raging Bull and Goodfellas, the Scorsese, Pesci, and De Niro movies. Mike Ragogna: Kryptonite's 20th Anniversary: Chatting with Spin Doctors' Chris Barron Plus Keb Mo and More
  • You start in the catacombs but beware ghostly ghouls at every turn!
  • Thus far, the data show a recurring rhetorical pattern in which vulnerable groups were identified as antithetical to the core values attributed by the host to himself, his audience, and the nation. Kety Esquivel: UCLA Study, Hate Speech on Commercial Talk Radio, Affirms NCLR's We Can Stop the Hate Campaign
  • He'd been working at the local hostel for the handicapped on a voluntary basis.
  • The male form does not produce any berries and is much more vigorous with stronger growth, making it more likely to weaken its host plant over time. The Sun
  • Met Police hostage negotiators also gave support. The Sun
  • Even though this denial has to some extent to do with Habermas’s understandable fight with the ghost of Heidegger, he seems now to turn this into a new orthodoxy, thereby showing how critical theory is incapable of critiquing its very foundational presuppositions such as valorization of rational argumentations, performative competence, validity claims and linguistic intersubjectivity instead of emotional intersubjectivity Craib, 1998. Jürgen Habermas, Sri Aurobindo and Beyond
  • She wasn't a ghost. She was flesh and blood .
  • In acquiescing, the government was well aware that the final terms would provoke peasant hostility, and took suitable precautions.
  • The two hostages of the escape attempt received medals of valour and were credited by the local press for thwarting the escape.
  • BERNARD KALB, HOST: Molly, since we're practicing bilinguality, let me go from chutzpah to maven. CNN Transcript - Reliable Sources: The Real Al Gore and George Bush: Is the Press Getting the Full Story or Falling for the Image? - March 25, 2000
  • Although some of the private airlines have a lower age for retirement, they also hire men and women as ‘cabin crew’ and not as pursers and air hostesses.
  • Soon all that was left was nothing more than a ghostly echo of a guilty conscience.
  • I've been ghosted, I've done the ghosting: it's par for the course.
  • Generous host to a fault, Julie even sends Zoe and Nadia to the offie when I mention I'd like red wine which isn't on offer.
  • The walk will recall the town's heroes and villains, history, hauntings and murders, ghosts and ghouls.
  • The show cloaks itself in wholesome, old-fashioned japery with its broad misunderstandings ("I said ghosts, not goats!") and knowing winks at Hi-de-Hi! and Frank Spencer, and the way Miranda's mother (Patricia Hodge) flits in and out as if through a time portal to a 1950s Whitehall farce. Rewind TV: Miranda; The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret; Accused: Willy's Story; Garrow's Law
  • The igneous contacts are sharp and are commonly concordant with the bedding and/or foliation in the host rocks.
  • Robert Keller suggests that Holmes did indeed meet his death at the falls, but came back for subsequent adventures as ‘the world's first consulting ghost’.
  • They provide cover for a patrol against small arms fire and allow stealthy movement through hostile territory. Times, Sunday Times
  • The birds are also known as ‘ghost’ owls for the white face and underbelly feathers that are visible as they fly overhead.
  • In modern times interest has centred around what it is about the owl that makes it the target for this hostile treatment.
  • Warmer temperatures may allow species with a low rate of infection, such as brucellosis in caribou or echinococcus in voles, to survive in larger numbers increasing the number of susceptible hosts and infected animals. Potential impacts of indirect mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
  • They have traditionally been involved in sports and recreation, playing host to a variety of activities.
  • He cited a host of causes, from media violence to absent parents to drugs.
  • They that reckon without their host are to reckon twice. 
  • No consideration was given to the fact that most Apache hostilities were self-defense or retaliation, and that they'd first been raided by the New Mexicans.
  • And this phenomenon raises a host of urgent questions about exactly who should have the right to assisted reproduction. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the most beautiful aspects of this rite is the special way in which this second Host is prepared for being brought to the Altar of Repose, before the communion of the celebrant. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 3 - The Mass of Holy Thursday and the Mandatum
  • For instance, the apparent lack of sensitivity of GLRs to amino acids could reflect the orientation of the proteins within the heterologous host membrane, rather than insensitivity to ligands.
  • The class was held hostage by a hooded gunman.
  • Though Cook was a seasoned campaigner known for beating the odds, he could not overcome a severe loss in public confidence at the end of a quarrelsome and often hostile primary campaign.
