
How To Use Hospitality In A Sentence

  • I ejaculated mentally , " you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.
  • Kind and tempting was the invitation to prolong my stay at the See House; enticing was the prospect offered me of a visit to a seigneurie on the Ottawa; and it was with very great reluctance that, after a sojourn of only one day, I left this abode of refinement and hospitality, and the valued friends who had received me with so much kindness, for a tedious journey to New The Englishwoman in America
  • On the ground she was fêted with lavish hospitality by friends waiting at every far-flung airfield to whisk her off to a celebratory feast.
  • The traditional elements - hospitality, gorgeous locations, local food - are still present, but in a more boutiquey atmosphere. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a reception in the hospitality suite before the game.
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  • In the hospitality at Chelsea last week, a Russian was serving kedgeree.
  • A worker beyond belief, exuding charm and hospitality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hospitality - caritas - became a duty for all Christians, whether the one to whom aid was proffered or from whom it was received was a family or tribal member, or a stranger.
  • Taxpayers are paying for that - apparently, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander - but people who want to pay for their own hospitality venues are denied that right.
  • People are happy just to come and get munted on my munificent hospitality.
  • Tatars and Russians also subscribe to the same school of hospitality, centring around the samovar and large arrays of buttery pastries.
  • There are thousands of unfilled jobs in the hospitality and retail sectors but applying without experience can be daunting. The Sun
  • It gives them the skills to work in the hospitality industry.
  • The hospitality figures appear within statistics showing what it costs to run the two archbishoprics and other items, including travel and subsistence.
  • This will entail government acting inter-ministerially - creating a conducive environment for the private sector investment in the provision of accommodation, hospitality and leisure. Discussion Documents for Commissions
  • However, Nick, a gregarious chap, had young friends who were in the hospitality industry who suggested that being a hotelier would be more to his liking.
  • Their honesty and hospitality an enduring impress on her life.
  • He seems oblivious that he is ignoring their guest and offending an upset wife who has done her best to provide genuine hospitality. Christianity Today
  • This bill will benefit everyone in society, including the hospitality industry.
  • The people of your village showed me great hospitality.
  • Konak was a more just one, and that inside its card-board classicalism could be found the slightest approach to American hospitality. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 121, November, 1867
  • He refused my offer of hospitality
  • he was taken aback by such inhospitality
  • There wasn't much epicurean exuberance or bonhomous hospitality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Colleagues say that he has been relying on snatches of food and drink from the hospitality rooms of television studios.
  • Instead, they usually seek to attribute it to simply being "inhospitality," albeit of a violent nature. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The Irish Hospitality Industry Alliance, an umbrella group made up of publicans opposed to the ban, says many family-run pubs in the south won't be in business this time next year.
  • Ly, who holds a master's degree in hospitality management from Australia's Griffith University and doesn't involve himself in the kitchens, was the first to formularize a recipe that can be transferred to franchisees. Starting From Scratch
  • Labour politicians who accept hospitality and sponsorship insist they can't be bought.
  • By contrast, there has been a growth in predominantly casual and part-time jobs in services such as retail, tourism and hospitality.
  • Mother and daughter must make good matches or face poverty and ignominy as their long visits to relations strain the bounds of hospitality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alderney's real joy is its people themselves the open-hearted hospitality when we were plied with homemade lemonade on a cycle ride around the cove.
  • The thrasher, or red thrush, sneaks and skulks like a culprit, hiding in the densest alders; the catbird is a coquette and a flirt, as well as a sort of female Paul Pry; and the chewink shows his inhospitality by espying your movements like a detective. Bird Stories from Burroughs Sketches of Bird Life Taken from the Works of John Burroughs
  • Those who enjoyed their hospitality will testify to the complete lack of side displayed by the couple. Tommy Cooper: Always Leave Them Laughing
  • You would have to have policies on gifts and hospitality and put in place proper training programmes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The article implies that people should take a bimble across a mountain ridge such as Aonach Eagach and then enjoy some good Scottish hospitality.
