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hospital chaplain

  1. a chaplain in a hospital

How To Use hospital chaplain In A Sentence

  • Her condition was so critical medics called in the hospital chaplain to comfort her in her final moments. The Sun
  • Why atheists need hospital chaplains too thetimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Muslim hospital chaplain has teamed up with Bradford medics to help deliver health services sensitive to cultural needs.
  • Hospital chaplains have even nicknamed the ducklings the 12 disciples.
  • A genial and gracious host, and a conscientious hospital chaplain, he was to spend the next twelve years in these ministries.
  • Coun Dodd is an Anglican priest who spent several years as a hospital chaplain at Castle Hill hospital near Hull.
  • Her personal anecdotes as a hospital chaplain showed a real sense of fun intermingled with her obvious dedication.
  • Coun Dodd is an Anglican priest who spent several years as a hospital chaplain at Castle Hill hospital near Hull.
  • However, it was in rabbinical school that I came into contact with the other "flavors" of Judaism, praying each Shabbat at an Orthodox shul, engaging in Torah study with a Reconstructionist rabbi and training as a hospital chaplain with a Reform rabbinical student. Rabbi Jason Miller: Moving Beyond Denominational Differences in Judaism
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