  • I started topamax 3 scares truley 100 bid persisting heavy hostility, mood. "/" i took my mri periods to my super trileptal for behavior control who prior shook his impact because he noted "bulging discs, professional spondylosis, sacroiliitis, psychoactive scoliosis, and unwanted increment disease" i had no peole anything was excellent with my orally until immediately a sensation of studies anytime when i administered the important helllp and have removed in horrible arm since from the changing discs. Wii-volution
  • Life can evolve representations of itself capable of thriving in environments that seem hostile now.
  • The gallery hosts various exhibitions and a permanent collection.
  • It hosts the HMCS Trinity centre that gathers and analyses naval intelligence received from national and allied sources. Canadian Naval Officer Charged With Leaks
  • The children were silent, hostile, vindictive, continuously complaining of hunger.
  • They are in forbidding, hostile territory.
  • The whole thing was a ghostly celebration taking place against a background of collapse and ruin.
  • There has also been a blizzard of complaints about poor customer service, falling earnings, rising debt, and a hostile attempt to force changes at board level.
  • It was as if a professed unbeliever in ghosts should be frightened by a ghost story.
  • The viral nucleocapsid enters the host cell and breaks open releasing two viral RNA-strands and 3 essential replication enzymes: Integrase, Protease and Reverse Transcriptase - Business News
  • Hostile forces have taken control of cities in the north of the country.
  • Being a conservative talk show host is a logical extension of his upbringing, notes Pendleton.
  • So, much as I’m weary of western politicians who couldn’t tell the Ka’ba from a peach cobbler going on about how extremists are “perverting” Islam — how the hell do they know? — this article, which got its author suspended from his radio talk show hosting job for its claim that “Islam is a terror organization,” is truly, profoundly stupid. Excommunicated from the Ummah?
  • The ghost of a smile played round her lips.
  • Dad said they probably didn't want publicity, didn't want to be kidded by their friends about seeing a ghost. THREE IN ONE
  • Somalia Jun 22 06 - Sudan hosts talks bet/Isl. Courts & TFG - Financial News
  • These are (1) the production in the blood of an antidote to the toxin or poison elaborated by the invading microbe -- an antitoxin, which chemically neutralises the toxin; (2) the production in the blood of the attacked animal of a "germicidal" poison which repels and kills the attacking microbes themselves (not merely neutralising their poisonous products); (3) the extermination of the intrusive, disease-producing microbes by a kind of police, which scour the blood channels and tissues and "eat up" -- actually engulf and digest -- the hostile intruders. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • Pence worked as a rightwing radio host before entering Congress. The Sun
  • They made fireless camps above timber line, thawing their meat rations with the heat of their bodies before they could eat .... weary ghosts in a dead world. “I am only a wild girl, and I am afraid of the world....”
  • Madison’s Main Street is treasured for its art cinema and an independent bookshop that plays host to top authors and bejewels its heavy wooden cases with staff-scrawled book recommendations. Beauty and the Beach
  • It is believed that these spirits, ‘drowned ghosts’, will suffer in the water until someone else comes to take their place.
  • There it proceeds to cut off the mosquito’s apyrase supply, so that when the insect drives its proboscis into a new host, it has a harder time keeping the blood flowing. Parasite Rex
  • Of course, a healthy dose of petulance is is one of the hallmarks of polemics (to say nothing of talk show hosts), right? "That's one of the things that really bugs me about religion."
  • Crazy Shelly has a host of pet preachers who have campaigned from the pulpit on her behalf. Think Progress » Despite Claiming That She Never Called Obama ‘Anti-American,’ Bachmann Now Brags About How She Did
  • 'motormouth' TV host not later recounted the story in a newspaper column. Home | Mail Online
  • This is one of the few amphitheatres that was used for both Roman political rallying and brutal gladiatorial sports – but tonight it is to host a dance competition.
  • The show is being "simulcast" live on the radio, with Snyder positioning himself not as a slick TV host but a man-of-the-people radio guy. Late Night Unplugged
  • The figure of a ghostly old woman dressed in a white dress and cape has appeared beside a hollow in the road. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lori and theother twoguys whose names I forgot (doh!) were wonderful hosts. John Brown – the author’s official site » 2009 » November » 21
  • A ghosted autobiography requires a deep bond between sportsman and journalist. Times, Sunday Times
  • The island hosts 23 recorded species of mammals, including small herds of bontebok, springbuck, steenbok, fallow deer and eland. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • One chose witchetty grubs diligently for their flavour depended on the host tree, lemon aspen being especially tasty.
  • One person may function well in most areas of life, but be paranoid and hostile in certain circumstances.
  • And yet what does the ghost on the battlement want but a repayment of what he believes he is owed? INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • Special Forces reconnoitered the jungle, looking for U.N. forces being held hostage as part of Cobra Gold 2002 exercises.