  • It is an old inn, which has kept its charm and hospitality, making this family house worth a visit. A Passion for Food
  • adherent" enjoyed friendly consideration, especially if he adhered faithfully; and stray attendants from other congregations were treated with punctilious hospitality, places being found for them in the Old The Imperialist
  • I ejaculated mentally , " you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.
  • The majority of the cabin crew and restaurant staff are from Goa, a place renowned for its friendliness and hospitality.
  • Work he will not under any circumstances, but subsists on the hospitality of the whites until he has entirely worn it out and then removes to the natives, mushing from camp to camp and "bumming" his way as he goes. Ten Thousand Miles with a Dog Sled A Narrative of Winter Travel in Interior Alaska
  • On hearing from the alcaide the cause of the affray, he acted with becoming dignity, ordering the guards from the room and directing that the renegade should be severely punished for daring to infringe the hospitality of the palace and insult an embassador. Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII
  • Prince John; ` ` this same springal, who conceals his name, and despises our proffered hospitality, hath already gained one prize, and may now afford to let others have their turn. '' Ivanhoe
  • In Gujarat, local hospitality demands that guests are offered water and tea almost as soon as they arrive.
  • Above them are hospitality rooms and a stepped series of terraces with views to the bay.
  • We were entertained in the company's hospitality suite.
  • Both were spellbound by the courtesy, hospitality, helpfulness and friendliness of the African people.
  • The area is famous for the warmth and hospitality of its people.
  • The ‘welcome’ signs, artfully disposed, make it clear that hospitality is merely an allusive flavor; they are in no wise meant to be taken literally.
  • The gleaming new pit complex and control tower along with grandstands and hospitality units has transformed Mondello into a venue of which Irish motorsport can feel justifiably proud.
  • It was also an opportunity to show off the best of a home's linens, plates, flatware, mannerliness and hospitality, as well as the house-cleaning skills of the residents of that home.
  • Manaakitanga is behaviour that acknowledges the mana of others as having equal or greater importance than one's own, through the expression of aroha, hospitality, generosity and mutual respect. Lindsay Mitchell
  • _ You have no right, sir, to be the patron and remunerator of inhospitality. Imaginary Conversations and Poems A Selection
  • Vietnam is renowned for its history, culture, spectacular scenery and the warm hospitality of its people.
  • southern hospitality
  • One might not eat one's neighbour's fruit, but one might sit in his punt, and arrange his cushions to fit comfily into the crick in one's back, without infringing the laws of hospitality. A College Girl
  • Ken Cole, has been the soul of gracious hospitality and his girlfriend, Katie Moulthrop (a formidably bright and well-formed young Catholic) has been squiring me around everywhere and feeding me yummy meals.
  • The retail, wholesale, hospitality and accommodation industries said they were particularly badly affected. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hall effuses warmth and hospitality.
  • We are primarily a hospitality company that happens to have film as one of its products. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had read all these horror stories in guidebooks and western travelers had told me others, but all I saw was this incredible hospitality in India.
  • Those who enjoyed their hospitality will testify to the complete lack of side displayed by the couple. Tommy Cooper: Always Leave Them Laughing
  • The valley was unsurveyed for the most part, and the Indians naturally felt a sort of proprietorship in it, and when Wilson drove his cattle down into the valley and "squatted," the chief, Drifting Crane, welcomed him as a host might to an abundant feast whose hospitality was presumed upon, but who felt the need of sustaining his reputation as a host, and submitted graciously. Drifting Crane
  • A sharp slowdown in economic migration means that the construction industry and leisure and hospitality companies will also struggle to hire staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite a dull and overcast day, their welcome could not have been warmer, traditional Irish hospitality being extended by all.
  • Other academic strengths include architecture; chemistry; dietetics and nutrition; hospitality, leisure, recreation, sport and tourism; and librarianship and information management. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the hospitality so characteristic of these people, they opened their house to over fifty guests.
  • We wish to thank the people of Norway for the warm hospitality extended to us during our recent visit.
  • I was gratified to hear of this hospitality and tolerance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tourism Minister Valli Moosa that the tourism and hospitality industries transform, saying blacks should be involved in management and ownership, and not only in waitering and portering. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • More immediately, he could have demanded visible concessions from the President benefiting from his hospitality last week.
  • You share abundance and hospitality with friends and family.
  • All four Karena hotels offer traditional rooms with private facilities, television, telephone, radio and a hospitality tray.
  • Whether sleeping rough in the remotest places or enjoying the fauniferous hospitality of the locals in inhabited ones, being incommoded was somehow integral to the experience.
  • In 1961 the new Hampden floodlights were hanselled by a challenge match between Eintracht Frankfurt and Rangers, and in return for the hospitality shown to them the Germans offered to arrange a tour for Queen's, and the summer of 1962 saw two games on the continent, although both were lost, a single goal enough for Hesse to see off Queen's, while Singen won by the odd goal in seven.
  • This concept of relaxed collective hospitality confuses two primal elements of eating.
  • And each time they've brought their own brand of hospitality.
  • You eat her food, enjoy her hospitality and then criticize her behind her back.
  • It's a perfect evocation of hospitality and maybe a little answer as to why Italy defies the laws of common sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maria Burdette, a district manager for Cura Hospitality, the dining services provider that's been working with the Phoebe homes, said it's important to '' deinstitutionalize '' such facilities so residents have more freedom in how they live. Undefined
  • Instead of enduring cold and snow, however, we will enjoy bright Italian sunshine, wonderful food, and warm local hospitality.
  • We cordially invite you to learn more about our community, enjoy our warm hospitality and join in the fun!
  • As the village guest, I was treated with grand hospitality and kinglike esteem. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The authors offered neither diagnosis nor cure for their inexplicable and uncharacteristic lack of hospitality.
  • Their company organizes corporate hospitality tents at major outdoor sporting events.
  • For the student organisers of the show, planning and scheduling the various events, looking after the guests and arranging a pleasant stay for the outstation participants were useful exercises in logistics and hospitality.
  • For me it's always been about hospitality and feeding people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its inhabitants are known for their pugnacity, as well as for their tradition of hospitality.
  • After enjoying the hospitality of Mr Speaker, reference to the Judicial Matters Bill can be something of a tongue-twister at 7.30 p.m.
  • We experienced the full measure of their hospitality.
  • Licensing trust members are elected under the Sale of Liquor Act to operate businesses in the hospitality industry.
  • Under reforms to the pharmaceutical industry's code of conduct, all non-essential hospitality will be axed.
  • A popular path towards this ambition is to study for degrees in culinary arts and hospitality management. Times, Sunday Times
  • Five members of Billericay Methodist Church had an unforgettable experience and a taste of African hospitality when they visited Mombasa in Kenya.
  • The hospitality industry has been urged to exercise restraint in effecting price increases to avoid discouraging tourists from coming to the country in preference to more affordable destinations.
  • Considering Cornado's brand of hospitality, any ship in his service was probable no better than a slaver.
  • The value of the gift or hospitality does not matter, as long as it is not given to induce or reward improper behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • On a day's journey off the beaten track one might meet very few people, but their hospitality was spontaneous and generous.
  • Half dead upon the spot where he was phlebotomized, the wretched animal was left to reflect under the shade of a tulip-tree on the cruelty of man, on their barbarous appetites; cursing with all his heart the poverty of Morvinian curates, their conceited hospitality, of which he was the victim, and their brutal affection for pig's blood. Le Morvan, [A District of France,] Its Wild Sports, Vineyards and Forests; with Legends, Antiquities, Rural and Local Sketches
  • You eat her food, enjoy her hospitality and then criticize her behind her back.
  • It's precisely not what food, hospitality and feeding people you love is all about. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hunched within its floodlit new-build, English cricket is now surfing the finest margins, dependent on the grande bouffe of the Saturday spree merchant, and not so much in bed with the purveyors of walk-up hospitality as sweatily intertwined on the main stairs. Sozzled - how English cricket got lost in drink | Barney Ronay
  • On the other hand, nothing is more difficult than parting with all the friends and acquaintances you have made, and leaving behind all the warmth, amity and hospitality that have been lavished on you.