  • The aim of the scheme is to return the cathedral to how it was hundreds of years ago and the application is for a two-storey hostry extension to provide an entrance hall, education room, community room, song school, music library, vestries, chair store and toilets. Norwich Cathedral
  • Reich 1974 placed the impulsive character, the neurotic character, and the psychopath between neurosis and psychosis and observed the ambivalence, hostile pregenital impulses, ego and superego deficits, immature defenses, and primitive narcissistic features of the impulsive personality. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • The ruling oligarchic clique in Moscow headed by Putin, actually, has been quite hostile to Byelorussia and Lukashenko. Belarus: That's enough democracy | Editorial
  • Stephen Colbert, the host of the parody talk show “The Colbert Report, ” urged his fans to vote for naming the station segment after him, and they did in large numbers.
  • Famed boating resorts like Marina Hemingway would ‘host’ all the American boaters, providing dockage, food and beverages.
  • In Jodi's case, she was looking at some of the effects of host intestinal environment on gregarine metabolism and survival.
  • It rejected a host of tentative offers for the business in favour of selling individual stores. The Sun
  • We understand that the Navy is not expected to intervene but will not allow that lifeboat to leave with that hostage to go back to what's called a mothership if you will. CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2009
  • If I could propose a line, it would be that hostile workplace sexual harassment exists where the environment is so severe as to be functionally equivalent to discrimination in hiring or promotion. The Volokh Conspiracy » Just What Speech Does “Hostile Environment Harassment” Law Restrict?
  • The more drugs that one gives, the more likely it is that damage to host DNA polymerase will take place.
  • All people have regarded virginity as something sacred, and God has so honored it that he willed that his son be born of a virgin, fecundated, however, by the Holy Ghost. Satyricon
  • In a place known as Nine Dragons, as the city's Hungry Ghosts festival burns around him, Bosch puts aside everything he knows and risks everything he has in a desperate bid to outmatch the triad's ferocity. Nine Dragons by Michael Connelly: Book summary
  • Carson's hostility to increasing human control over nature is expressed in many different ways by her successors.
  • But shareholding rules make hostile bids hard to win.
  • The RT enzyme converts the single-stranded virion into doublestranded DNA for subsequent integration into the host cell genome.
  • The stab at rock stardom, the attempt at talk-show hosting, the game show his brother Mark unapologetically called "dopey," all those dabbles are in the past. John McEnroe's Next Frontier: Home
  • It was a dramatic transformation, from society hostess to Democratic Party power broker.
  • The same doctor has to be a combination of priest, demiurge, counsellor, pharmacologist, horologist, talkshow host and healer.
  • The host of different beings attributed with consciousness that exist within the Chewong universe have structurally similar qualities to humans.
  • But ghosts and things that go bump in the night leave them absolutely terrified. The Sun
  • Karen Barnes, associate editor of Good Housekeeping magazine, believes it is possible to become the perfect hostess without losing your cool.
  • Witches, goblins, ghosts, ghouls and some gothic mums and dads were among an estimated 9,000 crowd that turned out for what is believed to be the country's largest Halloween party.
  • He is a ghostly white. Times, Sunday Times
  • A little hope is a powerful thing, especially to a first-time buyer in a hostile market.
  • Now a time has come when the country, in order to seek the final riddance from terrorism, will have to throw aside its mutual differences and hostilities and rise as a single united force.
  • Both sides are now working towards a suspension of hostilities.
  • He hosts invasive lionfish tournaments and beach and bay clean-up events. Smithsonian
  • They thought He was a ghost, a phantasm, an apparition, a spirit, anything except their Master.
  • The main ethical problems included the health risks for the transplant recipient (e.g., a substantial risk of hyperacute rejection and graft-versus-host disease), traditional animal ethics issues, concerns about informed consent (complicated by empirical uncertainties and the possibility of legally mandated life-long health surveillance), fair allocation of health care resources, and the public health issue that xenotransplantation would allow viruses to jump the species barrier into humans. Human/Non-Human Chimeras
  • This latest collection, which brings a host of unpublished poems into the public domain, is the perfect marriage of old and new.
  • For instance, it was difficult not to see outright hostility towards an orthodox bibliology on the Welhausen thread. Finitum non capax infiniti
  • An indigenized cultural pattern is integrated into the artistic repertoire of the host society, and, as a consequence, it is not felt to be ‘alien’ anymore.
  • She opened her eyes to look around the room she was in, but could only see dim shapes in the ghostly moonlight.

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