  • And it's all thanks to one exuberant, idealistic man -- Doug Taylor, executive pastry chef at the Batali-Bastianich Hospitality Group's three Las Vegas restaurants: B & B, Carnevino, and Enoteca San Marco. Kerry Trueman: Meet Mario Batali's Las Vegas Visionary
  • They are offscourings of Europe who have sought these shores to abuse the hospitality and defy the authority of the country. The History of May Day
  • On the frontier, where he welcomed the hospitality of the poor, Woolman often slept on cabin floors.
  • Axis Private Equity is looking to part-exit while ad-for-equity media investor HT Media is offloading its entire holding in the Gujarat-based hospitality firm Neesa Leisure Ltd operating under the brand Cambay through initial public offfering. Morning News Roundup
  • But the food, hospitality and childcare are superlative. Times, Sunday Times
  • A stormstayed traveller," he said, his eyes fawning, "who has stumbled on this princely hospitality. The Path of the King
  • Some might decide to elect a special institutions representative, a steering committee, and a hospitality committee.
  • Ensconced at First Lutheran Church in Back Bay, the venue provided some questionable Boston hospitality via the city's skinflint approach to parking — a meter maid was already lurking as I fed my quarters; the concert featured multiple announcements of which cars were in the process of being towed. Authentication keys
  • He says Ivorians must now have a lasting peace that strengthens the country's motto of hospitality and brotherliness. Ivory Coast Confronts Issues of Immigrant Identity
  • You are generous and giving as you share goodwill and hospitality with friends and loved ones.
  • But a ban will be a disaster for the hospitality industry.
  • And those of us in the hospitality business can be thankful for the way in which we get to make our living.
  • Hospitality is more about attitude than plenitude, more about a listening ear than tea and talk.
  • Thanks for your hospitality over the past few weeks.
  • Maggie having returned with her jug full of frothy milk, and the potatoes being already heaped up in a wooden bowl or bossie in the middle of the table, sending the smoke of their hospitality to the rafters, Janet placed a smaller wooden bowl, called a caup, filled with deliciously yellow milk of Hawkie's latest gathering, for each individual of the company, with an attendant horn-spoon by its side. David Elginbrod
  • After dinner the king knighted York in recognition of his hospitality and his past services, an honour personal to York and not extended to his colleague in the shrievalty, Richard Turke. London and the Kingdom - Volume I
  • In 1246 an inquisition jury attributed the foundation to the Conqueror and identified the recipients of hospitality as the poor, sick and infirm who had no homes but slept in the streets at night.
  • They must provide hospitality to anyone who asks even if he be a sworn enemy.
  • The Province Northern Ireland is justly famous for its great natural beauty and the warmth and hospitality of its people.
  • His generosity and hospitality will be forever remembered by his neighbors and the many friends he made over the years.
  • He welcomed you to enjoy his hospitality.
  • [121] While Sodom certainly manifested "inhospitality," it is the specific expression of it which is the issue. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • My family was able to offer practical support in the shape of hospitality in our then vast barn of a place in St Andrews.
  • The figures were at variance with the Irish Hospitality Industry Alliance, which said up to 65,000 jobs would be lost if the blanket ban was introduced.
  • What some attendees remember best is not so much the generous hospitality as the rousing speeches which he would deliver to his executive fan club.
  • As a result of the overall hospitality, the production company hopes that the guests will want to return and will spread the word amongst the industry.
  • The retail, wholesale, hospitality and accommodation industries said they were particularly badly affected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, and the hospitality industry squeals that their profits will take a nose-dive if bans on smoking in public places are introduced.
  • You would not be so ungallant as to refuse our hospitality.
  • The prospector is a man of small pretensions, of peaceful disposition, indomitable will, boundless perseverance, remarkable endurance, undoubted courage, irrepressible hopefulness, and unlimited hospitality He is the friend of every man till he has evidence that the man is his enemy, and he is the most respected man in the mining regions of the West. The California Birthday Book
  • Later interviewed on holiday in Scotland, he had been offered hospitality by a Scot.
  • When it first opened, it got a critical drubbing, but after learning some lessons in hospitality, it's earned a second chance.
  • The club's two hospitality suites were brimming full with corporate guests.
  • Food will be served in the hospitality tent .
  • After the age of two, Omani children are encouraged to behave like miniature adults, taking on duties or hospitality toward guests at a very young age.
  • One is that there's a couple of guys currently enjoying the hospitality and unfriendly attention to the point of proctoscopy of the Secret Service. "Kill Him!"
  • He thereupon opened the door, received and entertained me with all the hospitality his poverty would admit of; regaled me with sour crout and some new laid eggs, the only provision he had, and clean straw with a kind of rug for a bed, he having no other for himself and wife. Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal
  • No doubt the ban has been a hard blow to some parts of the hospitality industry.
  • He has spent about 20 years in the hospitality industry and now relishes his position in Shanghai's newest hotel.
  • You can go online to find a professional league of hospitality Mary Kay beauty consultant in direct contact Oh! They will be assisted you!
  • Connoisseurs Cookery and Hospitality College will have vetkoek with mince curry, breyani, chicken and apricot curry, bobotie and sosaties on offer.
  • In vino veritas," says the proverb which on this occasion lied most vilely; yet it was true in the only sense in which "veritas" is there used; for there was unbounded candor and frankness, under the inspiring hospitality of our host, aided by his skilful management of the conversation. The Eclipse of Faith Or, A Visit To A Religious Sceptic
  • It will rather be a hive of excitement and hospitality, music, song and dance, with four special events taking place.
  • I have come along in the middle of the backward and forward discussion on waitressing and the hospitality industry in St Lucia.
  • In exchange for their hospitality received from Rei's father, the two women trained Rei in the ninjutsu art of Shinobiyaka Hitokiri, which loosely translates loosely to Stealthy / Secret Assassination.
  • Every hotel room has a colour TV, telephone and hospitality tray.
  • The company's guests at Ascot are entertained in the corporate hospitality area.
  • Every hotel room has a colour TV, telephone and hospitality tray.
  • The retail, wholesale, hospitality and accommodation industries said they were particularly badly affected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under reforms to the pharmaceutical industry's code of conduct, all non-essential hospitality will be axed.
  • Both were spellbound by the courtesy, hospitality, helpfulness and friendliness of the African people.
  • The winner and guest will enjoy hospitality and great views from an executive box. The Sun
  • It would be common courtesy to return their hospitality.
  • The retail, wholesale, hospitality and accommodation industries said they were particularly badly affected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last night, I ventured out into the freezing cold and almost deserted London streets, heading for the hospitality chez Dori and Raf.
  • He reserves special scorn for academic leaders who have debased the academy by pretending that fields like hospitality and gaming studies have a place at university.
  • A popular path towards this ambition is to study for degrees in culinary arts and hospitality management. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most will come home with glowing reports about their food and hospitality. The Sun
  • A worker beyond belief, exuding charm and hospitality. Times, Sunday Times
  • For that, sir," replied Craigengelt, "I am desired to refer you to what, in duty to my friend, I am to term your inhospitality in excluding him from your house, without reasons assigned. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Catherine saw out of the corner of her eye, and without taking a bit of open notice, slipped off and lavished hospitality and tenderness on the surviving depopulator. The Cloister and the Hearth
  • Sometimes, his remarkable hospitality poses problems for his visitors.
  • With its mosaics and albizzias, there is an Italianate flavour about the setting, enhanced by the scent of its elegant gardens, but there is no mistaking the renowned French flair for hospitality and cuisine.
  • In Eifelheim, of course, Joachim the Minorite obviously prefers the feast of the Stigmata and Dietrich chooses to celebrate this then-new feast as a gesture of hospitality to his guest. September 18th, 2008
  • His hospitality is, however, greater at his countryseat Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Due care for health, the opportunity for earned and needed recreation, the claims of charity, courtesy, and hospitality, in fine, the immediate urgency of any duty selfward, manward, or Godward, should always take precedence of routine-work however wisely planned. A Manual of Moral Philosophy
  • It was the culmination of the sustained effort of many small entrepreneurs who had carved out a unique niche for offering hospitality without the trammels of the organised industry.
  • Neither is the offering of tobacco a part of generalised hospitality - except in the form of the loose tobacco which women add to betel nut chews.
  • They were always glad when their father brought him home on the occasion of Fulkerson's visits to Boston; and Mrs. March, though of a charier hospitality, welcomed A Hazard of New Fortunes — Volume 1
  • The Marriott ethic in their hotels is hospitality par excellante, and the company trains and treats its employees better than any I know as a longtime traveler. George Archibald: Religious Intolerance
  • My own hospitality paled in comparison with the stories that circulated in medical circles, but my sense of entitlement rationalised this greed and excess as harmless and acceptable.
  • Under the terms of the deal, chocolate bars will be dished out to supporters at every home game and factory employees will be invited into the club's hospitality suite.
  • Sultan Salàh, with the instincts of true hospitality, not only refused to receive remuneration for our entertainment, but loaded us with presents of food for the way and fodder for our animals, intimating that 'bakshish' to some of his dependents would not be altogether unacceptable. Southern Arabia
  • He believes passionately that operators are fleecing the tourists and killing the Greek tradition of open warmth and hospitality.
  • The hospitality of the Dukhobors is usually without price, but Bill took what I proffered him, remarking in extenuation, and with a rising emphasis: Janey Canuck in the West
  • 'Aweel,' said the Minister, breaking the silence, 'I micht -- be offerin' hospitality to Macmanus, the banker; 'twould be the ceevil thing to do, but if he comes he's my guest, ye ken -- I maunna hae ony "frightfulness"; an 'the cuddy wull be locked up.' Border Ghost Stories
  • Xanterra is the largest concessioner with the National Park Service and a leader in the hospitality industry, managing resorts, lodges, restaurants, gift shops, tours and activities in national parks, state parks and destination resorts. Hotel Interactive News Headlines
  • She sneers at his hospitality and says that she's untempted by the meal he prepares for her. Atlantis: The Lost Continent (1961)
  • On at least three difference occasions, Neil accepted the hospitality of his hosts.
  • I have not been doing anything serious in sewing or hospitality or home making because I was thinking I would just wait til the restoration of the kitchen was finished. Paper hearts
  • The cheaper end of the hospitality industry includes a disproportionate number of lifestylers who offer bed and breakfast to make some pocket money.
  • We have chosen to specialise within the hospitality industry, by offering only experiences of exceptional quality.
  • The stadium will include 62 corporate hospitality boxes, conference and banqueting facilities and a 200-bedroom hotel.
  • However, having no money, he steals a set of silverware from a kindly bishop who offers him hospitality.
  • Well, the immaculately turned-up students and executives of the hospitality industry kept their nerve.
  • He has been working in the hospitality business for the past 26 years and has traveled around the world.
  • The club said tickets and hospitality were still provided for the family. The Sun
  • The generosity and hospitality to people of every nation was greatly appreciated.
  • At present no toad-eating is connected with the acceptance of hospitality, or, if occasionally a small "batrachian" is offered, it is so well disguised by an accomplished _chef_, and served on such exquisite old Dresden, that it slips down with very little effort. Worldly Ways and Byways
  • The nominators spoke in glowing terms of the standard of hospitality they received at all three guest homes.
  • But underneath the hospitality, the cosmopolitan pose, the anecdotes and gossip, one could detect a hint of sadness and disappointment.
  • Julian Avenel had intrigued without scruple with both parties -- yet bad as he was, he certainly would not have practised aught against the guest whom Lord James had recommended to his hospitality, had it not been for what he termed the preacher's officious inter-meddling in his family affairs. The Monastery
  • ‘They give small allocations to the clubs involved,’ he said, ‘in favour of corporate hospitality and backhanders to sponsors,’ he said.
  • She was so kind and sweet, showing wonderful hospitality, brough out like 9 different dishes - matoke (boiled plantains), "Irish" (white potatoes), rice, 2 different kinds of greens, vegetables, noodles, and so on. Recent Updates
  • Every hotel room has a colour TV, telephone and hospitality tray.
  • The response of the audience varied from outright rejection to warm hospitality.
  • It is expanding exponentially, and has built one of the most enviable brands in hospitality and zipless pick-up joints. Times, Sunday Times

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